Dll making with C++ - visual-c++

I'm been trying to start doing a plug-in for a program called "Euroscope" for quite some time and i still can't do anything. I even read a C++ book and nothing, it's too difficult to start.
The question i'm going to ask is a little bit specific and it's going to be difficult to explain but i'm tired of trying to solve this by my own so here it comes.
I have a class that i imported with a bunch of function prototypes in the header called "EuroscopePlugIn".
My principal .cpp is this:
void CPythonPlugInScreen::meu()
//loop over the planes
EuroScopePlugIn::CAircraft ac;
EuroScopePlugIn::CAircraftFlightPlan acfp;
CString str;
CPythonPlugIn object;
EuroScopePlugIn::CAircraftPositionData acpos=ac.GetPosition();
const char *c=ac.GetCallsign();
the "printtofile_simple_int" and "printtofile_simple_char" are defined is the class CPythonPlugIn like this:
void printtofile_simple_int(int n){
ofstream textfile;
So i open the program, load the .dll i created with Build->Solution and it does nothing, the .txt files aren't even created and even the cout produces nothing.
I will give you some of the prototype infos on the header file "EuroScopePlugIn.h" in case you need them to understand my micro program. If you need other,ask me and i'll put it here
inline CPlugIn * GetPlugIn ( void )
return m_pPlugIn ;
} ;
CAircraft AircraftSelectFirst ( void ) const ;
// Return :
// An aircraft object instance.
// Remark:
// This instance is only valid inside the block you are querying.
// Do not save it to a static place or into a member variables.
// Subsequent use of an invalid extracted route reference may
// cause ES to crash.
// Description :
// It selects the first AC in the list.
int GetFinalAltitude ( void ) const ;
// Return :
// The final requested altitude.
Please guys i need help to start with the plug-in making, from that point on with a methodology of trial and error i'll be on my way. I'm just finding it extremely hard to start...
Thank you very much for the help


"this" argument in boost bind

I am writing multi-threaded server that handles async read from many tcp sockets. Here is the section of code that bothers me.
void data_recv (void) {
socket.async_read_some (
boost::asio::buffer(rawDataW, size_t(648*2)),
boost::bind ( &RPC::on_data_recv, this,
} // RPC::data_recvW
void on_data_recv (boost::system::error_code ec, std::size_t bytesRx) {
if ( rawDataW[bytesRx-1] == ENDMARKER { // <-- this code is fine
else {
read_socket_until_endmarker // <-- HELP REQUIRED!!
Nearly always the async_read_some reads in data including the endmarker, so it works fine. Rarely, the endmarker's arrival is delayed in the stream and that's when my program fails. I think it fails because I have not understood how boost bind works.
My first question:
I am confused with this boost totorial example , in which "this" does not appear in the handler declaration. ( Please see code of start_accept() in the example.) How does this work? Does compiler ignore the "this" ?
my second question:
In the on_data_recv() method, how do I read data from the same socket that was read in the on_data() method? In other words, how do I pass the socket as argument from calling method to the handler? when the handler is executed in another thread? Any help in form of a few lines of code that can fit into my "read_socket_until_endmarker" will be appreciated.
My first question: I am confused with this boost totorial example , in which "this" does not appear in the handler declaration. ( Please see code of start_accept() in the example.) How does this work? Does compiler ignore the "this" ?
In the example (and I'm assuming this holds for your functions as well) the start_accept() is a member function. The bind function is conveniently designed such that when you use & in front of its first argument, it interprets it as a member function that is applied to its second argument.
So while a code like this:
void foo(int x) { ... }
bind(foo, 3)();
Is equivalent to just calling foo(3)
Code like this:
struct Bar { void foo(int x); }
Bar bar;
bind(&foo, &bar, 3)(); // <--- notice the & before foo
Would be equivalent to calling bar.foo(3).
And thus as per your example
boost::bind ( &RPC::on_data_recv, this, // <--- notice & again
When this object is invoked inside Asio it shall be equivalent to calling this->on_data_recv(error, size). Checkout this link for more info.
For the second part, it is not clear to me how you're working with multiple threads, do you run io_service.run() from more than one thread (possible but I think is beyond your experience level)? It might be the case that you're confusing async IO with multithreading. I'm gonna assume that is the case and if you correct me I'll change my answer.
The usual and preferred starting point is to have just one thread running the io_service.run() function. Don't worry, this will allow you to handle many sockets asynchronously.
If that is the case, your two functions could easily be modified as such:
void data_recv (size_t startPos = 0) {
socket.async_read_some (
boost::asio::buffer(rawDataW, size_t(648*2)) + startPos,
boost::bind ( &RPC::on_data_recv, this,
} // RPC::data_recvW
void on_data_recv (size_t startPos,
boost::system::error_code ec,
std::size_t bytesRx) {
// TODO: Check ec
if (rawDataW[startPos + bytesRx-1] == ENDMARKER) {
else {
// TODO: Error if startPos + bytesRx == 648*2
data_recv(startPos + bytesRx);
Notice though that the above code still has problems, the main one being that if the other side sent two messages quickly one after another, we could receive (in one async_read_some call) the full first message + part of the second message, and thus missing the ENDMARKER from the first one. Thus it is not enough to only test whether the last received byte is == to the ENDMARKER.
I could go on and modify this function further (I think you might get the idea on how), but you'd be better off using async_read_until which is meant exactly for this purpose.

Get parameter values from method at run time

I have the current method example:
public void MethodName(string param1,int param2)
object[] obj = new object[] { (object) param1, (object) param2 };
//Code to that uses this array to invoke dynamic methods
Is there a dynamic way (I am guessing using reflection) that will get the current executing method parameter values and place them in a object array? I have read that you can get parameter information using MethodBase and MethodInfo but those only have information about the parameter and not the value it self which is what I need.
So for example if I pass "test" and 1 as method parameters without coding for the specific parameters can I get a object array with two indexes { "test", 1 }?
I would really like to not have to use a third party API, but if it has source code for that API then I will accept that as an answer as long as its not a huge API and there is no simple way to do it without this API.
I am sure there must be a way, maybe using the stack, who knows. You guys are the experts and that is why I come here.
Thank you in advance, I can't wait to see how this is done.
It may not be clear so here some extra information. This code example is just that, an example to show what I want. It would be to bloated and big to show the actual code where it is needed but the question is how to get the array without manually creating one. I need to some how get the values and place them in a array without coding the specific parameters.
Using reflection you can extract the parameters name and metadata but not the actual values :
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
p.testMethod("abcd", 1);
public void testMethod(string a, int b)
System.Diagnostics.StackTrace st = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
StackFrame sf = st.GetFrame(0);
ParameterInfo[] pis = sf.GetMethod().GetParameters();
foreach (ParameterInfo pi in pis)

Why the bad_alloc(const char*) was made private in Visual C++ 2012?

I am just trying to compile a bit bigger project using the Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate, C++. The project was/is compiled using the VS2010 now. (I am just greedy to get the C++11 things, so I tried. :)
Apart of things that I can explain by myself, the project uses the code like this:
ostringstream ostr;
ostr << "The " __FUNCTION__ "() failed to malloc(" << i << ").";
throw bad_alloc(ostr.str().c_str());
The compiler now complains
error C2248: 'std::bad_alloc::bad_alloc' : cannot access private member declared
in class 'std::bad_alloc'
... which is true. That version of constructor is now private.
What was the reason to make that version of constructor private? Is it recommended by C++11 standard not to use that constructor with the argument?
(I can imagine that if allocation failed, it may cause more problems to try to construct anything new. However, it is only my guess.)
The C++11 Standard defines bad_alloc as such (
class bad_alloc : public exception {
bad_alloc() noexcept;
bad_alloc(const bad_alloc&) noexcept;
bad_alloc& operator=(const bad_alloc&) noexcept;
virtual const char* what() const noexcept;
With no constructor that takes a string. A vendor providing such a constructor would make the code using it not portable, as other vendors are not obliged to provide it.
The C++03 standard defines a similar set of constructors, so VS didn't follow this part of the standard even before C++11. MS does try to make VS as standard compliant as possible, so they've probably just used the occasion (new VS, new standard) to fix an incompatibility.
Edit: Now that I've seen VS2012's code, it is also clear why the mentioned constructor is left private, instead of being completely removed: there seems to be only one use of that constructor, in the bad_array_new_length class. So bad_array_new_length is declared a friend in bad_alloc, and can therefore use that private constructor. This dependency could have been avoided if bad_array_new_length just stored the message in the pointer used by what(), but it's not a lot of code anyway.
If you are accustomed to passing a message when you throw a std::bad_alloc, a suitable technique is to define an internal class that derives from std::bad_alloc, and override ‘what’ to supply the appropriate message.
You can make the class public and call the assignment constructor directly, or make a helper function, such as throw_bad_alloc, which takes the parameters (and additional scalar information) and stores them in the internal class.
The message is not formatted until ‘what’ is called. In this way, stack unwinding may have freed some memory so the message can be formatted with the actual reason (memory exhaustion, bad request size, heap corruption, etc.) at the catch site. If formatting fails, simply assign and return a static message.
Trimmed example:
(Tip: The copy constructor can just assign _Message to nullptr, rather than copy the message since the message is formatted on demand. The move constructor, of course can just confiscate it :-).
class internal_bad_alloc: public std::bad_alloc
// Default, copy and move constructors....
// Assignment constructor...
explicit internal_bad_alloc(int errno, size_t size, etc...) noexcept:
// Assign data members...
virtual ~internal_bad_alloc(void) noexcept
// Free _Message data member (if allocated).
// Override to format and return the reason:
virtual const char* what(void) const noexcept
if (_Message == nullptr)
// Format and assign _Message. Assign the default if the
// format fails...
return _Message;
// Additional scalar data (error code, size, etc.) pass into the
// constructor and used when the message is formatted by 'what'...
mutable char* _Message;
static char _Default[];
// Throw helper(s)...
extern void throw_bad_alloc(int errno, size_t size, etc...)
throw internal_bad_alloc(errno, size, etc...);

Check a file already exists in Save As Dialog box - c++, opencascade

I want to create a .stl file for a particular shape where each face of that shape has a different patch name like face1,face 2 etc. I have done this by overriding the StlAPI_Writer and RWStl classes in opencascade. I have used file.Append method instead of file.Build method to do so.
But I have a problem when I save the .stl file in an already existing file, it appends data to the existing one which is incorrect. I want to delete the existing data in the file and append new data face by face for a given shape.
Please help me on this.
You can use this simple function:
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool FileExists(string strFilename) {
struct stat stFileInfo;
bool blnReturn;
int intStat;
// Attempt to get the file attributes
intStat = stat(strFilename.c_str(),&stFileInfo);
if(intStat == 0) {
// We were able to get the file attributes
// so the file obviously exists.
blnReturn = true;
} else {
// We were not able to get the file attributes.
// This may mean that we don't have permission to
// access the folder which contains this file. If you
// need to do that level of checking, lookup the
// return values of stat which will give you
// more details on why stat failed.
blnReturn = false;
I assume you use the SaveFileDialogue class. In this case you can handle the return result of the dialogue like this:
if ( saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == ::DialogResult::OK ) {
if ( FileExist(saveFileDialog.FileName) ) {
// erase the file
// write the code using the Append function
This should work, however a easier variant must be accessible if you use something else than Append (something like Write or maybe even Append but with a parameter that specifies to rewrite the file)

inserting "this" into an STL map from the constructor

class Doh {
static std::map<const std::string, const Doh*> someMap;
std::string stringValue_;
Doh(std::string str) : stringValue_(str) {
std::make_pair<const std::string,const Doh*>
The above was ok with MSVC 2010 but with MSVC 2008 it fails – and I guess it is because the object is not constructed yet when it is inserted in the map (I got a memory access violation).
So, I tried a delayed insertion, which worked:
Doh(std::string str) : stringValue_(str) {
void insertIntoTheStaticMap() {
std::make_pair<const std::string,const Doh*>
But as you might be able to guess, my intention is to have the static Doh::someMap as a common lookup dictionary.
VERSION 1 didn’t need any thread-safety because I would create all Doh instances in the same thread – in initialization blocks - which would be called by dynamic initializers before I enter main().
But with VERSION 2, the naïve sleep() is neither graceful nor reliable (not to mention, I might need to lock the map before insertion).
What would be a nice KISS approach?
Only potential issue I see is the initialization of the static member, if there are multiple source files. Try guarding it with a function.
class Doh {
static std::map< std::string, Doh * > &get_map() {
static std::map< std::string, Doh * > someMap;
return someMap; // initialize upon first use
std::string stringValue_;
Doh(std::string str) : stringValue_(str) {
In neither version is there any sign of init for stringvalue_ - what does the debugger show you about this key when you hit the map insert in version 1 of the code? How is this field set up, and what is its type?
Running this in the debugger for VS2008 should allow you to narrow down the point of failure into the <map> source, I would have thought.
