declare code as side-effects free using microsoft code contracts - code-contracts

Is there a way to declare a method as side-effects free using Microsoft Code Contracts (.net 4)?

The [Pure] attribute might be what you're looking for. Just attach it to your method and Code Contracts will assume it doesn't involve any state changes. Note that it doesn't actually enforce or check anything, it just tells the system to make that assumption, so it's up to you to make sure you're using it appropriately.


Can I use the Rust lexer or parser to retrieve a list of functions within a Rust file?

The lexer/parser file located here is quite large and I'm not sure if it is suitable for just retrieving a list of Rust functions. Perhaps writing my own/using another library would be a better route to take?
The end objective would be to create a kind of execution manager. To contextualise, it would be able to read a list of function calls wrapped in a function. The function calls that are within the function will then be able to be re/ordered from some web interface. Thought it might be nice to manage larger applications this way.
No. I mean, not really. Whether you write your own parser or re-use syntex, you're going to hit a fundamental limitation: macros.
So let's say you go all-out and expand macro_rules!-based macros, including the ones defined in external crates (which means you'll also need to extract rustc's crate metadata loading... which isn't stable). What about procedural macros and custom derive attributes? Those are defined in code and depend on compiler-internal interfaces to function.
The only way this is likely to ever work correctly is if you build on top of the compiler, or duplicate a huge amount of work (which also involves unstable binary interfaces).
You could use syntex to parse the Rust code in a build script.

Catel application initialization

I'm looking into Catel. I started following along in the Getting Started for WPF Developers. I create the initial project using the template and run it. All well and good.
Then I take a detailed look at the generated source files. I see references to DataWindow, StyleHelper, and ViewModelBase. And I run in the debugger and watch the Catel debug output, stepping so that I can see when things happen.
And it is all magical.
The view manager somehow runs and registers the MainWindow. And the ViewModelFactory is invoked to create MainWindowViewModel, and the MainWindow DataContext gets set.
How does this all happen? I am missing the documentation that puts together for me the sequence of events when an application starts. I am reluctant to take it on faith, and reluctant to dive into the giant code base without an inkling of where to start. I have read the CodeProject articles and the intro part of the documentation.
Is this driven off of the behaviors some way? How are they invoked? I just can't find the thread that starts me on my way.
Aside: I look at Catel because I found myself implementing a ton of plumbing for a significant MVVM application, and decided that someone else had already solved this problem.
Thanks for any leads. (And thanks, Geert. This is a significant work.)
If I understand correctly, you are looking for advanced information of the inner workings. I think this part of the documentation might be of interest for you.
It might not provide all information you are looking for, but it should provide some.
About some basic questions:
1) The startup windows is defined in App.xaml (that's standard WPF)
2) Since it derives from DataWindow, it uses WindowLogic => LogicBase. The LogicBase uses the IViewModelLocator to find the right view model based on naming conventions (all documented)
3) Then the IViewModelFactory will instantiate the vm (using dependency injection) and return it to the logic which will set it as datacontext.
Note that as the advanced documentation tells you, Catel injects an additional layer to make a difference between the outside datacontext and the VM datacontext (of a window or user control content).
ps. I really recommend starting to use the latest prereleases via NuGet. Catel 4.0 (will be released very soon) is nearly feature complete and will prevent you from a lot of breaking changes that you have to go through (and it is of course much better :-))

Office Automation with #import harmful? states:
[...] It is very powerful, but often not recommended because of
reference-counting problems that typically occur when used with the
Microsoft Office applications. [...]
Which reference-counting problems are specifically meant here?
For example, does it apply to the particular example?
Similarly as in the example, I just want to open Outlook, create an appointment, done.
I wanted to use #import but this statements makes me feel afraid about it ...
A circular reference happens when you have two or more objects holding references to each other, directly or indirectly. In COM, it means that circularly linked objects have called IUnknown::AddRef on each other.
In case with Excel automation, that could happen if you connect your event handler (sink) to Excell objects sourcing events (via IConnectionPoint::Advise). This way, you may be keeping a reference to e.g., Application object, while Application object keeps a reference to your sink.
This problem is not specific to smart pointers generated by VC++ #import directive. It's about how you handle the shutdown of the COM objects when you no longer need them. You should explicitly break all connections you've made (i.e., do IConnectionPoint::Unadvise), and call any explicit shutdown API the object may expose (e.g., Workbook::Close or Application::Quit). Then you should explicitly release you reference (e.g, call workbookPtr.Release() on a smart pointer).
That said, if you don't handle any COM events sourced by Excel, you shouldn't be worrying much, the chance you might create a circular reference would be low. Besides, Excel is an out-of-process COM server, and COM has some garbage collection logic in place to manage life-time of out-of-process servers. However, while your application is still open, the Excel process will be kept alive until all references to its object have been released, or Application::Quit has been called.
That is pretty nonsensical. Programming Office interop with the aid of #import is the boilerplate and recommended way. The smart pointer types it auto-generates are explicitly intended to get reference counting done automatically for you so you can't forget to call Release(). There are a few sharp edges, you do have to understand what smart pointers can do and not do.
This is otherwise par for the course for the team that's behind the All-In-One Code Framework. The samples are created by a support team in Shanghai, originally hired to help out in the MSDN forums. These guys don't have the kind of credentials you'd expect from a Microsoft programmer that works in Redmond and their snippets are not being reviewed. Some of them are outright ill conceived. If you ever asked questions at the MSDN forums and saw the answers they post then you know what I mean.
Their Solution2.cpp sample uses late-binding through IDispatch. That's definitely the hard way to interop with Office, you get no help whatsoever when you write the code. IntelliSense is unable to give you any useful information when you write the method call nor can the compiler tell you that you missed an argument or got the argument type wrong. Your program will fail at runtime with an opaque error code, like DISP_E_BADVARTYPE or DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT. And the Release() calls have to be made explicitly, that of course makes it easier to miss one. Problems you don't have when you use the smart pointers, they give you auto-completion and type checking. You can see for yourself how much smaller and readable Solution1.cpp is.
Diagnosing a missed call to Release() is otherwise easy, your program completes but you'll still see Outlook.exe running in Task Manager. Something you'll get used to checking anyway, it will also happen when you debug your program, find a bug and stop the program to make a correction. Which of course also prevents Release() from being called so Outlook will keep running. You have to kill it yourself.
Do consider writing this kind of code in a managed language like C# or VB.NET. You'll get a lot more help if you have a problem and you'll find lots of sample code. And the garbage collector never forgets to make a Release call. It is just a bit slow at doing so.

How do you lock a dll?

I'm producing a dll for a business partner of mine that he is going to integrate into his app. But I also want to somehow lock the dll so it cannot be used by anyone else. The API of the dll is quite straight forward so it'd be easy to reverse-engineer and use it elsewhere.
How do I do that? My only idea so far would be to add a function in the DLL that'd unlock it if the right parameter is passed to it. But again, it can't be static, this would be too easy to intercept, so I am looking for something semi-dynamic.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
For .net libraries, this is already built into the framework, you just need to set it up. Here is an MSDN article about it.
How to: License Components and Controls
Other than liccensing, you should also obfuscate your code using a tool such as dotFuscator.
PreEmptive's DotFuscator
How likely do you think it is that you'll actually suffer any ill effects (lost income etc) due to this? How significant would such ill effects be? Weigh that up against the cost of doing this in the first place. You could use obfuscation (potentially - it depends on what kind of DLL it is; native or .NET?) but that will only give a certain measure of protection.
You need to accept that it's unlikely (or impossible) that you'll find a solution which is 100% secure. There are shades of grey, and the harder you make it for miscreants, the more effort (or money) you're like to have to put into it too. It may well also make it harder to diagnose issues (e.g. obfuscators munge stack traces; some allow a mapping tool back to the original, but you're likely to lose some information).
It looks like you need to create and use license keys:
Quick and dirty in .NET: strong-name all your assemblies and all assemblies that will access your "locked" dll. Mark all your API classes as internal instead of public. Then, on your "locked" dll, specify those dlls that should have access to your internal API with the InternalsVisibleTo attribute.
Are you trying to protect from casual pirates or something else ? Whatever you do, if the software is remotely useful it is gonna be craked, patched and what not - just ask any of the third party controls vendors.
Any solution that you come up with, it is going to be cracked. Someone might just open the dll in hex editor and patch your function that does the checks, validation and verification.

What are all the way that you try to make your code functional like?

so that you can make your program concurrent easily in the future.
I focus on making items Immutable. Immutable objects allow you to reason about multi-threaded code a lot easier than "thread safe" objects. The object has one visible state that can be passed between threads without any synchronization. It takes the thought out of multi-threaded programming.
If you're interested, I've published a lot of my work with immutable objects, in particular immutable collections on code gallery. The name of the project is RantPack. In the collection area I have
There is an additional shim layer which (CollectionUtility) which will produce wrapper objects that implement BCL interfaces such as IList<T> and ICollection<T>. They can't fully implement the interfaces since they are immutable but all possible methods are implemented.
The source code (C#) including the unit testing is also available on the site.
I program mainly in Java. I'm waiting patiently for the day where closures will be added to the language. But as I am still stuck on Java 1.4.2, even if they get added, that's not going to be for me for a long time !
That said, my main "functional" way of programming is making a lot of use of the "final" keyword. I try to have as many classes as possible completely immutable, and for the rest to have a clear distinction between what's transient and what's immutable.
Don't use member variables or global variables. Use the local stack of functions/methods. When a method uses only internally scoped variables and call parameters and returns all information using out/inout/reference parameters or return values, it is functional.
Make everything asynchronic.
Use immutable objects, messages, etc.
Communicate via queues.
Here's a talk on rubyconf 2008 about the subject, it's mostly ruby centered, but several concepts remain valid.
