I am currently in the process of doing a re-write on a large app of mine from BCB6 using paradox tables, and have started on several of my forms that use DBGrids. I have already done a conversion of the data from paradox to SQLite 3.
The data in the grids are fine on my development machine (Windows 8 32bit), but when I want to put the app on to a secondary machine (being a WinXP 32bit system) it doesn't want to work when I try and open those forms that have grids on them. I have isolated the problem to my ClientDataSet not allowing to become Active. I am building a self contained EXE file for this app, and I have also tried putting several files that I think I may need in to the same fold as my application. Yes I do have a dbxconnections.ini & a dbxdrivers.ini file in the folder as well. I am using XE4.
The AV error that I am getting is Access violation at address 007EFA8F in module 'AC.exe'. Read of address 00000000
I am doing a test when I am opening the ClientDataSet
cdsLots->Avtive = true; // cdsLots being the ClientDataSet
catch (Exception &exception)
ShowMessage("Failing to Open cdsLots");
I'm working on an app that instead of a database uses file system in the server's root directory. It's basically a note application that allows me to save notes. Each note is a serialized object of Note class represented by following structure \Data\Notes\MyUsername\Title.txt
When I'm testing this on localhost through IIS Express everything works fine and I can easily go step by step there.
However, once I publish the app to Azure, the folder structure is still there (made a test Controller that uses Directory.GetFiles() and .GetDirectories() to simulate folder browsing so I'm sure that the files are there) but the file simply doesn't get loaded.
Loading script that's being called:
public T Load<T>(string filePath) where T : new()
StreamReader reader = null;
reader = new StreamReader(filePath);
var RawDB = reader.ReadToEnd();
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(RawDB);
return default(T);
if (reader != null)
Since I can't normally debug the app on Azure I tried to dump as much info as I can through ViewData and even there, everything looks okay and the paths match, but the deserialized object is still null, and this is only when trying to open an existing note WITHOUT creating a new one first (more on that later)
Additionally, like I said, those new notes get saved in the folder structure, and there's a Note sidebar on the left that allows users to switch between notes. The note browser is nothing more but a list that's collected with a .GetFiles() of that folder.
On Azure, this works normally and if I were to delete one manually it'd be removed from the sidebar as well.
Now here's the kicker. On localhost, adding a note adds it to the sidebar and I can switch between them normally.
Adding a note on Azure makes all Views only display that new note regardless of which note I open and the new note does NOT get stored in the structure (I don't know where it ended up at all!) even though the path is defined at that point normally and it should save just like it does on localhost.
var model = new ViewNoteModel()
Note = Load<Note>($#"{NotePath}\{Title}.txt"), //Works on localhost, fails on Azure on many levels. Title is a URL param.
MyNotes = GetMyNotes() //works fine, reads right directory on local and Azure
To summarize:
Everything works fine on localhost, Important part doesn't work on Azure.
If new note is not created but an existing note is opened, Correct note gets loaded (based on URL Param) on Localhost, it breaks on Azure and loads default Note object (not null, just the default constructor data since it's required by JsonConvert)
If a new note is created, you'll see it on Localhost and you'll be able to open all other notes regardless, you will see only the new note on Azure regardless of note picked.
It's really strange and I have no idea what could cause this? I thought it had something to do with Azure requests being handled differently so maybe controller pushes the View before the model is initialized completely but that doesn't make sense since there's nothing async here.
However the fact that it loads a note that doesn't exist on the server it's even more apsurd and I have no explanation for that.
Additionally this issue is not linked with a session. I logged in through my phone and it showed the fake note there as well right away.
P.S. Before you say anything about storage, please note this. Our university grants us a very limited Azure subscription. Simple lowest tier App service and 5DTU SQL server and 99% of the rest is locked out of our subscription. This is why I'm storing stuff on the server, not because I believe it's the smart thing to do.
I am developing a Windows Universal app that collects results of races. It saves each race result in a sql-lite database in an application folder so the user can view previous results. I have further requirements, however, for saving and opening race results.
I need to be able to export the results of a race as a CSV file so that they can be opened by a third-party application that might be running on a separate machine on a different operating system.
I need to be able to export the results as an HTML file that can be uploaded/included in the user's own web site.
I need the user to be able to print the results (which I was thinking could just be done by printing the HTML file from a browser)
I would like the user to be able to choose to import the results of a race created by my own legacy application in my own format.
It seems, however, that we are restricted in a Windows Universal app to saving files to just very specific folders under very specific circumstances if we have requested that app capability. Therefore I am getting access denied errors both saving and reading files using the FileOpenPicker and FileSavePicker.
I think I probably need to view the export and import of results in a different way, but after a lot of searching I have not been able to come up with the right and recommended solution to this. So the question is how should I be handling the import and export of results? Should I be using the user's documents folder, or their OneDrive? Do I need to create a web application for my app so that the user can store results in the cloud and download them from there?
CSV and HTML are both text files with some encoding. So your question is about how to read/write files with JS.
Here is example how to create html page with FileSavePicker:
var savePicker = new Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
savePicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.documentsLibrary;
savePicker.fileTypeChoices.insert("Web page", [".html"]);
savePicker.suggestedFileName = "New page";
savePicker.pickSaveFileAsync().then(function (file)
if (file) {
var _WriteThis="<!DOCTYPE html>" + "\r\n";
_WriteThis = _WriteThis + "<html><head><title>Web page title</title>" + "\r\n";
// .....
Windows.Storage.FileIO.writeTextAsync(file, _WriteThis, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.utf8);
This example doesn't required any special rules and you can save file anywhere on you PC HDD or USD stick without setting capabilities in manifest (except system folders)
Same way you can save in csv format
I have a WebApp on Azure that uses a dll. This library needs Interop libraries x86 and x64.
Sometimes, at the restart of the App (I suppose), the App fails due to an exception:
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'sqlite3_config' in DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll'. at System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_config_none(SQLiteConfigOpsEnum op) at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.StaticIsInitialized() at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLog.Initialize() at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection..ctor(String connectionString, Boolean parseViaFramework) at T_Dox.WebService.SQLiteDb.CreateConnection() at WebService.CeDb.Connect()
The SQLite used is the SQLCipher's one.
What am I missing here? I don't understand why the app stops working suddenly even if I don't make any changes.
The App is a Web Service (.asmx file) that uses a data access layer to perform some business logic.
It was under a web site project, then we moved it into another project, a webapi\mvc project.
The routing bypasses this extension, so it works as before, a simple web service call.
The called web method initializes a business class loaded from another .net library (a VB.Net library).
Inside, this class uses a wrapper to a sqlConnection, in this case the SQLiteConnection.
In its constructor it starts an SQLiteConnection, and normally it works.
Then it performs some CRUD operations ...
So I can represent the operation this way:
[WebService(Namespace = "...")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class SampleService : System.Web.Services.WebService
public ServerInfo Test()
var sampleBusinessClass = new SampleBusinessCLass();
using(var connection = new SQLiteConnection()) //the constructor is the parameterless one
And the stack will be this (this is not the real one):
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: Unable to find an entry point named 'sqlite3_config' in DLL 'SQLite.Interop.dll'.
at System.Data.SQLite.UnsafeNativeMethods.sqlite3_config_none(SQLiteConfigOpsEnum op)
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLite3.StaticIsInitialized()
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteLog.Initialize()
at System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection..ctor(String connectionString, Boolean parseViaFramework)
at xxx.WebService.SampleService.Test()
It always works, but sometimes it starts to launch this error until the stop and start of the web application on iss (in our case: Azure).
Inspecting the System.Data.SQlite.dll I can clearly see the entry point and actually it always passes this internal code (no conditions that can bypass this part) and it generally works.
The System.Data.SQlite.dll ( version) is provided by SqlCypher product. I think it is the original System.Data.SQLite one because at first sight I can see the same assembly manifest and content.
The interop System.Data.SQLite uses is probably modified by SqlCypher team to give their features.
To avoid possible issues we put the interop in the path /bin/x64, then we compile our web app ONLY in x64 and it runs on a x64 environment.
I have a need to write a .NET application which will query Active Directory while running in Windows PE on a computer which is not yet a member of the domain.
We are running this during a Microsoft Deployment Toolkit task sequence (note that MDT 2012 has been configured to load support for .NET into the WinPE environment - the .NET application is starting without any problems).
I am using the code below to bind to the domain:
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(
AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind | AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
I have tried a path both of the form:
And also without a domain controller name as
I have also tried using a username both of the form domain\username and also just username.
The DirectoryEntry object seems to be constructed okay, but when I try to execute Console.Writeline(entry.Name) to confirm a valid connection has been made, I get the following exception:
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80005000): Unknown
error (0x80005000) at
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)
at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind() at
I have tried other variations on this code, trying to execute LDAP queries with various filters, trying to rewrite it in VBScript, etc... but the code posted above is the simplest example I could come up with which reproduces the problem.
From what I have read, in a scenario like this you would always need to use AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind and that is why I am trying to specify the code within the ADSI LDAP path. But what is wrong with the code above? To me, it looks like it is passing all needed information in the parameters to the DirectoryEntry constructor.
There is a way to get it work, but it's not supported by Microsoft. This post helped me a lot. It works, tested and approved for a deployment of new computers :)
Get the ADSIxXX.inf from the zip file to C:\ADSI
Copy the following files from a Windows/System32 to C:\ADSI. Carefull of Architecture
x86 x64 -
Mount the bootimage.wim
No need to load Package (Your WinPE is already configured to load .NET API), juste add ADSI driver:
Dism /Image:C:\Mount /Add-Driver /Driver:C:\ADSI\ADSIxXX.inf /forceunsigned
No need to load his script
Unmount the bootimage.wim
Then it's done, if your .NET application is well implement ;)
I'm not sur the PIPE | is supported as an argument too, just set to AuthenticationTypes.Secure -
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(
AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind | AuthenticationTypes.Secure);
Link: http://www.deploymentresearch.com/Research/tabid/62/EntryId/74/ADSI-plugin-for-WinPE-4-0.aspx#AddComment
I need to invoke office communicator to create a chat window and phone call directly from Silverlight when running out of browser. When running in browser I do this and it works pretty well:
System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Window.Eval(String.Format("window.open(\"sip:{0}\", target=\"_self\");", sip));
When running out of browser as far as I have gotten is to invoke the Communicator.UIAutomation via a dynamic but honestly I don't know what to do next.
dynamic communicator = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Communicator.UIAutomation");
Anyone have any suggestions on how to make this work? Searching has yeilded zero results.
A couple thoughts:
Have you tried making the automated Communicator object a var, then setting a breakpoint and digging into the resulting hydrated object? You might find some methods or properties on the object you can use to make things happen.
There's a blog here that describes the Office Communicator SDK and has some sample projects. I think you might be able to include the SDK assemblies in your OOB app and automate Communicator using Microsoft's provided SDK.
The SDK has to be preinstalled in the user machines. There's no easy way to deploy it along your Silvelright OOB application.
You will need the SDK.
You can check the documentation for more details here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office Communicator\SDK\OCSDK.chm
It mainly refers to C#, but most of it could easily be ported to Com Automation. As an example look at the following code to start a conversation
dynamic comm = new ActiveXObject("Communicator.UIAutomation");
dynamic msgrAdv = comm.IMessengerAdvanced;
object obj = msgrAdv.StartConversation(
sipUris, // object array of signin names
windowHandle = long.Parse(obj.ToString());
catch (COMException ex)
I hope this help. Noticed that from the example in the help file I changed some of the members that are defined in the .NET Assembly (which can't be referenced from your C# code). If you need this, I would suggest opening the CommunicatorAPI.dll assembly in Reflector.