Arduino webserver using GPRS - web

I am trying to make Arduino web server using SIM300. I want to control my Arduino through the web from any where around the world. Controlling through SMS is easy, but it does not guarantee that an SMS will reach it on time. How can I do that?

I'd start by reading this.
On the other hand I can advise you that running a webserver on an Arduino is kinda high end for a low end board. (although not impossible of course)
One would more easily use a Raspb Pi or a beagle bone for this.
If you would implement a webserver on your arduino it runs that server sequentially next to the code you want it to execute. (so when it is by example steering a servo the webserver will not work)


Reading Bluetooth data and command (Raspberry pi 3)

I am currently working on a project that make me control media center and a few domotic parts in my living room.
I have connected on my raspberry pi 3 a NAS, my Spotify account (with hifiberry, controls to close my amp, my PC and a few lights...
At first to control it all I programmed a web server that I can access on my phone. That made the job but it is not completely user friendly since I have to have my phone go to the interface and do whatever I have to... And I'm not a web designer 😁 it's far from perfect!
I've made some research and I have decided to build a bluetooth remote control (raspberry pi 3 do have Bluetooth low energy).
Since nothing exist as I want, it is going to be a custom one made with Arduino mini and hm10 module.
But I'm stuck on the raspberry part!
How can I read the Bluetooth data send by my remote and launch scripts according to the command sent?
Via a serial listener of some kind?
Yes, in fact, you should use a serial port to connect your pi with Bluetooth module.
You then use software input information for your purposes, but you must first implement the hardware and hardware interface first.
You can build application software with the Python programming language.

Raspberry Pi video streaming with lowest latency possible via a server to multiple clients

I want to build a video security infrastructure with raspberry pis.
Please take a look at the rough layout I've in mind:
What the system should be capable of:
The RPis need to stream a low latency video to the
webserver, which displays it to all clients visiting the website.
If a client authenticates he can control one RPi sending commands that gets translated into GPIO commands.
All RPis should be controllable simultaneously by different clients in realtime.
Some kind of scaleability (Clients + RPis)
My Questions:
I wanted to program everything in node.js. Good idea?
Could WebRTC and help me in this project - if not is
there another library that would help me out?
How many clients could a VPS Server (8GB RAM, 4 vCores) handel in this setup?
Is it possible to bring the latency down to < 2 seconds or more?
Anything helps! Thanks!

Hardware for Prototyping a Works-With-Nest Device

does anyone know of a hardware platform that is appropriate to use in prototyping a device that has the ambition to become WWN? I have looked at Proton/Spark-Core, but is there something out there that may be more appropriate/compatible with the Nest-API? Thanks.
Basically anything that can run a web service. All you'll need to do is make an HTTP GET and PUT over HTTPS. More advanced things like Firebase and REST Streaming can still be easily done with a Raspberry Pi. I'm pretty sure an Arduino with a mini-web server can handle GETS and PUTS.

How to measure audio delay between two Asterisk channels?

I have the following Setup:
A Centos machine with asterisk running that is connected to a Router via Ethernet. The Router answers the calls from my asterisk console and is itself again connected to my Centos machine via analogue RJ11 cable and a Digium PCI Card. (all for testing purposes of the router and running fine)
So I call and pick up the call at the same machine.
How can I now measure the delay between the audio of both channels?
I already tried to use the Monitor() function and evaluate delay signal based with cross correlation, but it seems like the Monitor function is not an accurate tool for recording at a precise time. (It doesn't start recording when I start the Playback() of my testfile)
Is there another possibility to get the delay between caller and callee?
You can use Echo application on one end and send Beep on other end.
After that you can measure delay between beeps.
There are no any app which do such measure, but you can ask some developer do it for you.

Controlling an Arduino over the web with the lowest latency

I have an Arduino board in a location, and a webserver.
I also have a website that is supposed to control the Arduino. What technique would allow users to take control of the Arduino board with the least amount of latency?
I have Node.js, socketserver, Jabber in mind to experiment with, but is this the right direction?
You should have a look at Socket.IO for implementing WebSockets on server- and client-side.
There's a great project called duino for accessing Arduino with Node.js, you "only" have to pipe all communication through WebSockets.
Update: In the meantime I have published a framework for sending commands to an Arduino with Node.JS, JavaScript and WebSockets. Make sure to have a look at Noduino!
I had good luck using node-serialport to talk to the Arduino. Using the serial port results in very low latency, and I used it to build a photobooth. The code is on GitHub if you want to check it out, though it's very poorly organized as I was rushing to get this done for my wedding and well... corners were cut.
