Why does it take so long to get through first level retries? - azure

I've just started playing around with NServiceBus on Azure, and for some reason it takes a long time to get through the first level retries when a message handler throws an exception. With retries set to 5 it takes 20+ minutes before the second level retries kick in.
What is causing the delay?
Here's how I'm configuring the bus:
Configure.Transactions.Advanced(s =>
.DefiningCommandsAs(t => t.IsCommand())
.DefiningEventsAs(t => t.IsEvent())
FYI: I'm using NServiceBus built from the develop branch as of today and running in the emulator.

Oh, I misread the question, I thought it was taking 20 minutes after last retry for the second level to kick in. But than I know what this is and it's configurable!
To support batching (to lower the cost) the message visible time is calculated by multiplying the individual MessageInvisibleTime by the amount in the BatchSize, the default MessageInvisibleTime is 30000 (milliseconds), the default BatchSize is 10. Multiply that again with 5 first level retries and you'll end up with 25 minutes before the first exception occurs and the second level to kick in.
You can reconfigure this if you like: MessageInvisibleTime and BatchSize is a property on the AzureQueueConfig and MaxRetries sits on TransportConfig (in 4.0) or MsmqTransportConfig (in 3.X)

Can you open an issue on github for this, with repro if possible? on http://www.github.com/nservicebus/nservicebus
I suspect the delay comes from the azure timeout persister as that is the one responsible for managing the time between retries, yet 20 minutes seems like a really odd number so have no immediate explanation for the observed behavior.
In the mean time, can you try using the in memory timeoutpersister and see if the issue disappears, that would confirm my hypethesis.

I was under the impression that first level retries did not need a timeoutpersister (was not even aware that of its existence to be honest) and that first level retries were only driven by the peek lock/invisible time of messages in the Azure queue.
For second level retries I would expect the timeoutpersister to play a role (now that I know it exists...).
Yves, correct me if I am wrong.


nodejs setTimout loop stopped after many weeks of iterations

Solved : It's a node bug. Happens after ~25 days (2^32 milliseconds), See answer for details.
Is there a maximum number of iterations of this cycle?
function do_every_x_seconds() {
//Do some basic things to get x
setTimeout( do_every_x_seconds, 1000 * x );
As I understand, this is considered a "best practice" way of getting things to run periodically, so I very much doubt it.
I'm running an express server on Ubuntu with a number of timeout loops .
One loop that runs every second and basically prints the timestamp.
One that calls an external http request every 5 seconds
and one that runs every X 30 to 300 seconds.
It all seemes to work well enough. However after 25 days without any usage, and several million iterations later, the node instance is still up, but all three of the setTimout loops have stopped. No error messages are reported at all.
Even stranger is that the Express server is still up, and I can load http sites which prints to the same console as where the periodic timestamp was being printed.
I'm not sure if its related, but I also run nodejs with the --expose-gc flag and perform periodic garbage collection and to monitor that memory is in acceptable ranges.
It is a development server, so I have left the instance up in case there is some advice on what I can do to look further into the issue.
Could it be that somehow the event-loop dropped all it's timers?
I have a similar problem with setInterval().
I think it may be caused by the following bug in Node.js, which seem to have been fixed recently: setInterval callback function unexpected halt #22149
Update: it seems the fix has been released in Node.js 10.9.0.
I think the problem is that you are relying on setTimeout to be active over days. setTimeout is great for periodic running of functions, but I don't think you should trust it over extended time periods. Consider this question: can setInterval drift over time? and one of its linked issues: setInterval interval includes duration of callback #7346.
If you need to have things happen intermittently at particular times, a better way to attack this would be to schedule cron tasks that perform the tasks instead. They are more resilient and failures are recorded at a system level in the journal rather than from within the node process.
A good related answer/question is Node.js setTimeout for 24 hours - any caveats? which mentions using the npm package cron to do task scheduling.

Autotmatically renewing locks correctly on Azure Service Bus

So i'm trying to understand service bus timings... Especially how the locks works. One can choose to manually call CompleteAsync which is what we're doing. It could also be the case that the processing takes some time. In these cases we want to make sure we don't get unneccessary MessageLockLostException.
Seems there are a couple of numbers to relate to:
Lock duration (found in azure portal on the bus, currently set to 1 minute which is think is default)
AutoRenewTimeout (property on OnMessageOptions, currently set to 1 minute)
AutoComplete (property on OnMessageOptions, currently set to false)
Assuming the processing is running for around 2 minutes, and then either succeeds or crases (doesn't matter which case for now). Let's say this is the normal scenario, so this means that processing takes roughly 2 minutes for each message.
Also, it's indeed a queue and not a topic. And we only have one consumer that asynchronoulsy processes the messages with MaxConcurrentCalls set to 100. We're using OnMessageAsync with ReceiveMode.PeekLock.
What should my settings now be as a single consumer to robustly process all messages?
I'm thinking that leaving Lock duration to 1 minute would be fine, as that's the default, and set my AutoRenewTimeout to 5 minutes for safety, because as i've understood this value should be the maximum time it takes to process a message (atleast according to this answer). Performance is not critical for this system, so i'm resonating as that leaving a message locked for some unneccessary 1, 2 or 3 minutes is not evil, as long as we don't get LockedException because these give no real value.
This thread and this thread gives great examples of how to manually renew the locks, but I thought there is a way to automatically renew the locks.
What should my settings now be as a single consumer to robustly process all messages?
Aside from LockDuration, MaxConcurrentCalls, AutoRenewTimeout, and AutoComplete there are some configurations of the Azure Service Bus client you might want to look into. For example, create not a single client with MaxConcurrentCalls set to 100, but a few clients with total concurrency level distributed among the clients. Note that you'd want to use different MessagingFactory instances to create those clients to ensure you have more than a single "pipe" to receive messages. And even with that, it would be way better to scale out and have competing consumers rather than having a single consumer handling all the load.
Now back to the settings. If your normal processing time is 2 minutes, it's better to set MaxLockDuration on the entities to this time and not 1 minute. This will remove unnecessary lock extension calls to the broker and eliminate MessageLockLostException.
Also, keep in mind that AutoRenewTimeout is a client based operation, not broker, and therefore not guaranteed. You will run into cases where lock will be lost even though the AutoRenewTimeout time has not elapsed yet.
AutoRenewTimeout should always be set to longer than MaxLockDuration as it will be counterproductive to have them equal. Have it somewhat larger than MaxLockDuration as this is clients' "insurance" that when processing takes longer than MaxLockDuration, message lock won't be lost. Having those two equal is, in essence, disables this fallback.

How to set the number of retries for Azure DocumentDB output binding in Azure Function?

Based on this question, it seems like writing to Azure DocDB output binding in Azure Function will be retried 10 times if throttled (HTTP 429). I haven't verified this myself though.
I would like to increase this limit on the number of retries. My data comes in big chunks in a small amount of time and then with a very long period of downtime, which means that getting 429 and waiting for a bit is okay for my purpose. I must guarantee though, that no data is dropped.
One way for me to solve this is to increase the RTU limit in Document DB to make sure I don't get 429 during the time big chunks of data come in, but it's already at about 2.5 times of what I need during downtime period. Is there anyway to make the retries run infinitely until it succeeds, or less ideally, increase the number of retries to something more than 10?
Why don't you change the approach and instead of inserting documents right away you can make use of service bus and implement a dead letter queue, here are some links:
The idea is having something like this:
Current function instead of saving the data in DocumentDB, it will be sending it the the service bus (you just change the output binding)
Another function will process every message of the service bus and if it failed (you can manage a timeout in the function and then move the message to a dead letter queue)
Another function that will process any message in the dead letter queue
You just need to make a small change in the first function and create two more, might sound too complicated but you'll have strong consistency in the data. In all of the above links there's an example of what I mentioned here.

What is the default / maximum value for WEBJOBS_RESTART_TIME?

I have a continuous webjob and sometimes it can take a REALLY, REALLY long time to process (i.e. several days). I'm not interested in partitioning it into smaller chunks to get it done faster (by doing it more parallel). Having it run slow and steady is fine with me. I was looking at the documentation about webjobs here where it lists out all the settings but it doesn't specify the defaults or maximums for these values. I was curious if anybody knew.
Since the docs say
"WEBJOBS_RESTART_TIME - Timeout in seconds between when a continuous job's process goes down (for any reason) and the time we re-launch it again (Only for continuous jobs)."
it doesn't matter how long your process runs.
Please clarify your question as most part of it is irrelevant to what you're asking at the end.
If you want to know the min - I'd say try 0. For max try MAX_INT (2147483647), that's 68 years. That should do it ;).
There is no "max run time" for a continuous WebJob. Note that, in practice, there aren't any assurances on how long a given instance of your Web App hosting the WebJob is going to exist, and thus your WebJob may restart anyway. It's always good design to have your continuous job idempotent; meaning it can be restarted many times, and pick back up where it left off.

ServiceBus RetryExponential Property Meanings

I'm having a hard time understanding the RetryExponential class that is used in conjunction with QueueClients (and I assume SubscriptionClients as well).
The properties are listed here, but I don't think my interpretation of their descriptions is correct.
Here's my interpretation...
var minBackoff = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); // wait 5 minutes for the first attempt?
var maxBackoff = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15); // all attempts must be done within 15 mins?
var deltaBackoff = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); // the time between each attempt?
var terminationTimeBuffer = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(90); // the length of time each attempt is permitted to take?
var retryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff, maxBackoff, deltaBackoff, terminationTimeBuffer, 10);
My worker role has only attempted to processing a message off the queue twice in the past hour even though I think based on the configuration above it should go off more frequently (every 30 seconds + whatever processing time was used during the previous attempted up to 90 seconds). I assume that these settings would force a retry every 2 mins. However, I don't see how this interpretation is Exponential at all.
Are my interpretations for each property (in comments above) correct? If not (and I assume they're not correct), what do each of the properties mean?
As you suspected, the values you included do not make sense for the meaning of these parameters. Here is my understanding of the parameters:
DeltaBackoff - the interval to use to exponentially increment the retry interval by.
MaximumBackoff - The maximum amount of times you want between retries.
MaxRetryCount - the maximum amount of time the system will retry the operation.
MinimalBackoff - the minimum amount of time you want between retries.
TerminationTimeBuffer - the maximum amount of time the system will retry the operation before giving up.
It always will retry up to the maxRetryCount, in your case 10, unless the terminationTimeBuffer limit is hit first.
It will also not try for a period greater than the terminationTimeBuffer, which in your case is 90 seconds, regardless of it hasn't hit the max retry count yet.
The minBackoff is the minimal amount of time you will wait between retries and maxBackoff is the maximum amount of time you want to wait between retries.
The DeltaBackOff value is the value at which each retry internal will grow by exponentially . Note that this isn't an exact time. It randomly chooses a time that is a little less or a little more than this time so that multiple threads all retrying aren't doing so at the exact same time. Its randomness staggers this a little. Between the first actual attempt and the first retry there will be the minBackOff interval only. Since you set your deltaBackOff to 30 seconds, if it made it to a second retry it would be roughly 30 seconds plus the minBackOff. The third retry would be 90 seconds plus the minBackOff, and so on for each retry until it hits the maximum backoff.
One thing I would make sure to point out is that this is a retry policy, meaning if an operation receives an exception it will follow this policy to attempt it again. If operations such as Retrieve, Deadletter, Defer, etc. fail then this retry policy is what will kick in. These are operations against service bus, not exceptions in your own processing.
I could be wrong on this, but my understanding is that this isn't directly tied to the actual receipt of a message for processing unless the call to receive fails. Continuous processing is handled through the Receive method and your own code loop, or through using the OnMessage action (which behind the scenes also uses the Receive). As long as there isn't an error actually attempting to receive then this retry policy doesn't get applied. The interval used between calls to receive is set by either your own use of the Receive method which takes a timespan, or if you set the MessagingFactory.OperationTimeout before creating the queueClient object. If a receive call reaches it's limit of waiting either because you used the overload that provides a timespan on Receive or it hits the default, a Null is simply returned. This is not considered an exception and therefore the retry policy won't kick in.
Sadly, I think you have to code your own exponential back off for actual processing. There are tons of examples out there though.
And yes, you can set this retry policy on both QueueClient and SubscriptionClient.
