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Subversion Obliterate feature
(4 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Short question:
I've been very stupid and accidently commited a file with a password (in plain text) in it that I really do NOT want on the SVN server.
So I panicked, deleted the password and commited again, but it's still in the log...
I permanently want to delete this password from the server, so it can't be retrieved by anyone anymore.
Is this possible?
If I revert to a version before the password and commit again, will it be deleted forever?
Reverting to version before & committing again will not help as log(history) is still maintained.
There is a Question and answer in FAQ of subversion
, it describes how you can remove a file from the repository's history. However it requires admin access to the SVN reporsitory.
Personally I suggest "change the password" as suggested in comments by Mitch.
Also another question on stack overflow is useful.
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Closed 21 days ago.
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Need some help here.
I'm using environmental variables to hide my keys and using .gitignore to ignore the .env in my repository so nobody could see it. The authentication of mailchimp API works locally, and if I input data on email and names, it gets added to my mailchimp.
enter image description here
But when I deploy it to render and github, it sure makes my .env hidden so nobody could see my API. But the variable returns undefined. I added the .env in my .gitignore, I don't know if that's causing the problem? Pls help me.
enter image description here
I tried logging the values of my API. It shows the value properly if I do it in local. But in console logs of Render, it returns undefined. Am I missing something here? Could it be that gitignore, literally ignores my env file, hence, MAPI_SERVER, MAPI_KEY, MLIST_ID couldn't get it values?
You should add environment variables to Render as documentation:
The file is not on the server.
Adding the file to .gitignore¹ makes it not being tracked by git. This
means that the file is not in your remote repo.
You could:
Deploy the file to the server via some other means
Set the environment variables on the some other way
I'd recommend to keep the file outside of the repo to minimise the chance of accidentally committing it.²
¹ - if the file was already added then it will stay added
² - there are ways to commit ignored files
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Closed 2 years ago.
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My app can be installed many times on the same PC. The difference is the network path, from where installer was executed.
So, I generate the AppId dynamically using the hash of the path to the installer. In this way, if you're starting the installer from the same path, it gets the same appId and update will be done. If path is different, new instance will be installed.
I have a little problem also. The network path can be changed. Now user need to completely reinstall the app, otherwise after an update it gets a new AppId and it will be installed like a new app.
So I'm thinking about saving the first generated appId in a some file in the folder, from where installer will be executed and then get it from there.
The question is, if it is the right way to achieve all my needs.
Your users should not be changing the Installed directory (or network path as you say). After installing a Windows application I would not expect to be able to change the folder names and/or path C:/ProgramFiles/MyApp to C:/ProFil/MyAppChangedName and expect that application to still function correctly.
Where does your AppId currently exist (the Registry?) since you say that it is not currently in the Application's installed directory?
Does your current 'setup' work with multiple installations or is that also broken since the AppId only existing once with multiple installations?
It is not very common to have an Installer and expect to be able to install multiple instances on one computer. Normally the Registry changes and AppData directories would not play nice. But some application don't seem to mind (Eclipse, etc).
You could put your application IDs in a file/folder in the AppData folder and have a list of all the application IDs in that file to use for you updates. That way your AppIds are in a folder path (network path) that doesn't change.
Besides that it looks like you using a 3rd party application installation package 'Inno Setup'. I am not familiar, but should it not show the users the options of 'Repair', 'Update', 'Re-Install', 'Uninstall' etc when running the Installer a second time.
I assume the issue is that when you run the Installer you expect it to know whether to update and install 'new' without user interaction.
Usually to update an application is done within the application. Example: From within your application, File -> Update.
You could also add a Task Scheduler (Google adds one with Chrome) task to run the Update automatically every week etc.
I would expect an application to check for updates every time the user opens the application. If an update is needed you could check the folder path at that point (since it should be wherever the exe is currently running) and if it is not found the user could point you to the desired Application instance network path (folder path) to update.
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Making sphinx documentation private
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
Is there a way to password protect a website published using GitLab pages?
I tried adding an .htpasswd file to the root of the /pages directory, but that just makes the file available to everyone who goes to
GitLab now supports access control for pages in case of self managed GitLab instances:
Pages access control is currently disabled by default. To enable it, you must:
Enable it in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitlab_pages['access_control'] = true
Reconfigure GitLab
i got a question concerning linux and svn.
I run ubuntu on a virutal box and actually I am not used to linux yet.
For researches I am connected to a svn-server, which I update often.
At the beginning I was asked if my password should be stored unecrypted. I choose to store the password but now I want to change it. I already googled a lot, but this didn't help me. It was often said to change to /etc/subversion/config but this directory doesn't exist, oly /subversion/ exists, but this folder is empty.
Can anybody tell me how I can set, that I always have to enter my password as soon as I do a svn up or svn commit? Please give a detailled description, because I am still used to Windows ;)
Thanks for help
Look in the $HOME/.subversion/auth folder, where $HOME is your home directory (i.e. /home/<username>). You should find a like like $HOME/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/<some_hex_string> which contains the stored credentials for your repository. Delete that file.
(To reset all your svn settings, you can just delete the $HOME/.subversion folder.)
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using Access database services in SharePoint 2010 and the database is already published on SharePoint 2010 (Office 365).
I have made some changes in the forms but I don't want to sync it and discard all the local changes and use the fresh copy. I download the database from SharePoint access services site but it is still showing the previous changes. It seems that it saves all the changes made earlier in local computer.
Can you tell me how I can use the fresh copy of the database or discard all the changes and start from latest copy that is already on SharePoint (last time synced)?
If the downloaded copy is showing previous changes, then previous changes synced. So unless you saved a backup like all developers do before making changes, then I am afraid you are out of luck.
Just keep in mind that you can UN-attach, or save a local un-published copy. I suggest you do this every day, or at least at the start of the day, so if you mess up then like all developers you can import or even cut + paste code from the backup you have.
To save a local "un-attached" or so called un-published database, you simply go file-> save and publish, and choose "save as local database".
However, right now if you are seeing changes in what you download from SharePoint, then that is what was saved and synced to SharePoint. So by downloading a fresh copy, and you see the changes in that fresh copy, then logically this suggests the changes were synced to the server at one point in time.
Also, if this was/is a first time publish, then a un-published AT FIRST publish is created in the same dir as where the Accdb file was. It will be named