I am given a string which has numbers and letters.Numbers occupy all odd positions and letters even positions.I need to transform this string such that all letters move to front of array,and all numbers at the end.
The relative order of the letters and numbers needs to be preserved
I need to do this in O(n) time and O(1) space.
eg: a1b2c3d4 -> abcd1234 , x3y4z6 -> xyz346
This previous question has an explanation algorithm, but no matter how hard i try,i cant get a hold of it.
I hope someone can explain me this with a example test case .
The key is to think of the input array as a matrix like this:
a 1
b 2
c 3
d 4
and realize that you want the transpose of this matrix
a b c d
1 2 3 4
Remember, multi-dimensional arrays are really just single-dimensional arrays in disguise so you can do this.
But you need to do this in-place to satisfy the O(1) space requirement. Fortunately, this is a well-known problem complete with several possible approaches.
A string of length N (can be upto 10^5) is given which consists of only 0 and 1. We have to remove two substrings of length exactly K from the original string to maximize the number of consecutive 1's.
For example suppose the string is 1100110001and K=1.
So we can remove two substrings of length 1. The best possible option here is to remove the 0's at 3rd place and 4th place and get the output as 4 (as the new string will be 11110001)
If I try brute force it'll timeout for sure. I don't know if sliding window will work or not. Can anyone give me any hint on how to proceed? I am not demanding the full answer obviously, just some hints will work for me. Thanks in advance :)
This has a pretty straightforward dynamic programming solution.
For each index i, calculate:
The length of the sequence of 1s that immediately precedes it, if nothing has been removed;
The longest sequence of 1s that could immediately precede it, if exactly one substring is removed before it; and
The longest sequence of 1s that could immediately precede it, if exactly two substrings are removed before it.
For each index, these three values are easily calculated in constant time from the values for earlier indexes, so you can do this in a single pass in O(N) time.
For example, let BEST(i,r) be the best length immediately preceding position i after removing r substrings. If i >= K, then you can remove a substring ending at i and have BEST(i,r) = BEST(i-K,r-1) for r > 0. If string[i-1] = '1' then you could extend the sequence from the previous position and have BEST(i,r) = BEST(i-1,r)+1. Choose the best possibility for each i,r.
The largest value you find in step (3) is the answer.
I encountered the following problem for which I couldn't quite find the appropriate solution.
The problem says for a given string having a specific hash value, find the lowest string (which is not the same as the given one) of the
same length and same hash value (if one exists). E.g. For the
following value mapping of alphabets: {a:0, b:1, c:2,...,z:25}
If the given string is: ady with hash value - 27. The
lexicographically smallest one (from all possible ones excluding the
given one) would be: acz
Solution approach I could think of:
I reduced the problem to Coin-Change problem and resorted to finding all possible combinations for the given sum. Out of all the obtained solutions, I sort them up and find the lowest (or the next smallest if the given string is smallest).
The problem however lies with finding all possible solutions (even in a DP approach) which might be inefficient for larger inputs.
My doubt is:
What solution strategy (possibly even Greedy) could give a better time complexity than above?
I cannot guarantee that this will give you a lower complexity, but a couple of things:1 you don't need to check all the space, just the space of lexicographic value less than or equal to the given string. 2: you can formulate it as an integer programming problem:
Assuming your character space is the letters, and each letter is given its number index[0-25] so a corresponds to 0, b to 1 and so forth. let x_i be the number of letters in your string corresponding to index i. You can formulate your problem as:
min sum_i(wi*xi)
st xi*ai = M
sum_i(wi*xi)<= N
xi integer
Where wi= 26^i, ai is equal to hash(letter(i)), n is the number of letters of the original string, N is the hash value of the original string. This is an integer programming problem so you can try plugging it to a solver. The original problem is very similar to subset sum problem with fixed subset size (where the hash values are the elements you are summing over, and the subset size is the length of the string) so you might also want to take a look at that, although as you will see from the answer it is a complicated problem.
Hi – I’m looking for help for the following problem.
I have a utility operating that gives me all the combinations for a set of letters (or values). This is in the form of 8 choose n, ie there are 8 letters and I can produce all the combinations for sequences where I want no more than 4 letters. So n can be 2, 3, or 4
Now here it gets a bit more complex: the 8 letters are made up of three lists or groups. Hence, A,B,C,D;E1,E2;F1,F2
As I say, I can get all the 2, 3 and 4-sequences without a problem. But I need to filter them so that I get combinations (or rather can filter the result) where I only want letters in the result that ensures I get (in the n=2 condition) at least one from A,B,C,D and one from either the E set or the F set.
So, as a few examples, where n=2
AE1 or DF2… is ok but AB or E1E2 or E1F1… is not ok
Where n=3 the rules alter slightly but it’s the same principle
ABE1, ABF1, BDF2 or BE2F1… is ok but ABC, ABD, AE1E2, DF1F2 or E1E2F1… is not ok.
Similarly, where n=4
ABE1F1, ABE1F2… is ok but ABCD, ABE1E2, CDF1F2 or E1E2F1F2… is not ok.
I’ve tried a few things using different formulas such as with Match and Countif but can’t quite figure it out. So would be very grateful for any help.
I've been trying to find an approach to this problem that takes some of the messiness out of it. There are two factors that make this a bit awkward to deal with
(a) Combination of single letters and bigrams (digrams?)
(b) Possibility of several different letters / bigrams at each position in the string.
It's possible to deal with both of these issues by classifying the letters or bigrams into three groups or classes
(1) Letters A-D - let's call this group L
(2) First pair of bigrams E1 & E2 - let's call this group M
(3) Second pair of bigrams F1 & F2 - let's call this group N.
Then we can make a list of the allowed combinations of groups which as far as I can work out is something like this
For N=2
For N=3
For N=4
(I don't know if LLLM etc. is allowed but these can be added)
I'm going to make a big assumption that the utility mentioned in OP doesn't generate strings like AAAA or E1E1E1E1 otherwise it would be pretty useless and you would be better off starting from scratch.
So you just need a substitute that looks like this
And a lookup in the list of allowed patterns
and filter on the lookup value being TRUE.
I know the title is a bit messy, so let me explain in detail:
I have two strings, T and P. T represents the text to be searched, and P represents the pattern to be searched for. I want to find ALL substrings of T which are within a given edit distance of P.
T = "cdddx"
P = "mdddt"
Say I wanted all substrings within edit distance 2, the answers would be:
cdddx //rewrite c and x
dddx // insert m, rewrite x
cddd //insert t, rewrite c
ddd // insert m and t
Don't know if that's all of them, but you get the point.
I know the Wagner–Fischer algorithm can be employed for solution of this problem - I check the numbers of the last row of the Wagner–Fischer matrix and see if they fulfill this condition and find the substrings that way, then run the algorithm again for T', where T' is T where the first letter has been removed, and so on. The problem is the time complexity of this shoots up to a staggering O(T^3*P). I'm looking for a solution close to the original time complexity of the Wagner-Fisher algorithm, i.e. O(T*P).
Is there a way to get this done in such time or something better than what I have right now? Note that I am not necessarily looking for a Wagner-Fischer solution, but anything is ok. Thanks!
Suppose we have a string A of length n. And we have k <= n.
Now I want to know all distinct strings generated by cyclic shift of any segment of that string of length k, any number of times.
Ex: A = "asdfgh" and k=3.
Then possible permutations are "dasfgh" when segment "asd" is chosen for shifting. Now "dasfgh" can give another permutation "dfasgh" when segment "asf" is chosen.
I want to know if a specific given permutation can be formed or not by such shifts.
Can someone help me by providing some good algorithms or literature or link telling about best approach for solving such questions. I know backtracking can be used but it won't be efficient as n can be as large as 100000.