Print L and U matrices calculated by SuperLU using scipy - io

How can I print sparse L and U matrices calculated by splu, which uses SuperLU?
>>> import scipy
>>> import scipy.sparse
>>> import scipy.sparse.linalg
>>> from numpy import array
>>> M = scipy.array([ [19,0,21,21,0],[12,21,0,0,0],[0,12,16,0,0],[0,0,0,5,21],[12,12,0,0,18] ])
>>> cscM = scipy.sparse.csc_matrix(M)
>>> lu_obj = scipy.sparse.linalg.splu(cscM)
>>> b = array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> lu_obj.solve(b)
array([ 0.01245301, 0.08812209, 0.12140843, -0.08505639, 0.21072771])

You can use
lu_obj = scipy.sparse.linalg.splu(A)
L,R = lu_obj.L, lu_obj.R
in the current scipy version, which returns the matrices in csc format (scipy docs).

Glancing through the scipy docs and source, scipy.sparse.linalg.splu does indeed use SuperLU. It looks like SuperLU may not explicitly calculate L or U. L & U are apt to be more dense than your original sparse matrix, so it makes sense to avoid storing them if they are not needed. If it is any consolation, your lu_obj does contain the permutaion info for L & U: lu_obj.perm_c, lu_obj.perm_r.
To get L & U, the path of least work is to use to get the LU matrixes. You'll have to convert your sparse matrixes to dense ones, though. ie
P, L, U =


Finding points in radius of each point in same GeoDataFrame

I have geoDataFrame:
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame([[0, 'A', Point(10,12)],
[1, 'B', Point(14,8)],
[2, 'C', Point(100,2)],
[3, 'D' ,Point(20,10)]],
Is it possible to find points in a range of radius for example 10 for each point and add their "Value" and 'geometry' to GeoDataFrame so output would look like:
['ID','Value','geometry','value_of_point_in_range_1','geometry_of_point_in_range_1','value_of_point_in_range_2','geometry_of_point_in_range_2' etc.]
Before i was finding nearest neighbor for each and after that was checking if is it in range but i must find all of the points in radius and don't know what tool should i use.
Although in your example the output will have a predictable amount of columns in the resulting dataframe, this not true in general. Therefore I would instead create a column in the dataframe that consists of a lists denoting the index/value/geometry of the nearby points.
In a small dataset like you provided, simple arithmetics in python will suffice. But for large datasets you will want to use a spatial tree to query the nearby points. I suggest to use scipy's KDTree like this:
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
df = gpd.GeoDataFrame([[0, 'A', Point(10,12)],
[1, 'B', Point(14,8)],
[2, 'C', Point(100,2)],
[3, 'D' ,Point(20,10)]],
tree = KDTree(list(zip(df.geometry.x, df.geometry.y)))
pairs = tree.query_pairs(10)
df['ValueOfNearbyPoints'] = np.empty((len(df), 0)).tolist()
n = df.columns.get_loc("ValueOfNearbyPoints")
m = df.columns.get_loc("Value")
for (i, j) in pairs:
df.iloc[i, n].append(df.iloc[j, m])
df.iloc[j, n].append(df.iloc[i, m])
This yields the following dataframe:
ID Value geometry ValueOfNearbyPoints
0 0 A POINT (10.00000 12.00000) [B]
1 1 B POINT (14.00000 8.00000) [A, D]
2 2 C POINT (100.00000 2.00000) []
3 3 D POINT (20.00000 10.00000) [B]
To verify the results, you may find plotting the result usefull:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.subplot()
for (i, j) in pairs:
plt.plot([df.iloc[i].geometry.x, df.iloc[j].geometry.x],
[df.iloc[i].geometry.y, df.iloc[j].geometry.y], "-r")

How can I interpolate a numpy array so that it becomes a certain length?

I have three numpy arrays each with different lengths:
A.shape = (3401,)
B.shape = (2200,)
C.shape = (4103,)
I would like to average the three arrays to produce a new array with size of the largest array (in this case C):
D.shape = (4103,)
Problem is, I don't think I can do this without adding "fake" data to A and B, by interpolation.
How can I perform interpolation on the first two numpy arrays so that they are of the same length as array C?
Do I even need to interpolate here?
First thing that comes to mind is zoom from scipy:
The array is zoomed using spline interpolation of the requested order.
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom
A = np.random.rand(3401)
B = np.random.rand(2200)
C = np.ones(4103)
for arr in [A, B]:
zoom_rate = C.shape[0] / arr.shape[0]
arr = zoom(arr, zoom_rate)
I think the simplest option is to do the following:
D = np.concatenate([np.average([A[:2200], B, C[:2200]], axis=0),
np.average([A[2200:3401], C[2200:3401]], axis=0),

Reconstructing a matrix from an SVD in python 3

Hi so basically my question is I have a matrix which I've SVD decomposed and have it in the variables u, s, and v. I've made some alterations to the s matrix to make it diagonal, as well as altered some of the numbers. Now I'm basically trying to reconstruct it into a regular matrix from the 3 matrices back into the original matrix. Does anyone know of any functions that do this? I can't seem to find any examples of this within numpy.
The only mildly tricky bit would be "expanding" s If you have scipy installed it has scipy.linalg.diagsvd which can do that for you:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import scipy.linalg as la
>>> rng = np.random.default_rng()
>>> A = rng.uniform(-1,1,(4,3))
>>> u,s,v = np.linalg.svd(A)
>>> B = u#la.diagsvd(s,*A.shape)#v
>>> np.allclose(A,B)
I figured it out, just using the np.matmul() function and then just multiplying the 3 matrices of u s and v together was enough to get them back into an original matrix.

How to filter this type of data?

If I have some numpy arrays like
a = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
b = np.array([4,5,7,8])
c = np.array([4,5])
I need to combine these arrays without repeating a number. My expected output is [1,2,3,4,5,7,8].
How do I combine them? Which function should I use?
One more approach you can give a try is using reduce from functools and union1d from numpy.
For eg -
from functools import reduce
reduce(np.union1d, (a, b, c))
Output -
You can use numpy.concatenate with numpy.unique:
d = np.unique(np.concatenate((a,b,c)))
[1 2 3 4 5 7 8]
Python has a datatype called set:
A set is an unordered collection with no duplicate elements
The easiest way to create a set out of your array would be unpacking your arrays into the set:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a=np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
>>> b=np.array([4,5,7,8])
>>> c=np.array([4,5])
>>> {*a, *b, *c}
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8}
Please note, that the set is unordered. This is not the right answer for you, if the order of the elements in your array is important.

how to remove element pairs from numpy array?

I have an array:
coordinates = np.asarray(list(product(seq, seq))) - fieldSize_va/2.0
This coordinates is numpy.ndarray type with 1600 elements (pairs). And can be seen as:
>>> array([[-4.5, -4.5], [-4.5, -4.26923077], [-4.5 , -4.03846154], ..., [4.5, 4.03846154], [4.5, 4.26923077], [4.5, 4.5]])
I have another array:
centralLines = np.asarray([(xa, ya),(xa, yb),(xb, ya),(xb, yb)])
which has values as:
>>> array([[ 0.11538462, 0.11538462], [ 0.11538462, -0.11538462], [-0.11538462, 0.11538462], [-0.11538462, -0.11538462]])
The coordinates variable contains all the pairs that are in centralLines variable. I want to remove centralLines pair elements from coordinates. How to do this??
The coordinates variable is computed using the following code:
import math
import numpy as np
from itertools import product
from numpy import linspace,degrees,random
N = 40 * 40
fieldSize_va = 9
seq = linspace(0, fieldSize_va, math.sqrt(N))
coordinates = np.asarray(list(product(seq, seq))) - fieldSize_va/2.0
One easy way to solve this would be to sweep the original array and keep the different pairs:
result = np.array([position for position in coordinates if position not in centralLines])
However, I must warn you that this solution is not optimized. Perhaps somebody else comes with a faster vectorized solution.
Sidenote 1
I would recommend you to follow some of the common guidelines of python syntax, namely PEP8.
Sidenote 2
Importing numpy just once improves readability of your code!
import numpy as np
from numpy import linspace
seq = linspace(0, fieldSize_va, math.sqrt(N))
import numpy as np
seq = np.linspace(0, fieldSize_va, math.sqrt(N))
Sidenote 3
The square root is already included in numpy, as np.sqrt. You can then prescind of importing the math module.
