Access mongoose non-schema values in Jade - node.js

I have a really weird problem in Jade where I cannot access the values that aren't defined in the Schema.
I'm using strict:false on my schema and saving values to it. My data looks like this:
"title" : "This is a title in the schema",
"notInSchema" : "This will never show up"
This works:
h1= post.title
This doesn't work:
h1= post.notInSchema
If I dump all my data into the template, I can see both pieces of data:
pre= JSON.stringify(options,null,'\t') //{"title" : "This is a title in the schema", "notInSchema" : "This will never show up"}
If I add notInSchema to my schema, it shows up. How can I do this without adding it?

Instead of passing the raw Mongoose document to Jade, pass its serialized version instead:
res.render('yourtemplate', {
post : post.toJSON() // .toJSON() is also called by JSON.stringify()
I believe Mongoose only creates accessors on a document for fields that are in the schema. Any other fields, even though they are stored in the database, don't get one so can't be accessed directly.
The documentation seems to suggest something similar:
NOTE: Any key/val set on the instance that does not exist in your
schema is always ignored, regardless of schema option.
EDIT: since you're dealing with result sets, you need to call toJSON on each document in it. The easiest way to do so is using map (hope I get the CF syntax right):
res.render "admin",
title : "Admin Dashboard"
results : results
users : (user) ->
messages: req.flash() || {}
Although that would still leave results 'unprocessed'. Alternatively, you could leave the mapping to the separate steps in your async.series. For instance:
.exec (err,companies)->
next(null, (company) ->
Or use toJSON in your template on any object that you need to access those "unschema'd" properties for.

I use:
model.find({Branch:branch},function (err, docs){
if (err) res.send(err)
{tree: tree,
articulos: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(docs))


Why is the object value not changing?

I am trying to pull a Post object from my MongoDB. This Post has an author field, which is an ObjectID referencing who authored the blog post. Once I fetch the blog post, I want to fetch the Author's username and replace the ID in the post object before sending it out to as a response to clients.
When running the code, the correct Post shows when I log it, and the correct Username is shown when it is fetched, but I can never modify the object itself.
BlogController.getPost(id, (error, result) => {
if (error) res.send({success:false, message:error})
else {
var post = result
AuthController.getUserByID(, (error, resultNested) => {
if (error) res.send({success:false, message:error})
else { = resultNested.username
res.send({success:true, message:post})
I would include the console log outputs to show you the structure of the objects and that the values I am trying to modify xist, but the new StackOverflow UI makes inputting code even more of a pain in the ass than the past. Somehow...
I expect for the post object to have it's authorfield modified, but the author field remains an ObjectID.
I would suggest storing the name of the author in the post model as a start. MongoDB is referred to as a 'Document Based' DB and I therefore like to think of each record in a collection as a standalone 'document'.
I can understand the logic of the relational model you are trying to implement, but since MongoDB stores data in JSON format - one could argue that there is some room for redundancy.
I would recommend...
author : string;
relUser : string;
Where the relUser field will be the id of the user that posted the blog entry and we store the author/username in the author field. In this way you simplify the number of calls you need to make, by getting more info per single call.

Mongoose display comments and stars(likes) for each post [duplicate]

In Mongoose, I can use a query populate to populate additional fields after a query. I can also populate multiple paths, such as
.populate('books movie', 'title pages director')
However, this would generate a lookup on book gathering the fields for title, pages and director - and also a lookup on movie gathering the fields for title, pages and director as well. What I want is to get title and pages from books only, and director from movie. I could do something like this:
.populate('books', 'title pages')
.populate('movie', 'director')
which gives me the expected result and queries.
But is there any way to have the behavior of the second snippet using a similar "single line" syntax like the first snippet? The reason for that, is that I want to programmatically determine the arguments for the populate function and feed it in. I cannot do that for multiple populate calls.
After looking into the sourcecode of mongoose, I solved this with:
var populateQuery = [{path:'books', select:'title pages'}, {path:'movie', select:'director'}];
you can also do something like below:
You achieve that by simply passing object or array of objects to populate() method.
const query = [
select:'title pages'
const result = await Person.find().populate(query).lean();
Consider that lean() method is optional, it just returns raw json rather than mongoose object and makes code execution a little bit faster! Don't forget to make your function (callback) async!
This is how it's done based on the Mongoose JS documentation
Let's say you have a BookCollection schema which contains users and books
In order to perform a query and get all the BookCollections with its related users and books you would do this
.exec(function (err, bookcollection) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
try {
res.render('viewbookcollection', { content: bookcollection});
} catch (e) {
console.log("errror getting bookcollection"+e);
//Your Schema must include path
let createdData =Person.create(dataYouWant)
await createdData.populate([{path:'books', select:'title pages'},{path:'movie', select:'director'}])

Mongoose Error while performing delete

I am running into following error but I unable to completely grasp the understanding behind the error.
CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "XYZ" at path "_id" for model "Partner"
I have my schema defined as following
var partnerList = new Schema (
partnerName: String,
supportedProducts: [String]
collection: 'partnerList'
module.exports = mongoose.model('Partner', partnerList);
The functionality of my delete function
delete: function (req, res) {
var removePartner = req.params.partnerName;
var promise = Partner.findByIdAndRemove(removePartner).exec();
promise.then(function removePartner(val) {
console.log('partner value removed');
}).catch(function catchError(err){
throw err;
I am trying to making a request to my node app service using
localhost:8443/data/XYZ, where i am passing the value 'XYZ' as the parameter. This value is used to delete the appropriate object from the database.
Basically the error means that whatever you pass as your "XYZ" url param is not a valid ObjectId.
Guessing from your code you use the "partner name" (probably some arbitrary string) instead of the database id of the partner. However findByIdAndRemove() requires you to specify an ObjectId as it uses this to identify which document to delete:
Model.findByIdAndRemove(id, [options], [callback])
Your delete API call could then look something like this: http://localhost:8443/data/59558ccd7acc4dd63ea88988. However for this the client needs to know the ObjectId of the partner.
So you have to either use the ObjectId of a partner in the URL, or use remove() to implement your custom delete query instead, for example like this (if name is the property you use to store your partner names):
Partner.remove({ name: partnerName }).exec();
Be careful however that this might remove multiple documents if your partner name is not unique, as remove will delete all documents matching the query.
In order to prevent this you can also use findOneAndRemove() using the same query. This would only remove one document at a time. If there are multiple partners with the same name it would remove the first one (depending on your sort order).

Finding a document, converting it into an object, and identifying it with a variable in Mongoose

Background: I have a mongo database named test with a collection called collection. There is a single document in test.collection:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("64e4a6f9d1d7ba45250dc2c1"), "key" : "value"}
Question: Using Mongoose, what is a way to grab the lone document found in test.collection, convert it into a javascript object, and to identify it with the variable object? For example, we should have that
returns "value".
EDIT : I have tried the following, which didn't work:
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Model = db.model('Model', mongoose.Schema({}),'collection');
var doc = Model.findOne();
console.log(doc.key); // doesn't show "value" as expected
Do it this way (as stated on my comment):
Model.find(function (err, docs) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
I also recommend taking another look to the docs, it's always good to refresh the basic concepts.

Node, Mongoose: Remove json element from query result with delete

I get this strange behavior. Here's the thing: I make a database query and want to delete an element of the json returned by the query. So this doesn't seem to work (i.e. the element is not deleted),
var user=json;
delete user.element;
while this works
var user={element:json.element,blement:'stuff'}
delete user.element;
I think what you are referring to as JSON is actually a Mongoose document object given the tags you added to your question. Since that object is attached to it's "schema", you may have rules in there such as a "required" field or such that are interfering with the operation you are trying to do.
In order to get a raw form of the Object back, simply use the .toObject() method on the document result:
Model.findOne({ _id: id}, function(err,doc) {
var raw = doc.toObject();
delete raw.element;
console.log( raw );
Of course you can always just omit the field from being returned in the query result with the basic form provided by .select():
Model.findOne({ _id: id}, '-element', function(err,doc) {
console.log( doc );
Either form would remove that particular field from the response, but if you possibly want more control over the result than what can be provided by the field projection from .select() then use the .toObject() form and manipulate just as a plain JavaScript object.
