liferay messageboard link to first/last message in thread - liferay

i need to add a link to the first/last post/message to each message. at the moment there is a "Top" link that jumps to begin of page. i want it to jump to first post and an additional link "bottom" that jumps to last post of thread.
Adding the links is not the problem but is there a easy way to get the last message of a thread?

i got it:
because i need also a link to first message i created a more general private method that is called by 2 public methods (getLastMessageOfThread and ...):
private Long getMessageOfThread(long threadId, boolean last) {
Long result = null;
try {
List<MBMessage> threadMessages = MBMessageLocalServiceUtil.getThreadMessages(threadId, 0, messageCreateDateComp);
if (Validator.isNotNull(threadMessages)) {
result = last ? threadMessages.get(threadMessages.size() - 1).getMessageId() : threadMessages.get(0).getMessageId();
} catch (SystemException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Problem on getting thread messages for thread id " + threadId + ", cause:", e);
return result;
Then i hooked view_thread_message.jsp:
<ul class="edit-controls lfr-component">
String firstMessageId = String.valueOf(MyMessageboardLocalServiceUtil.getFirstMessageOfThread(thread.getThreadId()));
String lastMessageId = String.valueOf(MyMessageboardLocalServiceUtil.getLastMessageOfThread(thread.getThreadId()));
String firstMessageAnchor ="#" + renderResponse.getNamespace() + "message_" + firstMessageId;
String lastMessageAnchor ="#" + renderResponse.getNamespace() + "message_" + lastMessageId;
<liferay-portlet:renderURL varImpl="lastMessageUrl">
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/message_boards/view_message" />
<portlet:param name="messageId" value="<%= lastMessageId %>" />
<liferay-portlet:renderURL varImpl="firstMessageUrl">
<portlet:param name="struts_action" value="/message_boards/view_message" />
<portlet:param name="messageId" value="<%= firstMessageId %>" />
label="<%= true %>"
url="<%= firstMessageUrl.toString() + firstMessageAnchor %>"
label="<%= true %>"
url="<%= lastMessageUrl.toString() + lastMessageAnchor %>"
probably it could be don easier but i'am an absolute liferay noob. and for the sake of completeness here the used comparator:
private static class MBMessageDateComparator implements Comparator<MBMessage> {
public int compare(MBMessage arg0, MBMessage arg1) {
Long time0 = arg0.getCreateDate().getTime();
Long time1 = arg0.getCreateDate().getTime();
return time0.compareTo(time1);
Assuming that the first message has the smallest time stamp (seems to be a correct assumption).


search mvc staying same page

I'm using MVC5 and I want to search for a result and stay at the same page, here is my method in my controller (LiaisonsProjetsPPController) that do the operation of searching :
public ActionResult IndexAjoutML(int id, string SearchString)
PartiesPrenantesEntities db = new PartiesPrenantesEntities();
ViewBag.idProjet = id;
ViewBag.searchString = SearchString;
IQueryable<ActivitesPP> qry = this.db.ActivitesPP.Intersect(from item in this.db.LiaisonsProjetsPP where item.idProjet == id select item.ActivitesPP).Include(model => model.Activites.CatActivites);
var act = from s in db.CatActivites
select s;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SearchString))
return PartialView("~/Views/ActivitesPP/IndexAjoutProjet.cshtml", this.db.ActivitesPP.Where(s => s.PartiesPrenantes.nomPP.Contains(SearchString)).Except(qry));
return PartialView("~/Views/ActivitesPP/IndexAjoutProjet.cshtml", this.db.ActivitesPP.Except(qry));
Then in my view (Views/ActivitesPP/IndexAjoutProjet) I have my search form and the div of the display result :
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("IndexAjoutML", "LiaisonsProjetsPP", FormMethod.Post,
new AjaxOptions
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
HttpMethod = "POST",
UpdateTargetId = "search-results"
}, new { #id = "searchFormPP" }))
<label>Partie prenante: </label> #Html.TextBox("SearchString")
<input id="inputRecherche" name="SearchString" type="submit" value="Rechercher" />
<div id="search-results">
#{foreach (var catactivite in Model.GroupBy(model => model.Activites.CatActivites))
String couleurCategorie = catactivite.Key.couleurCategorie;
String couleurTexte = CustomHelpers.GetForegroundColor(couleurCategorie);
//Image de la partie prenante
<div class="panel-heading unhide" style="background-image: none; color: #couleurTexte; background-color: #couleurCategorie; padding: 2px;">
foreach (var pp in catactivite)
String nomPP = (pp.idPP == null ? "Inconnu" : pp.PartiesPrenantes.nomPP);
String dateAffichee;
String imgPP = "../../Images/Profils/" + (pp.PartiesPrenantes.imgPP ?? "avatar.png");
if (pp.finActivite == null)
dateAffichee = "Depuis le " + String.Format("{0:d/MM/yyyy}", pp.debutActivite);
dateAffichee = "Depuis le " + String.Format("{0:d/MM/yyyy}", pp.debutActivite) + ", jusqu'au " + String.Format("{0:d/MM/yyyy}", pp.finActivite);
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading unhide" style="color: #couleurTexte; background-color: #couleurCategorie;">
<div style="float: left">
<img class="imgPP img-circle" src="#(imgPP)" />
<h5>#pp.Activites.libelleActivite (#Html.Raw(pp.idLieu == 999 ? "National" : pp.Lieux.nomLieu))</h5>
<div class="panel-body hiddenPart">
#if (pp.idPP != null)
<p>#(pp.commentaireActivite ?? "Pas plus de détails..")</p>
#Html.Action("CreateForm", "LiaisonsProjetsPP", new { idActivite = pp.idActivite, idProjet = ViewBag.idProjet })
#Html.Raw("<p>Aucune partie prenante disponible..")
#Html.Raw("(attention: pour être ajoutée, une partie prenante doit posséder au moins une activité référencée..)</p>")
In my view i call my method of search (Views/Projets/Details): #{ Html.RenderAction("IndexAjoutML", "LiaisonsProjetsPP", new { idProjet = Model.idProjet, searchString = Model.searchString }); }
The search work but it redirects me to another page http://localhost:49612/LiaisonsProjetsPP/IndexAjout/1 instead of staying at this page http://localhost:49612/Projets/Details/1.
What you are trying to do seems to be loading results unobtrusively with an AJAX form. The Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 book by John Galloway et al. has a nice section on this, but realizing that no one reads books I will provide a link to a site with a code sample for it.
The .NET Funda site describes here exactly how to search and return the results to the same page without a complete refresh using unobtrusive-ajax.
Likely what you are missing is a reference to jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js. Other posts on Stack Overflow also reference this topic, but I realize you might not know the correct search terms. Try looking further into "AJAX partial view unobtrusive loading" as search terms for further research.
This example is from the book I mentioned from John Galloway.
A JavaScript error message.
function searchFailed(){
$("#searchresults").html("Sorry, there was a problem searching.");
This is what a simple Ajax form should look like. Note the "GET" form method.
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
Artist Search
<div class="panel-body">
#using(Ajax.BeginForm("ArtistSearch", "Home",
new AjaxOptions
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
HttpMethod = "GET",
OnFailure = "searchFailed",
LoadingElementID = "ajax-loader",
UpdateTargetId = "searchresults",
<input type="text" name="q" />
<input type="submit" value="search" />
<img id="ajax-loader"
style="display:none" />
<div id="searchresults"></div>
This is the method responsible for returning the partial view:
public ActionResult ArtistSearch(string q)
var artists = GetArtists(q);
return PartialView(artists);
This is a search method.
public List<Artist> GetArtists(string searchString)
return storeDB.Artist.Where(a => a.Name.Contains(searchString)).ToList();
Note that the method for returning the partial view is simply "return PartialView(model);"

Telerik grid updates not working in batch editing

I'm using RadGrid in ASPX, .net 4.5. The data comes up and displays in my grid fine, but I cannot update, insert, or delete records. I have followed the sample version as closely as I can:
When I try to modify data in the grid, then hit Save, the grid reloads and the data is unchanged. No errors, just no updates.
Originally I had the grid wrapped in ajax panel, but when these problems occurred, I removed it. That made not much difference; though when I was using ajax panel, often times clicking the Save icon did absolutely nothing. Or appeared to do nothing. So with that gone, the page/grid does normal postbacks EXCEPT that none of my event handlers are being called. Page_Load gets called, but nothing else (for example RadGrid1_BatchEditCommand, RadGrid1_ItemUpdated). It seems these should be getting called.
ASPX code:
<telerik:RadScriptManager runat="server" ID="RadScriptManager1" />
<telerik:RadListBox runat="server" ID="SavedChangesList" Width="600px" Height="200px" Visible="false"></telerik:RadListBox>
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" GridLines="None" runat="server" AllowAutomaticDeletes="True"
AllowAutomaticInserts="True" PageSize="10" Skin="Default" OnItemDeleted="RadGrid1_ItemDeleted" OnItemInserted="RadGrid1_ItemInserted"
OnItemUpdated="RadGrid1_ItemUpdated" OnPreRender="RadGrid1_PreRender" AllowAutomaticUpdates="True" AllowPaging="True"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="1000px" OnBatchEditCommand="RadGrid1_BatchEditCommand" DataSourceID="sqlContractMatrix">
<MasterTableView CommandItemDisplay="TopAndBottom" DataKeyNames="ID" DataSourceID="sqlContractMatrix" HorizontalAlign="NotSet" EditMode="Batch" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<BatchEditingSettings EditType="Cell" />
<telerik:GridSortExpression FieldName="SiteID,ProductID" SortOrder="Descending" />
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Site" HeaderStyle-Width="150px" UniqueName="SiteID" DataField="SiteID">
<%# Eval("SiteName") %>
<telerik:RadDropDownList runat="server" ID="ddlSites" AppendDataBoundItems="true" DataValueField="SiteID" DataTextField="SiteName" DataSourceID="sqlSites">
<telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Product" HeaderStyle-Width="150px" UniqueName="ProductID" DataField="ProductID">
<%# Eval("ProductName") %>
<telerik:RadDropDownList runat="server" ID="ddlProducts" DropDownWidth="250" DropDownHeight="400" DefaultMessage="Product" AppendDataBoundItems="true" DataValueField="ProductID" DataTextField="ProductName" DataSourceID="sqlProducts">
<telerik:GridAttachmentColumn DataSourceID="sqlContractMatrix" MaxFileSize="1048576" HeaderStyle-Width="250px"
EditFormHeaderTextFormat="Upload File:" HeaderText="HTML Template" AttachmentDataField="BinaryData"
AttachmentKeyFields="ID" FileNameTextField="TemplateFileBinary" DataTextField="TemplateFileBinary"
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="TemplateFile" HeaderStyle-Width="200px" HeaderText="Template"
SortExpression="TemplateFile" UniqueName="TemplateFile">
<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="PDFName" HeaderStyle-Width="200px" HeaderText="PDF Name"
SortExpression="PDFName" UniqueName="PDFName">
<telerik:GridButtonColumn ConfirmText="Delete this record?" ConfirmDialogType="RadWindow"
ConfirmTitle="Delete" HeaderText="Delete" HeaderStyle-Width="50px" ButtonType="ImageButton"
CommandName="Delete" Text="Delete" UniqueName="DeleteColumn">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlContractMatrix" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:FitTrack %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM ContractMatrix WHERE ID = #ID"
InsertCommand="INSERT INTO ContractMatrix (SiteID, ProductID, TemplateFile, PDFName, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedByID) VALUES (#SiteID, #ProductID, #TemplateFile, #PDFName, #LastModifiedDate, #LastModifiedByID)"
UpdateCommand="UPDATE ContractMatrix SET SiteID = #SiteID, ProductID = #ProductID, TemplateFile = #TemplateFile, PDFName = #PDFName, LastModifiedDate = GETDATE(), LastModifiedByID = #LastModifiedByID WHERE ID = #ID">
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="SiteID" Type="Int32"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="ProductID" Type="Int32"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="TemplateFile" Type="String"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="PDFName" Type="String"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="SiteID" Type="Int32"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="ProductID" Type="Int32"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="TemplateFile" Type="String"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="PDFName" Type="String"></asp:Parameter>
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Type="Int32"></asp:Parameter>
<!-- SQL data sources for various lookup tables -->
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlSites" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:FitTrack %>" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient" SelectCommand="SELECT SiteID, SiteName FROM gym.Site ORDER BY SiteID"></asp:SqlDataSource>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlProducts" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:FitTrack %>" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"></asp:SqlDataSource>
C# code:
protected void RadGrid1_BatchEditCommand(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridBatchEditingEventArgs e)
SavedChangesList.Visible = true;
protected void RadGrid1_ItemUpdated(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridUpdatedEventArgs e)
GridEditableItem item = (GridEditableItem)e.Item;
string id = item.GetDataKeyValue("ID").ToString();
if (e.Exception != null)
e.KeepInEditMode = true;
e.ExceptionHandled = true;
NotifyUser("Record with ID " + id + " cannot be updated. Reason: " + e.Exception.Message);
NotifyUser("Record with ID " + id + " is updated!");
protected void RadGrid1_ItemInserted(object source, GridInsertedEventArgs e)
if (e.Exception != null)
e.ExceptionHandled = true;
NotifyUser("Product cannot be inserted. Reason: " + e.Exception.Message);
NotifyUser("New product is inserted!");
protected void RadGrid1_ItemDeleted(object source, GridDeletedEventArgs e)
GridDataItem dataItem = (GridDataItem)e.Item;
string id = dataItem.GetDataKeyValue("ID").ToString();
if (e.Exception != null)
e.ExceptionHandled = true;
NotifyUser("Product with ID " + id + " cannot be deleted. Reason: " + e.Exception.Message);
NotifyUser("Product with ID " + id + " is deleted!");
Please help. Why are the data updates not occurring? Why are none of the telerik events/methods in the codebehind being called? Only Page_Load() is executing, none of the others.
For me this was down to trying to use OnItemUpdated instead of OnUpdateCommand.
The ItemDeleted, ItemUpdated and ItemInserted events of RadGrid only work in combination with a directly bound ADO type DataSource. I'm using my own DAL so these 3 events weren't firing.
So the fix was to hook up the events OnUpdateCommand and OnDeleteCommand instead. The event handler looks something like this.
protected void radGrid_UpdateCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
var gridDataItem = ((GridDataItem)e.Item);
var table = gridDataItem.OwnerTableView;
var keyValues = table.DataKeyValues[gridDataItem.ItemIndex];
// Get key value.
var id = keyValues["id"];
// Get other values
var foo = ((TextBox)gridDataItem["foo"].Controls[0]).Text;
var bar = ((TextBox)gridDataItem["bar"].Controls[0]).Text;
myDAL.Update(id, foo, bar);

liferay-ui: discussion tag in custom portlet

I am trying to to imped inside jsp page custom portlet
to allow comments on journal article displayed
to embed .
The problem is it throws g.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.view_jsp as following
An error occurred at line: 119 in the jsp file: /discussion.jsp
The method setClassName(String) in the type DiscussionTag is not applicable for the arguments (Class<capture#2-of ? extends JournalArticle>)
116: id="journalCommentsPanel" persistState="<%= true %>"
117: title='<%= LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "Comments") %>'>
119: <liferay-ui:discussion
120: className="<%= journal.getClass() %>"
121: classPK="31575"
122: formAction=""
15:57:13,540 ERROR [PortletRequestDispatcherImpl:108]
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
This is my discussion.jsp page
WindowState windowState = null;
PortletMode portletMode = null;
PortletURL currentURLObj = null;
if (renderRequest != null) {
windowState = renderRequest.getWindowState();
portletMode = renderRequest.getPortletMode();
currentURLObj = PortletURLUtil.getCurrent(renderRequest,
} else if (resourceRequest != null) {
windowState = resourceRequest.getWindowState();
portletMode = resourceRequest.getPortletMode();
currentURLObj = PortletURLUtil.getCurrent(resourceRequest,
String currentURL = currentURLObj.toString();
ThemeDisplay themeDisplayObject = (ThemeDisplay) request
//long groupId = ParamUtil.getLong(request, "groupId", scopeGroupId);
long groupId = themeDisplayObject.getScopeGroupId();
String url = PortalUtil.getCurrentURL(request);
String[] urlString = url.split("/");
String urlTitle = urlString[urlString.length - 1];
urlTitle = HttpUtil.decodeURL(urlTitle).trim();
JournalArticle journal = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil
.getArticleByUrlTitle(groupId, urlTitle);
<portlet:actionURL var="discussionUrl">
<!-- <portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/discussion.jsp" /> -->
<portlet:actionURL var="editGreetingURL">
<portlet:param name="jspPage" value="/view.jsp" />
<liferay-ui:panel-container extended="<%= false %>"
id="journalCommentsPanelContainer" persistState="<%= true %>">
<liferay-ui:panel collapsible="<%= true %>" extended="<%= true %>"
id="journalCommentsPanel" persistState="<%= true %>"
title='<%= LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "Comments") %>'>
<portlet:actionURL name="invokeTaglibDiscussion" var="discussionURL" />
className="<%= JournalArticle.class.getName() %>"
classPK="<%= journal.getArticleId() %>"
subject="Wall Comments"
userId="<%= journal.getUserId() %>" />
and this is my processAction method :
PortletConfig portletConfig = getPortletConfig();
// System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inside invoke");
PortalClassInvoker .invoke(true, "com.liferay.portlet.messageboards.action.EditDiscussionAction",
"processAction", new String[] {
}, null, null, portletConfig, actionRequest, actionResponse);
Your error shows this code at line-120 className="<%= journal.getClass() %>" but your discussion.jsp shows className="<%= JournalArticle.class.getName() %>" which is the corrected version I suppose.
I think the portlet is not deployed properly, try re-deploying the portlet or if that does not help try the usual:
undeploy the portlet
and then redeploy
if that does not work:
stop server
clear temp directory
clear work directory
start server
deploy the portlet
my one is working properly
my table, WallEntry. Where userid is the id of the user.
List<WallEntry> wallEntry= WallEntryLocalServiceUtil.findByUserId(userId);
for (int i=0;i<wallEntry.size();i++)
WallEntry wallobj=wallEntry.get(i);
long id=wallobj.getWallEntryId();
portlet action url
<portlet:actionURL name="discussionURL" var="discussionURL">
<portlet:param name="myaction" value="addComments" />
liferay-ui:discussion tag
redirect="<%= themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() %>"
classPK="<%= wallEntry.getWallEntryId() %>"
userId="<%= user.getUserId() %>"
className="<%= WallEntry.class.getName() %>"
formAction="<%= discussionURL %>"
formName='<%= "fm"+wallEntry.getWallEntryId() %>'
action class
public void discussionURL(ActionRequest request,ActionResponse response)
throws Exception
System.out.println("Inside addDiscussion function: "+request.getParameter("myaction"));
may be it is helpful for someone.

No such property: exampleInstance for class: test3.ExampleController

class Example {
String title
Date releaseDate
String author
Boolean paperback
static constraints = {
class ExampleController {
def scaffold = true
def search = {
exampleInstance = Example.findAllByTitleIlike("${params.q}%",[max:10, offset:0, sort:"title", order:"asc"])
redirect(action: "list",params)
def list = {
params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 10, 100)
[exampleInstanceList: Example.list(params),
exampleInstanceTotal: Example.count()]
<div id="search">
<g:form url='[controller: "example", action: "search"]' id="search" name="search" method="get">
<g:textField name="q" value="${params.q}" />
<input type="submit" value="Find" />
Please Help me is how
Error URI /test3/example/search Class groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException
Message No such property: exampleInstance for class: test3.ExampleController
Use render instead of redirect and pass all the model that are required for the list page.
def search = {
def exampleInstance= Example.findAllByTitleIlike("${params.q}%",[max:10, offset:0, sort:"title", order:"asc"])
render( view:list, model:[ exampleInstance:exampleInstance, params:params ] )

C# How to set a NewLine in Label.text for a CartItem[]?

How to set a NewLine in Label.text for a CartItem[]? Environment.NewLine or \r\n does not work.
CartItem[] items = Profile.Cart.GetItems();
foreach (CartItem i in items)
Label4.Text += i.curDvd.Title + ",$" + i.curDvd.UnitPrice + "*" + i.Quantity + System.Environment.NewLine+"\r\n";
It can display everything in 1 line, but tried \r\n and Enviroment.NewLine, nothing changed.
Have you tried using more than one "\n" ?
In a web application you should use <br/> if you want new line. Unfortunately you cannot use a label in this case as it will automatically HTML encode the text. You could use a repeater at the place of this label:
<asp:Repeater ID="rep" runat="server">
<%# Eval("Title") %>, $<%# Eval("Price") %>
and in your code behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
CartItem[] items = Profile.Cart.GetItems();
rep.DataSource = items.Select(x => new
Title = x.curDvd.Title,
Price = x.curDvd.UnitPrice * x.Quantity
Another possible template is to use divs:
<asp:Repeater ID="rep" runat="server">
<div><%# Eval("Title") %>, $<%# Eval("Price") %></div>
