Disable auto save of code in Visual Studio 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Pro for windows software development. Earlier I used to use VS 2008.
One option that I couldn't find (which was there in older version) is :
Before building -
-Do not save any changes
-Save all changes
-Prompt to save changes
The above was available in Tools->Options->Build & Run in older versions.
At times when I make temp changes in my code which I don't want to save it then that feature comes in handy.
Is there any way I can stop VS 2012 from saving my code before I build/run it.
Thank you,

That feature was dropped in Visual Studio 2010. As far as I know it hasn't resurfaced in Visual Studio 2012.
Save All Files Before Build Gone in Visual Studio 2012?

The IDE prompts for saving on unsaved code or resources when you close the project.
With GIT or other source control you can run on command to save versions.
I actually like the program "Second Copy" which you can set up to save versions of your code (I save the last 15 versions of any changed file in the project). This is set up to run whenever a file changes, but you would not want it to save a new version every time you make a change while testing/debugging, preferring to only back up to the new version every time the file is SAVED either manually using the mouse/Shortcut keys or upon close of the IDE. That way you have true backup of code you are satisfied with.
I think having autosave is dangerous because it overworks the source control if you have one in place (either GIT or Second Copy or whatever) and if you don't you lose the ability to go back to a prior version should you stuff up the code or decide not to proceed with changes. Having the option, though, to have autosave (either at intervals or on "Run"/"Build") should still be there to please all users (but the default should be "off")
Of course on "Publish" all files are saved anyway (as they should be).
Give "Second Copy" consideration...http://www.secondcopy.com/ (I have no association with second copy, I have just used it for years and love it)


Any way to circumvent inbuilt auto save in android studio?

The current Android Studio version has inbuilt auto save. Which means if you close a file, it will automatically save the changes.
This is inconvenient, it means when experimenting with code, all changes need to be noted as there's no option to have a dialog requesting to save changes on closing a tab or the project, as in many other ides.
According to documentation IntelliJ IDEA 15.0 Help/Saving and Reverting Changes:
When does IntelliJ IDEA auto save changed files?
Autosave is initiated by:
Compiling a project, a module or a class
Starting a run/debug configuration
Performing a version control operation such as pull, commit, push, etc.
Closing a file in the editor
Closing a project
Quitting the IDE
Note that those are optional autosave triggers, and you cannot turn off autosave completely.
These are the auto save settings that can be changed in Android Studio:
Is there any work around to circumvent this autosave?
These questions are related, but do not acknowledge that this intended behaviour of the ide and are rather asking for fixes within the ide.
How to disable Auto Save save in Android Studio
How turn off autosave in Android Studio?
If you want to experiment, use the revert button at the top right. This works especially well if you are using a VCS (like git...) as it will revert to the last committed version. And since commits are still manual, this will soon replace your traditional save.
If you are not using a VCS the point in time to which it reverts is a little more arbitrary, but in my experience it takes a pretty good guess. If that doesn't suffice, you can use the history button next to the revert button, which keeps track of every version IntelliJ saved, and you can then go back to any point in time you like. :)
Android Studio as a software is very much based on the JetBrains software solutions such as IntelliJ (used for Java) and PHPStorm (used for PHP, as its name shows).
As a concept in itself, JetBrains have implemented this feature and as a company believe that it's much more efficient and productive than manual save. Hence, there is no way to disable this behavior or enable any confirmations in Android Studio either.
Taken from JetBrains FAQ for IntelliJ:
Because IntelliJ IDEA has the ability to change so many files simultaneously in large refactoring actions, and change them without ever opening them, single file saves don't make very much sense. In recognition of this, IntelliJ IDEA reserves the right to save any of your files literally whenever it wishes. It's actually quite nice to never have to worry about your file's save statuses, once you get used to it.
Having said that, and encountering this issue myself too as a developer, I agree that it would be a good idea if the Manual Save feature were enabled by the Android Engineers (or JetBrains themselves). After all it is up to the developer to choose whether he needs this feature or not.
To Jetbrain's defence, they have a very good Undo function through their Ctrl + Z shortcut keys, letting the developer go back many steps and find where a certain error has occured.
All IntelliJ based products nowadays save any opened or modified files whenever they wish - read this as "immediately".
I would suggest you give up on trying to disable it (trust me, it's not possible to hack it) and either change your work flow or work on copies of the files.
As background I should mention that I am a plugins author for IntelliJ (with 3 publicly released plugins in the JetBrains repository) and thus have a reasonable understanding of the internal IntelliJ architecture.

Visual Studio 2012 constantly complaining that a file has been modified outside of the source editor

I am working on a parser, using the parser generator ANTLR in Visual Studio. Naturally, ANTLR is continually regenerating certain files. Every single time it does this, VS has a popup saying:
The file has been modified outside of the source editor.
Do you want to reload it?
The answer I want is always Yes to All.
Is there any way to tell Visual Studioto always assume I want to reload auto-generated files, without prompting?
Click Tools then options then under the environment node on the left choose documents then check the box that says Auto-load changes, if saved:
If you are using Visual Studio's internal editor and you know that nobody else is editing the file, you might be wondering why that happens. In my case, I realized I was working on a continuously backed-up network folder, that's why the file got re-saved every time I made a change on it and saved. So, if you can move your file to a local, not-backed-up folder, that might also solve this problem.

TFS 2012 build definition: Parameter Items to Build: cannot convert value Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.BuildSettings

After a lot of editing of my build templates (I recreated them in 2012 to avoid any issues.. but then I suppose I got sloppy and simply copy/pasted whole blocks from the old workflow, and I suppose that must have completely destroyed my versioning) I now have problems with just one build definition based on the build template I edited. (All other ones seem to be working fine.. so I suppose that one got a problem during all the editing. (I was mostly adding and removing Version= to the assemblies in the build template))
The exact error is:
Parameter Items to Build: cannot convert value
'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.BuildSettings' of
type Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.BuildSettings
to type
reset to default.
It is displayed when editing the build definition and wanting to select the project/solution and configuration to build. Actually, with this now I cannot save (without error) any more and the value gets deleted again.
(I am using VS 2012 (VS 2010 still installed) against TFS 2012.)
How to fix?
Open up your XAML and look at the xmlns's on the Activity root node:
Here's a snipped version of mine:
<Activity mc:Ignorable="sads sap sap2010" <!--Removed-->
Look for Version Specific references (usually "10.0" or "11.0") and remove them so they look like the ones I have above.
Also, check you project references and ensure that they are not Version Specific.
Here is HOW to change the assemblies in your TFS Template:
In Source Control Explorer, browse to the BuildprocessTemplates and
open (double-click or choose "View" from the Right Click menu) the
template that your build is based on (the one giving you the above
You should see a visual diagram of the workflow. At the bottom are
three tabs: Variables, Arguments, and Imports. Click on Arguments.
Select the BuildSettings Argument
Find the Properties box. The properties for an arguement are:
ArgumentType, Direction,IsRequired, Name, and Value.
should be the selected Type but the problem is (typical) you can't
tell which version of this assembly is selected. Click the drop
At the bottom of the list choose "Browse for Types..."
NOW you can see all of the available assemblies and their versions. Choose the one you want, most likely upgrade to the latest. Be sure to go through all of the various arguements and make sure their types are all are set to the same version to ensure compatibility.
You may encounter issues now saving the file. All may appear to be ok. TFS indicates it knows the file has changed, checkin seems to go smoothly, but when the file is opened the assemblies still reflect v 10. If you open the same file from the file system you may find that the assemblies in the file really are v 11. What give? No idea. Some sort of glitch in VS.
But here is a work around:
Uninstall VS 2010 Team Foundation Server Power Tools from your
development machine
Open VS 2012 and make sure the template has no pending changes (undo) and get latest version
CHECK OUT FOR EDIT (important) but do not make any changes in VS (it
won't open anyway since the 10 assemblies were uninstalled in a
previous step)
Close VS 2012 (important because if it is open it will appear that your change didn't take)
Open the template from the file system (I used notepad to eliminate any interference from VS) and perform a find/replace on "Version=" with "Version=" and save the file
open VS 2012 and now you should be able to see the workflow designer
Of course, check in the file

How to force Visual Studio not to add GlobalSection(Performance) section?

I played with Visual Studio builtin profiling tools and now every time I check out any file this section automatically adds to my solution file:
GlobalSection(Performance) = preSolution
HasPerformanceSessions = true
I totally removed all profiling reports, then removed local copy of all source control files from this solution and update to latest. This section still in *.sln file after any checkout.
Other teammates who haven't used prfiler doesn't have this problem.
Has anyone any ideas?
Open the PerformanceExplorer in Visual Studio by using the Menu Analyze -> Windows -> PerformanceExplorer and check if it lists any session entries.
If so delete them by doing a right-click on an entry to open the ContextMenu. Then select "Remove" from the menu.
You should also check the folder of your solution if it contains any .vsp or .psess files and delete them. These are the report files of a profiling session.
Only way I could solve this was to close the solution, delete *.psess and *.vsp files from the root directory, reset my .sln file to the remote version and reopen the solution. Problem was then gone. This was using Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.

Monodevelop - when does it save csproj files?

When MonoDevelop crashes (somewhat often unfortunately) I usually have to re-do changes to the project that seem to not be written to disk. As a result my work flow has become - change project, restart monodevelop (hoping changes are saved during a close). I find this to be a little frustrating. Ideally there would be an explicit save button in the UI so that I know for a fact my changes are written when I expected them to be. I am not sure where to file enhancements requests - through Xamarin (since this is monodevelop with monotouch)? Any chance someone has written an Add-In to do this?
If everything is OK with your MD installation the Save All command/button should save all the project files and solution. I regularly use this command as a safeguard. On my experience just hitting Save only saves the file you are editing on the moment, keeping the solution and project files unsaved.
