Change iOS Device Date - uiwebview

I have a UIWebView that displays a date for an oriental calendar. If i go into settings and change my device date, then reload the app, the UIWebView date also changes. My question is, is there a way to select a date through the UIDatePicker and it changes the device date so the WebView can load a different date.
Thanks in Advance

There is no public API that allows a 3rd party app to change the system date on a non-jailbroken iOS device.
You can certainly let a user pick a date and show a calendar for the chosen date but the display can't be based off of the system date. You would need to pass the chosen date to the URL shown in the web view.


How to change the date format on a Work Item in Azure DevOps Work item

The date format on each Work Item is showing in US format (M/d/yyyy) and I need it to display in AU format (dd/mm/yyyy). I have set the region for the Organisation and set my own user profile to the correct browser language and date format, but it will not change. The problem occurs in (new) Edge and Chrome but IE is correct.
How can I get the correct date format to display?
It seems this can be done by following
Select your project -> Click on the profile icon -> Click on the ellipsis (...) on the profile summary popup -> Select User Settings on that popup -> Select Time and Locale on the next popup -> Go to the settings page and change region and date format.
TBH, it took me an hour to find this. Not a pleasant experience.

How can I mark/unmark a Date in Android app

I'm developing an app for event calendar in android studio. But I want to mark a random date by taping on the date and then pressing the Mark Button. Again Unmark the date by clicking the Unmark Button.
N.B: I'm currently marking the current date.
Is there any effective solution for my desired criteria?
You will need to maintain your own data structure of which dates are selected. This can be in-memory, persisted via SQLite, etc. There is too little information in your question to give a better answer.

p:repeat partial update

I am using Primefaces 6.0 and the p:repeat component
I have an input component (specifically p:calendar) inside a p:repeat. What I want is this: when I select a date/time on a specific calendar, I need to update every calendar inside the repeat, apart from the one I edited/selected the date.
The reason I want this is because if I update the whole repeat (the panel wrapping it), every time the user selects a date the calendar disappears (understandably since it's re rendered). But because I allow my users to also select hours and minutes, it's bad from a UX perspective to have the need to reopen the calendar every time the user selects any of month/hours/minutes.
As a workaround, is there a way to attach an event to the close button of the calendar, so I can do the processing after the user is done editing the date?
Edit: Actually the close button event wont help because the user can just click outside of the popup.

How to control localization settings in the iNotes calendar control?

The "extLib" iNotes calendar control appears to have a "life of its own" when it comes to localization settings:
in the week views e.g. weekday and month names are following the localization settings of the client (if I set the browser's language to en-US it says "Monday" ... "Sunday"), but the week always starts at Monday. Another example are the time slots where they are displayed: times are always displayed as "09:00" .. "12:00" and then onwards as "13:00" .. "18:00" etc. But there are also "AM" and "PM" markers where applicable, no matter what locale the client is set to (see screenshot #1 below for a de-DE locale).
This behavious is not true for the "real" iNotes calendar: this one follows the client's locale as can be seen in the 2nd (locale = de-DE) and 3rd (locale = en-US) screenshot below (ok, for en-US week still starts at Monday, but this can be set through the iNotes preferences).
So I wonder if, no I really hope that there's some way to control localization parameters. But how?

How to set textfield only with Month and year from calender in CRM

After selecting calendar in campaign form , I need to set text field only display Month/Year
instead of Day/Month/Year. How can I do this?
I attached a screen shot below:
Here its Day/Month/Year, but I need Month/Year.
I suspect that the date-time field is formatted according to the system settings (be that picked from CRM or the user's computer). Not sure if it's editable other than that. I'll take a look at it later today.
In case it's not possible to customize the date format of a single field you've got three options (listed in increasing order of control but also of implementation workload).
Set the system settings according to your wishes.
Add custom fields and control the looks in these.
Create a web resource that behaves exactly as you wish.
