Logging Exception using Aspect Oriented Programming - c#-4.0

I want to log exception for all of my methods using AOP. I had created an attribute for the same as following:
public class ClsLogger : System.Attribute
private string _exMsg;
public ClsLogger(string exMsg)
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
_exMsg = exMsg;
public void LogError()
// This methods logs exception
// Log Exception
Finally, I want to use this logging attribute to log exception messages of the methods of my application. How I can pass exception messages to the atrribute as it is not a fixed string but varrible?
Could anybody help on this?

Attributes in C# don't instantiate until you call GetCustomAttributes, and they instantiate every time you do so (see this question here on SO).
If you want to use AOP (as your title indicates), then you'll need to use some framework, like PostSharp, Fody, SheepAspect, etc.
If you are using ASP.NET MVC, then there is a built-in ActionFilter class that you can also use, but only on Controller methods.


Exception handling in transformer

We are facing an issue while exception is encountered in transformer.
Below is the scenario:
We have a router and a transformer with the below configuration
<bean id="commonMapper"
<int:router input-channel="channelA" ref="commonMapper"
method="methodA" />
<int:transformer input-channel="channel_2"
ref="commonMapper" method="methodB"
CommonMapper.java :
public String methodA(SomeBean someBean) {
if (<some business condition example someBean.getXValue()>) {
return "channel_1";
} else if(<some condition>) {
return "channel_2"; // Assuming it enters this condition, based on this the above transformer with input-channel="channel_2" gets called
}else if (<some condition>) {
return "channel_3";
} else {
return "channel_4";
public SomeBean methodB(Message<SomeBean> message)
throws Exception{
SomeBean someBean = message.getPayload();
someBean.setY(10/0); // Purposely introducing an exception
While debugging the application, we found that whenever an exception is encountered in methodB(), the control goes back to router reference method i.e. methodA() and again satisfy the condition and calls the transformer (with input-channel="channel_2"). This repeats for certain iteration. And then exception is logged via AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver -> resolveException.
Below are the queries:
Why does the router gets called again when it encounters an exception in transformer?
Is it the bug or the normal behavior?
How to tackle this issue?
Please let me know if you need any more details around it.
The Spring Integration flow is just a plain Java methods chain call. So, just looks at this like you call something like: foo() -> bar() -> baz(). So, when exception happens in the last one, without any try...catch in the call stack, the control will come back to the foo() and if there is some retry logic, it is going to call the same flow again.
I'm not sure what is your AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver, but looks like your talk about this one:
as of Spring 3.2, in favor of ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolver
public class AnnotationMethodHandlerExceptionResolver
extends AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver
Implementation of the HandlerExceptionResolver interface that handles exceptions through the ExceptionHandler annotation.
This exception resolver is enabled by default in the DispatcherServlet.
This means that you use pretty old Spring. I don't think that it is related though, but your top of the call stack is Spring MVC. You need to take a look there what's going on with the retry.
And answering to all you question at once: yes, this is a normal behavior - see Java call explanation above. You need to debug Spring code from the IDE to figure out what is going on the MVC level

Omitting fields during serialization for specific Gson serializer

I have a stateless REST API build on Spring Boot 1.4.2. I want to log all the API calls into elk. Requests and responses data (headers, parameters, payload) need to be logged as well. I don't want to log them 1:1 - I want to filter out sensitive data etc.
I made an aspect that is intercepting my #RestController's methods invocation. I created custom annotation for method's parameter that should be logged (I use it on payloads annotated as well by #RequestBody) following this article and it gave me access to my data transfer objects in my #Around advice. I dont care about their type - I would like to call logger.debug(logObject) and send this log to logstash.
As far as I understand log message should be send as JSON with JSONLayout set in Log4j2 appender to ease things on the logstash side. So I serialize my logObject into JSON log message but during this and this only serialization I want to filter sensitive data out. I can not use transient because my controller depends on the same field.
Can I somehow create an #IgnoreForLogging annotation, that will be detected only by my custom Gson serializer that I use within logging advice and will be ignored within standard Spring's infrastructure? Is my logging into logstash approach even correct (I am trying to set it up for the first time)?
I can't believe I missed that in documentation. Here is the link
My custom annotation:
public #interface IgnoreForLogging {
Strategy for serializing objects:
public class LoggingExclusionStrategy implements ExclusionStrategy {
public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes fieldAttributes) {
return fieldAttributes.getAnnotation(IgnoreForLogging.class) != null;
public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class<?> aClass) {
return false;
Serializing log message in aspect class:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
.setExclusionStrategies(new LoggingExclusionStrategy())
String json = gson.toJson(logObject);
This way Spring internally uses default serializer that doesn't know about #IgnoreForLogging and I can take advantage of my annotation in other places.

Rendering GORM classes from Spring Boot

I'm trying to write a simple Spring Boot controller that renders a GORM instance and failing.
Here's a shortened version of my code:
class UserController {
#RequestMapping(value='/test', method=GET)
User test() {
return new User(username: 'my test username')
I get the following error message:
Could not write JSON: No serializer found for class org.springframework.validation.DefaultMessageCodesResolver and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: users.domain.User["errors"]->grails.validation.ValidationErrors["messageCodesResolver"]); nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: No serializer found for class org.springframework.validation.DefaultMessageCodesResolver and no properties discovered to create BeanSerializer (to avoid exception, disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS) ) (through reference chain: users.domain.User["errors"]->grails.validation.ValidationErrors["messageCodesResolver"])
The error seems to be caused by extra properties injected by GORM. What is the proposed solution for this? Will this eventually be solved in gorm-hibernate4-spring-boot? Should I simply disable SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS (I don't have a lot of experience with Jackson so I'm not entirely sure what side effects this may have)? Should I use Jackson's annotations to solve the problem? Any other options?
I've found a way to get rid of the error using this code:
class ObjectMapperConfiguration implements InitializingBean {
ObjectMapper objectMapper
void afterPropertiesSet() {
def validationErrorsModule = new SimpleModule()
validationErrorsModule.addSerializer(ValidationErrors, new ErrorsSerializer())
class ErrorsSerializer extends JsonSerializer<ValidationErrors> {
void serialize(ValidationErrors errors, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) {
Obviously this solution is far from perfect as it simply nukes all validation errors but right now it is good enough for me. I am pretty sure the Spring Boot team will have to address this issue eventually as the GORM objects are also being serialized with some internal Hibernate properties like attached. I'm not accepting this answer as it is not an acceptable solution for most scenarios, it basically just squelches the exception.
This did not work for me.
So I used this instead and the error disappeared.
I'm using springBootVersion '1.4.1.RELEASE' with gorm & hibernate5:
I am having to include the following at the top of each domain class in order to use them in a client response (i.e. json serialization using jackson):
#JsonIgnoreProperties(["errors", "metaClass", "dirty", "attached", "dirtyPropertyNames"])
When using springBootVersion '1.3.5.RELEASE' I was able to get away with:
This is trending in the wrong direction :)

How do I define a dependancy for use within an attribute using autofac

I have an asp.net mvc application and I am developing a custom attribute to secure some wcf end points inheriting from a CodeAccessSecurityAttribute.
I'm having difficulty finding out how I would use autofac to inject a service dependancy that I can use within this attribute.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class SecuredResourceAttribute : CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
public ISecurityService SecurityService { get; set; }
public SecuredResourceAttribute(SecurityAction action) : base(action)
public override IPermission CreatePermission()
// I need access to the SecurityService here
// SecurityService == null :(
I have tried from the application start to register for property auto wiring, but this is not working. What's the best way to inject a dependancy into an attribute?
The way you are approaching this is not going to pan out for a couple reasons:
Registering an attribute in autofac will do nothing as you're not using autofac to instantiate the attribute.
Attributes are applied before code execution, and thus rely on constant inputs.
You're going to have to use a service location pattern inside your CreatePermission() method to locate the SecurityService, as I am assuming the CreatePermission() call comes after the container is setup (and the constructor does not!)
Keep in mind ServiceLocation will hinder your class testability, as you will have to configure/set-up the service locator for each test.
Please use with caution
You should start your journey into ServiceLocation here but honestly this should make you question your design. Is an attribute best suited for the role you've tasked it? Perhaps you should look into Aspect-Oriented Programming like PostSharp

Should I use log4net directly in my domain model objects?

I'm wondering if it's bad practice to use log4net directly on my domain object... I'll be using ELMAH for my exceptions on the ASP.NET MVC application side, but for some informational purposes I'd like to log some data about the domain model itself.
Given the following domain object:
public class Buyer
private int _ID;
public int ID
get { return _ID; }
_ID = value;
private IList<SupportTicket> _SupportTickets=new List<SupportTicket>();
public IList<SupportTicket> SupportTickets
return _SupportTickets.ToList<SupportTicket>().AsReadOnly();
public void AddSupportTicket(SupportTicket ticket)
if (!SupportTickets.Contains(ticket))
Is adding logging behavior in the AddSupportTicketMethod a bad idea...so essentialy it'd look like this:
public class Buyer
protected static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(SupportTicket));
public Buyer()
private int _ID;
public int ID
get { return _ID; }
_ID = value;
private IList<SupportTicket> _SupportTickets=new List<SupportTicket>();
public IList<SupportTicket> SupportTickets
return _SupportTickets.ToList<SupportTicket>().AsReadOnly();
public void AddSupportTicket(SupportTicket ticket)
if (!SupportTickets.Contains(ticket))
} else {
log.Warn("Duplicate Ticket Not Added.");
I have used log4net and log4J directly in domain objects. This has good side effects and bad ones.
+: Logging in the domain object is simple and straightforward to code and you know you can take advantage of log4net features.
--: It means the program making use of the domain objects needs to pay attention to log4net configuration, which may or may not be a problem
--: You cannot link your domain object to a different log4net version than the calling program is using. I've seen a lot of conflicts with one item linked against log4net and another linked against an earlier release.
Not logging in your domain object is a bad idea. The alternative is as others have suggested, dependency injection or an external framework (such as commons-logging for log4J) that allows plugging different logging frameworks or creating an interface that does the logging and logging against that interface. (The code using your domain object would need to then supply an appropriate instance of that interface for logging purposes.)
If you are going to log from your domain objects and you use an IOC container which you might want to swap out, I would recommend you use the Service Locator pattern (you could look at the Sharp# architecture for a nice implementation of a SafeServiceLocator that wraps msoft's ServiceLocator with more informative error messages).
I would also like to suggest that you consider whether you want to log the type of error you show in your example. I would tend to want to have the domain object throw an exception in that case and let the caller decide whether that was something that was expected by the application (and hence shouldn't be logged) or whether that represents a situation that the caller wants to deal with in some way.
This is a classic question!
The good way of doing this would be to introduce a class member of ILogger type and abstract the logging into this interface. In your class wherever you do a call to logg something do it through this interface. Then inject this dependency at the run-time with one of the implementation using one of the available IoC container or dependency injection farmeworks. By default you can use log4net implementation of this interface.
Here is a long list of available dependency injection frameworks:
I think logging is a cross cutting concern, so it's best done in an aspect-oriented fashion. If you're using a framework like Spring.NET it's available to you.
