primefaces selectOneMenu how to reload - jsf

I use 3 selectOneMenu components in my project. I need to reload content of the second after change in the first. Here are some parts of the files
<h:form id="form">
<p:selectOneMenu id="Rząd" value="#{birdSelectorBean.selectedState}" effect="fade"
style="width: 150px;">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Rząd" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{birdSelectorBean.rzad}" />
<p:ajax render="#form" listener="#{birdSelectorBean.stateChangeListener}" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="rodzina" value="#{birdSelectorBean.selectedState}" effect="fade"
style="width: 150px;">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Rodzina" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{birdSelectorBean.rodzina}" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="rodzaj" value="#{birdSelectorBean.selectedState}" effect="fade"
style="width: 150px;">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Rodzaj" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{birdSelectorBean.rodzaj}" />
public class BirdSelectorBean
private String selectedState;
private List<SelectItem> rzad;
private List<SelectItem> rodzina;
private List<SelectItem> rodzaj;
public BirdSelectorBean()
rzad = new ArrayList<>();
rzad.add(new SelectItem("Rząd_X"));
rzad.add(new SelectItem("Rząd_Y"));
rzad.add(new SelectItem("Rząd_Z"));
rodzina = new ArrayList<>();
rodzaj = new ArrayList<>();
public void stateChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent event)
rodzina.add(new SelectItem("Rodzina_A"));
rodzina.add(new SelectItem("Rodzina_B"));
rodzina.add(new SelectItem("Rodzina_C"));
getters and setters
I read many topics on that but it doesn't work for me. I tried update="rodzina" like it is in example
and render option like it is said in that
But it still doesn't work. Please help me :]

In the p:ajax tag change render="#form" to update="#form". Render is used by f:ajax, primefaces use another name for some reason - see here.

Looks like your stateChangeListener method nevers get called and more important, your managed bean looks like hasn't any scope (at least from your question content), remember that it must be at least #ViewScoped in order to make this work. Also, another problem in your code is that you're using the same attribute to select the data for the three <p:selectOnuMenu> (which is not a problem yet since you haven't achieved what you wanted to begin with).
To make the ajax update work, remove the parameter from your stateChangeListener. Also let's add the other two attributes for the selected items from the dropdownlists.
public class BirdSelectorBean {
private String selectedState;
private String selectedStateRodzina;
private String selectedStateRodzaj;
//other fields and methods...
public void stateChangeListener() {
rodzina.add(new SelectItem("Rodzina_A"));
rodzina.add(new SelectItem("Rodzina_B"));
rodzina.add(new SelectItem("Rodzina_C"));
And then update your desired <p:selectOneMenu> in your <p:ajax> call (I removed the non-directly related to the problem attributes from the components like style):
<p:selectOneMenu id="Rząd" value="#{birdSelectorBean.selectedState}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Rząd" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{birdSelectorBean.rzad}" />
<p:ajax update="rodzina" listener="#{birdSelectorBean.stateChangeListener}" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="rodzina" value="#{birdSelectorBean.selectedStateRodzina}">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Rodzina" itemValue="" />
<f:selectItems value="#{birdSelectorBean.rodzina}" />


can't access to suffixs or enum's values in primefaces <p:selectOneMenu component.. any solution?

Hi I am currently working on a java project (jsf) with primefaces and I am using enum, but I cannot access its values from the view with primefaces. I have temporarily solved the problem by creating a getter from the Bean and accessing the enum values, but it should work with allSuffix = "ALL_ENUM_VALUES" or ALL_VALUES by default, I don't know if it's a problem with primefaces, joinfaces or something I'm missing. I have looked into the official documentation and it should work... any solution?
my code is
allSuffix="ALL_ENUM_VALUES" />
value="#{informe_msg.posibilidad}" />
style="width: 150px"
itemValue="" />
itemLabel="#{peticion_msg[posibilidad.femKey]}" />
</p:selectOneMenu> ```
Hi this question was answered here: How to use enum values in f:selectItem(s)
With joinfaces I tested this example:
User Bean
public class UserBean {
public Role[] getRoles() {
return Role.values();
<p:selectOneMenu id="roleId" value="#{userBean.newUser.roleId}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="" itemLabel=""/>
<f:selectItems value="#{userBean.roles}" var="role" itemValue="#{role.getId()}" itemLabel="#{messages['role_' += role]}"/>
Role Enum with custom order, it's not mandatory you can use default .ordinal() value
public enum Role {
private final int id;
Role(int id) { = id;
public int getId() {
return id;
// method to get the Role using Id from the database
public static Role valueOf(int id) {
.filter(role -> == id)
}} as Resource Bundle
As per documentation/demo, you should use a repeat tag.
Edited: Try this version:
<p:importEnum type="com.path.enumeration.AltoMedioBajo" var="AltoMedioBajo"
allSuffix="ALL_ENUM_VALUES" />
<p:outputLabel for="posibilidad" value="#{informe_msg.posibilidad}" />
<p:selectOneMenu id="posibilidad" style="width: 150px"
<f:selectItem />
<ui:repeat var="posibilidad" value="#{AltoMedioBajo.ALL_ENUM_VALUES}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="#{posibilidad}"

Primefaces p:tabView: Value of selectOneMenu lost

I have a problem when I use a p:tabView with dynamic="true", and there is a h:selectOneMenu on one tab, and on the other is a commandLink which is ajax="false". After clicking to the commandLink twice the value of the selectOneMenu is lost.
This problem does not occur when the tabView is dynamic="false".
The value of the h:inputText is not lost, but I see the following warning in the logfile:
org.apache.myfaces.shared.renderkit.html.HtmlRendererUtils decodeUIInput WARNING: There should always be a submitted value for an input if it is rendered, its form issubmitted, and it was not originally rendered disabled or read-only. You cannot submit a form after disabling an input element via javascript. Consider setting read-only to true instead or resetting the disabled value back to false prior to form submission. Component : {Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /form/regional/region.xhtml][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlBody,Id: j_id_5][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: TestForm][Class: org.primefaces.component.tabview.TabView,Id: tabviewTest][Class: org.primefaces.component.tabview.Tab,Id: j_id_8][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText,Id: j_id_f]}
Here is the form:
<p:tabView dynamic="true" cache="true" id="tabviewTest">
<p:tab title="Tab 1">
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{Region.dropDownValue}" id="dropDown">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="1" itemValue="1"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="2" itemValue="2"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="3" itemValue="3"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="4" itemValue="4"/>
<h:inputText value="#{Region.inputValue}" />
<p:tab title="Tab 2">
<p:commandLink ajax="false"
actionListener="#{Region.someActionMethod}" />
And here the Bean:
public class Region {
private Integer dropDownValue = 3;
private String inputValue = "Test";
public void someActionMethod(ActionEvent ev) {
System.out.println("someActionMethod called");
public Integer getDropDownValue() {
return dropDownValue;
public void setDropDownValue(Integer dropDownValue) {
this.dropDownValue = dropDownValue;
public String getInputValue() {
return inputValue;
public void setInputValue(String inputValue) {
this.inputValue = inputValue;
My Environment: Primefaces 5.0/5.1.RC1, Myfaces 2.1/2.2, Tomact 7
Any ideas what could be wrong?
What scope does your ManagedBean have?
When you use a RequestScope you are not able to submit your selectOneMenu with an UICommand component like p:commandLink when you set the ajax attribute to false. The changes are lost in this case.
Here are two possibilities to fix your problem:
Attempt 1: Set your Bean ViewScoped:
In most cases this will work. If you must use special annotations to annotate your beans (like Apache DeltaSpike #ViewAccessScoped for example), try to separate your bean into View and Controller beans, annotating the View with just simple #ViewScope and keeping all the values in it.
Attempt 2: Remove ajax="false" from p:commandLink:
This will work if your use-case allows it. For example, downloading a file with PrimeFaces will require explicit declaration that the ajax is not to be used, so this solution will not be applicable.
add ajax listener
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{Region.dropDownValue}" id="dropDown">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="" itemValue=""/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="1" itemValue="1"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="2" itemValue="2"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="3" itemValue="3"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="4" itemValue="4"/>
<p:ajax event="change" update="#this"/>

p:selectOneMenu value not set in bean

In p:selectOneMenu loginbranchName value is not set in bean.In selectItems having list of branchName.I'm using listener to select value from list but value not set in getLoginBranchId method....
<h:outputLabel value="Branch Name:*" style="text-align: left;display: block;" rendered="#{loginBean.userLoggedIn}"/>
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{loginBean.loginbranchName}"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Select" itemValue="0" />
<f:selectItems value="#{loginBean.branchName}" />
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{loginBean.getLoginBranchId}"/>
public String getLoginbranchName() {
return loginbranchName;
public void setLoginbranchName(String loginbranchName) {
this.loginbranchName = loginbranchName;
public void getLoginBranchId()
System.out.println("enter into getloginbranchid");
int unitId=loginDAO.getLoginBranchId(loginbranchName);
#BalusC was correct regarding the above discussion where, JSF2 can work with List and SelectItem I think you might be missing

conditional rendered f:selectItem possible problems

I have a page with several h:selectOneMenu or p:selectOneMenu and I want to use the same page for editing and adding data.
When I will edit data I need f:selectItem. I know that this component doesn't have attribute rendered. And I read that I can use <c:if>.
Ok. For example, if I write
<p:selectOneMenu rendered="#{not empty}"
<c:if test="${editableBean != null}">
<f:selectItem itemLable="#{} itemValue=#{} />
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.listItems}" var="item"
itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{}"/>
Will it works without any problems in primefaces and with ajax listeners?
The easy solution (but with poor performance) will be to have a boolean editMode attribute in your managed bean to enable/disable the components. Basic example:
<p:selectOneMenu rendered="#{not empty}" disabled="#{bean.editMode}"
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.listItems}" var="item"
itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{}"/>
In your bean
public class Bean {
private int id;
private boolean editMode;
//other attributes...
//getters and setters...
public void init() {
//a way to know if the bean it's in edit mode
editMode = (id != 0);
This solution will have poor performance because every <p:selectOneMenu> will have to load all the data and then select the actual value, but it will do what you want. Another option will be to use this attribute for the rendered property of <p:selectOneMenu> and for an <h:inputText disabled="true" readonly="true" /> (or maybe <h:outputText />). Another basic sample:
<p:selectOneMenu rendered="#{not empty && not bean.editMode}"
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.listItems}" var="item"
itemLabel="#{}" itemValue="#{}"/>
<h:inputText rendered="#{bean.editMode}" value="{bean.selectedText}"
disabled="true" readonly="true" />

JSF f:selectItem in h:selectManyCheckbox not working in backing bean, but is displayed properly in h:dataTable

The problem occurs with this code:
<f:facet name="header">
<h:selectManyCheckbox title="Select which types of requests you want to see"
onchange="submit();" value="#{filterListener.chosenFilters}"
id="selectBoxContainer" >
<f:selectItem id="approvedByITS" itemLabel="Approved by ITS" itemValue="approvedByITS" />
<f:selectItem id="approvedByPO" itemLabel="Approved by Process Owner" itemValue="approvedByPO" />
<f:selectItem id="dob" itemLabel="Date" itemValue="dob" />
<f:selectItem id="externalAssignedTo" itemLabel="External assigned" itemValue="externalAssignedTo" />
<f:selectItem id="internalAssignedTo" itemLabel="Internal assigned" itemValue="internalAssignedTo" />
<f:selectItem id="ITSapprovedBy" itemLabel="ITS approved by" itemValue="ITSapprovedBy" />
<f:selectItem id="severity" itemLabel="Severity" itemValue="severity" />
<f:selectItem id="status" itemLabel="status" itemValue="status" />
<f:valueChangeListener type="" />
<h:dataTable value="#{filterListener.chosenFilters}" var="selects" >
<h:outputText value="#{selects}" />
<br />
<h:messages />
As we can see I have the value="#{filterListener.chosenFilters}". The dataTable's value is also the same, so whenever I click one of the selectItem's the dataTable has an element added or removed from it (this is working). In my backing bean I have the following code:
public class requestFilterListener implements ValueChangeListener {
private List<String> chosenFilters;
public requestFilterListener() {
public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
System.out.println("processValueChange called");
if (chosenFilters != null) {
public List<String> getChosenFilters() {
return chosenFilters;
public void setChosenFilters(List<String> chosenFilters) {
this.chosenFilters = chosenFilters;
Everytime I click one of the checkboxes, a column is added/removed with the proper data, in my console I get the message "processValueChange called" as I output in the processValueChange method, but during this time chosenFilters is always null, and the if expression is never run. How come? This is a session bean, and I really dont understand why my list cant be used within the backing bean, but is used without a problem by my dataTable.
Thanks for your time in looking into this.
The problem is probably on this tag:
<f:valueChangeListener type="" />
You are instructing the f:valueChangeListener tag to create a new instance of requestFilterListener instead of binding to the one specified by the managed bean configuration. Use the binding attribute to bind to #{filterListener}.
