I'm trying the chrome text-to-speech API but even the demo provided by google
doesn't work for me, I can't hear any sound, do you?
I don't think it is a problem of my browser because google.translate.com (which I guess is based on the same technology) works for me if I try the listening mode.
Any idea?
As of Chrome 33, Chrome's speech synthesis API is available in JavaScript.
Quick example:
new SpeechSynthesisUtterance('Oh why hello there.')
HTML5 Rocks: Introduction to the Speech Synthesis API
. . Hi, Eugenio.
. . This API is only available for extensions. You can port your logic to inside an extension (people would have to install it to use, of course), create an extension that exposes the functions to the "outside world" (people would still need to install the extension to use your app correctly) or simply use a client-side synthesizer (speak.js, for example).
. . You can use WebAudio API (or event tags) and calls to the Google Translate TTS endpoint, but that's not a Public API and it has no guarantees. It can simply stop working because of some limitation from Google, they can change the API or endpoints and yadda yadda. If it's only for testing, that'll probably do, but if it's a bigger project (or a comercial one), I strongly advise against that option.
. . Good luck.
Today (October 2015) there's 55% devices that have Speech Synthesis API support: http://caniuse.com/#feat=speech-synthesis
Here's the example:
// Create the utterance object
var utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance();
utterance.text = 'Hello, World!';
// optional parameters
utterance.lang = 'en-GB'; // language, default is 'en-US'
utterance.volume = 0.5; // volume, from 0 to 1, default is 1
utterance.rate = 0.8; // speaking rate, default is 1
// speak it!
Just to add some links because I also was lost finding the right information.
You can use the so called "speech synthesis api" of Chrome, see demo: https://www.audero.it/demo/speech-synthesis-api-demo.html
Further info:
Talking Web Pages and the Speech Synthesis API
Getting Started with the Speech Synthesis API
Using HTML5 Speech Recognition and Text to Speech
Hope that helps, and hope the links will survive the future.
Im trying to check if url is malicious in my app. But the output always return that the link is safe even when i put malicious link. Im developing the app using Android Studio and use both GMS and HMS library. Im running the app on my device which is Samsung and its working fine except for the problem i mention above. Help me please.
And one more thing, I've downloaded the appGallery on my phone and install hms core. But do i still need to convert gms library to hms library?
Thank you.
This is the response code.
public void onSuccess(UrlCheckResponse urlCheckResponse) {
List<UrlCheckThreat> list = urlCheckResponse.getUrlCheckResponse();
if (list.isEmpty()) {
// No threats found.
testRes.setText("No threats found.");
} else {
for (UrlCheckThreat threat : list){
int type = threat.getUrlCheckResult();
if(type == UrlCheckThreat.MALWARE){
testRes.setText("Malware found!");
else {
if (type == UrlCheckThreat.PHISHING)
testRes.setText("Phishing found!");
Could you please send me the link? That way I can do research. Please note: maybe the link is totally new so it may escape detection.
For your other question: "I've downloaded the AppGallery on my phone and install hms core. But do i still need to convert gms library to hms library.".
The answer is no, you don't need to convert anything. But note: you must integrate Huawei SDK when you try to use Huawei Kit features on your GMS phone or HMS phones.
Apparently, the API to check list of malicious URL took time to function. The response code was functioning well and can detect the malicious URL. Thank you for all the responses.
First off, I'm new to Alexa skill development, so I have much to learn. I've been banging my head off the desk trying to figure this out. I've found various tutorials and have gone over the information provided by Amazon for accessing the Customer Profile API via an Alexa skill but still can't manage to obtain the customer's phone number.
I'm using the AWS console in-line code editor (Cloud9). Most, if not all, instructions use something like 'axios', 'request', or 'https' modules which I don't think is possible unless you use the ask-cli (please correct me if I'm wrong). Also, I followed a tutorial to initially create the skill which had me use Skillinator.io to create an AWS Lambda template based on the skill's JSON in the Amazon Developer console. The format of the code in the Customer Profile API tutorials does not match what was provided by the Skillinator.io tool. The way the Intent handlers are set up is different, which is where I believe my confusion is coming from. Here's an example:
Skillinator.io code:
const handlers = {
'LaunchRequest': function () {
welcomeOutput = 'Welcome to the Alexa Skills Kit!';
welcomeReprompt = 'You can say, Hello!';
this.emit(':ask', welcomeOutput, welcomeReprompt);
Tutorial code:
const LaunchRequestHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.type === 'LaunchRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
const speechText = 'Welcome to the Alexa Skills Kit!';
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard('Hello World', speechText)
Can anyone shed some light and help me understand why there is a difference in the way the handlers are formatted, and how (if possible) to create the request to the Customer Profile API?
I've already completed the steps for the necessary permissions/account linking.
Thanks in advance.
I've learned that the difference in syntax is due to the different versions of the sdk, Skillinator being 'alexa-sdk' or v1 and the various tutorials using 'ask-sdk' or v2.
I'm still curious as to whether using modules like 'axios' or 'request' is possible via the in-line code editor in AWS console or if it's even possible to access the Customer Profile API using sdk v1?
I've decided to answer the question with what I've learned in hopes that others won't waste as much time as I have trying to understand it.
Basically, it is possible to use the above-mentioned modules in sdk v1 using the AWS console's in-line code editor but you must create a .zip file of your code and any necessary modules and upload that .zip to Lambda.
I've edited my original answer to include my findings for the difference in syntax in the intent handlers.
From what I can tell (and please correct me if I'm wrong), it is not possible to access the Customer Profile API using the sdk v1.
Working with the Azure Web App Bot SDK v3.
I try to output text and speech at the same time.
messageActivity.Text = information;
messageActivity.Speak = information;
messageActivity.Locale = "de-DE";
await context.PostAsync(messageActivity);
Cortana nor Direct Line nor the Bot emulator does speak something out. However, the Bot does receive the text to speak out loud.
In addition, even
await context.SayAsync(information, information);
isn't working. I seems like there is an issue with the localization or something. I ran out of ideas.
Direct line is configured as following
const speechOptions = {
speechRecognizer: new CognitiveServices.SpeechRecognizer({ subscriptionKey: 'SUB_KEY_XXX', locale: 'de-DE' }),
speechSynthesizer: new CognitiveServices.SpeechSynthesizer({
gender: CognitiveServices.SynthesisGender.Male,
subscriptionKey: 'SUB_KEY_AGAIN',
voiceName: 'Microsoft Server Speech Text to Speech Voice (de-DE, Michael)'
Sidenote: Voice to text works flawlessly.
EDIT: Direct Line does work now. While I was using a iFrame for demonstration purposes, the voice output only works if the input also was provided via voice input. However, you can change that behaviour as well.
You should try a well formed SSML wrapper if you want the informationText to speak in Cortana.
msg.speak = "<speak version=\"1.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/10/synthesis\" xml:lang=\"de-DE\"> <voice languages=\"de-DE\" gender=\"male\"> Haben Sie Wien schon bei Nacht gesehen? </voice><voice languages=\"de-DE it\" gender=\"female\"> Nein. </voice></speak>
Also note that Cortana only officially supports en-US for locale and market for third party skills. Though you can do a lot of cool things with other voices and locales, there are a few quirks and you can run into issues.
Hi I have done with following steps to implement Universal Link for IOS.
1.My sub domain is npd.nowconfer.com, and my apple-app-site-association file contains,
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"paths": ["*"]
this file is uploaded into my subdomain npd.nowconfer.com and its serveing over https.
2.I tested using AASA Validator i.e https://branch.io/resources/aasa-validator/#resultsbox and i got Test result as all pass.
you can see attached screenshot.
3.Now In app side,my colleague did configuration such as
Added the domain to Capabilities i.e applinks:nowconfer.com and applinks:npd.nowconfer.com
Handled Universal Links in app i.e in delegate like this
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *))restorationHandler {
NSURL *url = userActivity.webpageURL;
// handle url
4.my universalink is https://npd.nowconfer.com:5000/calendar/deeplink?url=nowconfer when i click on this link from email ,my app is not opening instead it is redirecting to app store(becasue server side request came handling to redirect app shore if app is not installed on device)
But when i tested universalink validator here https://search.developer.apple.com/appsearch-validation-tool ,i have got some error
Link to Application : Error no apps with domain entitlements
The entitlement data used to verify deep link dual authentication is from the current released version of your app. This data may take 48 hours to update.
I have seen lot of tutorials but not used anything for me.Can you guys help me to figure out what is happening here?
Universal Links have to be standard http:// or https:// links. This means they need to use the standard web ports, of which 5000 is not one. That is why your link is not working — it's not actually a valid Universal Link.
The Apple validator checks for some additional things, and is also somewhat unreliable. This particular error message is confusing, but it has nothing to do with whether your Universal Linking configuration is correct. What it actually means is Apple can't detect applinks: entitlements and 'proper' handling of passed-in link values in the version of your app that is currently live in the App Store. This is expected if you are just implementing Universal Links for the first time. You don't need to worry about this — a number of large and successful apps with working Universal Links implementations fail this step too.
My problem is that I have a user that is having a problem displaying a portion of website I am creating, but I am unable to reproduce it on any of my browsers, even with the same version of the browser.
What I'm looking for is probably a website that I can send the user to which will tell me what version of the browser they are running along with the plugs installed and any other information that might affect the display of a page.
Any one know of anything like this?
Edit: The problem is related to CSS. They want some special image around all the text inputs, but on the users computer the text input displays partially outside of the image which is setup as a background.
I need more user specific information than Google Analytics as you can't separate out a specific user. I also suspect that it's more complicated than just the user agent.
I also can put the website out there publicly because they want to keep their idea private until it's released...grr.
I find that sending users to the Support Details site (http://supportdetails.com/) is a great way to get systems and browser specifics. At that site all they have to do is enter your email address and the site will send details such as:
Operating System
Screen Resolution
Browser Name and version
Browser size (view port)
IP Address
Color Depth
Javascript enabled (Y/N)
Flash version installed
Cookies enabled (Y/N).
Those pieces of info can also be exported as csv or PDF. Pretty sweet.
The site is made by an agency called Imulus.
Unfortunately, I don't know of any site that will log every detail about the users browser, as you request.
But perhaps browsershots.org could help with your debugging? It allows you to test you design in a lot of different browsers very easily.
EDIT: ... unfortunately restricted to the initial design on page load, since it simply takes a screenshot for you.
The classic approach is to use the useragent to determine the browser and OS
Looks like this site will display it for you.
As for plugins there are various ways to test in javascript for the plugins you are looking for.
You have to test for these on the client side as there is (to my knowledge) no way of detecting these on the server side.
The following crude example shows how to test for acrobat reader in IE and Mozilla browsers and returns if it was installed and if so what version in an object.
function TestAcro()
var acrobat=new Object();
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length)
for ( var x = 0, l = navigator.plugins.length; x < l; ++x )
//Note: Adobe changed the name of Acrobat to Adobe Reader
if ((navigator.plugins[x].name.indexOf('Acrobat') != -1) | (navigator.plugins[x].description.indexOf('Acrobat') != -1) | (navigator.plugins[x].name.indexOf('Adobe Reader') != -1) |(navigator.plugins[x].description.indexOf('Adobe Reader') != -1))
acrobat.version=parseFloat(navigator.plugins[x].description.split('Version ')[1]);
if (acrobat.version.toString().length == 1) acrobat.version+='.0';
else if (window.ActiveXObject)
for (x=2; x<10; x++)
oAcro=eval("new ActiveXObject('PDF.pdfCtrl."+x+"');");
if (oAcro)
catch(e) {}
oAcro4=new ActiveXObject('PDF.pdfCtrl.1');
if (oAcro4)
catch(e) {}
oAcro7=new ActiveXObject('AcroPDF.PDF.1');
if (oAcro7)
return acrobat;
Google analytics? If you have any sort of web analytics program installed on your web server, generally they also give info such as the operating system, web browser, etc. You could use the user's IP address to find his info in your logs.
Also, what issue are they having? We might be able to help..
I did find this program, but unfortunately it's not a free service, nor is there really anyway for me to get the information on that page (unless I pay for it): http://www.cyscape.com/showbrow.aspx
The useragent and related HTTP headers that are sent in all requests can give you some information (Browser and version), but for detail about the client-side installation, you may be out of luck for an automated capture mechanism that obtain a list of arbitrary plugins installed on the client browser. This would be a security violation, so unless a browser intentionally exposes them, you wouldn't get access to this without installing a client-side binary.
Depending on the relationship with the user, you could try something like Go2Meeting or CoPilot so that you can see the bug in action yourself. This would also allow you to peruse the browser settings and plugins.
If it is a CSS issue and the issue is with IE (most often) you may want to consider using the IE 7 library.
When it comes to CSS... I get it working properly in Mozilla browsers then I see what I need to conditionally hack to make it work in IE. This library comes in handy.
Also if possible I would try to limit support to the major modern browsers out there.
And if possible try to include the mobile browsers (iPhone, etc).
Hope this helps.
I've been using Ocean's Browser Capabilities in my ASP.NET web sites. It is really easy to get many properties. Specifically I'm using the Ocean2.Web.HttpCapabilities library.
To get the browser type and capabilities:
string browserSettings = Ocean2.Web.HttpCapabilities.BrowserCaps.Build.ProcessDefault(HttpContext.Current.Request);
Here is a sample of the results:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2)
os - Windows Vista
platform - WinNT
win16 - false
win32 - true
win64 - true
type - IE7
browser - IE
version - 7.0
BrowserBuild - aol - false
cookies - true
javascript - true
ecmascriptversion - 1.2
vbscript - true
activexcontrols - true
javaapplets - true
screenBitDepth - 1
mobileDeviceManufacturer - Unknown
mobileDeviceModel - Unknown
You could also try this:
BROWSER PROBE finds details about your browser, plugins, system, screen and much more.
A great tool for support staff and casual users alike.
Browser Probe
Most of these answers are outdated with dead links.
I found http://www.mybrowserinfo.com that suits my needs. Hope it helps someone else.
More user friendly service: https://aboutmybrowser.com/?nr