TFS2012 Access to VSPROPS file denied - visual-studio-2012

So I am trying to run a build on VS2012 paired with TFS2012. I have made some modifications to the build template being used, but none that should be troublesome. My problem comes around when I try to execute the build, the build summary gives me the following error:
Exception Message: Access to the path 'C:\AiDevelopment\AiFramework\toolbox\Accelitec.Utility\Accelitec.Utility.csproj.vsprops' is denied. (type UnauthorizedAccessException)
Now normally I would take this as a permissions issue, however I go to try and find this contentious little file, and it doesn't exist! (At least not in the path specified). Sooooo... what is going on? How can my build report that it is denied access to a file that isn't there? How can I fix it?
Update: I have found the file, it is on the build server. This server has VS2008 installed on it for other uses, which makes me think that VS2008 is interfering with the build somehow, seeing as .vsprops files are used only in VS2008 and older. Why would my VS2012 builds be creating a .vsprops file?


Azure Functions Core tools suddenly stopped working

I was in the middle of working on some minor code changes when all of a sudden I started getting the following error on startup:
A host error has occurred during startup operation '78d5d8fd-e81c-4707-87ca-6b801430fef1'.
[2021-01-08T13:02:40.279Z] System.IO.FileSystem: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Users\schiefaw\AppData\Local\AzureFunctionsTools\Releases\3.17.0\workers'.
I looked at the path and found everything exists until I get to "workers".
I, of course, assumed it was something I did, so I backed out all changes to no effect. Then I uninstalled visual studio and all Azure products I could find and reinstalled to no effect. I created a new user (since the file it is looking for is in my user folder) to no effect.
I then created an entirely new instance of a windows virtual machine and installed the development environment to no effect (same error).
I am completely stuck on this. Does anyone have any ideas on what I can try next?
I think this is a bug from that 3.17 release. But here is a work-around: you can add the "workers" folder (empty folder) and it should work. Another way if you have a copy of the previous version (such as 3.16.x), you can copy the content to the 3.17.0 one.
You can read more here:

Debugging Azure Worker Role locally throws build error: Access to the path 'diagnostics.wadcfgx' is denied

I have a fully functional cloud service Worker Role that I have been using and debugging for a couple weeks now. I recently moved the solution into source control. I can build the solution still, but when I try to run it locally on the emulator to debug I get the error
Access to the path 'diagnostics.wadcfgx' is denied.
I have everything checked out to edit so I know it isn't a read only issue on the file. I can't figure out why this is happening or how to fix it.
My old version still runs locally on the emulator just fine. I have modified the projects in the solution and updated naming conventions of the roles and projects. My guess is that something was missed or a connection between the role project and the service project was lost... however I cannot figure out what it is.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
My problem ended up being that one of the diagnostics.wadcfgx files was still marked as read only in the file system. The best solution was to remove the entire ECF folder from source control. When the project ran it recreated the directory and files needed.

What is this vague error with 'redirection.config' while building a Web Deploy package?

I'm trying to build a Web Deploy package via msbuild on a new machine and it's not working. It builds fine on other machines, but here I get the following vague error:
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Filename: redirection.config
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Error: Cannot read configuration file
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error :
...\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2767,5): error : Unknown error (0x80005000)
I'm not sure what 'redirection.config' is, and the line reference to the .targets file doesn't help at all.
How can I fix this?
redirection.config is a file that lives in the IIS configuration directory, typically %SystemRoot%\System32\inetsrv\config. Here are two possibilities:
The account building your project doesn't have access to the IIS config dir. This might happen if you have an automated build identity with special permissions, or you if you need to start Visual Studio as an administrator.
You don't have IIS installed at all on the new machine. Check to be sure the IIS config directory, and redirection.config in particular, even exist. If not, you'll need to install IIS.
If you receive this error when deploying with Release Managment (via IISConfig.exe) be sure that the deployment agent service account is in the local Administrators group. You may need to restart the deployment agent service.
Similar Issue resolved below - Might help
Insufficient Permissions Problems with MSDeploy and TFS Build 2010
For me, simply running visual studio as admin gave it the elevated permissions it needed to operate against this folder.
May work for others.
I got this error when I tried to use a relative path for the contentPath setting. I fixed it by settings the contentPath to the full path of the folder. Without the full path, the contentPath provider thinks it is a site path or application path and looks for it in in the IIS configuration.
This error just appeared to me when my C# project was referencing the Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version= assembly. It looks like this assembly only works with IIS Express. For IIS, we must use Microsoft.Web.Administration, Version=
After hours of testing and troubleshooting this problem turned out to be an issue with the users profile.
This was found by logging in as myself and I didn't receive the same issue.
To fix this issue:
Log into the machine as an administrator and delete the contents of the corrupt profile from C:\Users (or rename the folder to username.OLD)
Open up the registry and navigate here – HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ProfileList
Find the corrupt profile and rename this to .OLD or remove it.
You can read more about it at this article.
As this is high in search engines when looking for this error, I'll post my solution.
I used Azure Pipelines to release the app to IIS and had this error. My issue was that I mistakenly used Build Agent job instead of Deployment Group job when configuring the release pipeline.
On server 2012 this error can be caused by UAC which needs to be disabled via the registry.
This article explains why...
change DWORD "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0

Registry permission for Visual Studio 2012

During web application creating i got below popup message:
"Visual studio does not have permissions to read the template information from the registry. this is often caused by registry permission problem."
Any one have any solution?
Please help me. i wana to see Visual Studio new features.
this might be quite late as an answer, but I excpierienced the same problem and I found the solution on a msdn page : here is the original solution message :
I came across this issue with Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 7. I did not find this problems source as of yet but, I have found many Visual Studio users encountering it. I tried Michael's solution to this problem and it did more damage then anything else. It even went as far as to make Visual studio to boot into "Shell mode" and tell me the registration was not valid.
Using System Restore I rolled back the changes made by the subinacl tool and Michaels script (it probably was not meant for Windows 7, causing the errors in the first place) .
being a long time visual studio user and a pretty good trouble shooter, I knew the subinacl was the proper tool to correct the problem, but the script was incorrect for my perticular setup. I adjusted the script as follows: (this is a batch script)
cd /d "%programfiles% (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools"
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /setowner=domain\user
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /grant=everyone=f
/grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
I tried to include the "setowner" command with the grant commands (on the same line) but it would throw errors all the time.
This script fixed MY "Requested registry access is not allowed" with Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010.
if you want to try this script: Follow Michael's instructions, but use the script provided in this post and replace the "domain\user" with the proper credentials. You may also need to change the Path of Windows Resource Kits if you installed it in a diffrnet place or are not using a 64 bit OS. Before using this script please backup your registry.
I hope that that helped!
*the original web page was :
I had this problem too. Followed the post by user2698666 without success. Stuck Process Monitor on it and found there were more registry entries causing a problem called WDExpress. Thought I'd post my fix incase anyone else has same problem:
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /setowner=domain\user
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VisualStudio* /grant=everyone=f /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WDExpress* /setowner=domain\user
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\WDExpress* /grant=everyone=f /grant=administrators=f /grant=system=f
I had the problem with Visual Studio 13, where i wanted to add a webtest project for my newly created solution.
Tried the above trics to set ACL but it didn't work.
Finally used the Procmon.exe to locate what visual studio was doing (Include only process name devenv.exe) and look for result Access Denied. It will tell you what registry key is not accessible.
In my case it was the regkey HKCR.webtest (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.webtest) that caused the problem. Taking ownership and assigning acces to this solved my problem.
I do not know how the root cause of the problem.
The above didnt work for me as I kept being denied in regedit even though i was admin.
I found this on another site:
psexec -i -d -s c:\windows\regedit.exe
psexec is available from Microsoft here
This gave me full registry access. I tried to give admin owner to specific keys like above but VS 2012 express was still throwing that registry permission error. So I finally just added Administrator to the permission list of the entire HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\ directory in regedit. Then gave admins full control.
This worked. I can now create a project without that infernal error!
This issue has nothing to do with permissions in the context discussed. The issue is caused by an incorrect path to the template files in the registry due to sloppy installation program testing by Microsoft. The incorrect path throws an error when a user tries to start a new project and, true to Microsoft style, displays a generic and meaningless error message about permissions.
Here's the issue specifically. In some machines (assuming C: is the primary drive and user1 is the user's login name and version 2013) the location of the template files is C:\users\user1\my documents\visual studio 2013\projects. Unfortunately, the installation path written by the installer in the registry is C:\users\user1\documents\visual studio 2013\projects. So, it's pointing to \documents while the correct location is \my documents. To be sure, look where your visual studio 2013\projects folder is located - either documents or my documents - and change the registry key to the correct location.
For my example the key is at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\NewProjectDialog\MRUSettingsLocalProjectLocationEntries the path is located in the Value0 entry. Check it and change to make it point to exactly where your project folder is.
Lars Meldgard's use of ProcMon was a good tip and helped me. I just wanted to include a picture of what an access denied looks like in ProcMon. I had to do it one registry key at a time--this wasn't the only one. It was very cumbersome and slow, but I was able to knock them off one by one and give full rights on each one. (That part is a hassle too, because I had to take ownership, then close regedit, then go back in so I could set the permissions; you can't do it all in one fell swoop.)

Project folder name in NetBeans interfering with JSF/GlassFish deployment

I am not sure if this is a JSF issue or a NetBeans issue. I am very new to both. I am also not sure if stackoverflow is the best SE site for this, so if I am wrong please help me out and migrate it. Thanks.
I have a project in a folder, let's say C:\Folder1, and when I try to "deploy" it on the GlassFish server, I get strange errors about a missing class... though that class is not even a part of this project. I believe that C:\Folder1 may have been something I used in the past for a different project but that is long gone. So this new project, if I move it to folder C:\Folder1a or C:\Folder2 or ANYTHING else but C:\Folder1... then it will deploy fine. But if I move it back to Folder1 (i.e. the exact same directory structure underneath that level), I get the mysterious error messages from GlassFish server about being unable to find the class that it doesn't even need.
I got a suggestion elsewhere to try "cleaning" and re-building the project, but that did not work. Here is more detail about the steps I followed.
Create new project in Netbeans, point it to an empty folder called Ex2605. After that, I bring a couple source files (.java and .xhtml) into that Ex2605 directory structure. When I clean and build, it says ok. When I try to deploy, I get this error:
Error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading the app :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start:
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: LShoppingCart;. Please see server.log
for more details. C:\\Ex2605\nbproject\build-impl.xml:721: The
module has not been deployed. See the server log for details. BUILD
FAILED (total time: 16 seconds)
"ShoppingCart" is a class from a different project, that I once long ago had in a directory named Ex2605 at the same location. But that directory is long gone, it has been removed from the Netbeans project list, and there are NO references to the ShoppingCart class anywhere in any of the files currently in the Ex2605 folder. So that fact that Netbeans apparently is looking for something called LShoppingCart tells me it maintains a history somewhere else of what I used to have in the Ex2605 folder, and apparently I need to purge that history but have no idea how.
If I try all of the above with any directory NOT named Ex2605, it works fine.
Any ideas? Obviously I can work around it, but it still irks me.
Netbeans has a compile cache that sometimes causes problems. You could delete the compile cache and see if it helps.
Here are the steps from the answer to my question:
Stop the server
Clean the project
Stop NetBeans
Delete %HOME%.netbeans\6.9\var\cache
Start NetBeans
