Serving out saved Buffer from Mongo - node.js

I'm trying to serve out images that I have stored in a Mongo document. I'm using express, express-resource and mongoose.
The data, which is a JPG, is stored in a Buffer field in my schema. Seems like it's getting there correctly as I can read the data using the cli.
Then I run a find, grab the field and attempt sending it. See code:
I don't think it's a storage issue because I'm performing the same action here:
var img = fs.readFileSync(
__dirname + '/../../img/small.jpg'
In the browser the image appears (as a broken icon).
I'm wondering if it's an issue with express-resource because I have the format set to json, however I am indeed overriding the content type before sending the data.
scratches head

I managed to solve this myself. Seems like I was using the right method to send the data from express, but wasn't storing it properly (tricky!).
For future reference to anyone handling image downloads and managing them in Buffers, here is some sample code using the request package:
uri: uri,
encoding: 'binary'
function (err, response, body)
if (! err && response.statusCode == 200)
var imgData = new Buffer(
callback(null, new Buffer(imgData, 'base64'));
Within Mongo you need to setup a document property with type Buffer to successfully store it. Seems like this issue was due to how I was saving it into Mongo.
Hopefully that saves someone time in the future. =)


NodeJS/React: Taking a picture, then sending it to mongoDB for storage and later display

I've been working on a small twitter-like website to teach myself React. It's going fairly well, and i want to allow users to take photos and attach it to their posts. I found a library called React-Camera that seems to do what i want it do to - it brings up the camera and manages to save something.
I say something because i am very confused about what to actually -do- with what i save. This is the client-side code for the image capturing, which i basically just copied from the documentation:
takePicture() {
try {
.then(blob => {
show_camera: "none",
image: URL.createObjectURL(blob)
this.img.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
this.img.onload = () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(this.src); }
var details = {
'img': this.img.src,
var formBody = [];
for (var property in details) {
var encodedKey = encodeURIComponent(property);
var encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(details[property]);
formBody.push(encodedKey + "=" + encodedValue);
formBody = formBody.join("&");
fetch('/newimage', {
method: 'post',
headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8'},
body: formBody
console.log("Reqd post")
But what am i actually saving here? For testing i tried adding an image to the site and setting src={this.state.img} but that doesn't work. I can store this blob (which looks like, for example, blob:http://localhost:4000/dacf7a61-f8a7-484f-adf3-d28d369ae8db)
or the image itself into my DB, but again the problem is im not sure what the correct way to go about this is.
Basically, what i want to do is this:
1. Grab a picture using React-Camera
2. Send this in a post to /newimage
3. The image will then - in some form - be stored in the database
4. Later, a client may request an image that will be part of a post (ie. a tweet can have an image). This will then display the image on the website.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as i feel i am just getting more confused the more libraries i look at!
From your question i came to know that you are storing image in DB itself.
If my understanding is correct then you are attempting a bad approcah.
For this
you need to store images in project directory using your node application.
need to store path of images in DB.
using these path you can fetch the images and can display on webpage.
for uploading image using nodejs you can use Multer package.

Use nodejs express to respond with existing image file that the browser can cache?

I have a small webapp built with nodejs and express (among other things) that has a route to resize images on the fly (using sharp). The route looks like this:
router.get('/image/:options/:basedir/:dir/:img', utilitiesController.getOptimizedImage);
In the utilities controller, I have the getOptimizedImage function checking for the existing image, returning the existing image content if it exists, or if it doesn't, performing some image processing tasks, then returning the resulting image.
exports.getOptimizedImage = async (req, res) => {
// Parse options from request...
// first, check to see if resized version exists
fs.readFile(processedImgPath, function (err, processedImg) {
if (err) {
//console.log('File does not yet exist.');
// If resized version doesn't exist, check for original
fs.readFile(originImgPath, function (err, originImg) {
if (err) {
// If origin image doesn't exist, return 400.
} else if (w || h) {
// If origin image does exist, process it...
// Once it's processed, return the processed image
} else {
This code works. I can request something like so:
<img src="">
...and it returns the resized image as expected. The issue seems to be that because of the way the image is returned using res.end(), the browser cache (testing in Chrome) doesn't ever store the image, so reloading the page downloads the image fresh instead of loading it from memory or disk.
I can alternatively use res.redirect() to send back the url of the existing processed image file, which will be cached on refresh, but that feels like the wrong way to do this, since it ultimately doubles all the image requests using the image processing path.
I don't want to process the images prior to request; I'm specifically looking to only process the images the first time they're requested, then store a processed version to reference each consecutive time. I'm open to alternatives within these constraints, but hoping someone can explain how I might leverage browser caching with my current structure?
You should add http headers for caching before any res.end, the example below will set the Expires time to 1 day (86400000ms).
"Cache-Control": "public, max-age=86400",
"Expires": new Date( + 86400000).toUTCString()

Having problems handling UIImageJPEGRepresentation or UIImagePNGRepresentation in Node.js

TL;DR: How do you write UIImageRepresentation data into the actual file format in a Node.js server? (or any place outside of Swift at that)
So I'm in a bit of a predicament here...
I wanted to send a UIImageJPEGRepresentation (or any form of data encoded imagery) through Alamofire, over to a node server, to be saved there. I used Busboy to handle MultipartFormData...
busboy.on('field', function(fieldname, val, fieldnameTruncated, valTruncated, encoding, mimetype) {
var datamail = './storage/' + fieldname;
var stream = fs.createWriteStream(datamail)
console.log('Field [' + fieldname + ']: value: ' + util.inspect(val));
console.log('Storing letter in ' + datamail);
and save it through a write stream. I originally wanted to read a UIImage I had put in, but I wasn't sure how the server would respond to an object like that, so I went and used UIImageJPEGRepresentation. It read the UIImageJPEGRepresentation object right...
Field [test.png]: value:
'�PNG\r\n\u001a\n\u0000\u0000\u0000\rIHDR\u0000\u0000\u0000d\u0000\u0000\u0000d\b\u0002\u0000\u0000\u0000��\u0002\u0003\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0001sRGB\u0000��\u001c�\u0000\u0000\u0000\u001ciDOT\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0002\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00002\u0000\u0000\u0000(\u0000\u0000\u00002\u0000\u0000\u00002\u0000\u0000(aj\rp�\u0000\u0000(-IDATx\u0001��\u0007T\u0014��LJ�\u0005X�\u0002�,u�w�+����KԈ-�\u0016[Ԩ�$1&j�I�b�\u0002��*Mz�lﻔ��م\r���s��yΜ��\u0011�����\u000e"���%S��`r�I\u0014j�Ie�OL,W��d�OM��I��%R�H�\u0019_��\u001bl�M�]�U U�\t�d2�T��\u0017H�k|��\u0013㉤�\te`]\u0002)X��O�!�\f�v�XoȿD\nn�a���?�`��\u0013R��\u001f��\u000e �_\u0007`�=:\u0010B�JozRz����\t�\u001f��\u0013X:^�CX\u000f.<9�c�\r§C��¢�$R�W?��:\u001a�L�\u0016K��\u0001\u0013H���\u000f����`�\u0013e���K\'���\u001a,+X�e\u0005�YY\u000f\u0016��A�`=\u0000�\u000f4zF�,t8t��\r�\u0005;�\b�JUz^��^Y�\t�\u001f��;�8��\u0004K\u001f�`�\u0003�wLX`�����2����e:4�|\u0007�5�L���p\u0006��ڸ��*Ē~��\u0015`�b���k\u0010����\u000fK/���t��\u0012�DD�\bbـ�\u0006�v\u0010,�T�5����tZ����\u000e�����wť����^�뿠�D���~08l-SH���$J0��\u0006�a�\u0006\u0014���\u0012��$\u0012H�������\u000e�`Xz}��a}�)=A��O����A\n\u001a�\f��ХNLt\u0018&�\u0015C�\r^:��q�Â�?\u000f�/x��z^�H�\u000b��[X#J�Ԁ\u0001)�#�\u0005^#Wh����a�ݩ-�tp�O��D�\u0001��&��ucWmDצK-5�\u0002c\'�\u0002\u0016�w�X.\u0014�ty\u0000v>A\u0006�\u0017����m��g��\u0012�����\u0002v�N6�˸\u000e��=�\u0016\u0013��Â}x\fL/Z�zX IX�W\u000e�h#J"ш\u0015=\u0000K(�\u0000,���\u0000�\u0000�\u000e\u0013���\u0018��\u0005|\u0017�a_ʱ�CGG��/I���+,�\u0013u6�\u0007a�_P\u0000E�����\u000elbP��c��\u0002T�\u0001�(u=\u0000\\�ˁ�\u0003�k\u0014�n�H)����n�\u0007\n� L>�\u0001�U�P1���^�\u001f�\u0013b7�nô��`��>����t;���V�rF�d���\u001de\r&\u0005O�=�\u0016\u001f�\u0011ɡ\u0010�R>&%�\nj\b��\u0000d�H�ݩ\u0006�\u0012e�H�\'Q�bE\u001f_�˓�t��;E�\u000e��C��!Ay2�K��#\u0006��J\u0014�\u0012�\u0010\u0016�\u00142�\u001f1:�rD�\u0019`>>\u0018\u0016�v#�S�\bK\u0007np����R�\u001b��0\u0018\u0016\u0000�oa�Ru+\u0015�J�F#��H42�L�Ķz$RT$F�¾�vuE-/3�+%��EJS⫦�IM\u000f^�>~��4���K��7�W�o3��y��"EY������\u000b\u0015I��J\u0002?R\u0001rÄ�\r^:q���\u001a�/U�j�\u001dXBI\u0017��g�\u0004\u0016P�w`\r�\u0005�t�ғ¤$U�%�^��O�A�R\u0000��Ҧ(��H�j|��x?��Σ�;\u000fx7�u�r��ʍ΋��~�����\r��_;�]i��b�OW���|�z��[տݩ�������|Iu���\u000b��~�\u0002d...
was successfully able to save it into a .jpeg...
SO won't let me add a picture because my rep isn't high enough... click instead
to find that it instead was a corrupted image that I couldn't use. My app extracts frames out of the camera on the fly and converts them to UIImage(JPEG/PNG)Representation (see gist). The next best option seemed like to do a direct upload (since it worked in Postman) but Alamofire only supports direct Data objects or URL encoded things, and I don't think UIImageJPEGRepresentations can be directly sent. I really just want to know how to handle these objects.
Thanks in advance.
Fixed this one quicker than I thought I would. I placed a logger in my server code to check for the MIME type:
busboy.on('field', function(mimetype) {
// var datamail = /*path.join('.', 'storage', fieldname);*/ './storage/' + fieldname;
// var stream = fs.createWriteStream(datamail)
console.log(MIMETYPE: ' + mimetype);
...discovering a text/plain one. I went Alamofire and changed the params,
from this:
multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
multipartFormData.append(compresso!, withName: "test.png")
to this:
multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
// notice the MIME change
multipartFormData.append(compresso!, withName: "test.png", fileName: "file.jpg", mimeType: "image/png")
And it worked! It was able to safely go through processing and do its' thing. They should really change this in the Alamofire examples, as they use a PNG Representation and send it without the extra params. (see Uploading Data to a server.) It is stuff like that that could potentially keep a dev up at night...

Fabric.js loadFromJSON sometimes fails in Node.js if string contains images

I have a problem with PNG image ganeration at server side, using Fabric.js + Node.js. I am wondering that there is no one with similar probem found in forums. I am in total despair. It makes under risk of using Fabric.js in our project.
PNG image generation in Fabric.js Node.js service fails on a unregular basis. I can not determine why sometimes it gets generated and sometimes not.
I need to generate PNG at server side. I’ve developed a small Node.js webservice based on samples here and here.
I’ve developed also a custom Fabric.js image class “RemoteImage”, based on Kangax sample here.
To minimize JSON string size, I am storing a dataless JSON in my database and images are supposed to be loaded using provide link in “src” attribute of the Fabric.js Image element. As the result, I need to load following JSON into canvas that contains 3 images:
At Node.js server side I use the following code. I am transferring JSON string in base64 encoding to avoid some special-character problems:
var fabric = require('fabric').fabric;
function generatePNG(response, postData) {
var canvas = fabric.createCanvasForNode(1500, 800);
var decodedData = new Buffer(postData, 'base64').toString('utf8');
response.writeHead(200, "OK", { 'Content-Type': 'image/png' });
console.log("decodedData data: " + JSON.stringify(decodedData));
console.log("prepare to load");
canvas.loadFromJSON(decodedData, function () {
var stream = canvas.createPNGStream();
stream.on('data', function (chunk) {
stream.on('end', function () {
In a console I see that message “prepare to load” appears, but message “loaded” does not. I am not an expert in Node.js and this is the only way how I can determine that error happens during the loadFromJSON call. But I do not understand, where is the problem.
I am using fabric v.1.5.0 and node-canvas v.1.1.6 on server side.
Node.js + Fabric.js service is running on Windows 8 machine. And I am makeing a request from .NET MVC application, using POST request.
Remark: May be I needed to omit my comment about base64 encoding as it is confusing. I tried to run with normal json string and the same result.
If the images referenced in the JSON are on the NodeJS server, try changing the file path to the directory path on the server as opposed to a web URL.
I'm not sure I fully understand how you are using the base64 image, but there are some character corrections that are required for base64 images. I of course don't recall the specifics and don't have my code handy that I perform this in, but a Google search should set you in the right direction.
I hope those ideas help.
It turned out that problem was related to the way how fabric.util.loadImage method works. For external images loadImage mathod makes an http request assuming that no error can happen. Method used for requesting external images just simply logs an error and ends, instead of returning error through callback method back to loadImage method. At this moment image loading routine falls apart with erroneous state and without any feedback - it just terminates crashing whole Node.js.
It took 3 days for me to finally find out that actually it was my image supplying webservice who just responds with status code 500 making Node.js request to fail. Using my image supplying webservice through browser worked correctly and therefore at the first moment I did not considered that error is related particularly with request.
As the result I rewrote fromObject method of my custom Fabric.js object. Now it works in more safe fashion and in case of error I can get more feedback. Here is the implementation of my fromObject method. For http request I use module "request".
fabric.RemoteImage.fromObject = function (object, callback) {
var requestUrl = object.remoteSrc;
url: object.remoteSrc,
encoding: null
function(error, response, body) {
if (error || response.statusCode !== 200) {
var errorMessage = "Error retrieving image " + requestUrl;
errorMessage += "\nResponse for a new image returned status code " + response.statusCode;
if (error) {
errorMessage += " " + + " with message: \n" + error.message;
callback && callback(null, new Error(errorMessage));
} else {
var img = new Image();
var buff = new Buffer(body, 'binary');
img.src = buff;
var fabrImg = new fabric.RemoteImage(img, object);
callback && callback(fabrImg);

File input meteor cfs

So i see this code on the Docs{
'change .myFileInput': function(event, template) {
FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function(file) {
Images.insert(file, function (err, fileObj) {
//Inserted new doc with ID fileObj._id, and kicked off the data upload using HTTP
But i dont want the file upload inmediatly when i click "myFileInptu" , i want to store that value (from the input), and insert lately with a button, so there is some way to do this?
Also its there a way to upload a FSCollection without a file? just metadata
Sorry for bad english hope you can help me
Achieving what you want to requires a trivial change of the event, i.e switching from change .myFileInput to submit .myForm. In the submit event, you can get the value of the file by selecting the file input, and then storing it as a FS File manually. Something like:
'submit .myForm': function (event, template) {
var file = template.find('#input').files[0];
file = new FS.File(file);
// set metadata
file.metadata = { 'caption': 'wow' };
Images.insert(file, function (error, file) {
if (!error)
// do something with file._id
If you're using autoform with CollectionFS, you can put that code inside the onSubmit hook. The loop you provided in your question works also.
As for your second question, I don't think FS.Files can be created without a size, so my guess is no, you can't just store metadata without attaching it to a file. Anyways, it seems to me kind of counterintuitive to store just metadata when the metadata is supposed to describe the associated image. You would be better off using a separate collection for that.
Hope that helped :)
