Gitweb look and feel - theming

I've recently installed git with Gitweb. Gitweb seems like a nice simple interface which does just what we need it to do. Problem is it looks very ugly. It looks as if it's just a cgi script with a static folder containing all the css and images.
I was thinking of tinkering with the css and cgi script to see how I could change the appearance of it. I wanted to know if anyone has had experience with doing the same and how did you go?
Alternatively does anyone know of any nice alternative Gitweb solutions that I can dload and hook up to my git?

You can edit gitweb style by editing his files in /usr/share/gitweb
List of the files :
You can also searched for themes like this one for more themes there is Google

How about Gitblit? It has a Gitweb feel.


vimrc tags option specification for .git/tags files

I'm using the following method to populate a tags file in my repositories' .git directories:
So, for any given git repo, I will have a .git/tags file in it. How do I configure my tags option to recursively look up from my current directories in a repo to find these tags files?
I currently have this:
set tags^=./.git/tags,*/.git/tags;~
As I understand it, that should look for ./.git/tags and if it exists use that. Else, it will go up one directory and look for .git/tags there. Failing that, it will go up two directories, and so on, stopping once it hits my home directory (~).
That seemed to work until I had another git repository in the mix. What I find is that if I have two repos at $HOME like so:
If I am in ~/my_repo, things work fine. That is, tag resolutions happen via ~/my_repo/.git/tags. However, if I'm in a subdirectory of ~/my_repo, say ~/my_repo/dir, then running my tag commands will resolve to files in ~/my_repo_2910. I'm not sure how that is possible, but it is very dangerous for me to unexpectedly jump repos via my :tag lookups.
Clearly I'm not setting the tags option correctly. Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong.
Knoble's answer works for me if I update my CentOS 7 vim to version 8 following the instructions here:
Then his tags specification works for me fine.
With the recent fugitive updates, I had to fix my tags setup (fugitive no longer sets tags).
I have this line now:
set tags^=.git/tags;~
Note the lack of * wildcard
As sussed out in comments, there appears to be a difference between my version (8+ on macOS) and the OP version (7.4 RHEL)

Octopress preview with local mathjax?

I often write posts with limited or no connectivity, which is one reason octopress is so appealing: it makes it really natural to write and preview posts offline. The problem is that I cannot figure out how to make MathJax play ball. I have it set up and working properly using the CDN, which is how the static pages get uploaded to the server. But what I want is to be able to use a local mathjax to preview the posts offline. This I do not know how to achieve.
To be sure, I can change the source/_includes/custom/head.html point it to ./mathjax/MathJax.js, but that only works if after rake generate I do cp /path/to/mathjax public/. But then I have to do this after every site (re-)generation, which is... cumbersome, to put it mildly. I've tried symbolic links, relative and absolute paths, but to no avail. Is there a better alternative?
Thank you in advance.
If all you need is the MathJax.js, you can put that in source/javascripts/. Doing so will add that file to the Octopress site which in turn means it'll be added to your site every time it's regenerated. source is the base of the Jekyll site Octopress has, so put everything in there except plugins and sass files.

Load the ftplugin folder via janus

I posted an issue at github about this as well, but I figured this would also be a good spot to ask:
Does anyone know how to accomplish this functionality? I've been trying for the past couple of days to figure this out all to no avail aside from putting directly into my ~/.vim/ folder.
I'm trying to install the jslint ftplugin to give me error highlighting while eding javascript files. I have tried all the following combinations to try and get this ftplugin to work within the contexts of janus:
All of those above fail to recognize this ftplugin. The only one that works is this:
but that is not ideal since this is not core to janus. Any ideas on where this folder (or any other ftplugin folders for that matter) can be put so macvim to recognize this functionality?
The solution to this is to put it in
Each folder inside the .janus should have the same file structure as a normal .vim folder. (So the ~/.janus/jslint folder is equivalent to .vim)
Note janus made this task really hard. Using plugin distributions like janus might lead to easy set up in the beginning but changing them or debugging them will be hard. You should set up your vim environment the way you want so that you know everything in it. This will lead to easier maintenance later on in life. And you will know how to use everything because everything was installed one at a time instead of all at once.

TortoiseSVN : Good 'patch file' viewer?

The default patch file viewer is messy (ie. no side by side diff view etc). I tried setting the path of beyondCompare exe in "Settings->Unified Diff Viewer->custom", but beyond compare also behaves same as default diff tool.
Is there a way to atleast allow side by side diff in patch files ? If so, what is the method ?
My aim is to allow emailing of changes so that they can be reviewed before I commit them :)
I've never found any, but the solution that I usually use is to simply apply the patch file to a pristine checkout of the tree, and then do a "regular" diff (my preferred tool is diffuse) to review the changes in context.
The problem with "raw" patch files is that they only provide a few lines of context before and after the change, which often isn't enough.
If you don't like the patch, simply revert the changes and don't commit!
Beyond Compare 4 allows you to view patch files created by SVN. The top window in Beyond Compare is a tree structure, allowing you to navigate folders and files by name. Revision numbers are present in the left and right diff windows.
Create the patch
svn diff -r 5922:6116 > CodeReview.patch
Open the patch in Beyond Compare 4
SVN 1.7 I think was released since this answer was posted, and I landed here because I wanted to show my newly created patch file with syntax coloring, a la view unified diff in TortoiseSvn.
It turns out that Notepad++ automatically syntax colors my file correctly if I give it the filetype of "patch"!
Patches have been around a long time but SVN is now supporting them more fully.
See for example the documentation;
For how to create a patch file, see this nice document that describes various methods including mine, WinMerge;
If you have access to a Mac OS X machine, PatchViewer sounds like it might do what you're looking for:
(Disclaimer: I am the author of PatchViewer.)
You can view a diff file (a patch generated by diff tool) using Kompare from KDE environment. I used it before on Linux, but today I found how to install it on Windows. Here is an installation instruction from a blog "Kompare - the only valuable diff for M$Windows":
Go to gnuwin32 diffutils, download and install.
Download kdewin installer and launch it.
After installing kde4win - start kompare and in "Diff" section show him where your diff.exe (from gnuwin32 diffutils) is located.
Restart Kompare and it's ready to use!
You can also add an association with .diff file format and now you can view any diff files. For me it works great.
I like to use KDiff3, it's packed with functions, very user friendly and available for all popular platforms. It can also integrate with TortoiseSVN.
GitExtensions, my favorite Git GUI, also has an option to "View patch file":

Does CC.NET allow linking to premade .html instead of .xsl

Does CC.NET allow for you to link to premade .html files on the plugin bar on the left?
I know it allows for you to link via XSL, but when I use the XSL for a certain plugin it does not display correctly. But the program can make a .html file itself so i was wondering if i could have it make one then link to it.
I know TeamCity has the capabilities to do this I was just wondering if CC.NET had this too.
And I know about the external links ability, but I want to link to it from the bar on the left, not the main build screen.
Have a look in your webdashboard\templates folder. In there are all the templates the server uses. I think you probably could edit ProjectSideBar.vm and add a normal xxx and use your file name and possibly one of the variables used in the file, something like:
<tr><td>Your File Ouput</td></tr>
I don't know if $projectName exists, but look in the other .vm files and you should be able to find something.
It should work, although I can't check myself at the moment.
Look at the trunk on sourceforge, I just read that in 1.5 is going to be an html plugin on the dashboard for displaying html output...
The Html Report Plugin is what you want to use - it's available starting with release 1.5 as Alex mentioned:
EDIT: I've spent a couple of days with the Html Report Plugin and unfortunately it looks like it has too many bugs to be useful. See my issues here and here.
