Cross thread violation error inside Timer_Tick event - multithreading

My WinForm application invokes a thread to run a process, and also starts a WinForms Timer control Tick event at same time to display the progress of the thread process.
public void threadTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblProgessCount.Text = countDownText;
countDownText is a static string variable which is get updated from the thread process and time to time I want to display the latest value in it in a UI label control. But it gives me the below error,
Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'lblProgressCount' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
But the timer is started outside the thread process. Can anyone explain how to solve this issue.

But the timer is started outside the thread process.
But you are manipulating the UI inside the timer callback. Here you are attempting to modify the UI from a different thread:
lblProgessCount.Text = ...
You should use the Invoke method to ensure that this action is marshaled to the main UI thread:
public void threadTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
Action setValue = () => lblProgessCount.Text = countDownText;


Is the operation of toggling a button in JavaFX atomic?

A toggle button in a JavaFX operation will be accessed by 2 separate threads.
One thread will be invoked as soon as user clicks (toggles button state) and will
a) do something in the OS
b) check if (a) succeeded
c) exit on success / exit and return toggle button to previous state on failure
The other thread will monitor events asynchronous to the previous operation(s) and in case of a particular event it will change the button state.
Do I need to provide synchronization between threads 1 and 2 in terms of locking the button state?
EDIT: The idea proposed by James_D seems reasonable, but I just wanted to propose an alternative (whose effectiveness remains to be proved however).
How about using synchronized code blocks, and using as lock the reference to the particular button, i.e. something like:
// getting the reference to the button
private ToggleButton tButtonToBeSynchronized
// Thread1
synchronized(tButtonToBeSynchronized) {
// do stuff with button upon user click
// Thread2
synchronized(tButtonToBeSynchronized) {
// poll system every X seconds
// when asynchronous event occurs (not related to UI events)
// update tButtonToBeSynchronized state
Would that work in case these are called by different Controller classes? (assuming the reference to the tButtonToBeSynchronized is passed by reference - and not by value by the FXML framework?
Like most UI toolkits, JavaFX assumes a single threaded model. You should only ever access the state of nodes that are part of a scene graph from the FX Application Thread. So, toggling a button is not an atomic operation, and the code you describe is not guaranteed to work as you currently have it set up. In Java 8, it will likely throw a RuntimeException.
JavaFX provides functionality to enable interoperability with background threads. The lowest level of these is Platform.runLater(Runnable r), which executes r on the FX Application Thread. So, your monitor thread (item 2 in your question) should change the state of the toggle button with
Platform.runLater( () -> toggleButton.setSelected(...) );
There is also a javafx.concurrent API. This provides a Task class, among others, which acts as both a Runnable and a java.util.concurrent.FutureTask, and additionally has a collection of callback methods for submitting code to be executed on the FX Application Thread at various points in the Task's lifecycle.
So you should implement item 1 in your question as:
ExecutorService exec = ... ; // e.g. Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
toggleButton.selectedItemProperty().addListener((obs, wasSelected, isNowSelected) -> {
if (isNowSelected) {
Task<Void> task = new Task<Void>() {
public Void call() throws Exception {
// do something on OS
// throw exception if failed
return null ;
task.setOnFailed(event -> toggleButton.setSelected(wasSelected));
If you prefer to return a value indicating success or failure, you can do
Task<Boolean> task = new Task<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() {
// do work...
boolean successful = ... ;
return successful ;
task.setOnSucceeded( event -> {
boolean wasSuccessful = task.getValue();
// ...

How do I safely modify JavaFX GUI nodes from my own Thread?

I try to change a JavaFX GUI node in a thread, but I see the following error:
Exception in thread "Thread-8" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on
FX application thread; currentThread = Thread-8
Sample code that generates the error:
public class Controller {
public Label label = new Label();
public void load() {
MyThread myThread = new MyThread();
public class MyThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
label.setText(""); // IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread
All manipulations of JavaFX nodes in an active scene graph must run on the JavaFX application thread, otherwise your program may not work correctly.
JavaFX will throw the exception IllegalStateException: Not on FX application thread when you try to modify attributes of scene graph nodes off of the JavaFX application thread. Even if you don't get an IllegalStateException, you should not be modifying scene graph nodes off of the JavaFX application thread because if you do your code may fail unpredictably.
Using Platform.runLater()
Wrap code which manipulates scene graph nodes in Platform.runLater calls to allow the JavaFX system to run the code on the JavaFX application thread.
For example, you can fix your sample program with the following code:
Platform.runLater(() -> label.setText(""));
Alternative using a Task with a message Property
If you are using a JavaFX Task, which has some in-built support for concurrent programming using JavaFX, then you can take advantage of its message property, which can be safely updated from any thread but will relay the property changes only on the JavaFX thread.
Here is an example (from the Task javadoc):
Task<Integer> task = new Task<Integer>() {
#Override protected Integer call() throws Exception {
int iterations;
for (iterations = 0; iterations < 10000000; iterations++) {
if (isCancelled()) {
updateMessage("Iteration " + iterations);
updateProgress(iterations, 10000000);
return iterations;
You can then safely bind to the message property to have the changing message value reflected in the UI:
Label iterationLabel = new Label();
updateMessage javadoc:
Updates the message property. Calls to updateMessage are coalesced and
run later on the FX application thread, so calls to updateMessage,
even from the FX Application thread, may not necessarily result in
immediate updates to this property, and intermediate message values
may be coalesced to save on event notifications.
This method is safe
to be called from any thread.
There are many examples of usage of updateMessage() in the Task javadoc.

Problem in calling thread inside Eclipse view run method, after using asyncExec. Invalid Thread Exception

I am having an eclipse View. Inside the view I added a Table. Now I am calling a thread from run method of the view using asyncExec.
My View class is like -
public class SampleViewAction implements IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate{
Thread t;
int Count;
public void run(IAction arg0) {
Now I added a thread like this -
PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new UDPReadThread();
Where UDPReadThread is a class extends a thread where in UDPReadThread 's constructor I started the thread.
But I am getting invalid Thread exception.
How to resolve the issue.
Similar to AWT and the EventDispatchThread, SWT must process everything in the UI thread.
Your SampleViewAction is run on the UI thread already, in response to a menu or tool item selection.
It looks like your problem comes from then using an asyncExec(*) which will post the runnable to be run on the UI thread (which delays it), and starting a new thread from that asyncExec Runnable. You may as well simply start your thread, and get rid of that asyncExec.
Your UDPReadThread is not the UI thread. If you need to update UI widgets from UDPReadThread, that's the code that needs the asyncExec:
new Runnable() {
public void run(){
Just as an aside, you should not subclass Thread unless you really are extending threads capabilities. The normal pattern when you just want to start another thread:
UDPReadRunnable udpRunnable = ....;
Thread thread = new Thread(udpRunnable);
You can get more information on the display thread from

A threading problem where mono hangs and MS.Net doesn't

I'm testing my app with mono in prevision of a Linux port, and I have a threading problem. I initially considered pasting 3000 code lines here, but finally I've devised a small minimal example ;)
You have a form with a button (poetically named Button1, and a label (which bears, without surprise, the name Label1)). The whole lot is living a happy life on a form called Form1. Clicking Button1 launches an infinite loop that increments a local counter and updates Label1 (using Invoke) to reflect its value.
Now in Mono, if you resize the form, the label stops updating, never to restart. This doesn't happen with MS implementation. BeginInvoke doesn't work any better; worse, it makes the UI hang in both cases.
Do you know where this discrepancy comes from? How would you solve it? And finally, why doesn't BeginInvoke work here? I must be making a huge mistake... but which?
Some progress so far:
Calling BeginInvoke does in fact work; only, the UI just doesn't refresh fast enough, so it seems to stop.
On mono, what happens is that the whole thread hangs when you insert a message in the UI queue (eg by resizing the form). In fact, the synchronous Invoke call never returns. I'm trying to understand why.
Of interest: even using BeginInvoke, the asynchronous calls don't get executed before the resizing operation ends. On MS.Net, they keep running while resizing.
The code looks like this (C# version lower):
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim T As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Increment)
End Sub
Sub UpdateLabel(ByVal Text As String)
Label1.Text = Text
End Sub
Delegate Sub UpdateLabelHandler(ByVal Text As String)
Sub Increment()
Dim i As Long = 0
Dim UpdateLabelDelegate As New UpdateLabelHandler(AddressOf UpdateLabel)
While True
i = (i + 1) Mod (Long.MaxValue - 1)
Me.Invoke(UpdateLabelDelegate, New Object() {i.ToString})
End While
Catch Ex As ObjectDisposedException
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Or, in C#,
public class Form1
private void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
System.Threading.Thread T = new System.Threading.Thread(Increment);
public void UpdateLabel(string Text)
Label1.Text = Text;
public delegate void UpdateLabelHandler(string Text);
public void Increment()
long i = 0;
UpdateLabelHandler UpdateLabelDelegate = new UpdateLabelHandler(UpdateLabel);
try {
while (true) {
i = (i + 1) % (long.MaxValue - 1);
this.Invoke(UpdateLabelDelegate, new object[] { i.ToString() });
} catch (ObjectDisposedException Ex) {
This is a bug in the mono runtime, at least I think it is. The code might not be good practice (I'm not a threading expert), but the thing that suggests a bug is the fact that the behaviour differs on windows and Linux.
On Linux, mono has exactly the same behaviour as MS.Net has on windows. No hanging, continuous updates even while resizing.
On Windows, mono displays all the aforementioned problems. I've posted a bug report at .
Do you know where this discrepancy
comes from? How would you solve it?
I am not sure. I do not see anything obvious in your code that would cause the difference between Mono and .NET. If I had to make a wild guess I would say there is a possibility that you have stumbled upon an obscure bug in Mono. Though, I suppose it is possible that Mono uses a sufficiently different mechanism for handling the WM_PAINT messages that cause the form to get refreshed. The constant pounding of the UI thread from repeated calls to Invoke may be disrupting Mono's ability to get the form refreshed.
And finally, why doesn't BeginInvoke
work here?
Calling Invoke in a tight loop is bad enough, but BeginInvoke will be even worse. The worker thread is flooding the UI message pump. BeginInvoke does not wait until the UI thread has finished executing the delegate. It just posts the requests and returns quickly. That is why it appears to hang. The messages that BeginInvoke is posting to the UI message queue keep building up as the worker thread is likely severely out pacing the UI thread's ability to process them.
Other Comments
I should also mention that the worker thread is nearly useless in the code. The reason is because you have a call to Invoke on every iteration. Invoke blocks until the UI has finished executing the delegate. That means your worker thread and UI thread are essentially in lock-step with each other. In other words, the worker is spending most of its time waiting for the UI and vice versa.
One possible fix is to slow down the rate at which Invoke is called. Instead of calling it on every loop iteration try doing it every 1000 iterations or the like.
Any even better approach is to not use Invoke or BeginInvoke at all. Personally, I think these mechanisms for updating the UI are way overused. It is almost always better to let the UI thread throttle its own update rate especially when the worker thread is doing continuous processing. This means you will need to place a timer on the form and have it tick at the desired refresh rate. From the Tick event you will probe a shared data structure that the worker thread is updating and use that information to update the controls on the form. This has several advantages.
It breaks the tight coupling between the UI and worker threads that Control.Invoke imposes.
It puts the responsibility of updating the UI thread on the UI thread where it should belong anyway.
The UI thread gets to dictate when and how often the update should take place.
There is no risk of the UI message pump being overrun as would be the case with the marshaling techniques initiated by the worker thread.
The worker thread does not have to wait for an acknowledgement that the update was performed before proceeding with its next steps (ie. you get more throughput on both the UI and worker threads).
First and foremost: clicking on Button1 is asynchronous already, so you don't need to create another thread to increment, just call the increment method Sorry, I was reading your question line by line and by the time I got to the while-loop I forgot about the button:
private void Button1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Thread t = new Thread(Increment);
t.IsBackground = true;
Second: if you do need to use a thread then you should always set your thread to background (i.e. foreground prevents your process from terminating), unless you have a good reason for using a foreground thread.
Third: if you're making updates to the UI, then you should check the InvokeRequired property and call BeginInvoke:
public void UpdateLabel(string Text)
if (InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new UpdateLabelDelegate(UpdateLabel), Text);
Label1.Text = Text;
public void Increment()
int i = 0;
i++; // just incrementing i??
Thread.Sleep(1000);// slow down a bit so you can see the updates
You can also "automate" the Invoke Required "pattern": Automating the InvokeRequired code pattern
And now see if you're still having the same problem.
I tried it on my machine and it works like a charm:
public partial class Form1 : Form
private delegate void UpdateLabelDelegate(string text);
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread t = new Thread(Increment);
t.IsBackground = true;
private void UpdateLabel(string text)
if (label1.InvokeRequired)
BeginInvoke(new UpdateLabelDelegate(UpdateLabel), text);
label1.Text = text;
private void Increment()
int i = 0;
while (true)

Thread Invalid Access Error in SWT

Could you let me know the reason for this error in SWT
"org.eclipse.swt.SWTException" Invalid Thread access ?
And How to fix such errors.
It happens when you try to act upon an interface item from a thread that's not the UI thread.
To run a code on the UI thread you have to use a Runnable and ask the display thread to run it. This way:
Display.getDefault().syncExec( new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Do your job here
} );
As stated by the syncExec method javadoc,
the thread which calls this method is suspended until the runnable completes.
Also, you might check the asyncExec method.
In SWT you can access GUI resources only from the display thread. For example when setting the text in a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text control you must already be in the display thread or call
final Text text = ...;
Display.getCurrent().syncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
