ViewScope beans behaves like it has application scope - jsf

I am doing work on a project using primefaces 3.5 and my problem is that...
I have a search form I enter some criteria in the form and press Search Button...Result is displayed...suppose using FireFox
Now If I open application same page in some other browser suppose IE there I will see the form with same values and same search result returned earlier...even this is a new session
More over suppose in the same browser if I logout and then login and navigate to same page I see the search form with same values and same result returned.
More or less this behavior is close to application scope Beans where as I have not any application scope Bean and have only one Bean with session scope for login of the beans are #ViewScoped
If I use #Scope("request")...Bean is created on each request but in this case I am unable to set parameter to the confirm dialog for deleting the record because when i click on dialog delete button previous values gets nullified due to new request.
I am in great difficulty and have done too much workaround but all in vain....


passing value while using view scope in jsf

I have a table with few rows and one of the columns consists a button,now when i click on the edit button it takes me to a new JSF page.The details in the edit page are not getting populated.I am using view scope for my Managed Bean.I have gone through some of the posts and understood that view scope will be lost once the user leaves from that page.
I have gone through various other posts which suggested me to pass value to another bean and then get it into new jsf or by using f:viewparam. I wanted to know how i could achieve this functionality:
I want this flow to be achieved using view scoped managed bean JSF1-->on click of edit button in table-->View Scoped Managed Bean-->JSF2(details need to be populated but shows null values)
In the edit details page the value is shown null.
Could you let me know how I can achieve this functionality.Thanks.

.NoSuchElementException on click of the submit button, working with SelctOneMenu in JSF1.2

I have a jsf page with few input components and two h:selectOneMenu components.
On selection of a value in the first drop down I'm calling a valuechange listener and submitting the form. Then I populate the value into the other drop down depending on the value selected from the first drop down. Now I enter other fields and click on the submit button.
It throws me the below mentioned exception.
My Backing bean is in Request scope. I hope it will work fine for me if I change it to session bean which is not right to do in my application. I'm populating the data to SelectItem variable from the "ValuechangeListener" method.
JSF version is 1.2, I can't upgrade it to 2.0 at this point.
RequestScope in this case is not enough. You need at least ViewScope.
This is because the Bean will get reset with every request. The listeners of your Bean will be called for another instance of that bean and will change that. After that you do some changes in the browser and the next time you send a request, your bean has already been destroyed. Thus everything you did in your listeners got lost and that's why you run into problems.
If you work with ajax, or stay on the same page and keep manipulating it, then you should switch to a higher scope.

Saving a view in JSF

Im having a question regarding retrieving the view state of a JSF page.
I have an application in which the user is able to search for persons in a
list and when the user press "show" button the same JSF page will be filled
with a list of the various persons.
Now when I choose one of the persons , another JSF page will show up with more
in-depth and detailed information about that person. Now in that page there is a
"cancel/abort" button displayed. What I want to accomplish is that when I press
that specific "cancel/abort" button the page should be redirected and navigate
back to the JSF page with the list as it was shown, so in some way the "view state"
should be stored (I assume only) but I dont know how it could be done...
I just wanted to check if anyone has been able to solve this kind of issue
in some manner.. ? (The JSF search page as mentioned above is declared as a viewscoped as
an additional information)
Thanks for all help..
You could make the bean #SessionScoped. That means that only one instance will be created by browser session, so when you get back you get the last state.
Of course, session scoped means that when you get back to the view even if it is not a "back" navigation, that info will still be there.

Dealing with Back Button and Resulting Phase_ID

I'm in the following situation:
JSF (MyFaces 2.1.7 and RichFaces 3.3.3)
A session Scoped Bean TEST_PAGE
Users who will use BACK button to no end
State Saving on Server
User click a link to navigate to page with Session Scoped bean (TEST_PAGE)
User clicks another link
User presses back button of brwoser which puts them back in TEST_PAGE
User Tries to Search in this page
On search the backing bean throws exceptions since there are many null values. Reason being is that when they pressed "Search", the page is in RESTORE_VIEW phase.
I tried disabling caching on the page, to force user to refresh the page on back button, but backlash caused by many users complaining "why can't I use back button, I could do it before!" and resulted in Help Desk Tickets since they think the application is crashing on "Confirm Form Resubmission" page chrome/IE/Firefox show, hence managers want me to look for alternatives.
My questions:
It is possible to detect the current Phase_ID of RESTORE_VIEW and not do any processing in this phase to avoid the exceptions, but that alone and just retuning gives user a partial page view. Is it possible to put the page in RENDER_RESPONSE in this scenario and do the processing then? This should refresh the page.
Question Part 2
Since the recommendation (or common/good) practive is to disable cache on dynamic pages i have done so and will have to re-educate the stubborn users.
However i have the following issue.
When pressing Back button on a page with disabled cache, the browser shows the "Confirm Form Resubmission" (chrome) where users either can press Refresh / F5 or Enter key.
If Refresh/ F5 is the action, everything is ok where i detect RESTORE_VIEW phase and avoid any processing in that PHASE and let the processing be done in RENDER_RESPONSE phase. However if Enter is pressed, The PhaseID is in RENDER_RESPONSE(6) but values of few drop-down controls is null which causes the page to fail. So i put in checks to detect such conditions and show a FaceMessage to tell the user to Refresh the page.
Question is, Can i force the page to Refresh instead of forcing the user to do it? The Navigation case for this page is in format:
I've seen code snippets online where faces-redirect=true is used to force reload a page but i couldn't get that to work! Any suggestions?
Disabling the browser cache on dynamic pages is the way to go.
As to the new problems caused after this, this is likely caused by poor webapp design. Redesign your webapp to use GET instead of POST for plain vanilla page-to-page navigation (i.e. use just <h:link> or <h:outputLink> instead of <h:commandLink>). Implement the POST-Redirect-GET pattern for POST requests which needs to send the response to a different page, or change them to return to the same page and conditionally show the results, if possible by ajax. Check if some forms can't better be GET forms (for example, search forms like Google). Rethink if that bean really needs to be a session scoped one, you usually use the session scope for logged-in user and its preferences only, not for request or view scoped data.
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
How to choose the right bean scope?
How to avoid re-execution of last form submit action when the page is refreshed?
Is JSF 2.0 View Scope back-button safe?

Populating a page from Data table in modal panel

I'm trying to get some data from a datatable in rich:modal panel
The whole flow is as follows
When clicking on search button on main page, a modal panel pops up with appropriate data & check box
Till this point the application is working fine
After clicking on ok button, selected data should be populated into main page. This is where the code fails
I tried stuff like getRowData, getValues, etc. but in vain. This could be done by keeping the bean in session scope but I have to keep this bean in request scope using Apache MyFaces JSF 1.2
Two ways comes to mind:
Pass an extra request parameter (the search string and the page number?) so that the bean knows which data to preload.
Make use of MyFaces Orchestra to create a conversation scope which lies in between request and session scope and is exactly the scope you're looking for this particular functional requirement.
