Memory allocation - malloc

I have a base class and a derived class.
Things work well with this setup. I have added another class in base class, so its a nested class.
On allocation of memory for the new nested class, I see some memory corruption.
I want to know when we have nested class, does the size of base class increase ?

Odds are the changes are hiding an application code problem, just as certain memory bugs don't corrupt a running process the same way when run under a debugger, which also changes the environment.
mallopt is used to frob the value however, with this doc:
The size of the arena, a chunk of memory that the memory allocator allocates
and deallocates from the system. This value must be a multiple of 4 KB, and
currently is limited to being less than 256 KB. Environment variable:
But like I said, if changes this looks like it fixes the corruption, don't believe it. Better to set the arena size to whatever value exposes the application bug, then fix the bug itself.


What is uninitialized memory and why isn't it initialized when allocating?

Taking this signature for a method of the GlobalAllocator:
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8
and this sentence from the method's documentation:
The allocated block of memory may or may not be initialized.
Suppose that we are going to allocate some chunk of memory for an [i32, 10]. Assuming the size of i32 it's 4 bytes, our example array would need 40 bytes for the requested storage.
Now, the allocator found a memory spot that fits our requirements. Some 40 bytes of a memory region... but... what's there? I always read the term garbage data, and assume that it's just old data already stored there by another process, program... etc.
What's unitialized memory? Just data that is not initialized with zeros of with some default value for the type that we want to store there?
Why not always memory it's initialized before returning the pointer? It's too costly? But the memory must be initialized in order to use it properly and not cause UB. Why then doesn't comes already initialized?
When some resource it's deallocated, things musn't be pointing to that freed memory. That's that place got zeroed? What really happens when you deallocate some piece of memory?
What's unitialized memory? Just data that is not initialized with zeros of with some default value for the type that we want to store there?
It's worse than either of those. Reading from uninitialized memory is undefined behavior, as in you can no longer reason about a program which does so. Practically, compilers often optimize assuming that code paths that would trigger undefined behavior are never executed and their code can be removed. Or not, depending on how aggressive the compiler is.
If you could reliably read from the pointer, it would contain arbitrary data. It may be zeroes, it may be old data structures, it may be parts of old data structures. It may even be things like passwords and encryption keys, which is another reason why reading uninitialized memory is problematic.
Why not always memory it's initialized before returning the pointer? It's too costly? But the memory must be initialized in order to use it properly and not cause UB. Why then doesn't comes already initialized?
Yes, cost is the issue. The first thing that is typically done after allocating a piece of memory is to write to it. Having the allocator "pre-initialize" the memory is wasteful when the caller is going to overwrite it anyway with the values it wants. This is especially significant with large buffers used for IO or other large storage.
When some resource it's deallocated, things musn't be pointing to that freed memory. That's that place got zeroed? What really happens when you deallocate some piece of memory?
It's up to how the memory allocator is implemented. Most don't waste processing power to clear the data that's been deallocated, since it will be overwritten anyway when it's reallocated. Some allocators may write some bookkeeping data to the freed space. GlobalAllocator is an interface to whatever allocator the system comes with, so it can vary depending on the environment.
I always read the term garbage data, and assume that it's just old data already stored there by another process, program... etc.
Worth noting: all modern desktop OSs have memory isolation between processes - your program cannot access the memory of other processes or the kernel (unless you explicitly share it via specialized functionality). The kernel will clear memory before it assigns it to your process, to prevent leaking sensitive data. But you can see old data from your own process, for the reasons described above.
What you are asking are implementation details that can even vary from run to run. From the perspective of the abstract machine and thus the optimizer they don't matter.
Turning contents of uninitialized memory into almost any type (other than MaybeUninit) is immediate undefined behavior.
let mem: *u8 = unsafe { alloc(...) };
let x: u8 = unsafe { ptr::read(mem) };
if x != x {
May or may not print, crash or delete the contents of your harddrive, possibly even before reaching that alloc call because the optimizer worked backwards and eliminated the entire code block because it could prove that all execution paths are UB.
This may happen due to assumptions the optimizer relies on, i.e. even when the underlying allocator is well-behaved. But real systems may also behave non-deterministically. E.g. theoretically on a freshly booted embedded system memory might be in an uninitialized state that doesn't reliably return 0 or 1. Or on linux madvise(MADV_FREE) can cause allocations to return inconsistent results over time until initialized.

How to measure the amount of static memory in a Linux executable?

I'm a compiler researcher and I'm currently researching the impact of different compilation strategies in the final size of an executable. For instance, if a strategy is to generate multiple versions of the same function that bake in some of the parameters (constant propagation), it's to be expected that the amount of code will increase; dead code elimination, on the other hand, decrease it. Similarly, if some optimization relies on using a static memory pool whose size is determined at compile-time, I'd like to know how much space it is taking.
Most tools I've looked into (e.g. valgrind) seem to focus on stack and heap usage, but don't say much about static memory. Is there some other tool I'm missing?
Try using newrelic monitoring tool it will help you to collect garbage data of code or which api is using. In linux there is only physical memory and swap memory,application level they use heap memory for that new relic will be helpful.
Newrelic link to get stack details : --> 100GB free trail is available to understand your requirement.

What memory leaks can occur outside the view of GHC's heap profiler

I have a program that exhibits the behavior of a memory leak. It gradually takes up all of the systems memory until it fills all swap space and then the operating system kills it. This happens once every several days.
I have extensively profiled the heap in a manner of ways (-hy, -hm, -hc) and tried limiting heap size (-M128M) tweaked the number of generations (-G1) but no matter what I do the heap size appears constant-ish and low always (measured in kB not MB or GB). Yet when I observe the program in htop, its resident memory steadily climbs.
What this indicates to me is that the memory leak is coming from somewhere besides the GHC heap. My program makes use of dependencies, specifically Haskell's yaml library which wraps the C library libyaml, it is possible that the leak is in the number of foreign pointers it has to objects allocated by libyaml.
My question is threefold:
What places besides the GHC heap can memory leak from in a Haskell program?
What tools can I use to track these down?
What changes to my source code need to be made to avoid these types of leaks, as they seem to differ from the more commonly experienced space leaks in Haskell?
This certainly sounds like foreign pointers aren't being finalized properly. There are several possible reasons for this:
The underlying C library doesn't free memory properly.
The Haskell library doesn't set up finalization properly.
The ForeignPtr objects aren't being freed.
I think there's actually a decent chance that it's option 3. If the RTS consistently finds enough memory in the first GC generation, then it just won't bother running a major collection. Fortunately, this is the easiest to diagnose. Just have your program run System.Memory.performGC every so often. If that fixes it, you've found the bug and can tweak just how often you want to do that.
Another possible issue is that you could have foreign pointers lying around in long-lived thunks or other closures. Make sure you don't.
One particularly strong possibility when working with a wrapped C library is that the wrapper functions will return ByteStrings whose underlying arrays were allocated by C code. So any ByteStrings you get back from yaml could potentially be off-heap.

How does Nodejs/V8 know how big a native object is?

Specifically, in node-opencv, opencv Matrix objects are represented as a javascript object wrapping a c++ opencv Matrix.
However, if you don't .release() them manually, the V8 engine does not seem to know how big they are, and the NodeJS memory footprint can grow far beyond any limits you try to set on the command line; i.e. it only seems to run the GC when it approaches the set memory limits, but because it does not see the objects as large, this does not happen until it's too late.
Is there something we can add to the objects which will allow V8 to see them as large objects?
Illustrating this, you can create and 'forget' large 1M buffers all day on a nodejs set to limit it's memory to 256Mbytes.
But if you do the same with 1M opencv Matrices, NodeJS will quickly use much more than the 256M limit - unless you either run GC manually, or release the Matrices manually.
(caveat: a c++ opencv matrix is a reference to memory; i.e. more than one Matrix object can point to the same data - but it would be a start to have V8 see ALL references to the same memory as being the size of that memory for the purposes of GC, safer that seeing them as all very small.)
Circumstances: on an RPi3, we have a limited memory footprint, and processing live video (using about 4M of mat objects per frame) can soon exhaust all memory.
Also, the environment I'm working in (a Node-Red node) is designed for 'public' use, so difficult to ensure that all users completely understand the need to manually .release() images; hence this question is about how to bring this large data under the GC's control.
You can inform v8 about your external memory usage with AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory(int64_t delta). There are wrappers for this function in n-api and NAN.
By the way, "large objects" has a special meaning in v8: objects large enough to be created in large object space and never moved. External memory is off-heap memory and I think what you're referring to.

1GB Vector, will Vector.Unboxed give trouble, will Vector.Storable give trouble?

We need to store a large 1GB of contiguous bytes in memory for long periods of time (weeks to months), and are trying to choose a Vector/Array library. I had two concerns that I can't find the answer to.
Vector.Unboxed seems to store the underlying bytes on the heap, which can be moved around at will by the GC.... Periodically moving 1GB of data would be something I would like to avoid.
Vector.Storable solves this problem by storing the underlying bytes in the c heap. But everything I've read seems to indicate that this is really only to be used for communicating with other languages (primarily c). Is there some reason that I should avoid using Vector.Storable for internal Haskell usage.
I'm open to a third option if it makes sense!
My first thought was the mmap package, which allows you to "memory-map" a file into memory, using the virtual memory system to manage paging. I don't know if this is appropriate for your use case (in particular, I don't know if you're loading or computing this 1GB of data), but it may be worth looking at.
In particular, I think this prevents the GC moving the data around (since it's not on the Haskell heap, it's managed by the OS virtual memory subsystem). On the other hand, this interface handles only raw bytes; you couldn't have, say, an array of Customer objects or something.
