Loading profiler failed during CoCreateinstance - error, but I'm not using a profiler - azure

Recently I published to my Azure Staging server (Asp.Net MVC App) and my app wouldn't come up. I checked the Event logs on the machine, and this was the error:
.NET Runtime version 4.0.30319.18033 - Loading profiler failed during
CoCreateInstance. Profiler CLSID:
'{F1260058-1A1F-4738-8BE2-0BF9D3A64219}'. HRESULT: 0x8007007e. Process
ID (decimal): 1872. Message ID: [0x2504].
The thing is that I am not using a profiler, everything worked fine yesterday (day old publish) - any ideas what could be causing this, and how I could fix it? Thank you.

Not to say there is not a better fix (I tried all I could find elsewhere, nothing seemed to relate to my specific problem) but here is what I ended up doing. Simply delete your deployment, and re-publish. This must re-set whatever turning on your profiler sets.
Remember that if this is a non domain dns instance, your address will be changed. Hope this can save someone a few hours.
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dot net core app 3.1 - Error 500 when IIS

Here again because I need some help again and again….
Let me explain you, I have developed an .net core 3.1 API, and everything works well on my environment and in another computer when (in this computer) deployed in IIS.
However, when I deploy on Azure or in Another IIS in a different environment, I’m able to navigate over my API on localhost, but, when I’m try to do the same using the dns I got a 500 http error.
I have done other tests and when my ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = Development (on web.config) everything works well from nowhere, however when this value is ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = Release I got again the 500. And the following message on my logs: “[Debug] The request path "" does not match the path filter”. And I did not get no other errors, in logs or in events nothing only this message.
I’ve spent a lot of time with this issue without finding a solution, someone could help me on that please?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Joao Fernandes

Azure App Services Web App not registering update

I have a Azure App Service app that I'm trying to get deployed.
Today I ran into an issue where .NET informed me (via the yellow screen of death when I browse to the URL of my app) that I had a missing DLL (for the purposes of this question I don't think it really matters).
I used FileZilla to publish my changes in an attempt to do a manual deployment first and then work my way to automate it.
After so many attempts to fix it I later realized that the error message never changed. I did something more severe and renamed my bin folder into something completely different and the exact same error message would appear.
I've stopped the service, restarted it, and as mentioned, renamed folders, etc. and still the exact same error message persisted.
I also decided to open up the Azure Portal Console for my App Service app to browse a bit and to my amazement, nothing seemed to have reflected at all. The FTP shows one thing and the Console shows another.
Would anyone have any idea as to why this is happening?
I eventually got it to work and I will share what I tried.
I deleted the web app and created it again (I found this to be important the first time around). This was quite time consuming and did help but it wasn't long before the same problem happened again.
Then I finally found a solution that seems to give me consistent results:
I kept on editing the Web.config which seems to force a recompile and clear some sort of cache. So each time the web app stopped updating, I would make a slight change in the Web.config, upload it via FTP and the app finally updates.
If anyone has any more details on this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Role instances Issue while running webapi locally

I have a webAPI deployed on window azure, till last week I was able to run the WebAPI and debug but all of a sudden when I run the web application I get the below message.
Role instances are taking longer than expected to start. Do you want
to continue waiting?
And I tried to enable disable caching(default caching is disable) and also cleared the local storage but still the same issue persist, its happening in not only my machine but also on other dev machine as well. Could it be because of automatic software updates related to emulator or other SW or any other issue?
Happened withh me today. I ran into an issue of the Azure emulator not working. The roles were going in a continuous loop of Running, Busy and Suspended.
Initially I thought it might be due to some code I had changed . However, it turned out that a recent Windows update had caused this issue.
After spending a frustrating amount of time un-installing the recent updates one by one, I found the miscreant.
For Fix please un-install the Security Update KB3126593 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3126593).
While searching for the particular update, make sure you type “KB3126593” in the search bar. Typing 3126593 will not work.

Infamous 'Load operation failed for query 'GetUser'. The remote server returned an errror: NotFound'

It looks like I have just happened to find an easy reproducible solution for infamous:
'Load operation failed for query 'GetUser'.
The remote server returned an errror: NotFound'
issue for WCF RIA Services (Silverlight 5) web setup: when using VS2012 Web Publishing Wizard with 'Precompile during publishing' option checked-on then the issue does raise its ugly head. When the 'Precompile during publishing' option is checked off then deployed WCF RIA Services works well with Silverlight client. Please check on your system.
I have used fuslogvw etc.etc. - nothing helped. Never used Web Publishing Wizard before - xcopy was my friend, this time I wanted to automate the whole deploying process - and lost a couple of hours of precious time.
I still don't know what is the cause of the issue but I can proceed with my work. Next time when there will be more free time I will probably use this technique to localize the causes of the subject issue.
Edit for clarification: I have effectively solved the subject issue on my localhost but I have it still appearing in one program but not in another when releasing on an external web hosting environment, and I'm yet to find what causes this issue - do you know any good sources where this issue's various solutions are classified and accompanied with solution walk-throughs?

Problem with local Azure deployment

I'm trying to run a WebRole on my local machine via Compute Emulator. My Compute Emulator and Storage Emulator is running fine. When I hit F5 in VS2010, I can see the action in Compute Emulator. But after a while, I get an exception in VS2010;
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Hosts.Worker.RuntimeEnvironmentException was unhandled
Message=Unable to load the runtime environment: could not get hosting environment settings
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Hosts.Worker.Parameters..ctor()
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Hosts.Worker.Loader.Main(String[] args)
Then Roles in Compute Emulator begins to shutdown. VS2010 launches the browser with IP and port but no luck, it's not running of course.
I don't think this is a coding error because I live the same problem even in an empty out-of-the-box Azure project and a single Web Role on it.
I've searched the net but no info about this error. Actually if you search exactly for "RuntimeEnvironmentException" Google returns zero result. Using the description words also does not make any sense.
Anyone have an idea?
Sorry for not responding earlier but I was still working on the issue. Then a Microsoft guy from Turkey office figured it out. There is a problem with localization on developer machines. In development environment computers, in "Region and Languages", set "Format" to "English (United States)" and "Current Location" to "United States". After setting these, Azure emulator is working flawlessly. They said this is a known issue and they're preparing a report about this. I hope this will be resolved in next releases.
Hope this helps to anyone who live same problem. And thanks everyone who tried to help...
I've had a similar issue where the compute emulator just fails to load my web role and nothing ever responds. It seems to happen to me when I hibernate my laptop a few times while the compute emulator is running. Even shutting the emulator down and restarting it doesn't seem to help.
Best solution I've found is to reboot. Definitely not elegant (and a bit of a pain in the butt), but it's worked for me every time.
Not sure if this helps or not. Good luck.
