parse memberOf attribute to get group in spring security3 - string

I am using spring security 3.1.3 for authentication via LDAP, code is working fine.Now, I want to get group of authenticated user. I've developed my custom LdapAuthoritiesPopulator in my application.Below is my code.
public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getGrantedAuthorities(DirContextOperations userData, String username) {
List<GrantedAuthority> grantedAuthorities = null;
Object[] objects = userData.getObjectAttributes("memberOf");
for(Object object: objects){
System.out.println((String)object + "---------"+object.getClass());
console output : CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=example,DC=in
I don't want to perform string parsing, Is there any inbuilt function so that I can get group of authenticated user in my above implementation?

Have you considered using ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider instead of a customized LdapAuthenticationProvider? It's tailor made to deal with AD, e.g. the mapping from group memberships to authorities is already implemented in its loadUserAuthorities() method.
Refer to 19.5. Active Directory Authentication in the reference docs for more details.

Your question is really not clear about what you really want to do. I'm assuming based on whatever has been discussed so far that you want to extract (i.e., parse out) the name of the group from the DN you get. In your example, you want to extract the "CN=Administrators" RDN from "CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=example,DC=in" ??! Again, this is my assumption based on what I read and I understood (sort of).
If you don't want to do the parsing, you can perhaps use JNDI's CompoundnName class with your own syntax definition, but I'm not sure if using this class will give you any dramatic advantage over your own string parsing, which actually should not be complicated. But, here's how you can use CompoundName:
import java.util.Properties;
import javax.naming.CompoundName;
public class NameTestSimple {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
Properties syntax = new Properties();
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.direction", "left_to_right");
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.separator", ",");
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.ignorecase", "true");
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.escape", "\\");
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.trimblanks", "true");
// syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.separator.ava", ",");
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.separator.typeval", "=");
syntax.setProperty("jndi.syntax.beginquote", "\"");
String name = "CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin,DC=example,DC=in";
CompoundName cn = new CompoundName(name, syntax);
System.out.println("DN: " + cn);
System.out.println("\nCompoundName details:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < cn.size(); i++) {
System.out.println(" " + i + " --> " + cn.get(i));
Even with this, you will still need to parse the individual RDNs to get the attribute values (e.g., parse "CN=Administrators" to extract the value of 'Administrators').


Filtering out soft deletes with AutoQuery

I'm using ServiceStack with OrmLite, and having great success with it so far. I'm looking for a way to filter out 'soft deleted' records when using AutoQuery. I've seen this suggestion to use a SqlExpression, but I'm not sure where you would place that. In the AppHost when the application starts? I did that, but the deleted records still return. My QueryDb request object in this case is as follows:
public class QueryableStore : QueryDb<StoreDto>
Other SqlExpressions I've used are in the repository class itself, but being that I'm using QueryDb and only the message itself (not leveraging my repository class) I don't have any other code in place to handle these messages and filter out the 'deleted' ones.
I've also tried using a custom service base as suggested by this approach as well, using the following:
public abstract class MyCustomServiceBase : AutoQueryServiceBase
private const string IsDeleted = "F_isdeleted";
public override object Exec<From>(IQueryDb<From> dto)
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, Request);
q.And("{0} = {1}", IsDeleted, 0);
return AutoQuery.Execute(dto, q);
public override object Exec<From, Into>(IQueryDb<From, Into> dto)
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, Request);
q.And("{0} = {1}", IsDeleted, 0);
return AutoQuery.Execute(dto, q);
This code gets called, but when the Execute call happens I get an error:
System.ArgumentException: 'Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'F_isdeleted' to data type int.'
The F_isdeleted column is a 'bit' in SQL Server, and represented as a bool in my POCO.
Any ideas on what would work here? I'm kind of at a loss that this seems this difficult to do, yet the docs make it look pretty simple.
The {0} are placeholders for db parameters, so your SQL should only be using placeholders for DB parameters, e.g:
var q = AutoQuery.CreateQuery(dto, Request);
q.And(IsDeleted + " = {0}", false);
Otherwise if you want to use SQL Server-specific syntax you can use:
q.And(IsDeleted + " = 0");

how to get current Cucumber feature file name at runtime using Java

I want get current feature file name at runtime using Java. I have scenario info in hook but unable to get feature file
public void before(final Scenario scenario) {
this.scenario = scenario;
Do we have any similar thing to get current Feature file name ??
i am using cucumber version 1.2.4
This is my implementation for feature names starting with an uppercase letter like in the example:
private String getFeatureFileNameFromScenarioId(Scenario scenario) {
String featureName = "Feature ";
String rawFeatureName = scenario.getId().split(";")[0].replace("-"," ");
featureName = featureName + rawFeatureName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + rawFeatureName.substring(1);
return featureName;
I don't know if this is useful for you, but I would suggest to use scenario.getId()
This will give you the feature file name and scenario name, for example:
Feature: Login to the app
Scenario: Login to the app with password
Given I am on the login screen
When I enter my passcode
Then I press the ok button
with scenario.getId() you would get the following:
Hope this helps you!
Kotlin 1.5, cucumber-java 6.10.0:
fun beforeScenario(scenario: Scenario) {
In my case prints:
There is an easier way to extract the feature name (without .feature postfix) from Scenario if you can add Apache commons-io on your classpath:
String featureName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(scenario.getUri().toString());
If you need the full feature file name with postfix you should use the getName(...) method instead:
String fullFeatureName = FilenameUtils.getName(scenario.getUri().toString());
I used the below method at Hooks class
public void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario){
// scenarioId = "file:///**/src/test/resources/features/namefeature.feature:99"
String scenarioId=scenario.getId();
int start=scenarioId.indexOf(File.separator+"features"+File.separator);
int end=scenarioId.indexOf(".");
String[] featureName=scenarioId.substring(start,end).split(File.separator+"features"+File.separator);
System.out.println("featureName ="+featureName[1]);
You can use Reporter to get the current running instance and then extract our the actual feature name from the feature file like so:
Object[] paramNames = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getParameters();
String featureName = paramNames[1].toString().replaceAll("^\"+|\"+$", "");
System.out.println("Feature file name: " + featureName);
Create a listener as below
import io.cucumber.plugin.ConcurrentEventListener;
import io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventHandler;
import io.cucumber.plugin.event.EventPublisher;
import io.cucumber.plugin.event.TestCaseStarted;
public class Listener implements ConcurrentEventListener {
public void setEventPublisher(EventPublisher eventPublisher) {
eventPublisher.registerHandlerFor(TestCaseStarted.class, testCaseStartedEventHandler);
private final EventHandler<TestCaseStarted> testCaseStartedEventHandler = event -> {
System.out.println("Current file fame : " + event.getTestCase().getUri().toString());
And then supply your listener to cucumber as below
"-p", "com.myProject.listener.Listener"
This will give you feature file name !
maybe like this, its return only filename:
private String getFeatureFileNameFromScenarioId(Scenario scenario) {
String[] tab = scenario.getId().split("/");
int rawFeatureNameLength = tab.length;
String featureName = tab[rawFeatureNameLength - 1].split(":")[0];
System.out.println("featureName: " + featureName);
return featureName;

SessionAsSigner & restoreWrappedDocument()

Faced with the following issue: I am actively use DominoDocument class (wrapped Document) in my projects, particularly as basis for my business model objects.
Very often I have a need to access / iterate my business model objects as Anonymous user thus underlying lotus.domino.Document retrieved based on SessionAsSigner session object (for example in case of some REST Services, or in case of xAgent, etc).
The behavior of restoreWrappedDocument() method in such cases really breaks all flexibility of using such architecture: this method tries to restore wrapped document based on current execution environment access rights, and of course that causes errors with ACL.
Let’s consider the following code snippet as example:
public void test3() {
try {
System.out.println(">>>>> START");
lotus.domino.Database db = AppBean.getSessionAsSigner().getDatabase(AppBean.getInstance().getContactsDBserverName(), AppBean.getInstance().getContactsDBname(), false);
Document notesDoc = db.getAllDocuments().getFirstDocument();
String dbName = notesDoc.getParentDatabase().getServer() + "!!" + notesDoc.getParentDatabase().getFilePath();
DominoDocument ds = DominoDocument.wrap(dbName, notesDoc, null, "exception", false, "UseWeb", null);
System.out.println(">> 1 >> " + ds.getValue("form"));
try {
}catch(Throwable e2){
System.out.println(">> 2 - exception - >> " + e2.toString());
try {
System.out.println(">> 3 >> " + ds.getValue("form"));
}catch(Throwable e3){
System.out.println(">> 3 - exception - >> " + e3.toString());
System.out.println(">>>>> END");
}catch(Exception e){
1) Scenario 1: executing this code by authenticated user that has access to target DB gives the following result:
So method works as expected and everything perfect.
2) Scenario 2: executing this code by Anonymous user causes Exception (generally, what is expected):
You can clearly see that restoreWrappedDocument() executes some helper methods in order to get DB, and of course that is done with current user access level (Anonymous).
Possible solutions:
The obvious solution is to add custom logic to my business object model, which will perform custom restore (basically based on Server&DB names and document UNID or NoteID).
What I am very curious whether there is any more smart or built-in method exist for restoring wrapped documents with SessionAsSigner rights?
I don't think there's a proper way to do this, other than your option 1, for better or for worse.
However, and I'm not saying this is a good idea, it seems like DominoDocument likely gets to its session through the current request map. If you want to be tricky, you could try temporarily swapping session out for sessionAsSigner in the request scope, calling restoreWrappedDocument, and then swapping it back.
A solution with a Helper class using Java Reflection:
(Incomplete, missing some parts)
package ch.hasselba.xpages;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import lotus.domino.Database;
import lotus.domino.Document;
import lotus.domino.NotesException;
public class DominoDocumentUtil {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private transient final Field wrappedObj;
private transient final DominoDocument dominoDoc;
public DominoDocumentUtil(DominoDocument doc) throws SecurityException,
NoSuchFieldException {
dominoDoc = doc;
wrappedObj= doc.getClass().getDeclaredField("_wrappedObject");
public void restoreWrappedDocument(Database db)
throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
try {
Document doc = DominoUtils.getDocumentById(db, dominoDoc
.getDocumentId(), dominoDoc.isAllowDeletedDocs());
this.wrappedObj.set(dominoDoc, doc);
} catch (NotesException ne) {
throw new FacesExceptionEx(ne.getMessage());
To use the class you can call the restoreWrappedDocument method with a database opened with sessionAsSigner:
DominoDocumentUtil util = new DominoDocumentUtil(ds);

Reusable generic LightSwitch screen with WCF RIA Services

I'm new to WCF RIA Services, and have been working with LightSwitch for 4 or so months now.
I created a generic screen to be used for editing lookup tables all over my LightSwitch application, mostly to learn how to create a generic screen that can be used with different entity sets on a dynamic basis.
The screen is pretty simple:
Opened with arguments similar to this:
Application.ShowLookupTypesList("StatusTypes", "StatusTypeId"); which correspond to the entity set for the lookup table in the database.
Here's my WCF RIA service code:
using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.EntityFramework;
using System.ServiceModel.DomainServices.Server;
namespace WCF_RIA_Project
public class LookupType
public int TypeId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public static class EntityInfo
public static Type Type;
public static PropertyInfo Key;
public static PropertyInfo Set;
public class WCF_RIA_Service : LinqToEntitiesDomainService<WCSEntities>
public IQueryable<LookupType> GetLookupTypesByEntitySet(string EntitySetName, string KeyName)
EntityInfo.Set = ObjectContext.GetType().GetProperty(EntitySetName);
EntityInfo.Type = EntityInfo.Set.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments().First();
EntityInfo.Key = EntityInfo.Type.GetProperty(KeyName);
return GetTypes();
[Query(IsDefault = true)]
public IQueryable<LookupType> GetTypes()
var set = (IEnumerable<EntityObject>)EntityInfo.Set.GetValue(ObjectContext, null);
var types = from e in set
select new LookupType
TypeId = (int)EntityInfo.Key.GetValue(e, null),
Name = (string)EntityInfo.Type.GetProperty("Name").GetValue(e, null)
return types.AsQueryable();
public void InsertLookupType(LookupType lookupType)
dynamic e = Activator.CreateInstance(EntityInfo.Type);
EntityInfo.Key.SetValue(e, lookupType.TypeId, null);
e.Name = lookupType.Name;
dynamic set = EntityInfo.Set.GetValue(ObjectContext, null);
public void UpdateLookupType(LookupType currentLookupType)
var set = (IEnumerable<EntityObject>)EntityInfo.Set.GetValue(ObjectContext, null);
dynamic modified = set.FirstOrDefault(t => (int)EntityInfo.Key.GetValue(t, null) == currentLookupType.TypeId);
modified.Name = currentLookupType.Name;
public void DeleteLookupType(LookupType lookupType)
var set = (IEnumerable<EntityObject>)EntityInfo.Set.GetValue(ObjectContext, null);
var e = set.FirstOrDefault(t => (int)EntityInfo.Key.GetValue(t, null) == lookupType.TypeId);
Debug.Assert(e.EntityState != EntityState.Detached, "Entity was in a detached state.");
ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(e, EntityState.Deleted);
When I add an item to the list from the running screen, save it, then edit it and resave, I receive data conflict "Another user has deleted this record."
I can workaround this by reloading the query after save, but it's awkward.
If I remove, save, then readd and save an item with the same name I get unable to save data, "The context is already tracking a different entity with the same resource Uri."
Both of these problems only affect my generic screen using WCF RIA Services. When I build a ListDetail screen for a specific database entity there are no problems. It seems I'm missing some logic, any ideas?
I've learned that this the wrong approach to using LightSwitch.
There are several behind-the-scenes things this generic screen won't fully emulate and may not be do-able without quite a bit of work. The errors I've received are just one example. LightSwitch's built-in conflict resolution will also fail.
LS's RAD design means just creating a bunch of similar screens is the way to go, with some shared methods. If the actual layout needs changed across many identical screens at once, you can always find & replace the .lsml files if you're careful and make backups first. Note that modifying these files directly isn't supported.
I got that error recently. In my case I create a unique ID in my WCF RIA service, but in my screen behind code I must explicitly set a unique ID when I create the object that will later be passed to the WCF RIA Service insert method (this value will then be overwritten with the unique counter ID in the table of the underlying database).
See the sample code for this project:

Possible to load a web part inside another?

So, this is what we want to do: We want to have a generic web part with a custom frame around it and then dynamically load other web parts (frameless) inside it. Would this at all be possible you think? A bit like Jan Tielens SmartPart, only not for ASP.Net User Controls, but for other Web parts... ;)
Edit: We've been able to do this now. The solution was actually pretty simple. Check out the code:
public class WebPartWrapper : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart {
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Panel pnl = new Panel();
WebPart dynamicPart = WebPartFactory.CreateWebPart("RSSViewer");
Easy as that... We also use reflection to store the webparts as Xml etc., but that's beside the point.
I don't think so. I tried this a while back and it complained about only being able to add WebPartZone items in Page Init. I think by the time it get's to initialising your "container" WebPart it's too late to add more zones as the holding page has already been initialised.
public class WebPartWrapper : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart {
protected override void CreateChildControls() {
Panel pnl = new Panel();
var factory = new WebPartFactory()
WebPart dynamicPart = factory.CreateWebPart("RSSViewer", this.Guid);
public class WebPartFactory {
public WebPart CreateWebpart(string webpartName, Guid parentWebPartGuid)
var config = ConfigurationFactory.LoadConfiguration(webpartName);
Assembly webPartAssembly = Assembly.Load(config.Assembly);
Type webPartType = webPartAssembly.GetType(config.Class);
object actualWebPart = Activator.CreateInstance(webPartType);
foreach (var item in config.Properties)
PropertyInfo webPartProperty = webPartType.GetProperty(item.Name);
object webPartPropertyValue = Convert.ChangeType(itemValue, Type.GetType(item.Type));
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Value))
webPartProperty.SetValue(actualWebPart, webPartPropertyValue, null);
RunMethod("set_StorageKeyInternal", actualWebPart, new object[] { parentWebPartGuid });
return actualWebPart as WebPart;
private void RunMethod(string methodName, object objectInstance, object[] methodParameters)
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public |
Type t = objectInstance.GetType();
MethodInfo m = GetMethod(t, methodName, flags);
if (m != null)
m.Invoke(objectInstance, methodParameters);
private MethodInfo GetMethod(Type instanceType, string methodName, BindingFlags flags)
MethodInfo m = instanceType.GetMethod(methodName, flags);
if (m != null)
return m;
if (instanceType.GetType() == typeof(object) || instanceType.BaseType == null)
return null;
return GetMethod(instanceType.BaseType, methodName, flags);
This code needs some explaining... Please excuse me if it does not compile, I had to remove a fair bit of the original code, it was very implementation specific stuff. I've not shown the "config" class either, it's just a container for configuration of webparts, just a bunch of properties. There are 2 issues I'd like to discuss in more detail:
parentWebPartGuid - This is the Guid (UniqueId?) of the hosting webpart. For some reason we have to set "StorageKeyInternal" to this value, using reflection (it's a private property). You can possibly get away with not setting it, but at least for the majority of webparts we had to set it.
config.Properties - This is the config values (we set them in a custom .xml file, but feel free to get this from anywhere). It can look a little like this..
In our framework we also support stuff like dynamic property values etc., but that's for another day... Hope this all makes sense and can help somebody.
There are (at least) two ways to do this: using iframe HTML element, or just a div whose content is changed by JavaScript (probably with Ajax).
[NOTE] My answer is generic (ie. on Web design side), I have no idea how it in your technical context, so maybe I should delete this answer...
No chance on getting the source for the WebPartFactory class is there? Or maybe a bit more information about it? Pseudo code maybe? If a custom web part is in the gallery it could be referenced in the same way as RSSViewer is correct? I'm just not really sure how to go about doing what you have done here, and I would very much like to better understand how to do this.
When a want to instantiate a custom webpart inside another custom webpart i use the following code in the .ascx
<%# Register tagPrefix="uc1" Namespace="Megawork.Votorantim.Intranet.Webparts_Intranet.LikeButton" Assembly="Megawork.Votorantim.Intranet, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=769156d154035602" %>
The Namespace value and the Assembly value can be copied from the SafeControls line from the webconfig or from the package file (in manifest tab) :)
When i want to instantiate it dinammicaly (in fact) is use the following code in the .cs
//This is the namespace of the control that will be instantiated dinamically
string type = "My.Custom.Namespace.WebpartToBeAdded.WebpartToBeAdded";
// Instantiate the control dinamically based on his type
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart genericWP = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(type));
// sets the page to the genericWP (i dont know if this is required)
genericWP.Page = this.Page;
// Note: if you want to call custom methods of the dinamically instantiated controls (like a custom load method) you will need to create an interface and make your dinamically instantiated webpart implement it. You will need to do it in that file that have the following code: private const string _ascxPath #"~/_CONTROLTEMPLATES/...". Then you can do the following
//IMyInterface ig = (IMyInterface)genericWP;
// Adds the controls to a container, an asp panel by example.
