vim remove highlight (not search highlight) - vim

This is a screen of vim editing .bash_profile. It seem to have used some weird highlighting that I didn't explicitly turn on (e.g. around GaF)
using nohl doesn't help since I didn't initiate a search. I also tried using 'syntax off', but that just made all the font/text colours white, but the highlights were still in place.
Anyone know what this is, or how to turn it off?

remove all highlighting.
hi clear
you can find out the group name and
hi clear group
to disable highlighting on one group

You need to find out which syntax group causes the highlighting. :syn list shows all active groups, but it's easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin. When you have the name of the offending syntax group, you see to which highlight group this links to. Then check your colorscheme for its definition:
:highlight <groupname>

For me, I had an issue like this every time I opened the help window for any command. As the user #snowbound said in the comments, doing :set nospell solved the issue.

I want to expand on Kent and Ingo Karkat's answers for those that don't wish to install a plugin.
To find out the name of the highlight group in questions, you can use this:
" call `:exec SynGroup()` to show the highlight group under the cursor
function! SynGroup()
let l:s = synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
echo synIDattr(l:s, 'name') . ' -> ' . synIDattr(synIDtrans(l:s), 'name')
(My vimscript is bad, and I copied this from somewhere on the internet long ago. Thank you to that person.)
Anyway, as Kent said, you can use
hi clear <group>
to disable the highlighting for that group.
For example, :exec SynGroup() in vimscript comments gives you
vimLineComment -> Comment
Then you can use
hi clear Comment
To remove the highlighting.


How to remove row lines in vim?

How do i remove the row lines at the start of the line? I typed the command
:s/^/# /
while in command mode and it suddenly appeared. I typed the command again, but it's still in my editor. I was trying to comment out a few blocks of code. This is the stackoverflow page I was following: What's a quick way to comment/uncomment lines in Vim?
Please see the image below to see what I'm pertaining to. Thanks in advance!
Vim highlights the current search pattern; this is the 'incsearch' option; either you have it explicitly turned on in your ~/.vimrc, or you use a recent Vim 8 version that has this enabled by the defaults.
Check with :hi IncSearch; it should show the same white-underscore-onblack formatting as your screenshot. You can also use a :hi command to customize this (or choose a different colorscheme).
To turn this off, use
You can shorten that to :noh; some people also define a mapping to quickly clear this. Alternatively, you can also search for something else.

Macvim subtle comment keywords

Comments keyword are damn highlighted in Macvim/terminal vim and keeps on irritating me. I am not a pro in customizing vim, but really want to get rid of them and have subtle grey keywords
You need to find out which syntax group causes the highlighting. :syn list shows all active groups, but it's easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin. When you have the name of the offending syntax group, you can investigate where it comes from; (the last lines of) :scriptnames may help.
One solution in your case would be linking the syntax groups to the original Comment group, so that the distinction is lost. This can be done in ~/.vimrc:
:hi link FoundSyntaxGroupHere Comment
Comments were highlighted because of vim javascript plugin and by setting following inside .vimrc file, i am able to stop my comments from getting highlighted
let g:javascript_ignore_javaScriptdoc="1

remove the highlight for the current parenthesis but keep it for the matching pair

When I work in a fast paced with vim, one of the recurring annoyance is highlighting of {} or {} or []. When the parenthesis or brackets are adjacent to each other, it takes me a second (yes a whole second!) to figure out where the focus is. I do not like having to rely on the blinking and I still want the matching paren/bracket to be highlighted. So how can I remove just the highlighting for the current paren/bracket?
:hi MatchParen ctermbg=black guibg=black
show match is ok, but the highlight was driving me nutz. The above turns the highight black so you don't see it when editor has a black background
type :help matchparen for more help on this .
this functionnality is really useful for me, so maybe you can look at the doc a little and find a way to hightlight the matching pair in a different color (or just underline it for example)
What you are looking is
set noshowmatch
to be set in vimrc

Vim syntax highlighting unwanted words

I have created a syntax file for some AnB-files for vim and while it does load the syntax highlighting and highlight everything I want it to highlight, it seems to highlight some unwanted stuff as well.
The images show both my highlight file and the AnB file and the problem is:
The word "Elgamel", the characters "g" and "h" (any single lower-case letters) and the words "M1" and "M2" (any single upper-case letter followed by an integer) are highlighted with an unwanted magenta color. Anyone knows what to do here? I tried searching for the problem on both google and stackoverflow, but I couldn't find any similar questions (I might not search using the correct terms, though :D)
Syntax file:
AnB file:
This looks like error highlighting from the spell checker.
:set nospell
should then turn it off. You can determine which syntax groups get spell checked via :syntax spell, see :help :syn-spell. Usually, you use enable spelling in comments, etc. by added contains=#Spell.
Here's a tip for syntax script development: When you need to find out which syntax group causes the highlighting. :syn list shows all active groups, but it's easier when you install the SyntaxAttr.vim - Show syntax highlighting attributes of character under cursor plugin.
You can use the plugin HiKinkTrace to determine the highlighting group for the offending text, that should help you to narrow it down.

Removing tab colouring in MacVim

I am new to using Vim/MacVim environments and under a pre-existing configuration handed to me by a friend (sort of a newbie-starter-kit), there is a marked tab character which has not been followed with a piece of code, as can be seen in the screenshot below. Which option in Vim can be used to remove this effect?
Thanks in advance for the help.
The following will reveal the syntax group that colors the tab in such a way:
Put the cursor on the marked tab, then do the following:
:echo synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name")
It will show you the syntax group of the current character under the cursor. Then you can use the following to show the color assignment:
:hi <ouput from previous command>
From there you can start searching where in the vim config files the syntax and highlighting are assigned.
