How to grep specific lines from nmap -O output? - text

I got many files named like 192.168.203.txt as the output of
sudo nmap -O --top-ports 192.168.203.* >>192.168.203.txt
The output looks like as below:
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00067s latency).
21/tcp closed ftp
22/tcp closed ssh
23/tcp closed telnet
25/tcp closed smtp
80/tcp open http
110/tcp closed pop3
139/tcp filtered netbios-ssn
443/tcp closed https
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
3389/tcp filtered ms-wbt-server
Device type: general purpose
Running: Microsoft Windows 2008|7
OS CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_server_2008::sp2 cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_7
OS details: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 SP2, Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 SP1
Network Distance: 6 hops
I just want to grep the IP like with http or ssh or other ports open sepetately. Maybe I will pipe all the result IP into a file named http_open_ip.txt.
I have tried grep ftp with commands:
cat *.txt|grep -B 3 "ftp"|grep -B3 "open"|grep "192.168."|awk '{print $5}'|sort -t . -k 3,3n -k 4,4n> ftp_open_ip.txt
Thus, I got a file ftp_open_ip.txt. But I found this command not work with other keywords like ssh stmp. What should I do ?

I am not exactly clear about what you want. Perhaps, you want to look in all the files and for all those IP which will have a http port open in one file, ssh port open in another file. So same IP may be present in multiple files.
Assuming that, below is an awk solution
awk 'BEGIN{http_open="http_open";ssh_open="ssh_open";ftp_open="ftp_open"}
/Nmap scan report for/{ip=$5}
/ftp/ && /open/{print "ftp open for " ip >> ftp_open}
/ssh/ && /open/{print "ssh open for " ip >> ssh_open }
/http/ && /open/{print "http open for " ip >> http_open}
' <filename>
It assumes that the file is containing data in same order shown in your example. So Nmap scan report for line has the IP in 5th field. Now after that, the rest is really simple. if ftp, ssh, http etc are found along with open status, we redirect the output in corresponding file.

Instead of all this challenging text processing, you should use Nmap's own features that make this kind of output processing easier. First, Nmap offers many output formats, and options to output to files. Start with this command:
sudo nmap -oA my-scan-%y%m%d -O --top-ports
The -oA my-scan-%y%m%d option will save the output of your scan in 3 different files:
$ ls
my-scan-20130520.gnmap my-scan-20130520.nmap my-scan-20130520.xml
For quick queries, the .gnmap file will be the easiest to use with awk or grep, but it doesn't have all the useful information that is included in the normal (.nmap) or XML formats. If you plan to make this script automated, or extend it in any way, your best bet will be to use the XML output.
Here are a couple commands that will do what you want with these output formats:
awk '/\/open\/tcp\/\/http\//{print $2}' my-scan-*.gnmap > http_open_ip.txt
xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//port[#protocol='tcp' and service/#name='ssh' and state/#state='open']/ancestor::host/address[#addrtype='ipv4']" -v '#addr' -n my-scan-*.xml > ssh_open_ip.txt


How to filter a pattern using Awk and Grep

I'm trying to filter nmap results using grep, awk, and sed to create a report. But I can't get just the "178-36-246-126.static." I imagine that i have to have a parameter "xxx-xx-xxx-xx", using these dashes. I tried deleting the first few columns but it affects the bottom rows(awk '{print $1,$2,$3,$6}').
I tried using grep -A and -B but the number of lines is not static. I tried to use sed but the IP numbers vary. It still has over 8000 lines left so I really need some help. Thanks! (
80/tcp open http (
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server (
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https (
443/tcp open https
If I understand your question correctly, you want to remove anything after static. on the lines with an IP address. You can change the field separator in awk and then apply pattern matching/replacing for matched lines.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="."} /^([[:digit:]]{1,3}.){3}[[:digit:]]{1,3}/ {$0=$1 "." $2} 1'
80/tcp open http
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
3389/tcp open ms-wbt-server
80/tcp open http
443/tcp open https
443/tcp open https
If I were you I'd modify nmap's output options:
nmap -oG - subnet/subnetmask | awk '$2~/178-36-246-126.static/ && $4~/Ports:/'
Or, even shorter, instead of extracting one hosts information from a subnet scan, just scan that one host with the default output:
nmap 178-36-246-126.static
Or, if all you're trying to achieve is to strip part of the fully qualified domain-name:
nmap subnet/subnetmask | sed 's/\.xxxxxxxxxx\.com//'
When you want to cut off everything after static, you can use
sed -r 's/^(.*static).*/\1/' file
# or matching better
sed -r 's/^([0-9]{1,3}-[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9]{1,3}[.]static).*/\1/' file
Or matching less exact
sed -r 's/^(([0-9]{1,3}[-.]){4}static).*/\1/' file
Of course awk works fine.
With your input you can use
cut -d '.' -f1,2 file

How to read text file from Snort?

I have a worm that its signature is in .txt file. Now I wanna check it with Snort IDS. I read the the manual page of Snort, But I couldn't find anything. How can I do this?(Is there a command for detecting worms signature using Snort something like snort -r worm.txt -c /etc/snort/snort.conf ?)
Try to send this file with "nc" in your local machine (just an idea)
You will need two terminal and Snort must be listening in you network interface :
The first terminal
nc -l 1234 > filename.out
The first terminal
nc 1234 < Worm.txt

linux print directly to network printer that IS NOT installed

I need to build a simple web based printer server that will print a file to any given printers IP address
Using lp or lpr how can I print a file directly to a network printer by IP address? NOTE: The printer will NOT be setup in CUPS locally as it needs to have the ability to print to any IP address thrown at it.
What I have tried:
lp -d /path/to/file
lpr -P /path/to/file
Both give this: 'The printer or class does not exist.'
Try this:
cat you_file.prn | netcat -w 1 printer_ip 9100
If using bash then:
cat /path/to/file > /dev/tcp/
What you want to do is probably not feasible. If the printers at the ends of these IP addresses are just random printers, then the server you're building would need to know which driver to use to be able to print to them. If you haven't installed them in any way beforehand then it's not going to work.
If you only want to talk to other Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) servers then it is possible, although not necessarily elegant. I don't know of any other Linux implementations of an IPP client than CUPS, and CUPS requires you to install printers in advance. This can be done very easily though (as explained here). It's the same code to add a normal printer (but you need to know which driver to use) as for an IPP server. Alternatively, you might be able to find another IPP implementation (or write one - it should be fairly simple just to send a document) which doesn't require installing printers.
Here's the code to add an IPP printer to CUPS:
lpadmin -E -p <printer-name> -v http://<ip_address>:631/<dir>/<printer> -L <location> -E
<printer-name> and <location> can be whatever you like, and you need the full network path to the printer.
To add a normal printer:
lpadmin -E -p <printer-name> -v <device-uri> -m <model> -L <location> -E
This is the same, except that you need to give a <model>, which is the driver for the printer. Scrap the first -E if you don't want encryption.
If you want to delete the printer afterwards, use this:
lpadmin -x <printer-name>
I found an old program called tcpsend.c to send a file to a printer at an IP address. Build with gcc -o tcpsend tcpsend.c
$ ./tcpsend
use: tcpsend [-t timeout] host port [files]
-t timeout - try connecting for timeout seconds
tcpsend.c source code
I had success using lp with a hostname and port.
echo foobar | lp -h -
Without specifying a port, i would get
lp: Error - No default destination
If printing a PDF, you can first convert it to PostScript using pdf2ps
pdf2ps file.pdf - | lp -h -
The argument - is used as an alias for standard input or output, letting us pipe the output of postscript straight into standard input of lp.

How can I find available but unoccupied ports on a Linux box?

Specifically RHEL 6.5
It's a Dev box and we have certain port ranges we are permitted for development use.
...unfortunately, getting a tech's attention to find out what ports are available is like pulling teeth. Would prefer a script or alias that does this so that we don't have to ask all the time. Clues? Is this an iptables command or is it a netstat command or some weird combo? nmap is not available on this machine.
Please don't say this is a Server Fault question. They say it's a programming question. :-|
Definitely a SF question but here we go. From the dev box itself (command line) you should be able to see what ports are in use with the netstat tool.
To see the list of listening ports both UDP and TCP, complete with the program names:
# preferably as root
netstat --listening --program --numeric-ports --protocol=ip -6 -4
From another machine, you can use nmap or a similar tool to see what ports are open/listening by scanning the IP address assigned to the dev box. Before trying this, maybe you should ask for permission. Also, you should consider that the box in question might have firewall rules in place that can thwart your scanning attempts.
To see what firewall rules are in place in the dev box try:
# as root
iptables -nvxL -t filter
# maybe there are NAT rules, redirects to other addresses, etc.
iptables -nvxL -t nat
To see what these iptables options do, try man iptables.
As an example, assuming is the IP address assigned to the dev box, to run nmap in the simplest way possible:
# preferably as root
nmap -v
In a few minutes you should see a list of ports/services listening in that relevant box.
Try man nmap and read the documentation for more details.
If you really think this is a programming issue, you can use the netcat tool and program a simple script to do something roughly equivalent to what nmap does.
# DISCLAIMER: NOT TESTED -- just an example
# NOTE: This will take many DAYS to complete
for port in `seq 1 65535`
echo "Trying ${port}..."
netcat -vvv ${HOST} $port -w 1 -z
For every open TCP port you should see a line similar to this:
Connection to 23 port [tcp/telnet] succeeded!

How to send data to local clipboard from a remote SSH session

Borderline ServerFault question, but I'm programming some shell scripts, so I'm trying here first :)
Most *nixes have a command that will let you pipe/redirect output to the local clipboard/pasteboard, and retrieve from same. On OS X these commands are
pbcopy, pbpaste
Is there anyway to replicate this functionality while SSHed into another server? That is,
I'm using Computer A.
I open a terminal window
I SSH to Computer B
I run a command on Computer B
The output of Computer B is redirected or automatically copied to Computer A's clipboard.
And yes, I know I could just (shudder) use my mouse to select the text from the command, but I've gotten so used to the workflow of pipping output directly to the clipboard that I want the same for my remote sessions.
Code is useful, but general approaches are appreciated as well.
My favorite way is ssh [remote-machine] "cat log.txt" | xclip -selection c. This is most useful when you don't want to (or can't) ssh from remote to local.
Edit: on Cygwin ssh [remote-machine] "cat log.txt" > /dev/clipboard.
Edit: A helpful comment from nbren12:
It is almost always possible to setup a reverse ssh connection using SSH port forwarding. Just add RemoteForward to the server's entry in your local .ssh/config, and then execute ssh -p 2222 on the remote machine, which will then redirect the connection to the local machine. – nbren12
I'm resurrecting this thread because I've been looking for the same kind of solution, and I've found one that works for me. It's a minor modification to a suggestion from OSX Daily.
In my case, I use Terminal on my local OSX machine to connect to a linux server via SSH. Like the OP, I wanted to be able to transfer small bits of text from terminal to my local clipboard, using only the keyboard.
The essence of the solution:
commandThatMakesOutput | ssh desktop pbcopy
When run in an ssh session to a remote computer, this command takes the output of commandThatMakesOutput (e.g. ls, pwd) and pipes the output to the clipboard of the local computer (the name or IP of "desktop"). In other words, it uses nested ssh: you're connected to the remote computer via one ssh session, you execute the command there, and the remote computer connects to your desktop via a different ssh session and puts the text to your clipboard.
It requires your desktop to be configured as an ssh server (which I leave to you and google). It's much easier if you've set up ssh keys to facilitate fast ssh usage, preferably using a per-session passphrase, or whatever your security needs require.
Other examples:
ls | ssh desktopIpAddress pbcopy
pwd | ssh desktopIpAddress pbcopy
For convenience, I've created a bash file to shorten the text required after the pipe:
ssh desktop pbcopy
In my case, i'm using a specially named key
I saved it with the file name cb (my mnemonic (ClipBoard). Put the script somewhere in your path, make it executable and voila:
ls | cb
Found a great solution that doesn't require a reverse ssh connection!
You can use xclip on the remote host, along with ssh X11 forwarding & XQuartz on the OSX system.
To set this up:
Install XQuartz (I did this with soloist + pivotal_workstation::xquartz recipe, but you don't have to)
Open XQuartz Preferences (+,)
Make sure "Enable Syncing" and "Update Pasteboard when CLIPBOARD changes" are checked
ssh -X remote-host "echo 'hello from remote-host' | xclip -selection clipboard"
Reverse tunnel port on ssh server
All the existing solutions either need:
X11 on the client (if you have it, xclip on the server works great) or
the client and server to be in the same network (which is not the case if you're at work trying to access your home computer).
Here's another way to do it, though you'll need to modify how you ssh into your computer.
I've started using this and it's nowhere near as intimidating as it looks so give it a try.
Client (ssh session startup)
ssh -R 2000:localhost:2000
(hint: make this a keybinding so you don't have to type it)
Client (another tab)
nc -l 2000 | pbcopy
Note: if you don't have pbcopy then just tee it to a file.
Server (inside SSH session)
cat some_useful_content.txt | nc localhost 2000
Other notes
Actually even if you're in the middle of an ssh session there's a way to start a tunnel but i don’t want to scare people away from what really isn’t as bad as it looks. But I'll add the details later if I see any interest
There are various tools to access X11 selections, including xclip and XSel. Note that X11 traditionally has multiple selections, and most programs have some understanding of both the clipboard and primary selection (which are not the same). Emacs can work with the secondary selection too, but that's rare, and nobody really knows what to do with cut buffers...
$ xclip -help
Usage: xclip [OPTION] [FILE]...
Access an X server selection for reading or writing.
-i, -in read text into X selection from standard input or files
-o, -out prints the selection to standard out (generally for
piping to a file or program)
-l, -loops number of selection requests to wait for before exiting
-d, -display X display to connect to (eg localhost:0")
-h, -help usage information
-selection selection to access ("primary", "secondary", "clipboard" or "buffer-cut")
-noutf8 don't treat text as utf-8, use old unicode
-version version information
-silent errors only, run in background (default)
-quiet run in foreground, show what's happening
-verbose running commentary
Report bugs to <>
$ xsel -help
Usage: xsel [options]
Manipulate the X selection.
By default the current selection is output and not modified if both
standard input and standard output are terminals (ttys). Otherwise,
the current selection is output if standard output is not a terminal
(tty), and the selection is set from standard input if standard input
is not a terminal (tty). If any input or output options are given then
the program behaves only in the requested mode.
If both input and output is required then the previous selection is
output before being replaced by the contents of standard input.
Input options
-a, --append Append standard input to the selection
-f, --follow Append to selection as standard input grows
-i, --input Read standard input into the selection
Output options
-o, --output Write the selection to standard output
Action options
-c, --clear Clear the selection
-d, --delete Request that the selection be cleared and that
the application owning it delete its contents
Selection options
-p, --primary Operate on the PRIMARY selection (default)
-s, --secondary Operate on the SECONDARY selection
-b, --clipboard Operate on the CLIPBOARD selection
-k, --keep Do not modify the selections, but make the PRIMARY
and SECONDARY selections persist even after the
programs they were selected in exit.
-x, --exchange Exchange the PRIMARY and SECONDARY selections
X options
--display displayname
Specify the connection to the X server
-t ms, --selectionTimeout ms
Specify the timeout in milliseconds within which the
selection must be retrieved. A value of 0 (zero)
specifies no timeout (default)
Miscellaneous options
-l, --logfile Specify file to log errors to when detached.
-n, --nodetach Do not detach from the controlling terminal. Without
this option, xsel will fork to become a background
process in input, exchange and keep modes.
-h, --help Display this help and exit
-v, --verbose Print informative messages
--version Output version information and exit
Please report bugs to <>.
In short, you should try xclip -i/xclip -o or xclip -i -sel clip/xclip -o -sel clip or xsel -i/xsel -o or xsel -i -b/xsel -o -b, depending on what you want.
If you use iTerm2 on the Mac, there is an easier way. This functionality is built into iTerm2's Shell Integration capabilities via the it2copy command:
Usage: it2copy
Copies to clipboard from standard input
it2copy filename
Copies to clipboard from file
To make it work, choose iTerm2-->Install Shell Integration menu item while logged into the remote host, to install it to your own account. Once that is done, you'll have access to it2copy, as well as a bunch of other aliased commands that provide cool functionality.
The other solutions here are good workarounds but this one is so painless in comparison.
This is my solution based on SSH reverse tunnel, netcat and xclip.
First create script (eg. on your workstation:
NUM=`netstat -tlpn 2>/dev/null | grep -c " ${HOST}:${PORT} "`
if [ $NUM -gt 0 ]; then
while [ true ]; do
nc -l ${HOST} ${PORT} | xclip -selection clipboard
and start it in background.
It will start nc piping output to xclip and respawning process after receiving portion of data
Then start ssh connection to remote host:
ssh user#host -R127.0.0.1:3333:
While logged in on remote box, try this:
echo "this is test" >/dev/tcp/
then try paste on your workstation
You can of course write wrapper script that starts first and then ssh session. This is how it works for me. Enjoy.
Allow me to add a solution that if I'm not mistaken was not suggested before.
It does not require the client to be exposed to the internet (no reverse connections), nor does it use any xlibs on the server and is implemented completely using ssh's own capabilities (no 3rd party bins)
It involves:
Opening a connection to the remote host, then creating a fifo file on it and waiting on that fifo in parallel (same actual TCP connection for everything).
Anything you echo to that fifo file ends up in your local clipboard.
When the session is done, remove the fifo file on the server and cleanly terminate the connections together.
The solution utilizes ssh's ControlMaster functionality to use just one TCP connection for everything so it will even support hosts that require a password to login and prompt you for it just once.
Edit: as requested, the code itself:
Paste the following into your bashrc and use sshx host to connect.
On the remote machine echo SOMETHING > ~/clip and hopefully, SOMETHING will end up in the local host's clipboard.
You will need the xclip utility on your local host.
_dt_term_socket_ssh() {
ssh -oControlPath=$1 -O exit DUMMY_HOST
function sshx {
local t=$(mktemp -u --tmpdir ssh.sock.XXXXXXXXXX)
local f="~/clip"
ssh -f -oControlMaster=yes -oControlPath=$t $# tail\ -f\ /dev/null || return 1
ssh -S$t DUMMY_HOST "bash -c 'if ! [ -p $f ]; then mkfifo $f; fi'" \
|| { _dt_term_socket_ssh $t; return 1; }
set -e
set -o pipefail
while [ 1 ]; do
ssh -S$t -tt DUMMY_HOST "cat $f" 2>/dev/null | xclip -selection clipboard
done &
ssh -S$t DUMMY_HOST \
|| { _dt_term_socket_ssh $t; return 1; }
ssh -S$t DUMMY_HOST "rm $f"
_dt_term_socket_ssh $t
More detailed explanation is on my website:
The simplest solution of all, if you're on OS X using Terminal and you've been ssh'ing around in a remote server and wish to grab the results of a text file or a log or a csv, simply:
1) Cmd-K to clear the output of the terminal
2) cat <filename> to display the contents of the file
3) Cmd-S to save the Terminal Output
You'll have the manually remove the first line and last line of the file, but this method is a bit simpler than relying on other packages to be installed, "reverse tunnels" and trying to have a static IP, etc.
This answer develops both upon the chosen answer by adding more security.
That answer discussed the general form
<command that makes output> | \
ssh <user A>#<host A> <command that maps stdin to clipboard>
Where security may be lacking is in the ssh permissions allowing <user B> on host B> to ssh into host A and execute any command.
Of course B to A access may already be gated by an ssh key, and it may even have a password. But another layer of security can restrict the scope of allowable commands that B can execute on A, e.g. so that rm -rf / cannot be called. (This is especially important when the ssh key doesn't have a password.)
Fortunately, ssh has a built-in feature called command restriction or forced command. See, or
this question.
The solution below shows the general form solution along with ssh command restriction enforced.
Example Solution with command restriction added
This security enhanced solution follows the general form - the call from the ssh session on host-B is simply:
cat <file> | ssh <user-A>#<host A> to_clipboard
The rest of this shows the setup to get that to work.
Setup of ssh command restriction
Suppose the user account on B is user-B, and B has an ssh key id-clip, that has been created in the usual way (ssh-keygen).
Then in user-A's ssh directory there is a file
that recognizes the key id-clip and allows ssh connection.
Usually the contents of each line authorized_keys is exactly the public key being authorized, e.g., the contents of
However, to enforce command restriction that public key content is prepended (on the same line) by the command to be executed.
In our case:
command="/home/user-A/.ssh/ id-clip",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-user-rc,no-x11-forwarding,no-pty <content of file>
The designated command "/home/user-A/.ssh/ id-clip", and only that designated command, is executed whenever key id-clip is used initiate an ssh connection to host-A - no matter what command is written the ssh command line.
The command indicates a script file, and the contents of that that script file is
# You can have only one forced command in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Use this
# wrapper to allow several commands.
notify-send "ssh to-clipboard, from ${Id}"
cat | xsel --display :0 -i -b
echo "Access denied"
exit 1
The original call to ssh on machine B was
... | ssh <user-A>#<host A> to_clipboard
The string to-clipboard is passed to by the environment variable SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND.
Addition, we have passed the name of the key, id-clip, from the line in authorized_keyswhich is only accessed by id-clip.
The line
notify-send "ssh to-clipboard, from ${Id}"
is just a popup messagebox to let you know the clipboard is being written - that's probably a good security feature too. (notify-send works on Ubuntu 18.04, maybe not others).
In the line
cat | xsel --display :0 -i -b
the parameter --display :0 is necessary because the process doesn't have it's own X display with a clipboard,
so it must be specificied explicitly. This value :0 happens to work on Ubuntu 18.04 with Wayland window server. On other setups it might not work. For a standard X server this answer might help.
host-A /etc/ssh/sshd_config parameters
Finally a few parameters in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on host A that should be set to ensure permission to connect, and permission to use ssh-key only without password:
PubkeyAuthentication yes
PasswordAuthentication no
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
AllowUsers user-A
To make the sshd server re-read the config
sudo systemctl restart sshd.service
sudo service sshd.service restart
It's some effort to set it up, but other functions besides to-clipboard can be constructed in parallel the same framework.
Not a one-liner, but requires no extra ssh.
install netcat if necessary
use termbin: cat ~/some_file.txt | nc 9999. This will copy the output to the termbin website and prints the URL to your output.
visit that url from your computer, you get your output
Of course, do not use it for sensitive content.
#rhileighalmgren solution is good, but pbcopy will annoyingly copy last "\n" character, I use "head" to strip out last character to prevent this:
head -c -1 | ssh desktop pbcopy
My full solution is here :
Far Manager Linux port supports synchronizing clipboard between local and remote host. You just open local far2l, do "ssh somehost" inside, run remote far2l in that ssh session and get remote far2l working with your local clipboard.
It supports Linux, *BSD and OS X; I made a special putty build to utilize this functionality from windows also.
For anyone googling their way to this:
The best solution in this day and age seem to be lemonade
Various solutions is also mentioned in the neovim help text for clipboard-tool
If you're working over e.g. a pod in a Kubernetes cluster and not direct SSH, so that there is no way for your to do a file transfer, you could use cat and then save the terminal output as text. For example in macOS you can do Shell -> Export as text.
