Add to NODE_PATH on Heroku/Foreman - node.js

Is it possible to add NODE_PATH in Heroku/Foreman, I can't seem to find anything in the docs, and I'd like to load custom modules from my lib directory.
I've tried the following in my .env file and loaded it locally with Foreman and it doesn't seem to work:
The environment variable gets loaded but not picked up by Node as I get module not found errors.

Two options here, add export the the beginning of your variable declaration:
export NODE_PATH=/path/to/lib/directory
Without export the variable is only available within the shell and not available to sub processes
Option 2, prefix your foreman start with the declaration of the variable
NODE_PATH=/path/to/lib/directory foreman start
This will make the variable available within the foreman process and it's child processes


How can I get rid of the "Warning: Invalid configuration encountered" in serverless.yml?

Currently I'm trying to breakdown my serverless service into multiple services to get over the cloudFormation resource limit.
My current project structure is as follows:
serverless.yml // workers service
serverless.yml // Rest of the functions in here
In my workers service, I'm trying to reference the .env.* files in the root folder using variables.
My issue is when i use the following syntax
I get a
Error:Cannot resolve serverless.yml: Variables resolution errored with:
- Cannot resolve variable at "provider.region": Value not found at "env" source
but when I use the following syntax:
It works but I get a warning:
Warning: Invalid configuration encountered
at 'package.individually': must be boolean
at 'provider.region': must be equal to one of the allowed values [use-east-1, etc...]
How can I get rid of this error? Am I even using the correct syntax?
as for this error
Error:Cannot resolve serverless.yml: Variables resolution errored with:
- Cannot resolve variable at "provider.region": Value not found at "env" source
You get this error because the Framework cannot find SLS_AWS_REGION environment variable. The env variable source doesn't read from .env files, but from environment variables from the process.
As for this syntax:
This does not work because env is a correct variable source, not ../../env.
You have two options here:
Ensure that content of the .env file(s) is exported so the variables defined in these files are actually exported as environment variables before running serverless commands.
Set useDotenv: true in your serverless.yml file so the .env files will be loaded automatically with dotenv. Please see the docs for reference on how it works:
According to the plugin documentation, you should run sls deploy with --stage or --env (deprecated in Serverless >=3.0.0) or NODE_ENV corresponding to the .env file name. If you run it without any of those flags, it will default to development, and the plugin will look for the plugin will look for files named .env, .env.development, .env.development.local
Note that Serverless Framework .env files resolution works differently to the plugin.
The framework looks for .env and .env.{stage} files in service directory and then tries to load them using dotenv. If .env.{stage} is found, .env will not be loaded. If stage is not explicitly defined, it defaults to dev.
I believe the plugin takes precedence here.

how to setup multiple paths in user environmental variables in windows 10

I want to set up multiple paths in the user environmental variables in windows 10. but can only set a single path, how to overcome this issue?
If you want to add user defined environment variable then use react-native-config library. So in short if there are variables defined in .env file then you can use it anywhere in the react-native app like below:-
.env file
API_URL = "https://baseurl/endpoint"
//To use the above environment variable
import config react-native-config
function apiCall() { axios(config) }
With the help of react-native-config you can use environment variable in native code also and vise-versa.
For better use define .env.staging file. By default config lib finds .env file. To run the application with .env.staging file see below command.
$ ENVFILE=.env.staging react-native run-ios # bash
$ SET ENVFILE=.env.staging && react-native run-ios # windows
$ env:ENVFILE=".env.staging"; react-native run-ios # powershell
For more information checkout :-
Happy coding mate :)
to add multiple paths for a single environment variable, list them all with a semicolon(";") in between like that:
(and so forth). From this input Windows will automatically recognize multiple definitions.

How to add environment variables to openshift upon git push

I am new to openshift and I've tried hard to modify my env upon git push so that I don't need to rhc env set ENV_VAR=value -a appname everytime I push. According to the documentation, I can do export in one of the action hooks, but whenever I did so, the environment variable will not register..
What is the best way to register those variables automatically, rather than needing to execute rhc command or ssh into the machine and export?
The documentation seems to be outdated as the method of exporting in action_hooks doesn't work anymore
I see that you have your answer already, but in case others come here for the same question, I'd like to mention that the rhc env set command actually sets a variable persistently, so it "survives" the code push, build and gear restart.
The documentation linked in the question says that the export can be used to view environment variables during build; it does not recommend setting environment variables using hooks.
The variables' listing itself, using the build hook, should work just fine. (worked for me at the time of writing this)
In case the export in the build action hook seems not to work (does not list the variables), it is typically caused by the hook file not being set executable (or by a syntax error within the file).
Yes, the action hook way is already broken, even though you export through the hook, you can see that there is no declare -x statements thrown out like stated in the documentation anymore.
One other method you can do is to use the action hook to write to files in this directory:
for example, if you want to set RAILS_ENV=development, write a script that churns out this file:
with this content:
Spent an awful lots of time to find alternative ways too, but this guy nailed it out, copied it in case the link becomes broken in the future:
If you need to set some environment variables in your GEAR you can use an action hook.
The pre-start action hook will serve you well but if you need to restore those variables after a gear restart, pre-start action hook won’t work.
Post-restart action hook, on the other hand, will execute its actions but I haven’t managed to get the environment variables working. After its execution all environment variables that should have a value were empty.
What I did was to modify pre-start action hook to create environment variables as files under $HOME/.env/user_vars
# Actual script
# Added script for post restart variables
After this, if you execute gear restart, the environment variables will exist and will be accesible from your application.

Environment variable with period in using supervisor started node process

I have a node process that uses an environment variable in the form SECRET_KEY=1234.5678.910112.
This works fine if set using export in my bash_profile and the process is run directly in the shell.
But when running it using supervisor the script only picks up the part before the first period. This is the case either when reading env vars set in bash_profile or set using environment= in the conf file.
Turns out all I needed to do was to add single quotes around my variable. I did do this before but didn't run supervisorctl reread to get the new config.

process.env.PATH undefined in Passenger node app (production mode)

I recently deployed a node application with Phusion Passenger for nginx, and encountered a pretty quirky error in the process:
My code threw an error from trying to spawn a child_process. I did a bit of debugging and eventually concluded that the problem arose from the $PATH environment variable being undefined in node, and I could solve the problem with a passenger_env_var directive like this (showing an extract of my nginx config):
server {
listen 80;
root /home/user/;
passenger_enabled on;
# For some reason $PATH isn't loaded into node, and we can't spawn child processes without it
passenger_env_var PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games;
I still haven't figured out what caused this problem though - setting passenger_load_shell_envvars on; didn't help, and the www-data user did have a $PATH envvar defined in the shell. Moreover, other environment variables (like $SHELL) seems to have been loaded by node, adding to the mystery of why $PATH was excluded.
Does anybody know what could cause this problem?
Specify global envvars that you expect to be defined at system boot (like PATH) in /etc/default/nginx. Use something like dotenv properly and write environment specific config for your app in a text file that's not checked in. Environment variables are pretty evil in general.
I felt this one deserved a fairly lengthy answer, since environment variables has caused recurring problems for me during the last couple of months.
Storing your config as environment variables is one of the rules that 12 factor app lays out for writing scalable web applications. They're good because they let you separate your config from your code in a flexible manner. However, a problem with them is that the way we encounter them normally, when we export MYVAR=myvalue or set them in our ~/.pam_environment or ~/.bashrc, the scope of them is our current terminal session.
This causes issues as we start to use solutions like Phusion Passenger to start our apps at system boot - their startup scripts don't care about user shell environments. They also don't care about the global /etc/environment apparently, which is what caused my problems with PATH being undefined.
Phusion Passenger actually has some documentation on making global environment variables persist:
If you installed Nginx through the Debian or Ubuntu packages, then you can define environment variables in /etc/default/nginx. This is a shell script so you must use the export FOO=bar syntax.
So by setting the PATH envvar in /etc/default/nginx, I could solve that issue. But I was still having trouble with the other environment variables - I had to set them in my nginx config to have them passed on to my node app. It was clear to me that this wasn't the right way to do it.
At this point I was already using dotenv, but I had misunderstood its purpose slightly. I had checked in the .env file and thought of it as a way to provide default values for envvars that would be overridden by the environment as needed. This isn't how the authors themselves envisioned this module to be used:
We strongly recommend against committing your .env file to version control. It should only include environment-specific values such as database passwords or API keys.
It started becoming clear to me that people often don't define the envvars for their apps in the actual environment. I found an article by Peter Lyons that suggests storing config in a text file instead of in envvars, and that's when it clicked for me.
My final solution was to uncommit my .env file, and write a specific one for each environment. I left a .env.template in my repo as a reference to what configuration my app expected to be defined at run-time.
