Chrome extension automatic update not working - google-chrome-extension

I configured the update url as following:
"update_url": ""
And the updates.xml file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<gupdate xmlns='' protocol='2.0'>
<app appid='aplfhldgnogkgfjopdbppahookjpfpad'>
<updatecheck codebase='' version='2.0' />
But when I installed the extension and click the update now, nothing happened, the server does not detect the request for the updates.xml file either.
I started chrome with
chrome.exe --enable-logging --log-level=2
but cannot find any error log about the update. Well I did see some logs but I'm not sure it's related or not. Post below too:
[5468:1956:0515/] Reseting D3D device
[5468:188:0515/114003:ERROR:textfield.h(156)] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[5468:428:0515/] Reseting D3D device
[4500:476:0515/] pipe error: 109
[5468:3560:0515/] Reseting D3D device
[5468:3048:0515/] Reseting D3D device
[5676:1276:0515/] pipe error: 109
[3596:6072:0515/] pipe error: 109
Is there any debug way to better debug the update operation?

To get debugging information about the extension's updater process, start Chrome / Chromium with the following command:
chrome.exe --vmodule=extension_updater=2 --enable-logging
After starting Chrome, a log file called chrome_debug.log will be created in your user profile directory.
Without any other information, I guess that you've either got a typo in the extension ID or in the update URL. If your extension still doesn't install after fixing this issue, check whether the crx file is served with the application/x-chrome-extension MIME-type.


Trying to create a handler for .maff files in Linux

MAFF files are simply zip files. I'm trying to create a handler for .maff in linux so that when I click on them or type xdg-open x.maff it will call my handler instead of the default which is to open the directory in nautilus. I created an application-x-maff.xml file that contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="">
<mime-type type="application/x-maff">
<comment>maff type</comment>
<magic priority="100">
<match offset="0" type="string" value="PK\x03\x04" />
<glob pattern="*.maff"/>
and saved in ~/.local/share/mime/packages. Created also a ~/.local/share/applications/maffapplication.desktop that contains
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Maff Handler
Exec=<my home path>/bin/linux/maffHandler
and executed
% update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime/packages/
% update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications
If I do
% gio info x.maff (filtered)
standard::content-type: application/x-maff
standard::fast-content-type: application/x-maff
and if I do
% gio mime application/x-maff
Registered applications:
Recommended applications:
everything seems to be right ... but then xdg-open x.maff does not work, still calls nautilus ... worse yet, if I do
% xdg-mime query filetype x.maff
I'm sure I'm missing something ... somehow I need to override this association between the .maff file that starts with the same magic as a zip file to no avail ... I tried all kinds of modifications on the xml file, with and without the magic, nothing works
By the way, if I do
% maffHandler x.maff
it works perfectly and opens the maff file in firefox, I'm willing to share the C++ code of that if anyone is interested
Seems that TDE (Trinity Desktop) does not properly set two important environment variables
Once they are set at .login (unfortunately had to log out and login again) xdg- scripts started working properly and recognizing the MIME types. The other problem is that TDE requires that you manually add the association on Control Center -> TDE Components -> File Associations.
After environment variables properly set for my environment and File Associations set, then it all works perfectly. Thanks

Can not fetch Android SDK with Android Studio RC4 on Ubuntu

I'm trying to start Android Studio RC4 on a freshly installed Ubuntu.
I'm under a proxy so I have set my proxy in Ubuntu System Settings.
Yet, I'm getting this when starting Android Studio:
[ 6987] WARN - ateSettings.impl.UpdateChecker - Connection failed. Please check your network connection and try again.
and the process seems to hang up at "Fetching Android SDK".
I've tried export http_proxy=... to no avail
Create or modify file:
depending on Android Studio version.
Fill in:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component name="HttpConfigurable">
<option name="USE_HTTP_PROXY" value="true" />
<option name="PROXY_HOST" value="" />
<option name="PROXY_PORT" value="3128" />
Replace and 3128 with you http proxy settings.
I took a different approach to this problem. After editing the other.xml file there was no real results. My terminal still had [ 5154] WARN - ateSettings.impl.UpdateChecker - Connection failed. Please check your network connection and try again.
The next approach for me was locating the file within android-studio > bin and adding
to the last line of the file. This will disable first run and the associated hang.
Then I went to the android studio File > Settings > HTTP Proxy settings and made changes to the proxy settings. After which the line added earlier to the file was deleted.
Hope this helps :)
I had the same problem and solved it by adding my proxy settings into the following file '.AndroidStudio/config/options/other.xml'

Does Firefox disable plugins that failed to initialize?

I am trying to test a Mozilla plugin (developed using FireBreath) in the form of an .so shared object file. The plugin was developed on Ubuntu, where it works fine.
I am now trying it under OpenSUSE - so I first symlinked the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins:
> ln -s /path/to/ ~/.mozilla/plugins/
... and then ran Firefox (7) from command line:
> /path/to/firefox -P myprofile
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library [ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory]
LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /path/to/ [/path/to/ undefined symbol: gtk_widget_get_mapped]
# and the LoadPlugin messages do NOT show a second time - probably because plugin is disabled (via about:addons).
And so I thought to try different stuff to look into this - but first, I restarted Firefox, and realized that on the second run I do not get the "LoadPlugin: failed to initialize" messages anymore! Then I tried removing the plugins symlink, and restarting FF; and adding it again, and restarting FF - still no error messages!
So, this tells me that probably Firefox somehow disabled/blacklisted the plugin (but which one: libXext, npXXX or both?) , but searching (grepping) for (np)XXX in '/path/to/myprofile/blocklist.xml' returns nothing (the plugin should use a email-like id, not those number GUIDs, so I'd expect that string to show in blocklist.xml if it's there).
Does anyone know: is the default behavior of Firefox to disable/blocklist plugins, that fail to load at first? If so, is there a way to force Firefox to load them again (and spit out error messages)? If you'd also have links to where this behavior is documented, it will be much appreciated :)
Many thanks in advance for any answers,
Note: after I stopped seeing the error messages, I did the following:
I am trying "about:plugins": "No enabled plugins found";
then trying "about:addons", and clicking under Plugins: "You don't have any add-ons of this type installed";
This plugin is not embedded in an extension, so nothing new should be added in "about:addons" under "Extensions" - and as expected, nothing new shows there. Under Ubuntu (where all works), just by symlinking the plugin to ~/.mozilla/plugins, the above two locations/screens start showing the plugin info.
This one of the things that puzzle me - if it just showed the plugin as "disabled", maybe I would have had a chance to re-enable it again (to get a new batch of error messages) - however, "about:plugins" and "about:addons" simply show nothing - so there's nothing I can use to enable from there. Which tells me Firefox has used a different method to disable the plugin(s) - but I cannot tell what it is...
Firefox has a cache for XPCOM modules ("fastload cache"), if a module fails to load Firefox won't try again. The cache is reset automatically if an extension is installed or if the application is updated. Starting with Firefox 4 you can also use -purgecaches command line flag to discard the cache.

Problem with Weblogic Upgrade

I'm currently in the process of upgrading my WebLogic version from 10.0 to 10.3.3.
I did manage to successfully create a new 10.3 domain, but when I try to start it, I get the following error:
<Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000362> <Server failed. Reason:
[Management:141266]Parsing Failure in config.xml: failed to load java
type corresponding to e=domain#>
Regardless to say, the server doesn't start.
I looked at my config.xml file and it looks harmless, the first few lines of it are as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<domain xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="" xmlns:sec="" xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="">
There is a namespace entry for the namespace given in the error message (default namespace - xmlns), but I don't have a clue why the config file can't be parsed.
Thanks in Advance
A similar issue here turned out to be a permissions problem for the user starting weblogic.
Have you installed the new Weblogic server instance with a different user id? Can you check permissions?

Providing .jad file download link

We are trying to provide a download link to abc.jad file in index.html. abc.jad and index.html are both in the same folder. Following is the link.
In addition, we defined the mime type for .jad file in web.config as follows
<mimeMap fileExtension=".jad" mimeType="text/" />
In spite of these, we are still not able to download this file from the web browser. It always gives the error HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found
The server is IIS with .net 2.0
Can you please help?
i know is a little bit late but you are missing these MIME types:
(you have to set these types to your folder on IIS Admin Console)
