CMS Made Simple Theme Implementation - cmsmadesimple

I am newbee to CMS Made Simple. I have HTML for the theme and i want it to implement on my CMS Made Simple site. I don't know how to implement it from FTP. I don't have admin details but have the FTP details only.
Can anyone help me on this ?

Pages created in CMS Made Simple are stored and saved to a database. You have to move your local database to your live server. That means in most cases, you will need to log into your server account, and copy the database there.


Document Mng on Redmine: Anyone use DMSF plugin or find an easy way to manage docs in the Files tab with a 'wiki' as a front end?

I'm looking to use Redmine for document management. I know that Redmine is not ideal for this task but there is already a lot of content on the site so I'd like to utilize it if possible.
Redmine currently does not a have great documents module. The files we've uploaded look to be amended on that specific page and it doesn't seem to be able to move to another page (unless you download and re-upload to the proper page).
Idea 1
I see there is a Files section, which could work as a central repository (and you can upload document based on release) however, is there a way to set up a nice-looking 'front-end' page that automatically updates based on new submissions to the Files tab? I envision this front end to be a simple wiki page with the document name, a short description and a links to the file posted in the Files tab.
There are so many documents uploaded to varying pages on the Redmine site. I would only do the whole download and re-upload of files if there was a way to automatically update the 'front end' wiki.
Idea 2
I see there is a DMSF plugin for Redmine. Has anyone used this before and has is solved document management issues? I'd like to hear your feedback. Even if DMSF doesn't totally solve my issue, anything is better than what I have now.
In my opinion DMSF module is a perfect companion for Redmine. We have adopted it in our company. You can easily deal with document versions, webdav access, custom approval workflow, document modifications notification with the extra value of being well integrated with Redmine features (roles, dynamic links in Wiki and issue text and notes).

Replicate pages from OpenCms to Liferay

I know this is a duplicate post but I needed help here. I had posted about my query before on how should I approach to migrate a website which is currently in OpenCms into Liferay.
I will share whatever I have found on internet and a reply that I got in one of the forums here on stackoverflow.
I was suggested to use ftl templates. but won't it be like executing the code everytime the user makes changes to a web page?
The website has static as well as dynamic pages. I need a way to recreate them in liferay so that in future if the users wish to change the data content of website they can do so easily. IN case of dynamic pages they will upate their database. IN case of static pages they would want to change data (if required) from liferay framework.
How should I create templates and add pages that use a particular template and also add content to the pages?
SHould I write a code or can I do directly from the liferay UI ? Is there a quick way to do this?

Stop people browsing images on website

I'm pretty much new to IIS and this is the problem that I'm trying to solve.
I have a legacy web app (complied so not easily changeable) that is running in IIS 7.
This web app displays images to the user of possibly sensitive personal data but if the user views the source the of the page then they are exposed to the url which is viewable directly through any browser.
What I think that I need to do is to remove the folder permissions (where the images live) to stop people directly browsing vewing them and then create another account that has the permissions to view this folder and then associate this newly created account with the application pool that is running the site.
So my questions are would this be the correct way of doing this? And if it is, how would I actually achieve (bearing in mind that I'm a complete novice in IIS and permissions).
Any help would be muchly appreciated.

Sharepoint: Where to store assets used in my custom master page?

I'm creating a custom master page for my SharePoint 2010 publishing site. There are images, css files and js files associated with this custom master page. Where should they be stored?
I'm using the SiteAssets library for now - is this a good choice?
Yeah that is a good choice, also make sure you Provision all these files using Feature, this way upate of Files becomes easier.
In my opinion, you should store everything under the site collection libraries, this way you get:
Easy recovery in the cases you need to re-install the server[s]
Versioning and permissions on resources
Separation of resources between site collection
Simple deployment between environments, as you do not need to copy the files manually or design and deploy a feature to do it for you
The preferred place is of course Style Library, this is what it is intended for.
If you are creating and deploying your files through code, you can also use the _layouts directory to store your files. This makes it simpler to share files between site collections. Visual Studio 2010 makes it really simple to add a reference to the Images folder and any files will then be deployed to the _layouts/Images URL.
The only advantage of this is that a site collection administrator cannot make changes to these files, only someone with access to the physical server. (Although this can also be a disadvantage if your logos or images are changing regularly).
I usually store them in _catalogs/masterpage/ORGNAME/...
You can refer this blog for actual implementation
-Vighnesh Bendre site sharepoint integration

I have created a test website that contains a single index.aspx file that contains a gridview listing information from a MSSQL database.
I would like to have this made available as a webpart on our sharepoint intranet, how would I go about doing that?
You can just put your page under Template/Layouts and attach it to some SharePoint master page. It will look and feel like a regular SharePoint page.
Of course, that is good if you're into the quick&dirty approach :)
You will need to create a web part from the page you already have.
I would suggest isolating your gridview in a user control (ascx) instead of directly on the aspx page, it will be easier to use it in a web part that way.
To create a web part, you should probably start by downloading WSPBuilder or a similar tool that will do most of the work for you.
The following tutorial will give you the information you need on how to create a web part from a user control.
You should have no problem linking to your database or anything else. A web part behaves just like a user control.
