Binding computed xpage fields to a form field - xpages

There is a lot of questions about binding data to forms. This is very simple. I have a form that uses several computed fields that pull data using an #DbLookup to populate the fields based on a pulldown menu the user selects. The problem is; none of the computed fields save any of the values into the form that it is bound to. The only data that saves on the form is the data that is manually selected (in the case of the pulldown menu) or manually entered. When I use an edit box and don't make it "Read Only" the data saves fine. Why is this so difficult?

Mark -
Couple approaches here I think... but let's walk though something.
Read Only on the edit box is preventing the save. It makes sense. XPages should not try to save something marked "read only".
As Steve says, you're better off here with a computed field. Set the values however and if their bound to the document then I think they will save fine.
Another approach is is to work with scoped variables. When you get your data points... you can put that into scoped variables like:
viewScope.put("myField", myValue)
then you're computed field could be bound to the viewScope variable "myValue".
however this will of course not save back to the document as it's not bound to the document. So what you do if you want that approach is in the document save event... you then use SSJS to assign the values to the doc then. something like:
document1.replaceItemValue("myfield", viewScope.get("myField");
Since xpages basically has the same document events as notes client. This may seem familiar to you.
Hope this helps.
Dave -
Disclamer: I'm answering this from a plane after a trip to Las Vegas. So please factor that into the quality of my answer. :)

You will want to put the data you receive from the #DbLookup in an edit box field(s). A computed field is like a "Computed for display" field in traditional Notes development. You can choose whether to allow the user to change the values or not by the read-only property.
Also see this question if you want the values read-only which it sounds like you do: ReadOnly field in Xpage not submitted

As usual, Dave steered me to something that worked. Being in the larval stages of JavaScript experience, I'm sure there is a better way to do this. I'm just happy it works. Her is the code I put into the QuerySave event of my Xpage.
var cost1 = getComponent('ItemCost1').getValue();
var uom1 = getComponent('UOM1').getValue();
var Num1 = getComponent('ItemNum1').getValue();
var tot1 = getComponent('Total1').getValue();
docuent1.replaceItemValue("ItemCost_1", cost1),
document1.replaceItemValue("ItemUOM_1", uom1),
document1.replaceItemValue("ItemNum_1", Num1),
document1.replaceItemValue("CostTotal_1", tot1)
I have 30 iterations of this so it probably works kind of clunky but the operative word is WORKS. If anyone has a better way to get the same results, please post it so I can learn something. Thanks for everyone's help.


why are field values being erased with an xPage full update (on another field)?

I have an xPage that is behaving very oddly. (if xPages get corrupt, I think this one might be) Tell me what you think:
I have editable fields with onChange events that take the value of the field (a company name) and looks into the database to see if the company already exists. If it does not, a field called "isNew" is set to "y". BUT the next time a Full Update is performed, from another field or button, my "isNew" field (or all of them) are erased! Why on earth would a full update erase a totally different field?
Do I need to just recreate this xPage?
Ok, here's the onChange event on the editable field that sets the flag:
var c = currentDocument.getItemValueString("company");
var id = #DbLookup("","AD",tc,11); // this view column gets the doc ID
if (id==null || id==""){
This field is being set properly - I use a computed field to display it. But the next full update (button, field, whatever) will erase the "isNew" field.
I think your problem is caused by the data sources you have on your page and how you save them.
Maybe you have data sources that gets binded from the url that should not be.
Are you using data sources within a repeat or view panel? If so, make sure you are only saving the correct data source
JSF (and thus XPages) works best when keeping MVC in mind. So you never manipulate a component, but keep that component bound to a model, like a data source or a scope. This way code doesn't get into each other's way.
A refresh of a page computes the whole tree, not just the updated field, so you need to design your calls carefully.
Work directly with your data source so do this instead of #SetField():
currentDocument.setValue("isNew", "y")

Create domino view dynamically in XPages

I want to know if I can click a button in my XPage and dynamically create a Domino View and then show it in a panel control on the same page. The reason I want to do this is because I have a categorized view and I don't want to lose category data by using full text search. So I am thinking of creating a new view dynamically and pass my search parameters, like end date or start date, into the view selection formula.
Is it possible? Any other alternative solution is also welcome.
yes you can, but you don't want to. A Domino view takes space in the database and quite some time for its first use. So you end up with a lot of views taking space and the need to adjust database space after removal. Your response times will suck big time.
Categories as shown in Notes views are no web interaction pattern, so you might want to solve a problem that actually shouldn't exist.
The preferred method for Domino application is navigation / drill down over search. But you could do a FTSearch where you add your category to the search parameters and render your results in a repeat control instead of a view control. There you have more control over the look and feel.
Whether or not it's the best solution, the answer to the immediate question about creating a view on the fly is yes: the Database class has a couple "createView" methods to allow you to create a new view, either entirely from scratch or based on a named other view. From there, you can use the "setSelectionFormula" and "createColumn" methods in the created View to build what you want. You can't do EVERYTHING with those methods, but it may be enough.
One problem you'd likely run into is ACL access: you'll need Designer rights to the database, which a normal user most likely wouldn't have. If you use the sessionAsSigner object to fetch a signer version of the DB (say, "var signerDB = sessionAsSigner.getDatabase(database.getServer(), database.getFilePath())"), you can work from there. Off the top of my head, I don't remember if you will also have to up the "Maximum Internet access" setting on the last tab of the ACL to Designer as well, but you may.
I am assuming that you are referring to the problem that exists when you choose the documents based on the category. This is something that I find highly annoying and I wish that it was possible to turn this on and off. It makes sense for embedded views, but not for much else.
What I did to solve this was to include the category value in the next column. In this way that text could still be seen, even if it was a flat view.
Alternatively, you could also look into using a repeater control and create your own way of presenting the information. This would be used instead of a (Dynamic)ViewPanel control. You could then present the information any way you wanted as long as it is returned in the viewrow set.
Happy Programming!

Fields not calculating in Lotus Notes

Using Lotus Notes designer I have created a form and added a field on that form that does a #DBColumn look up. The form then is viewed through the web browser and everything worked great.
I proceed to add another document to the database using that form, now the original documents still render in the browser fine but the new document doesn't return anything to the field.
I tried removing the #DBColumn look up and just displaying text but nothing I just get 0.
The weird thing is if I rename the field to something diferent everything works perfectly but then if I rename the field back, broken, no calculation.
Does anyone know why this is? It has happened to me with various fields through out my application. I originally thought maybe it was a reserved word thing but I now know that is not the case. I usually just rename the field and move on but there has to be an explanation. Is it a caching thing or what?
Thanks for the info!
You haven't mentioned the type of your fields Is it 'computed for display'? If you have computed for display fields in a form, and the documents already contain data stored in an item with the same name, then the computed formula is bypassed and the item value is displayed as-is.
Fields not calculating could be a caching issue. Try opening the form, edit mode, F9 to recalculate all fields.
If this does not help, close the form, press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to forcefully refresh all views in the DB (could take some time). Reopen your form, edit mode, F9. If the value shows up, try using the "nocache" parameter on your #DBColumn.
Depending on your application design, there could be a number of reasons for the problem. Perhaps the view used for lookup is not set to autorefresh or the server does not refresh often enough because of high load issues.

CRM2011: Is it possible to set subgrid value via javascript?

I have a subgrid on a form, I want to show different value which is calculated base on another field on the form.
I don't want to save to database, just for display purpose, is it possible to set the value use javascript?
I'm afraid the answer to this is no.
There's no concept of 'calculated fields' in MSCRM, I found this a disappointment when I switched to MSCRM from SalesLogix which does support display-only calculated fields.
The only way you could possibly do this without data changes would be hacking the DOM of the grid control, but this is very much unsupported and could get really, really complicated.
If you're willing to concede to make schematic changes, you could add a new field to the entity, and use a workflow process to update the field on save of the entity. Then just add this field to your grid.
You may create a chart with custom calculation on it.
If interested, ask me to know what I mean.

Enable/disable editing of a form field from code

I'm not a Notes programmer, however, for my sins, have been working on some Notes features for an in-house project recently. I need to enable/disable editing of a field depending on circumstances. It seems to me to be a fairly standard feature, I need, but I can't find any information on how to do this anywhere.
In form setup (and other field's onchange) code, something like the following:
if some requirement = true then
textField.enable = true
textField.enable = false
end if
I've seen other places where there's a workaround of conditionally hiding paragraphs based on some code, having 2 paragraphs with opposite hiding conditions, one with an editable field, the other with a computed field. However, I don't know enough about Notes to see how this is implemented (I can see it done on other forms, but there seem to be some 'magic' steps within Notes which I either can't see or don't get).
The reply from Kerr seems to be what I'm looking for, but I still can't find out where the InputEnabled property is located. Should have said in the initial question, I'm using Notes 7.0.3.
In fairness, it doesn't matter what the circumstances are for when to enable/disable the field, it's just some boolean condition that is set, in my case only on form loading so I don't even have to worry about this changing dynamically while the form is displayed.
I've got a few issues with Notes, my largest bugbear being that it's so tied so tightly to the Designer UI, which is utter shite. I can do this sort of thing programmatically in most GUI languages (C#, Java, Delphi, even VB), but I need to open property boxes in Notes and set them correctly.
This would be OK as an optional method, but forcing you to go this way means you can only work as well as the IDE lets you in this case, and the IDE here seems to actively work against you. You can't open multiple functions/scripts, you can't swap from one script to another without going back to the menus on the left, you can't easily search the codebase for occurrences of variables/fields (and believe me, this is a major failing for me because either Notes or the internal codebase in my case seems to make a lot of use of global variables!), you can only work with fields through the property boxes that get displayed, you can't edit code in Designer while debugging through the main Notes client.
While the Java side of the coding is better than LotusScript, it's still fairly crappy (why can't you debug INTO Java code?? Why do you need to re-import JAR files for each Java class, does each class have a different CLASSPATH???). Possibly this was improved in Notes 8, I hear it's based on Eclipse. Does anyone know whether this is true or not?
It would help to hear more specifics about the 'circumstances', but the most common way to handle this is to use a hide when formula on the field you want to enable/disable.
Technically you are not enabling or disabling the field, just hiding it, but usually that works just as well.
Since there are few events to work with in Notes, developers commonly use the document refresh as the 'event' to cause the field to hide or show.
Let's assume you have two fields called TriggerField and Subject. Say also you want to disable the Subject based on a value in the TriggerField. The easiest way to do so is to set the TriggerField as a Dialog List type and check the "Refresh fields on keyword change" option. This means when the value of the dialog list changes, the entire document will get refreshed.
Then in your hide when formula for the Subject field, you specify your criteria for when to show or hide that field. Anytime field values change, followed by a refresh of the document (i.e. form), that hide when formula will be re-evaluated.
There are other ways, depending on your circumstances, to solve this problem. If you want to let the user refresh the form themselves, put a button on the form that calls the #Command([ViewRefreshFields]) command. You can add any other formulas to that button before the refresh command if you want to make other changes to the form at the same time.
Another option is to make a certain field display-only. Then create a button that runs LotusScript to allow users to change that display-only field. In the script you can propmt the user for a value, set the display-only field, and then call for a document refresh.
In ND7 and up if you want to just disable the field for input, write an appropriate formula in the InputEnabled section of the field you want to disable.
So I have two fields one called Trigger, a checkbox with the value "On" and another Subject that is a text field. When Trigger is checked I want the value Subject to be enabled.
I simply put the following formula in the Input Enabled element of the field Subject:
Trigger = "On"
I also want this to be recalculated whenever the value of Trigger changes so I select the "Refresh fields on keyword change" option on the Trigger field.
If you're stuck in an older version you need to to hide paragraphs appropriately.
