How can I get the "name" attribute in node.js - node.js

<input type='file' name='upload1'/>
When this form is submitted,how can I get the "name" attribute (upload1) on node.js.
I use restify,and upload image.

The right way in node.js is would be to use a web app framework like express. It gives you more options as well as flexibility. In express you can do :
var express = require('express'); //Initialize express
var app = express();
app.use(express.bodyParser()); //to parse the forms'/pagesubmit', function(request, response){ //to handle POST to the page
console.log(request.body.username); //tp access input text 'username'
console.log(; //to access input file 'name'

Just use node-formidable for file uploads.


Understrap 'require is not defined'

I'm using the Understrap theme for my Wordpress project. I created a simple custom .js file to add to my project but I'm getting a 'require is not defined' error.
custom .js file
var express = require('express');
var moment = require('moment');
var app = express();
var m = moment();
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
m.set({'year': 2017, 'month': 5, 'day': 29});
var today = document.getElementById('today');
today.innerHTML = moment().format('YYYY/M/D');
Nodejs is a server side language, you cannot use require in browser side unless you use browserify or webpack. And also you cannot use express in browser because it's a server side framework, as you are using a theme for wordpress, I don't think you need to use nodejs at all, just write the plain js.

Load templates from existing file

I'm using Handlebars in my NodeJS application as my templating engine.
I've put all my templates in a views folder like so :
- /controllers
- /views
- index.html
- server.js
Here's my code to render the template when the user access a given URL (using express for routing) :
app.get("/", function(req, res){
var template = handlebars.compile("views/index.html");
var data = {"name": "Charles"};
var result = template(data);
I'm trying to render a template from a file, but it's not working. This is what the browser outputs directly when I'm accessing the / URL :
That makes sense, since it's interpreting the given param as a string directly and not as a path to an external template.
How can I load my template file (in this case the one in views/index.html to a variable, so that I can then render the template?
The only examples I found were storing all the templates in a file and loading them via AJAX, but all these examples were from "front-end" handlebars and not when using it with Node.
Is it possible to achieve what I want? I looked at the documentation but it's hard to find good infos for handlebars with NodeJS.
From your description, it sounds like you want handlebars as view engine, with dynamic views. You don't need to do this manually, here is an example (using express-handlebars):
var handlebars = require('express-handlebars');
app.engine('.html', handlebars({layout: false, extname: '.html'}));
app.set('view engine', '.html');
app.get("/:view", function(req, res){
var view = req.params.view;
res.render(view, { "name": "Charles" }); // Whatever data you want
With handlebars you have to load the file yourself or you can precompile the files (using grunt/gulp maybe) I feel way more confortable with swig ( )
It is very simple to use. And it has also integration with express if you want.
var swig = require('swig');
swig.renderFile('/path/to/template.html', {
pagename: 'awesome people',
authors: ['Paul', 'Jim', 'Jane']
In your case
app.get("/", function(req, res){
res.send(swig.renderFile('views/index.html', {"name": "Charles"}));

node express how to render handlebars html page to file

I want to convert some html page to pdf via wkhtmltopdf. However, the html page I want to convert to pdf is dynamically generated using handlebars.
So I think one solution maybe to generate the html page via handlebars but to a file (html file). Then, convert that file to pdf using hkhtmltopdf, then allow the user to, somehow, download the pdf.
So, my question is: how can I render the (handlebars) dynamically generated html page to a file?
Thanks and bye ...
Simple example for create file.
var Handlebars = require('handlebars');
var source = "<p>Hello, my name is {{name}}. I am from {{hometown}}. I have " +
"{{kids.length}} kids:</p>" +
"<ul>{{#kids}}<li>{{name}} is {{age}}</li>{{/kids}}</ul>";
var template = Handlebars.compile(source);
var data = { "name": "Alan", "hometown": "Somewhere, TX",
"kids": [{"name": "Jimmy", "age": "12"}, {"name": "Sally", "age": "4"}]};
var result = template(data);
var fs = require('fs');
fs.writeFile("test.html", result, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
Using express-handlebars, you should use the advanced mode and create an instance of it like in this example.
The proper way would be to create a view file (like you probably already have per you question) and use the express handlebars instance to render it:
// init code
var exphbs = require('express-handlebars');
var hbs = exphbs.create({
defaultLayout: 'your-layout-name',
helpers: require("path-to-your-helpers-if-any"),
app.engine('.file-extention-you-use', hbs.engine);
app.set('view engine', '.file-extention-you-use');
// ...then, in the router
hbs.render('full-path-to-view',conext, options).then(function(hbsTemplate){
// hbsTemplate contains the rendered html, do something with it...
Code above from Alex works perfect. However, my confusion was: I was using 'express-handlebars' and not 'handlebars'. Now, what I can understand is Express-Handlebars is an implementation of Handlebars for an Express application, which I´m using. I just didn't find a way to use the 'compile()' method in Express-Handlebars, so I ended up installing Handlebars (standalone) and used it to compile my (html) template and save the result to disk, just as Alex explained above.
In summary:
1) I know Express-Handlebars is Handlebars for Express app.
2) I don't know how to use "compile()" method just from express-handlebars, so I ended up installing Handlebars (from npm) and using it on the server to produce my html file (from template) and save it to disk.
3) Of course I installed and use Express-Handlebars everywhere to serve my pages in my Express app; just installed Handlebars to produce my html (in the server) with "compile()" method and save the result to disk.
Hope this is understandable. Thanks again and bye ...

Upload Files using Express + Connect (Node)

I'm trying to upload files via a web site. As I'm new in web programming, I didn't found a full example in web that solves all my doubts.
My scenario is:
Nodejs (v.0.10.25) + Express (4.9.0)
Trying to use Connect (3.0).
I created my app using the Express command. So the app.js was created default. I figured out that Express doesn't have multipart by default. And I should install a middleware to use it.
I'm trying to install Connect. The question is: How do I configure it? Must I have to replace the Express server for Connect server or it can exist together ?
Some one can explain how does it works ? Or show an example ?
Thanks too much!
<!-- client html -->
<form action="upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="file_upload">
// node.js server
var fs = require('fs'),
http = require('http');
app = (require('express'))();'upload', function(req, res){
fs.readFile(req.files.file_upload.path, function (err, data) {
var newPath = __dirname + "/uploads/uploadedFileName";
fs.writeFile(newPath, data, function (err) {

NodeJS, Express - Render EJS view to a download file

I have a NodeJS, Express 3 app that uses EJS templating. I have a route that enables 'preview' of some form fields containing HTML and CSS that are posted. It simply plugs them in and renders my preview.ejs template like this..'/preview', function(req, res){
var htm = req.body.htm;
var css = req.body.css;
res.render('preview',{_layoutFile:'', htm:htm, css:css});
What I'd like to do now is a similar route that forces download of the file instead..'/download', function(req, res){
var htm = req.body.htm;
var css = req.body.css;
// or res.sendfile here ??
I see that there is a res.sendfile() and, but how can I use these with my EJS 'preview' view template?
P.S. - I'm also using Mikeal's request is this same app. I wonder if there is a way I could use pipe to fs (filesystem) and then force download of the saved file?
res.attachment() sets Content-Disposition: attachment header which tells the browser to treat the response as a download.'/download', function(req, res){
var htm = req.body.htm;
var css = req.body.css;
res.render('preview',{_layoutFile:'', htm:htm, css:css});
