.gitignore and node_modules - node.js

I am trying to figure out the best way to handle node_modules in git. From what I read, there are two options:
A. Keep all the node_modules in the git repository, together with my project. This way, a person cloning my project does not have to install any modules.
B. Don't keep any node_modules in the git repository, i.e., have a ".gitignore" file that contains "node_modules".
However, in some projects, I don't see any of these two options. For example, in this node.js project, there are no node_modules, but also no .gitignore file...
When I fork this repo, and do npm install, the folder is filled with node_modules, and since there is no .gitignore, git tries to commit them...
What am I doing wrong?

You are not doing anything wrong, npm install will download and install all the dependencies of the project, which are defined in package.json:
"dependencies": {
"underscore" : ">=1.3.3"
"devDependencies" : {
"mocha" : ">=1.0.0",
"canvas" : ">=0.10.0",
"cradle" : ">=0.2.0",
"should" : ">=0.6.0",
"async" : ">=0.1.18"
There are many possible explanations as to how these do not appear in the source tree:
One possibility is that they are installed globally.
One other possibility is that they are actually added in .gitignore, but that .gitignore itself is never committed (this is done by adding .gitignore in the .git/info/exclude file of the project.
In any case, the only way to know why no .gitignore exists is by asking the project's owner :).

Am not an expert for this node modules stuff but one things for sure. If there is no .gitignore then no files are being ignored. This clearly means that the committer is taking care of it manually not to commit these modules.


git status is not showing my changed files

I have a Node.js project and have imported a few Node modules. The git_status command shows the files that I changed in the project. I have also changed some files under the node_modules directory but those are not shown. The node_modules directory is shown as untracked.
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
I have changed only one file in node_modules:
How can I track this file?
You shouldn't add the node_modules folder to git then it's managed bei the npm command. So remove that folder and use the npm install command.
When you have added something in that folder it's shown as changed, if you had first added some files. So i hop that folder is in your .gitignore file and ignored. You should check that.
Assuming you have git repo, Please check the .gitignore files inside your project. Entries in .gitignore will be ignored by Git and will not show up when you do git add.
Adding the file to track
This is most likely not a suitable approach (read below). However , if you really want to do it:
In order to track a file nested under node_modules, you should add the directory. All of its content will be staged in git
git add node_modules
Recommended approach
You probably don't want to track the contents of node_modules directory, because:
running npm install will wipe your changes
hundreds or thousand files are likely to end up present in that directory
tracking package.json and package-lock.json in git is sufficient, then populate node_modules using npm install command.
You are not supposed to modify files located in node_modules directory directly. Instead, fork the module in question, modify it, and:
either publish your own version in npm
or reference it as a git repository inside package.json (how-to)
Then, also add node_modules directory to the .gitignore file.
If the whole directory is untracked, git status will show only the directory. Because it's untracked, there is no meaningful difference to git between changed and unchanged files in there.
Other answers have already addressed that tracking node_modules is nota good idea. Of you want to track your changes to modules, consider cloning the module repo and including it as a git submodule.
It should be inside .gitignore file. A .gitignore file should be committed into your repository, in order to share the ignore rules with any other users that clone the repository.

npm install is partially cloning the source from git repo

When I run npm i command it partially clones the code from bitbucket repo. Here are some dependencies in package.json
"dependencies": {
"bluerain-app-hello-world": "git+ssh://git#bitbucket.org/projects/bluerain-app-hello-world.git#build_issue",
"graphql-tag": "0.1.16" }
And this is the source of my module
But when i list down cloned rope from node_module by
ls node_modules/bluerain-app-hello-world/
It gives this list
index.js node_modules package.json README.md src
There is a dist folder in my source but it didnt clone properly. I tried to remove my node modules and reinstall it but it didnt work. Any suggestions please?
I started working on a boilerplate who had added the files array field in package.json and specified only the src folder. This is why when my node module installed, it didn't contain the dist folder.
According to official documentation
The "files" field is an array of files to include in your project. If you name a folder in the array, then it will also include the files inside that folder. (Unless they would be ignored by another rule.)
You can also provide a ".npmignore" file in the root of your package or in subdirectories, which will keep files from being included, even if they would be picked up by the files array. The .npmignore file works just like a .gitignore.

keep node_modules outside source tree in development (not production)

I prefer to keep all generated files and dependencies outside my source tree while I work on it.
npm and grunt make that difficult: npm will never allow moving local node_modules, so I have to use --global and --prefix. But grunt does not support such a scheme, apparently.
How can I achieve my objective given the above constraints?
So, if I have a project:
I want no extra files in my tree, specifically, node_modules. (Also bower_components and build etc but this is about npm.) This directory should remain untouched while I am working on it and running it. That is all.
Apparently npm link is supposed to do this, but when I tried it still installed all the dependencies in ./node_modules. Any other invocation I cannot fathom; the docs are not clear.
A related suggestion was to use another directory with symlink to my gruntfile or package.json, but grunt just resolved the symlink and continued to work in my original directory!
So far the closest I have come is to link to e.g. ~/.cache/foo/node_modules from my project. Although it achieves keeping the deps out of my tree, I still have this link cluttering my workspace.
I want to know if there is a better way. Will some combination of npm install, npm link, ln, ~/.cache, NODE_PATH and PWD allow me to run my project, from my source tree, and keep it clean of all non-source artefacts?
Swimming against standards is a Very Bad Idea ®.
What you can (and should) do is add node_modules/ to your .gitignore (or whatever ignore file you have for your given source control system) so you don't version these files.
Also, you can use a directory like src/ to organize your code and "shelter" it from the mandatory configuration files (package.json, Gruntfile.coffee, etc).

How to commit NPM module Names to git without the actual files so that they can get rebuilt at the other end?

I'm developing a node project which depends on several npm modules. What I'm currently doing is committing all those modules to my git repository, pulling on my server, and then rebuilding the modules on the other end because the system architectures are different. What I would like to do instead, is just commit enough stuff so that npm knows what it needs to rebuild, and nothing more.
I would hoping I could do this without actually committing all the module files. I know little about npm's internals, but see that every module has a package.json file, is this all that npm will need? And if that's the case, how would I go about ignoring all files in my node_modules folder except the package.json files?
Why can't you just have a package.json file in your main application root listing all your dependencies? This file should then be the only thing checked in to source control.
At build time or when other developers pull the code, npm install should be run from the same directory that has your package.json file. It will then pull down all your dependencies locally.

How are npm packages managed in nodester?

I don't understand how node packages are managed in nodester. When I run nodester npm install <package-name> from CLI I don't see any packages in my app's source folder. Without these packages visible in my folder, can I use them in usual way (as if I had I installed them in my apps folder directly).
I am advised against storing packages directly in the folder since Nodester offers Node PaaS for free and it would be unkind to not optimize my app and make it use minimal space.
Secondly is there a way through which I can run the app both locally and on nodester. How can I tell git not to push the locally installed git modules. I have heard something like git ignore. How do I manage git ignore so that my local packages are not pushed on nodester?
I might not have been eloquent in framing the question as I am a newbie to node so anyone who can put my question in a better way, feel free to Edit this.
Generally the best way is to add the node_modules dir to your .gitignore file. My .gitignore looks like this for my node projects:
The first line ignores any Vim temp files, the second to ignore OSX .DS_Store files and the last one ignores my node_modules dir. You will need to delete your node_modules dir from your repo first using git rm if its already committed.
More explination re. gitignore files is here from GitHub.
So that will make Git disregard your node_modules, awesome. Secondly, you will need to create a package.json file. This is what tells npm (and Nodester) what your app depends on.
"author": "Mr Awesome", // This is your name :)
"name": "my_awesome_app", // This is your apps name
"description": "More awesome than most other apps.", // What your app does
"version" : "0.0.1", // Your apps version (increment this when you deploy)
"node": "0.6.12", // The version of node you want Nodester to run your app on
"dependencies": {
"connect" : "2.0.3", // depend on version 2.0.3 of connect
"express" : "*" // depend on the latest version of express
More information about package.json formats can be found here:
When you push to nodester should read the package.json and install your dependencies.
Hope that helps!
