Long ago I remapped tmux' C-b to C-a, to save my left index finger from becoming grotesquely elongated.
Now I find I need to remap vim's C-a to something else as a result. I'm trying to remap it to C-i, with:
nnoremap <C-i> <C-a>
Which works, but when I press C-i on a number, the cursor jumps down a line after incrementing said number.
How is one supposed to remap a key properly?
Instead, you should
nn <C-i> <C-a>
which make ctrl-i behave like ctrl-a.
As to recover the default behavior of ctrl-a, use
nn <C-a> <C-a>
I would like Ctrl-W to allow me to switch windows even when I am in insert mode. How can I make this change?
My motivation is to not need to press escape before shifting windows.
For <c-w><c-j> (as an example), you can do:
inoremap <c-w><c-j> <esc><c-w><c-j>gi
Then you can repeat this kind of mapping for every command you use:
inoremap <c-w><c-k> <esc><c-w><c-k>gi
inoremap <c-w><c-w> <esc><c-w><c-w>gi
inoremap <c-w>+ <esc><c-w>+gi
inoremap <c-w>- <esc><c-w>-gi
If you choose this simple solution, then you can finally add this mapping to inhibit the native <c-w> key (= delete the last word):
inoremap <c-w> <nop>
More "smart" solutions could be written, but they would imply a bit more code.
Note 1: as noted in the comments, the mappings to choose depend on which mode you want to reach after the keystroke: the suffix gi in the commands above means that you want to go back to insert mode in the new window; but you can remove this suffix if you want to be in normal mode.
Note 2: the suffix gi could be simply i, depending on the case : see :h i and :h gi
I want to remap default cursor movement keys (hjkl) to Colemak's on same places (hnei) + alt, just as described here: https://forum.colemak.com/topic/50-colemak-vim/p6/
This is what was typed to .vimrc (which lies in correct directory, I checked):
" Colemak hjkl hack
nnoremap <A-h> <Left>|
nnoremap <A-n> <Down>|
nnoremap <A-e> <Up>|
nnoremap <A-i> <Right>|
I have already tried to:
Remove "|"s
Switch between and
Use hjkl instead of <Left><Down><Up><Right>
Use "noremap" instead of "nnoremap",
Nothing happens. What is wrong?
<esc>h instead of <A-h> works, thanks to Ralf
I find a .vimrc file config:
" Move selection up/down (add =gv to reindent after move)
:vmap <D-S-Up> :m-2<CR>gv
:vmap <D-S-Down> :m'>+<CR>gv
I know the D-S-Up must be a key, but what is the key?
I type:
:help D-S-Up
nothing happened
:help key-notation tells you the meaning of all those <key> notations.
You can't expect :help D-S-Up to do anything because:
it doesn't follow established patterns like i_ctrl-r,
it is a custom mapping and Vim only provides documentation for its own commands.
<D> is the Cmd key on Mac keyboards, <S> is the Shift key, and <Up> is the Up arrow key.
So <D-S-Up> means Cmd + Shift + Up.
The Cmd key only works in the MacVim GUI.
Non-portable mappings are worthless.
One should use :xmap or :xnoremap for visual mode mappings, not :v*.
Non-recursive mappings should be used by default unless one really wants recursion.
Using someone else's vimrc is a bad idea.
By the way, here are enhanced versions of those mappings:
nnoremap <silent> <D-S-Up> :<C-u>move-2<CR>==
nnoremap <silent> <D-S-Down> :<C-u>move+<CR>==
xnoremap <silent> <D-S-Up> :move-2<CR>gv=gv
xnoremap <silent> <D-S-Down> :move'>+<CR>gv=gv
<silent> prevents the commands in the mapping from echoing useless info,
<C-u> removes any default range inserted by Vim,
move-2<CR> is a more readable version of m-2<CR>,
== re-indents the line,
gv=gv reselects the lines, re-indents them, and re-selects them again.
Have a look at Move entire line up and down in Vim
In an answer you can read (concerning the line :vmap <D-S-Up> :m-2<CR>gv):
According to the shortcuts above, pressing Cmd-Shift-Up/Down will shift the block selection up/down. "D" is the Command key in MacVim, for Windows try "C" (Control), or "A" (Alt) (eg. would be Control Alt f).
Since I don't have a Mac myself, I can't check, but it's most certainly true.
I want to be able to save a file in vim while in the insert mode. I thought of using the following shortcut:
inoremap <leader>w <Esc>:w<cr>
While the shortcut saves the file in the insert mode, it leaves the cursor one spot ahead of where the cursor would be if I physically typed out the keys
Esc :w followed by Enter. This is a problem because when I use the shortcut whenever I am at the end of a line, it takes me to the next line, and I have to then come back to the spot where I initiated the save.
Any help would be appreciated on how I can map <leader>w to the exact actions that occur in Vim when I physically type out the Esc :w followed by Enter key sequence.
I should add that if I instead use the following key-mapping, things work exactly as I want:
inoremap <C-s> <esc>:w<CR>
However, I would like to avoid pressing CTRL and s at the same time. It is possible there is some problem with the <leader>, but I cannot figure out what it is (I am using , as my leader key).
Though one could discuss the suitability of your insert-mode mapping, the root cause of your problem is a trailing space in the mapping definition; i.e. Vim reads this as follows:
inoremap <leader>w <Esc>:w<cr><Space>
You'll even see this in the :imap <Leader>w output! <Space> in normal mode advances the cursor one to the right (like l); that explains the unexpected move.
Try this instead:
inoremap <silent> <leader>w <C-o>:w<CR>
The idea is Ctrl-o can be used to run commands directly from insert mode. See :help i_CTRL-O for details.
Why not simply doing
inoremap <leader>w <Esc>h:w<cr>
(not the additional h for going back one character)?
I'm almost certain that someone else has also had this question, and this may be a repeat, but I'm not sure what to call a command like <C-L> and so I haven't had any luck finding an existing question. If this is a duplicate, please redirect me.
The question arises from a vimrc section that reads like this:
" Map <C-L> (redraw screen) to also turn off search highlighting until the
" next search
nnoremap <C-L> :nohl<CR><C-L>
So what combination of keys do I press (in which mode) to input a <C-L> mapping?
in this line:
nnoremap <C-L> :nohl<CR><C-L>
nnoremap means normal no-recursive map <C-L>... which means, if you press ctrl + l in NORMAL mode, the mapped key-strokes would be applied.
<C-L> means ctrl + l
if you type
:h control
you can see the keycodes:
<C-...> control-key *control* *ctrl* *<C-*
The capital "C" character in <C-L> represents the control key while the capital "L" character represents a "L" character. So pressing Ctrl+L in normal mode should invoke the mapping.