On :focus issues with RokNav Fusion menu in Gantry (for joomla) - menu

I am having issues with my websites menu: I am trying to make it more accessible, so using the :focus so the website can be navigated with Tab and Shift+Tab - but the submenu (the dropdown) is not receiving any focus but the 5 main tabs receive focus - how can I fix this issue? Ive looked for solutions to my problems but cannot find any relevent information to the specific menu system I am using (Fusion menu by RokNav), any help would be greatly appreciated... http://www.encoretelesolutions.com for example


C# VSTO Add-in Excel: What is the name of this Excel Super-Tab Control and how to make it? (Contextual Tab or Tool Tab)

In Excel (On Windows), there is a kind of a Super-Tab appearing on top of certain Tabs:
«Drawing Tools» Super-Tab:
When you click on a Graphic object then, this one appears:
«Table Tools» Super-Tab:
When you click inside of a Table object then this kind of a Super-Tab appears:
So my Questions are:
What is the technical name of that Super-Tab?
---> Special thanks to #TimWilliam. He was the one who gave its name: It is a Contextual Tab Set
And how to program something like that in VSTO Add-in please? (Anything related to it)
Your responses are much appreciated!
I'm answering to my Question so I do not lose all the important answers and research I got till now:
1. The name of that kind of Super-Tab:
The credit goes to #TimWilliams. The name of that Special tab is Contextual Tab or also called Tool Tab.
Here it is an official Information from Microsoft entitled: Ribbons
2. How to program the Contextual Tab?
I am still looking for How to program this one. At least Microsoft already explains about it here >>> 2.2.41 tabSet (Contextual Tab Set)
I found 2 new interesting discussions and information over here Adding custom contextual tabs to Ribbon UI and over here Ribbon: Contextual tab on application page. But they are all for ASP.NET.
Here as well is the List of Tool Tab available on Excel: Tool Tab Available on Excel
But once I found a working solution, I will share here as well for the advancement of our work.
Keep it up dear Programmers and stay blessed!

Designer HELP Release 9.0.1FP10 SHF315

This very annoying and I can't figure how to change it. When in Designer And I click on Help >> Help Contents from drop down menu it displays it differently than what I have been used to seeing and is very hard to navigate through. Is there a way to change the behavior? I recently got new Hard drive with Windows 10 opperating system
This is what I am used to seeing and is very navigable:
IBM Support was able to reproduce this and is looking into the issue. I did find a work around.
Open Help Contents from the drop down Help menu.
Right Click on the window and select properties.
Highlight and copy the Address (URL) line
Open a browser (not IE) and paste it in the Address line and go to the page.
It should then present it in a usable form. If not, then click on the first content and that should do the trick.
A problem report has been created with IBM or HCL or whatever they are called now: SPR # ZNDNBA7TEV: Domino Designer Help Contents Display Issue

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it.

How to create a Multi-tab webpage

I'd like to create a webpage with menus at the top, using Dreamweaver. So far the help info I have found online talks about using the "Spry" option from the "Insert" menu within Dreamweaver. But the version of Dreamweaver I have (latest downloaded from Adobe) does not have "Spry" when I go to "Insert". I found "Tabs" under "jQuery UI" under "Insert", and that looks great but when I tested it with IE, there was a pop-up "Internet Explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls" and the page looks all garbled up, unless I click "Allow blocked content". I cannot assume that end users will have the right setting on their IE to make this work and it may just look like the webpage is not well built.
Any advice on how I should proceed?
According to online help (https://helpx.adobe.com/dreamweaver/using/spry-widgets-general-instructions.html), Spry widgets are replaced with jQuery widgets in Dreamweaver CC and later. While you can still modify existing spry widgets on your page, you cannot add new spry widgets.
Regarding the problem of the page looking garbled up if scripts are turned off in the browser, I guess the only way around it is to code in such a way that the page degrades gracefully in browsers that don't support JavaScript.
I found a workable solution here:

Problem displaying Icon in a button in windows xp(SP2) (MFC)!

I had a problem in displaying icon in button along with the Text in MFC application.. after reading lot of arctilces I got a solution for that and it worked great.But when I tested my application in win xp(SP2)..it suprised me by not showing the icon..Check the below code which i used to display the icon along with a test in button..Please let me know if there are any fix for this issue..waiting for your replies
HICON addIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON4),
If you're using VS2008 (you should), use CMFCButton from the Feature Pack. It has much better support for bitmapped buttons.
I can confirm that i can't get it to work (on Win2003, my primary development machine) and a brief search on the web found many complaints but no viable answers.
My only suggestion would be to do an ownerdraw button - handling the WM_DRAWITEM message is not difficult and may resolve this issue for you across the board.
see "Native Win32 Theme aware Owner-draw Controls without MFC"
