Locomotive CMS Liquid template issue - locomotivecms

Just upgraded the locomotivecms engine from an older 2.0.x version to 2.1.0
Everything worked great except for tags referencing .css and .js assets
Specifically: {{ 'bootstrap.css' | stylesheet_tag }} results in the following error on screen
Liquid error: bad component(expected relative path component): https://com.citrrus.locomotive.s3.amazonaws.com/sites/51970154b5dd470002000004/theme/stylesheets/bootstrap.css
I've confirmed this is not an issue related to upgrading the engine version by deploying a fresh install of 2.1.0. I created new pages, snippets, and assets from scratch and I still get the above error.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated

This was a bug in Locomotive 2.1.0.
Didier and the NoCoffee team pushed a fix in version 2.1.1


material-kit-react.scss?v=1.8.0 not working on mac anymore

All over sudden I can not build my website created with Creative Tim any more due to issues with sass and node:
Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (93)
For more information on which environments are supported please see:
There seam to be no working combination of them both. Tied every suggestions form GitHub but nothing has helped.
Ok, found a solution by downgrading node to v12 with the nvm manager

laravelbook/ardent 3.6.0 not getting installed in Laravel 7.15.0

I have one Laravel 4.2 project which uses laravelbook/ardent and needs to updated to newest Laravel Version. But the problem is that laravelbook/ardent doesn't get installed and giving following error upon installation.
Now I don't know how to deal with this. Which Laravel version supports laravelbook/ardent?
as far as i know 3.6.0 is the last Ardent version and it matches with Laravel 5.1 version (since 3.0.0, check here https://github.com/laravel-ardent/ardent/releases).
You can eventually try pushing yourself a bit further with Laravel versions but, of course, you have to try.
I'm not sure I would update something to an already-old framework building my models around an abandoned plugin...

OWASP security issue with jackson-databind-2.9.8 jar

I have a maven web project(RESTful, Spring Rest/data) running in Java 8(tomcat 8.5.5) and using 'jackson-databind-2.9.8.jar'. When the Dependency Check Tool(Checks vulnerable jar version and generates report) is run against the libraries the project is using, it showed 'jackson-databind-2.9.8.jar' as Vulnerable(Reference- https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/search/results?form_type=Advanced&results_type=overview&search_type=all&cpe_vendor=cpe%3A%2F%3Afasterxml&cpe_product=cpe%3A%2F%3Afasterxml%3Ajackson-databind&cpe_version=cpe%3A%2F%3Afasterxml%3Ajackson-databind%3A2.9.8)
Problem:- Changing to 'jackson-databind-2.10.0.jar' version fixes OWASP security issue(running Dependency Check Tool) but, when project is build and run it throws error since 2.10.0 uses jdk9+ complaint classes(Reference- https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson/wiki/Jackson-Release-2.10)
What should be done to resolve the issue, can we make the project compile in Java 8 and run in JDK11(since JDK9 is out of support) or something else should be done? Please suggest.
Thanks in advance!
CVE-2019-12086 is fixed in jackson-databind-2.9.9.jar .
See the report: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2019-12086
Maven repo for 2.9.9 : https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-databind/2.9.9

can symfony 2.8 updated with twig 2.4.4?

Currently the application have symfony 2.8.42 and twig version 1.35.3.
Due to some security issue in twig we need to upgrade twig to 2.4.4 and above. But I am not sure as what else will be broken once I update the twig version ?
I cannot find anywhere for symfony 2.8 compatible twig versions or vice versa.
Can someone help me with the compatible version and what are the things that will break if I update twig to 2.4.4 ?
I tested myself by updating and was able to update to twig 2.4.4 without any issues. Changes the composer.lock file for the same and did the composer install again, the new twig version as created successfully.

How to install latest ionic2 components

I am currently using ionic2 to try creating a cross plattform app. I know that ionic2 still is under heavy construction and that things (may) change at any time.
Still i wonder how I could install the latest components/api stuff from the nightly builds (or whereever they reside).
I am especially referring to the infiniteScroll Component that is mentioned in the API-Documents of ionic2.
Since i don't understand the layout of the components inside my project fully, i checked where i could see some of them in the directory structure. If i get this right, they all reside in <projectHome>/node_modules/ionic-framework/components?
At least lots of the components mentioned in the documentation above are listed there.
But as i can't find the infiniteScroll Component there, i would like to get some hints on how to install this (and the other missing ones) either by directly giving the respective commands or by pointing to appropriate documentation (i simply did not find anything although searched quite a while for it).
ionic info shows:
Your system information:
Cordova CLI: 6.0.0
Ionic Version: 2.0.0-beta.1
Ionic CLI Version: 2.0.0-beta.17
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.0.0-beta.8
ios-deploy version: 1.7.0
ios-sim version: 4.1.1
OS: Mac OS X El Capitan
Node Version: v5.6.0
Xcode version: Xcode 7.0 Build version 7A220
Ionic made some changes in their latest commit. You could see the changes here in the changelog. (Mar 1)
The components are not present in 'ionic-framework/ionic' anymore and they are now present in 'ionic-angular'.
Infinite scroll was added in the release 2.0.0-beta.2, whereas you use the previous release 2.0.0-beta.1 So you might not be able to add it. You could change your package.json to reflect the latest version like shown below.
"ionic-angular": "2.0.0-beta.2",
I would recommend you to read the changelog as it would give a better idea. Hope this was helpful. Thanks.
