Dynamic/automatic updated history in TFS/VS - visual-studio-2012

Is it possible to make the History window in Visual Studio to track the active selected item in the Source Control Explorer window?
Other source control software I have used have this option, and it makes it very easy to iterate through the files in a folder and see what has changed.

It doesn't do it out of the box, and I'm not aware of a plug-in that does that. In VS 2012 the team moved the History view to be in the editor document well rather than a tool window making this mode of working even less likely I'm afraid.
That said, I'll pass the feedback along to the team who make the TFVC provider. Being an Eclipse guy myself I am familiar with that mode of working and certainly find it useful at times.


How to create a taskbar application similar to Touch Keyboard on Windows 8.1?

On Windows 8.1, if you right-click on the taskbar and point to Toolbars you can turn on Touch Keyboard, which makes a small image of a keyboard appear at the far right of the task bar just to the left of the notification area.
I want to develop an application that can make a presence here with a dynamically updating display of a time string (a count down application).
Can anyone advise if this is possible using C# .NET?
From various research I've discovered it is extremely difficult to determine exactly what Microsoft refer to this utility as. I have seen 'deskbar', 'deskband' and obviously it's under 'toolbars' in the task bar context menu. It also seems every major OS release changes the terminology and functionality completely. So bonus points if anyone can clear up what it's called on Windows 8.1 in addition to what term to research or MSDN article to read about developing an application that sits there.

Visual Studio 2012 not integrating properly with TFS explorer

When I drag a file in Solution Explorer I expect TFS to perform a matching move. It doesn't. Similarly if I rename a file/add/delete I have to repeat the operation in TFS explorer. They are two separate programs that inhabit the same shell by coincidence.
Can I get them to play better together? Back in the old days I recall a Source Control Bindings dialog. I cannot find that in my VS2012.
Full disclosure. I use both TFS and SVN/Ankh on this machine. I frequently change Tools | Options | Source Control to swap between the two. It does not seem connected to this problem.
I found the Source Control Bindings dialog. File | Source Control | Advanced | Change Source Control. The crucial part is that you do not see this menu item when you are looking at the Source Control Explorer tab. I opened a code file to get to it.
Once in the dialog I discovered that the solution, and hence the projects, were not bound to source control. They (TFS and Visual Studio) really were two independent applications sharing a common shell. Once bound to source control things are integrated as I think they should be.

TFS 2012-based reports and settings open in separate browser window instead of tab in VS 2012 IDE

In the process of switching my folks over to TFS 2012, I was evaluating the team project reports I moved over. When I double-clicked on a report to open it, instead of seeing it in a tab within my VS 2012 IDE, it opens in a separate web browser window.
This behavior exhibits in migrated team projects (from 2010 to 2012), as well as newly created team projects. I'm inclined to think it's a configuration issue missed on my part, but I can't seem to nail it down.
[Migration details: upgrade performed by detaching 2010 collection, reattaching to running instance of TFS2012 on new hardware. ReportServer database was moved separately. Hardware is all WinSrv2008R2, SQL2012 Standard.]
UPDATE: altered title as this is happening to any/all settings and controls, as well, for any given team project (Security, Group Membership, Work Item Areas, etc). Anything that is URL-based. So, at least it's misbehaving consistently.
If I'm understanding you correctly, this is the expected behavior for TFS 2012. All of the controls you mentioned are part of Web Access and should be viewed/altered in a browser and not VS.

How can I completely remove TFS from VS2012?

I've tried out the online version of TFS from my MSDN subscription and didn't like it. I decided to use another provider of source control on the web.
Now I keep randomly getting the TFS explorer window popping up on loading solutions and error TF205020 about not being able to connect to TFS. I've gone into Tools, Options and removed the source control options, setting it to "None" (I'm using TortoiseSVN from Windows Explorer for check-ins).
When I create a new project, save it and open it again I get the error and the TFS windows, even after closing them. I've looked at the File menu to see if I can remove from source control but the menu option isn't there - presumably because the new project has not been checked in.
Any way to stop this?
I think you didn't remove your TFS server from VS servers list.
Go to Team->Connect to Team Foundation Server...->Connect->Servers... and remove your server from there.
Go to Tools -> Options -> Source Control
Change Current source control plug-in to None
You can now remove the TFS server.

How to use non-advertised shortcut on product output in InstallShield Limited Edition

I have imported a Visual Studio setup project (MSI / vdproj) into InstallShield Limited Edition (ISLE) and built a single setup.exe installer from it. In the "Shortcuts / Folders" page under "Configure the Target System" it shows that the shortcuts to my other projects' "Primary Output" are all Advertised shortcuts. I need non-advertised shortcuts.
I can right-click on the shortcut's containing folder and choose New Shortcut and point to an EXE that is not a project output and it will create it as a normal shortcut. If I do the same for one of the "Primary Output" targets from my projects it shows up as an advertised shortcut.
When I was using Visual Studio 2005's built-in Setup project to create an output MSI I would run a query against it to disable advertised shortcuts. I have read some opinions that the lack of control for this feature is one reason MS turned these installers over to third parties, but here I am with seemingly less control over the types of shortcuts that are created.
How can I force the shortcuts pointing to the "Primary Output" targets from my solution's other projects be non-advertised shortcuts?
Simplest way to make all advertised shortcuts non-advertised is to set the DISABLEADVERTISEDSHORTCUTS property. This is non-IS specific. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa368297%28v=vs.85%29.aspx).
You can set that property in the Property table, in a transform or on the command line at install time.
Otherwise, you can change the target column for each shortcut individually in the Shortcut table.
It appears that there isn't a way in the Limited Edition. I asked on their forum and received no answer and no one has answered here in over a month. I have just learned to live with the advertised shortcuts.
The answer appears to be either upgrade from Limited Edition to one that lets you manipulate the MSI further, or to use some other software.
InstallShield Limited Edition was designed (sadly IMHO) to match exactly the features that were in Setup and Deployment Projects. All shortcuts were previously advertised in the old tool so that's the way they are in the new tool.
Pick your tools wisely.
