What pattern for constructing and verifying an access token for a web application? - security

We have a web application which consists of two parts (among others): a 'shell' written in Java running in Jetty using Windows authentication through Waffle, which shows a 'component' written in ASP.NET running in IIS using Windows authentication. Both parts are served from the same host, but (of course) from different ports.
As it stands, a user first must sign in to the shell, and then when the component is loaded the user must sign in again. We want to get rid of that second sign-in step.
From what I've seen and read, e.g. about claims-based authentication and OAuth, the standard pattern for that is the following:
After signing in to the shell, the shell constructs a 'token' with the user's Windows account name, which it sends back to the browser.
The component does not use Windows authentication, but instead the browser sends it the token.
The component verifies that it trusts the token, and uses the identity from that token.
(In our case the simplest technique is to put the token in a cookie, since both shell and component run on the same server, and HTTP cookies are not port-specific, so the browser will automatically send the shell's token to the component.)
Now I see several ways to construct and verify the token, like:
(a) The token contains the Windows account name, encrypted with a symmetric key that is hardcoded into both shell and component, or generated and agreed at installation time or start-up time.
(b) The token contains the Windows account name, signed using a private key, and verified using the corresponding public key. This key pair is generated at installation time.
(c) The token contains a GUID, and the component's server side makes a call to the shell's server side to verify its validity and get the Windows account name.
I think I prefer (b), since (a) seems too 'hardcoded', and (c) is more likely to give scaling issues. Also, we already have a private/public key pair in place in the form of an SSL server certificate in the shell which is trusted by the component.
My main concern with (b) is that the token will contain an (X.509?) signature, which means the token could become fairly large. (Would it?) Also I'm not (yet) familiar with techniques to create a signature in Java, and verify it in .NET.
My question: What is the standard/recommended pattern to use here? What alternatives have I overlooked? Is there a standard protocol that we could use here?

You are on the right track.
Yes, the idea is to have the shell generate a token that cannot be forged (generated by anything/anyone but the shell) that can be verified by the component.
You are right that the token can become quite large. It will not become so large as to be unworkable (i.e. larger than a browser can handle), but it can become a performance issue.
In general, any component that accepts HTTP traffic with any kind of cached authentication is going to have a preferred format for that cached authentication. In your current implementation, after the user signs into the component (the second sign in step) the component will issue some kind of cookie containing identification credentials it will accept for subsequent requests. So the best thing would be for the shell to create exactly those credentials.
Failing that, it's quite reasonable for you to use your option (b) of creating a signed certification form the shell that the component can verify and then replace with its preferred form of authentication credential.


Chrome local storage and security

I'm using a local storage value to check whether a user is logged into my Chrome extension.
Can users edit their own local storage values? If I were to use their user ID in my database, I wouldn't want them to be able to log in as something else just by editing that ID, e.g. incrementing by 1.
Should it be something that the user shouldn't be able to see? I also considered using their salt, but I might not want to reveal that to the user.
You are right to be concerned. Generally, client-side code and data can't be trusted because it's in the hands of the attacker. The question is identical to the problem faced with web cookies: a browser can report anything at all as cookie data, so the server can't trust it. You have two general options to get around this problem. One is an HMAC, and the other is public-key signatures. Both require a server, but only the latter can verify without a server.
An HMAC requires that the secret remain inaccessible to the attacker at all times, but it's required for both generation and authentication (that is, that it stay on the server and be verified on the server). You haven't given us enough information to tell whether your extension is appropriate for this use case. Most industrial-strength cookies these days use some variant of an HMAC.
Public-key signatures require that the signing be done in secret (that is, on the server), but after that point the client can verify it without talking to the server.
The big problem that you'll face with any of these schemes is that two people can collude to copy one person's credentials to another machine, or one person can steal another person's credentials. Again, with client-side code you can't really trust anything. But either of these schemes prove that an attacker didn't make up login credentials entirely on his or her own.
Think of this problem as a web cookie problem. However you solve that problem, you can also apply it to chrome.storage.

When trying to create a SSL connection with LWP::UserAgent, what do I use for realm?

I've started a project to scrape my work's employee website to scrape the user's (in this case, mine) schedule and munge the data onto a google calendar. I've decided to go with Perl with LWP.
The problem is this, when trying to set up SSL negotiations I don't know what do put for the 'realm'.
For example: (http://www.sciencemedianetwork.org/wiki/Form_submission_with_LWP,_https,_and_authentication)
# ...
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->protocols_allowed( [ 'http','https'] );
# ...
I've looked at everything my browser can tell me and at a wireshark packet capture trying to find anything but to no avail. I assume that second argument to credentials() isn't optional.
Where do I find the 'realm' I'm supposed to use?
The credentials are for the HTTP authentication protocol (RFC 2617) (Wikipedia).
The server can challenge the client to authenticate itself. This response contains a string called “realm” which tells the client for what authentication is required. This allows the same server under the same domain to request authentication for different things, e.g. in a content management system where there might be an “user password” and an “administrator password”, which would be two different realms.
In a browser, this realm would be displayed alongside the username and password box which allows the user to type in the correct password.
To discover the realm, navigate to a page which requires authentication and look for the WWW-Authenticate header.
Note that HTTP authentication has become quite uncommon, with session cookies being used more often. To deal with such an authentication scheme, make sure that your LWP::UserAgent has an attached cookie storage, and then navigate through the login form before visiting your actual target page. Using WWW::Mechanize tends to make this a lot easier.

How to prevent a "replay" with Javascript SDK authResponse

I'm using the Javascript SDK to make a web page that is entirely static HTML and Javascript (i.e., it's not dynamically produced web markup via some web app). This web page occasionally uses Javascript to POST data to a server--data which should be tied to a particular Facebook user. I use FB.getLoginStatus to determine who the user is. This gives me authRepsonse JSON data which looks like this:
expiresIn: 3786
userID: "670..."
I can send the signedRequest to the server and decode it and validate it there (using my app's secret key), and then I know that the user is, in this case, "670...", so I can presumably safetly perform whatever operation is supposed to happen on the server. Here's the data I extract from the signed request:
My question is, what prevents an adversary (who somehow got ahold of the encoded authResponse above) from just "replaying" the signedRequest data to my server at a much later time?
The "issued_at" param at first looked promising, but I don't have anything to compare that issued_at time to to see if I should accept this signedRequest or not. The "expiresIn" is another time related parameter, but it's not signed, so I can't trust it. Maybe "code" provides me with extra info, but I don't see how to decode that.
I expect I'm just thinking about this wrong, or using the API in a way I'm not supposed to. Any insights? Thanks.
First of all using an Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a fundamentally insecure approach to the problem of authentication. You should be storing this information as a server side state, so that this is never a threat. By using a cryptographic hash function as an HMAC you introduce the possibility of someone brute forcing your secret key. Cryptography should only be used when there is no other solution, instead you are using it to introduce a weakness. This is a gross misuse of cryptography.
That being said, you have an issued_at timestamp. Just take the current timestamp and subtract. make sure that value is greater than your session timeout.

How to accept authentication on a web API without SSL?

I'm building a web API very similar to what StackOverflow provide.
However in my case security is importance since data is private.
I must use HTTP.
I can't use SSL.
What solution(s) do you recommend me?
EDIT: authentication != encryption
Nearly every public API works by passing an authentication token for each web request.
This token is usually assigned in one of two ways.
First, some other mechanism (usually logging into a website) will allow the developer to retrieve a permanent token for use in their particular application.
The other way is to provide a temporary token on request. Usually you have a webmethod in which they pass you a username / password and you return a limited use token based on if it is authenticated and authorized to perform any API actions.
After the dev has the token they then pass that as a parameter to every webmethod you expose. Your methods will first validate the token before performing the action.
As a side note the comment you made about "security is important" is obviously not true. If it was then you'd do this over SSL.
I wouldn't even consider this as "minimal" security in any context as it only provides a false belief that you have any sort of security in place. As Piskvor pointed out, anyone with even a modicum of interest could either listen in or break this in some way.
First of all, I suggest you read this excellent article: http://piwik.org/blog/2008/01/how-to-design-an-api-best-practises-concepts-technical-aspects/
The solution is very simple. It is a combination of Flickr like API (token based) and authentication method used by the paiement gateway I use (highly secure), but with a private password/salt instead.
To prevent unauthorized users from using the API without having to send the password in the request (in my case, in clear since there is no SSL), they must add a signature that will consist of a MD5 hashing of a concatenation of both private and public values:
Well know values, such as username or even API route
A user pass phrase
A unique code generated by the user (can be used only once)
If we request /api/route/ and the pass phrase is kdf8*s#, the signature be the following:
string uniqueCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
string signature = MD5.Compute("/api/route/kdf8*s#" + ticks);
The URL of the HTTP request will then be:
string requestUrl =
string.Format("http://example.org/api/route/?code={0}&sign={1}", uniqueCode, signature);
Server side, you will have to prevent any new requests with the same unique code. Preventing any attacker to simply reuse the same URL to his advantage. Which was the situation I wanted to avoid.
Since I didn't want to store code that were used by API consumer, I decided to replace it by a ticks. Ticks represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001.
On server side, I only accept ticks (timestamp) with a tolerance of +-3 minutes (in case client & server are not time synchronized). Meaning that potential attacker will be able to use that window to reuse the URL but not permanently. Security is reduced a little, but still good enough for my case.
Short answer: if it's supposed to be usable through usual clients (browser requests/AJAX), you're screwed.
As long as you are using an unencrypted transport, an attacker could just remove any sort of in-page encryption code through a MITM attack. Even SSL doesn't provide perfect security - but plain HTTP would require some out-of-page specific extensions.
HTTP provides only transport - no secure identification, no secure authentication, and no secure authorization.
Example security hole - a simple HTTP page:
<script src="http://example.com/js/superstrongencryption.js"></script>
This may look secure, but it has a major flaw: you don't have any guarantee, at all, that you're actually loading the file superstrongencryption.js you're requesting. With plain HTTP, you'll send a request somewhere, and something comes back. There is no way to verify that it actually came from example.com, nor you have any way to verify that it is actually the right file (and not just function encryptEverything(){return true}).
That said, you could theoretically build something very much like SSL into your HTTP requests and responses: cryptographically encrypt and sign every request, same with every response. You'll need to write a special client (plus server-side code of course) for this though - it won't work with standard browsers.
HTTP digest authentication provides very good authentication. All the HTTP client libraries i've used support it. It doesn't provide any encryption at all.

method to authenticate via a php script on my server

I am using a new service to pull xml data from a server.
The service provides two methods of logging in, one via a url query:
http://<server>/login.asp?username=<User Name>&password=<Password>
and the server returns a cookie valid for 7 days. This means instead of logging in for every query (and making my script less efficient), I only need to login once a week.
I have just realised that I can't do this since the script is not run from a web browser but from a cron script on the server. Is there a way to store cookies on my server, or do I have to go for the second method:
The token is the username, passwork
and usergroup encrypted using the DES
algorithm with a key and a timestamp.
The token can be generated by any
application using the DES algorithm
with the appropriate key or the secure
call below can be used: the token is
contained in the body of the returned
page and is valid for one hour
I know nothing of this method. Can you point me in the right direction? Thanks.
Is there a way to store cookies on my
Yes. Here's how:
curl -c cookies.txt http://<server>/login.asp?username=<User Name>&password=<Password>
That will write them in netscape format to cookies.txt.
If you have access to the actual login script, you could instead always include some sort of unique id only you know..
Even better would be to use some HMAC-(MD5/SHA1) scheme like OpenAuth does. If you're lazy, just include something like '?key=somethingonlyyouknow' to every url you access, bypassing username + password. User + password scheme 'should' only really be used by humans, not by machines.
If all that fails, change your script to store the cookie. If you use 'curl' you can specify cookies should be stored, and in which file that should be.
