Why doesn't TPageProducer remove quotation marks from strings? - string

I'm trying to debug behaviour that has only appeared when my large app - working fine in XE3 - is run after compiling with XE4. The issue seems to cause some quoted strings (eg "MyString") to retain their quotes even after having been 'de-quoted' by TPageProducer in Web.HTTPProd. For example, consider the code below which is small extract from this Delphi source unit Web.HTTPApp:
procedure ExtractHeaderFields(Separators, _WhiteSpace: TSysCharSet; Content: PChar;
Strings: TStrings; Decode: Boolean; StripQuotes: Boolean = False);
Head, Tail: PChar;
EOS, InQuote, LeadQuote: Boolean;
QuoteChar: Char;
ExtractedField: string;
WhiteSpaceWithCRLF: TSysCharSet;
SeparatorsWithCRLF: TSysCharSet;
function DoStripQuotes(const S: string): string;
I: Integer;
InStripQuote: Boolean;
StripQuoteChar: Char;
Result := S;
InStripQuote := False;
StripQuoteChar := #0;
if StripQuotes then
for I := Result.Length - 1 downto 0 do
if Result.Chars[I].IsInArray(['''', '"']) then
if InStripQuote and (StripQuoteChar = Result.Chars[I]) then
Result.Remove(I, 1);
InStripQuote := False;
else if not InStripQuote then
StripQuoteChar := Result.Chars[I];
InStripQuote := True;
Result.Remove(I, 1);
I see this called when I use TPageProducer and I can see my good source string go into the ExtractHeaderFields routine above and then into the 'DoStripQuotes' function. Stepping into DoStripQuotes and watching 'Result' shows that it does not change, even when Result.Remove is called (to strip the quote). When I take this 'DoStripQuotes' routine out to a simple test app, it wont compile, telling me that 'Result.anything' is not allowed. I assume then that Result, although it is defined as 'string' must be another type of string in the context of Web.HTTPProd.
So I get to thinking maybe this is something to do with the 'Immutable strings' that I've heard about. I read this SO question about that and although I get the gist, I could do with more practical advice.
Specifically, I would like answers to the following questions:
What type of 'string' is 'Result' if the notation Result.Length is allowed?
Is there a way in which I can tell the compiler to use 'XE3' compatibility for a unit? (THis might allow me to see where the problem is originiating). Ive ttried {$ZEROBASEDSTRINGS ON} / OFF but this seems to cause even more chaos and I don't know what I'm doing!
Thanks for any help.
LATER EDIT: As noted in the accepted answer below this is a bug in the VCL unit Web.HTTPApp.pas which should read "Result := Result.Remove(I,1)" in two places around line 2645 and not "Result.Remove(I,1)"

What type of 'string' is 'Result' if the notation Result.Length is allowed?
It's just the same old string, aliased to UnicodeString, that you've been using since Delphi 2009. The difference is that this code uses the new record helper (specifically SysUtils.TStringHelper). That's what lets you use . notation on a string variable.
Is there a way in which I can tell the compiler to use 'XE3' compatibility for a unit?
No. The code in question is a library unit and it is designed to be compiled in a particular mode. What's more, you can't readily re-compile it unless you take on compiling the RTL/VCL yourself. Even if there was such a mode, it would not help since the code is simply wrong (see below). No amount of mode switching can fix this particular piece of code.
I get to thinking maybe this is something to do with the Immutable strings that I've heard about.
It's not. None of the Delphi compilers have immutable strings yet. The concept of immutable strings is just something that has been floated as a future change. And if the change is made, expect it to be made in the mobile compilers first.
The problem is in fact just a rather simple bug in the code that you posted which has clearly had no testing at all. The use of Remove is wrong. That method does not modify the string in-place. Instead it returns a new string that has the character removed. The code should read:
Result := Result.Remove(I, 1);
The reason that the developer who coded ExtractHeaderFields has made this mistake is that whoever designed the string helper code named the Remove method incorrectly. Since Remove is a verb you would expect it to operate in-place. A method that does not modify the subject, and returns a new instance, as this method does, should be given a name that is a noun. So this method should be named something like Remnants. It looks to me as though the RTL designers copied the .net naming where the same flaw also exists.
You should submit a QC report, if one does not already exist. I know that XE4 update 1 has just been released. It's plausible that it contains a fix.
Your other options, as I see them, are:
Stick with XE3 until XE4 is sufficiently debugged.
Include a copy of the Web.HTTPApp unit in your project and fix the bugs yourself.


Delphi 7 with..do statement doesen't work with variant variable

I'm working with Microsoft Excel via Delphi 7. It works fine but while formatting rows and ranges I have to write such long strings.
XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[NameDoc].Range['A19:L19'].Font.Bold := true;
So I want to get rid of hard work and do it via "with..do" statement like this
with XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[NameDoc] do
Range['A19:L19'].Font.Bold := true;
But at compilation stage I see this error
Record, object or class type required
on string - "with..do".
I creating Excel object this way
XLApp: Variant;
XLApp := CreateOleObject('Excel.Application');
I consider that with..do statement doesen't works with variant type variable, but I want to know whether I'm right or not? And if I'm right is there any workaround to make it work?
Variant can be anything or nothing at all - compiler doesn't know it and cannot know: it is so called "dynamically typed value". Since it does not know - it does not know if there would be any members (properties, methods) and if there would - what names would they have.
To get the benefits of strong compile-time typing - including using of with but not only - you have to use interface variables, those that are provided by TExcelApplication component and underlying unit having those values "statically typerd" - thus providing for Delphi compiler to know value types when compiling, in before running. There are plenty of types like iWorsksheet, iRange and others in that unit.
Borland Delphi 7 TExcelApplication.Connect works on office machines but not at client
However, since that is about reference-counting and lifetime I'd suggest you go with explicit use of temp variables rather than using with with and implicit invisible variables. Since you cannot control their lifespan and their clearance you might hit the wall in some unexpected place later. I did.
var tmpR: iRange; // assuming we have statically-typed API
// for example - providing we using ExcelXP or Excel2000 unit
tmpR := XLApp.Workbooks[1].WorkSheets[NameDoc];
tmpR.Range['A19:L19'].Font.Bold := true; // instead of with
with tmpR do // also possible but gives little benefit now
begin // when we made a dedicated temp var
Range['A19:L19'].Font.Bold := true;
tmpR := nil; // crucial unless the most short and simplistic functions
// just release hold on Excel's object - let it manage its memory freely,
// by letting Excel know your program no more uses that object.
Also read
Can with be used with a Variant?
You can use with for types whose members are known at compile time. But variants, for which the . operator is evaluated at run time, do not fall into this category. Hence with is not available for variants.
The documentation says, with my emphasis:
A with statement is a shorthand for referencing the fields of a record
or the fields, properties, and methods of an object. The syntax of a
with statement is:
with obj do statement
with obj1, ..., objn do statement
where obj is an expression yielding a reference to a record, object
instance, class instance, interface or class type (metaclass)
instance, and statement is any simple or structured statement.

How to trigger COW for string when it doesn't fire automatically

I've got a record, see this question for background info.
TDigits = AnsiString; //Should be `= array of NativeUInt`, but string has COW
TBigint = record
Digit: TDigits; // Unsigned number, LSB stored in D[0], MSB in D[size-1]
Size: Byte; // Mininum = 4, maximum 127.
MSI: Byte; // Most significant (native)integer minimum=1, maximum=127
Sign: Shortint;
class operator Implicit(a: Integer): TBigint;
I'm using a bignum class that (almost) works like normal integers.
So a:= 1000000*10000000*12000000*10000000*1000000; yields perfectly useful results.
For this purpose I use a record with class operators.
These trigger automatic type conversion and initialisation.
Except when there is no conversion, because I'm assigning a TBigint to another TBigint.
The solution
Use an Ansistring to store the core data, it's got copy-on-write and will clone itself when needed.
The problem: (COW does not work if Delphi does not know you're altering the string)
I've got a few pure assembler routines that manipulate the Digit dynamic array disguised as Ansistring.
However when I do something like this:
Label1.Caption:= BigintToStr(b);
..... this fires:
function BigintToStr(const X: TBigint): AnsiString;
LocX:= x; <<-- assignment, locX and X are joined at the hip.
D := DivBigint(LocX, 1000000000, LocX); <<-- this routine changes LocX
^^+-- but assembler routines bypass COW
X and LocX are joint at the hip, whatever happens to one happens to the other.
Clearly Delphi does not know that the asm routine DivBigint is changing LocX and therefore a COW is in order.
The workaround
If I change the routine to:
function BigintToStr(const X: TBigint): AnsiString;
LocX:= x;
LocX.Digit[2]:= #0; <<-- inconsequential change to force COW.
D := DivBigint(LocX, 1000000000, LocX);
Delphi gets all clued up and performs just fine.
LocX and X are unlinked and everything works fine.
However I don't want to be making silly changes in the middle of some empty space.
Is there a decent/proper/offical* way to force trigger COW in strings?
Something like a system call perhaps?
*circle your favourite option (with a handdrawn circle)
Should be a comment, but need more space...
If you need to call UniqueString or equivalent.
You might as well retain the dynamic record.
A quote from the manual:
Following a call to SetLength, S is guaranteed to reference a unique string or array -- that is, a string or array with a reference count of one. If there is not enough memory available to reallocate the variable, SetLength raises an EOutOfMemory exception.
Note that this behavior even applies when calling SetLength(Length(myArray));.
Delphi will make a copy for you and untangle the problem.
So it turns out there is no need for the complication with the AnsiStrings After all, as long as you call SetLength in every method that accepts the record as a var parameter.
This has the added benefit that if you call SetLength to expand the array (as happens often) the added space will be zero-initialized. Something does does not happen with the AnsiString.
Furthermore there is no need to bother with size translations because your array of TXYZ already knows the size of its elements. When using AnsiString you need to add * SizeOf(somestruct) all over the place.
No typecasting is needed, simplifying the code; and in the debugger the data shows up as it is designed.
As you can see the two instances are no longer linked.
Every method that mutates the buffer should, before performing the modification, call UniqueString.
Ensures that a given string has a reference count of one.
In fact, this detail was supplied by Craig Young's comment to my answer to your earlier question.
If you are going to make this viable you are going to need to hide the buffer. Make it strict private. That means that you can only access it from methods of your record. And that way you can be sure that anything that modifies the buffer will call UniqueString.
Personally, I think that a better solution would be to make the type immutable.

Remote debugging with XE2 - display of strings

I'm remote debugging a large app between DElphi XE2 (update #4) and a Windows XP target. PAServer is running on the target and the application works fine and stops at breakpoints (you would NOT believe how hard just that achievement was - hint - delete your DPROJ and start again if it has been through any IDE prior to XE).
I notice that the display of local variables and watches show my strings in a strange format compared to the usual display of the 'some string' format that one sees when debugging locally. I see:
Can anyone tell me why the strings are displayed this way? I also get quite a bit of { NULL } and garbage between {}'s on output variables that are not yet assigned.
. I see that this format indicates wide strings. I tried a simple app on Windows 7 and got the following result. My App at a breakpoint:
The displayed local string variables:
Note the truncated 'Hello'. It would seem that XE2 has a problem with remote unicode strings at times. My PaServer is version 1.0.2. Can anyone check that this is the latest? 'Twas taken from Update #4...
I'm not entirely sure why you have the {} around the string values, - my hunch is that it is to demonstrate that the values are coming from a remote execution - but I know for a fact that S is being truncated due to optimization...
{$O-} // Disable Optimization
S: AnsiString;
S2: UnicodeString;
S := 'Hello';
S2 := 'Hello2';
{$O+} // Enable Optimization
You'll now note that the value 'Hello' (of variable S) remains intact when debugging. Likewise if you make use of the value assigned to S:
S: AnsiString;
S2: UnicodeString;
S := 'Hello';
S2 := 'Hello2';
ShowMessage(S + S2);
Delphi's optimization now identifies that S is being used within its valid scope, and so the value is preserved.
So, what you're calling a "bug" is in fact a "compiler feature" exactly as Borland/Inprise/Codegear/Embarcadero intended.
(I am copying code from #Dave)
S1: AnsiString;
S2: UnicodeString;
S1 := 'Foo';
S2 := 'Bar';
ShowMessage(Format('%s!', S2));
I am guessing local var S1 here is optimized because it is not used anywhere, so the value is not relvant anymore.
Try run this on a local machine, can you see S1?
I am not sure if it pertains, but I am aware of System.AnsiStrings containing specialized commands such as "Format", etc... Using something like the following may resolve your issue:
S1: AnsiString;
S2: UnicodeString;
S1 := 'Foo';
S2 := 'Bar';
ShowMessage(Format('%s!', S2));
Also there are a few open bugs, just to rule out any of those, what specific versions of the os and tools are you using i.e. Win7 x64 Ultimate etc.?
Project -> Options -> Delphi Compiler -> Linking -> Include remote debug symbols = true

Extending event functions via #Include directive

I have a base inno-setup script that I use as a template for several installers. As part of the base script I have a call to the event function, NextButtonClick.
I would now like to add some additional code to the NextButtonClick event that will only be executed by one of my installers. Is there some way to "extend" the NextButtonClick event? I'm thinking of something along the lines of Python's super() function.
Inno-setup uses Pascal as a scripting language, so perhaps a Pascal expert can offer some insight.
Not directly
Remember the #include directive is just a pre-compiler directive which makes the included file to appear in the place the directive is to the inno setup script compiler.
To avoid including individual installer code on the template script, you can create a convention to call a procedure in the template.
The only rule you have to follow is that every installer must declare the procedure, even blank. That way, you can customize as per-installer basis while maintaining a neutral template.
Your template may be something like:
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
Result := BeforeNextButtonClick(CurPageID);
//if the per-installer code decides not to allow the change,
//this code prevents further execution, but you may want it to run anyway.
if not Result then
//your template logic here
Result := Anything and More or Other;
//same here!
if not Result then
//calling the per-installer code
Result := AfternextButtonClck(CurPageID);
Then individual installers may look like this:
function BeforeNextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
//specific logic here
Result := OtherThing;
function AfterNextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
//and here, a blank implementation
Result := True;
#include MyCodeTemplate.iss
Maybe it is possible to implement a complex approach, I just can't remember if PascalScript supports procedural types and no time to check with inno.
disclaimer all code written directly here to show you the idea, it may not compile.
I'm using the following workaround, which may make things hard to manage eventually, but using version control I'm able to keep a handle on it for now:
In my individual installers, I have a series of #define directives. For example:
#define IncludeSomeFeature
#define IncludeSomeOtherOption
Then in my base template, I use the #ifdef directives to optionally include different pieces of code within the Pascal scripting events:
function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
ResultCode: Integer;
Result := True;
if CurPageID = wpReady then begin
#ifdef IncludeSomeFeature
... some code ...
#ifdef IncludeSomeOtherOption
... some more code ...
... code to run for every installer ...
The one downside to this approach is that code that the base template will slowly fill up with code that really belongs with the individual installer. However, since these are compile time directives, the resulting setup executables should not get bloated.
Really, though, my biggest problem with this approach is that it just doesn't feel like The Right Way™.

Is there any problem to using this code in a Thread ? (Delphi)

i use this code in a thread (through Indy Onexecute event) . is there any problem ?
function TFrmMain.ShellExecute_AndWait(FileName, Params: string): bool;
exInfo: TShellExecuteInfo;
FillChar(exInfo, SizeOf(exInfo), 0);
with exInfo do
cbSize := SizeOf(exInfo);
Wnd := GetActiveWindow();
exInfo.lpVerb := 'open';
exInfo.lpParameters := PChar(Params);
lpFile := PChar(FileName);
nShow := SW_NORMAL;
if ShellExecuteEx(#exInfo) then
Ph := exInfo.hProcess
Result := true;
while WaitForSingleObject(exInfo.hProcess, 50) <> WAIT_OBJECT_0 do
Result := true;
MSDN has this advice:
Because ShellExecuteEx can delegate execution to Shell extensions (data sources, context menu handlers, verb implementations) that are activated using Component Object Model (COM), COM should be initialized before ShellExecuteEx is called. Some Shell extensions require the COM single-threaded apartment (STA) type. In that case, COM should be initialized as shown here:
There are instances where ShellExecuteEx does not use one of these types of Shell extension and those instances would not require COM to be initialized at all. Nonetheless, it is good practice to always initalize COM before using this function.
(In Delphi, you'd of course replace the first parameter with nil and use or for the bitwise operation.)
Raymond Chen recently wrote about the consequences of getting this wrong. The specific example was that the function might fail with the Error_Access_Denied error code.
That's the only potential multithreading issue I see in your code. Below are further things that occurred to me when I read your code, although they have nothing to do with multithreading (and not even much to do with Indy).
You have a peculiar way of waiting for the program to stop running. You repeatedly wait for 50 milliseconds at a time, but if the process isn't finished yet, you do nothing but wait again. Describe your intention more accurately by specifying Infinite for the timeout.
The function always returns True. If there's no useful return value, then you should just make it a procedure so there's no return value at all. Don't confuse the caller with useless information. If you're going to keep it as a function, then use the Delphi native type Boolean instead of the Windows compatibility type Bool for the return type.
I'm a little wary about the idea of a server executing user-interactive programs upon receipt of network messages.
Notice when MSDN says you might not get a process handle. There are cases when ShellExecuteEx can service your request without creating a new process, so you'll have nothing to wait on.
The user might end up using the program awhile, and your server will be stuck waiting all that time. I wonder whether it really needs to wait at all. Is the client going to be waiting for a response from the server, too?
