Is is possible to use Dreamweaver to create Typescript? - dreamweaver

Is is possible to use Dreamweaver to create Typescript? either as an editor or in some fashion to compile?

I don't think you will be able to get the full TypeScript experience in Dreamweaver. The beauty of tools like Visual Studio or Web Storm is that you can design-time support, compilation-time checking and compilation to JavaScript all built in.
I can't find any documentation for the two major things you would need to bring TypeScript support to Dreamweaver:
Language support extensibility (a language definition of some kind)
Running an external application on save (to run the compiler)
You could probably get enough just with language support by running the compiler manually (probably by adding the command to a batch file) - but I cannot find any information on how to add a language to Dreamweaver.


No Rust autocomplete in Visual Studio Code for external crates such as 'gtk-rs'

Maybe this question has been done before but I can not find anything.
I would like to know what steps to follow so that Visual Studio Code can show the autocomplete window that shows Rust methods and such, for example when using ctrl+space (In many commons, editors) What I see is that it works for std but not for gtk-rs.
I was wondering if I would have to tell you in some way how to find the files or something like that.
I do not know if this will depend on each editor or all have some specific files included, my IDE is Visual Studio Code. forgot to include the extensions that you have installed
Rust for Visual Studio Code
Rust Language Server integration.
Autocompletion (via racer or RLS).
Go To Definition (via racer or RLS).
Go To Symbol (via rustsym or RLS).
Code formatting (via rustfmt).
Code Snippets.
Although there could be many possible causes of a problem with the Rust extension in Visual Studio Code, the following steps should help anyone with issues of this kind:
Do not use the old extension "Rusty Code", since it's no longer maintained. Instead, you have two options:
rust-analyzer provides by far the best Rust language support and is already part of the Rust organization. This is the recommended choice today.
rust-lang.rust is an older extension developed by an official Rust team and is focused on Rust Language Server (RLS) integration. It is not as powerful.
The kalitaalexey.vscode-rust extension was forked from Rusty Code to make it more stable, but that one too eventually lost maintenance.
When using RLS, you might need to build your project so that dependencies are downloaded and compiled locally, thus enabling the extension to retrieve additional information about them.
It's always worth making sure that the extension is up to date and properly configured. Update the extension, and check out the respective documentation for instructions on how to make it work.
Check the status bar. If something is wrong, it should tell you so. Open the extension task's output window for error messages. If something still isn't right, try reloading your window.
If there's still a problem after these steps, it might actually be a bug, which should be reported.
For me solution was to use Rust Analyzer extension instead of rust-lang.rust
If you're just starting with Rust and VSCode, and want to enable autocomplete, this is what I did (Novemeber 2021):
Install Rust extension in VSCode
Open root folder of you existing Rust project(or create new) in VSCode (and select "trust workspace" if asked)
Open src/, now in lower right corner VSCode will ask you to install some components, click yes and it will install both Rust Language Server and Rust Analyzer
Autocomplete should now work with CTRL+SPACE
Before trying out E_net4's solutions, make sure you are running your Rust project from root. (same directory as Cargo.toml)
I was running :
- src
- Cargo.toml
- src
- Cargo.toml
As my workspace root.
For me, the answer was to install rust via rustup rather than through Home Brew.
Install rust via Rustup
Install the rust-analyzer extension
Also ensure that the workspace is trusted in VS Code.

Better LESS compiler options for Visual Studio?

I'm new to VS, coming from the Mac where I used the excellent CodeKit for LESS compiling. I've installed the Web Essentials add-on, so I have basic LESS support and compiling.
The major shortcoming with this plugin is when saving files that are imported into a main.less file, the main.less file does not compile unless I open it specifically and save it.
I'd prefer a solution like CodeKit, which would compile the parent file if any of the children are modified. Are there any other plugins, even commercial ones, which do this?
There's an option in Web Essentials to "compile all LESS files", which would almost do what I want, but it throws an error:
In WebEssentials there is an option (tools>Options>WebEssentials>Less) to Compile all files on Build, which you'll probably do before publishing anyway. You might want to add your votes to the UserVoice ticket for this issue.
BundleTransformer allows you to have ASP.NET do the transformations on the fly (at runtime), having it compile, minify and compress all in one go. You won't have to recompile your files inside Visual Studio itself. You can keep using WebEssentials for intellisense.
And then there is the Mindscape Web Workbench which provides similar functionality as Webessentials. Their Pro edition ($) can also compile files on save & build.
I personally prefer You can use it even in Express edition since it's not integrated inside VS.
Just open the Simpless drag and drop the file and it will compile your file automatically when they has been modified from your VS (or any of editor).
Web Essential is also have suggest in someone answer.

Is it possible to compile MonoTouch projects with languages other than C#?

How would I go about using F# or J# for instance? I'm not sure what to get to grips with in the project's compiler settings.
Is there a sequence of command line steps I could follow to compile a MonoTouch project that I might interpret to replace the C# step but tell the other compiler to use the correct platform details etc?
Thank you.
Unfortunately, no. In the book "Developing C# Apps for iPhone and iPad using MonoTouch" you could see text (proof):
C# Is Currently the Only Language
Additionally, currently, the only .NET language available for writing MonoTouch applications is C#.
Nothing changed since that book publication.
Maxim Korobov is right, MonoDevelop only supports C# when writing for MonoTouch.
But this is not the whole truth: MonoDevelop also has (preliminary) support for Portable Library Projects (PLP). What this means is that you can create and compile PLP projects in Visual Studio (in any language Visual Studio supports for PLP projects), and then reference that library in MonoDevelop. Just have in mind that the PLP support is preliminary right now, and you might run into a few bumps on the way.

In which language the KIS application might have been developed?

I just went through this link,the-tsar-of-antivirus.aspx and found that it's developed using c/c++ and visual studio with a little assembly language support.
As a programmer i just want to know in what programming language the kaspersky internet security User Interface(UI) has been developed?
Might be using QT(coz. of c++)? or using MFC(coz. of visual studio)??
With side tab like thing the UI looks good.
Expecting the answers from expert analysts.
You could use a PE Editor like PEiD to check the executable for compiler signatures in the PE file header or the names of the DLLs imported by that executable.

In what programming language is GoogleTalk application developed?

Does any one know in which programming language were Google Talk application developed.
yes am asking about the windows client application. :)
googletalk.exe -> Compiled with: Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0 [Debug]
gtalkwmp1.dll -> Complied with: Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 DLL
So GTalk is written in C++
You'll find pretty useful for this kind of stuff.
According to Steve Yegge, Google is using C++, Java, Python, and JavaScript. So the answer would be C++ :)
Google released an open source library for Google Talk called libjingle, which is written in C++. So logically, the Windows client would probably be C++ too.
Do you mean the client side, or the server side ? The talk protocol is Jingle and libraries are available in C/C++/Java.
Ideally the protocol would be language independent, and consequently both sides (client and server) would not be constrained to a particular language.
According to this Google-talk Wiki, it uses libjingle which they've implemented in C++. However, a company as big as Google is big enough to develop their own in-house compilers with support for whatever dialect they prefer. This would be a sensible thing to do for Google, to have something which could be compiled for every operating system that they want to support.
I don't have Google-talk but I checked the binaties of Picasa, another Google application. It mentions the Visual C++ Runtime Library so I guess I'm wrong and Google is probably just using Visual Studio instead.
In general, C++ is a platform-independant language, making it the most appropriate language to use to write new projects. However, depending on the desired functionality, you do need the proper libraries for all the platforms you want to support and make sure they all expose the same methods.
Java generates platform-independant binaries. As such, it's more powerful than C++ but those binaries depend on the Java Virtual Machine, which reduces their performance. This makes them less qualified.
There are plenty of other languages that could have been used but Google is most likely using a language that supports as many platforms as possible. (Including the future Google Chrome Operating System.)
