How to edit external lists in sharepoint designer 2013 - sharepoint

I currently have a simple external content type that displays a very small sql table on a external list in my SharePoint site. The problem is I have a date of birth field that gets formatted with the DateTime type instead of the Date type that is used when I created the SQL table. The biggest issue I am facing is the lack of designer view in SharePoint Designer 2013 that was included in 2010. Since I am forced to work with the source code, how do I go about formatting the date of birth fields so that it is displayed in simple Date format example: 01/01/2001. And also prevent the time from showing when adding or entering a new record to the list.

You could use a SELECT LEFTSQL statement to pull just the relevant information. Are you familiar with this method?
For clarification, here's an example:
While being sure to change [FieldName] to match the field's name in your table.


Creating a Dropdown list based in another field in same form - Sharepoint 2013 List

I have a Sharepoint List, and I'm struggling to customize the webpart to include a new Item.
The need is to create a Dropbox that changes values based in another field in same webform.
Here in this list, I select the Coordinator list, but the problem is I really don't know how to show in Analyst field just the analysts from the coordinator I just choose.
Note: We are using a workspace in Sharepoint 2013, and due adm restrictions we can only use the regular settings, so we can't create custom HTML webparts for example.

Sharepoint Date and difference

In my list i have created calculated field to get the difference between the last modified date and today's date.
I use the formula
It is throwing an error : The formula contains reference(s) to field(s).
Please advise.
I do not have a separate column to hold today's date.
Regretfully, you cannot use [Today] for calculated fields. Calculated fields only update when an item is modified, so the Today Trick of creating a column named Today, setting your calculated field, then deleting that column, is a bad move.
You have a couple options, the best of which is probably to use JavaScript within a Content Editor Web Part on the page to do the calculation for you. You could also try using SharePoint designer and custom XPath and xslt to get "days since modified" to appear on your page.
Generally, if you want something to identify items that haven't been modified in a while, it should be done with filter library views: they can use [Today], and they don't require tricks or workarounds.

Search webpart in sharepoint 2010

I have created a document library with about 20 columns for storing meta data. The client wants to have search on this metadata with a facility to filter the data based on two values. For example we have two date columns(efective date and termination date) and the results that they wanted to see is files which are having the values between effective date and termination date.
Is there any out of the box solution that i can use for this or should i build a custom webpart. If so, can someone please guide me through....
Create your document library, then in "document library settings" click "Metadata Navigation Settings".
This should give you what you want. You can specify which columns to filter data on. You can stack the filters and by default they appear on the left of the page for users to interact with.

SharePoint 2010 Lists tp_fields - not in XML?

I have a requirement to report directly on SharePoint data, and I am looking to use the tp_fields data from Lists table to get the mapping between the SQL column name (nvarchar1, nvarchar2,ntext1,int1 etc.) and SharePoint list column name. I will then create some SQL views which represents my data in a more understandable format (that mirrors the SharePoint list.)
This should be in XML format within tp_fields, however I just get the below:
0xA8A930310C000000B4260000789CD55A896EDB4812FD152E77334880698B47F38A6D011E1F13617D04B193 (...but much, much longer!)
Any ideas how to convert this to the XML? Or what the issue is? From my research, the tp_fields should contain a direct mapping between nvarchar1 and SharePoint list field name. But all of the examples I can find for this are around SP 2007 - has something changed between the 2? Is there anywhere else I can find this mapping?
SharePoint 2010 compresses that tp_Fields column now. There are answers elsewhere that show how to decompress it. For example:
How could I find the fields of a SharePoint list from database in SharePoint 2010?
SharePoint 2010 Content database

Sharepoint: Any way to get lookup list's other column's value?

let's say, I've create 2 splist, one is 'student_course', another is 'student'.
the student_course contains a lookup field "student_id" of student.
is there any way i can display all the student information which is under course of "computer science"?
Thanks in advance for whoever trying to help. =)
In SharePoint 2010 it comes out of the box, it's easier to upgrade then to develop a custom field
In SharePoint 2010 you can just select the other columns from the list from which you are pulling the lookup column. See below...
You are limited in the types of data you can pull in from other columns in the lookup list. Those limitations can be found in this MS SharePoint article and are essentially that you can only pull:
Single Line of Text
Date and Time
All of the other column types cannot be pulled in via a lookup.
