Comparing and displaying hash values - linux

I am able to print all of the lines from /etc/passwd by UID and username.
I would like to compare the values of UID and display corresponding usernames by <150 and >150.
this is my while loop and count
my #f = split /:/;
sort #f;
print #f[3 , 0], "\n";
my $count = keys(%passwd);
print $count, "\n";

sort #f does nothing - sort returns the list sorted, but does not change it in place. If you added use warnings; to your programme, Perl would tell you.
This is how I would do it:
use warnings;
use strict;
open my $PASSWD, '<', '/etc/passwd' or die $!;
my %passwd;
while (<$PASSWD>) {
my #f = split /:/;
#{ $passwd{ $f[3] } } = #f;
my $reported = 0;
for my $k (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %passwd) {
if ($k > 150 and not $reported) {
$reported = print "Over 150\n";
print "$k\n";
You can also grep the keys for the small ones:
my #under150 = grep $_ < 150, keys %passwd;
print $_->[0], "\n" for #passwd{ #under150 };


Perl - count words of a file

i want to count words in a file and want result the number of same word
my script
#use strict;
#use warnings;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
$datestring = strftime "%Y-%m-%d", localtime;
print $datestring;
my #files = <'/mnt/SESSIONS$datestring*'>;
my $latest;
foreach my $file (#files) {
$latest = $file if $file gt $latest;
print "file loaded \n";
my #lines=<FILE>;
#my #temp_line;
foreach my $line(#lines) {
#line=split(' ',$line);
print $line;
#print "$line[0] $line[1] $line[2] $line[3] $line[4] $line[5] \n";
My log file
---------- ------------------------- --------------- -------------------------
1 SYSTEM titi toto (fifi)
2 SYSTEM titi toto (fofo)
4 SYSTEM titi toto (bobo)
7 SYSTEM titi gogo (fifi)
5 rows selected.
I want result :
User = 3 SYSTEM with program toto
, User = 1 SYSTEM with program gogo
Thanks for any information
I see yours as a two-step problem -- you want to parse the log files, but then you also want to store elements of that data into a data structure that you can use to count.
This is a guess, based on your sample data, but if your data is fixed-width, one way you can parse that into the fields is to use unpack. I think substr might more efficient, so consider how many files you need to parse and how long each is.
I would store the data into a hash and then dereference it after the files have all been read.
my %counts;
open my $IN, '<', 'logfile.txt' or die;
while (<$IN>) {
next if length ($_) < 51;
my ($sid, $user, $terminal, $program) = unpack 'A9 #11 A25 #37 A15 #53 A25', $_;
next if $sid eq '---------'; # you need some way to filter out bogus or header rows
$program =~ s/\(.+//; # based on your example, turn toto (fifi) into toto
close $IN;
while (my ($user, $ref) = each %counts) {
while (my ($program, $count) = each %$ref) {
print "User = $count $user with program $program\n";
Output from program:
User = 3 SYSTEM with program toto
User = 1 SYSTEM with program gogo
User = 1 NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM with program roro
User = 1 NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM with program gaga
This code detect automatically the size of input fields (your snippet seems an output from Oracle query) and print the results:
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
open my $file, '<', 'input.log' or die "$?";
my $data = {};
my #cols_size = ();
while (<$file>) {
my $line = $_;
if ( $line =~ /--/) {
foreach (split(/\s/, $line)) {
push(#cols_size, length($_) +1);
next unless (#cols_size);
next if ($line =~ /rows selected/);
my ($sid, $user, $terminal, $program) = unpack('A' . join('A', #cols_size), $line);
next unless ($sid);
$program =~ s/\(\w+\)//;
close $file;
foreach my $user (keys %{$data}) {
foreach my $program (keys %{$data->{$user}}) {
say sprintf("User = %s %s with program %s", $data->{$user}->{$program}, $user, $program);
i don't understand $counts{$user}{$program}++;

Perl, using a linux command on users stored in a hash

Here is the code:
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
my #temparray;
my $count = 0;
my #lastarray;
my $lastbash;
#Opens the file /etc/shadow and puts the users with an uid over 1000 but less that 65000 into an array.
open( my $passwd, "<", "/etc/passwd") or die "/etc/passwd failed to open.\n";
while (my $lines = <$passwd>) {
my #splitarray = split(/\:/, $lines );
if( $splitarray[2] >= 1000 && $splitarray[2] < 65000) {
$temparray[$count] =$splitarray[0];
print "$temparray[$count]\n";
close $passwd;
foreach (#temparray) {
$lastbash = qx(last $temparray);
print "$lastbash\n";
What I want to do is use the built in linux command "last" on all the users stored in the #temparray. And i want the output to be like this:
Where 22 and 10 being the number of times they logged in. How can I achieve this ?
I have tried several different ways but I always end up with errors.
The following should perform the task as requested:
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
my #temparray;
my $count = 0;
my #lastarray;
my $lastbash;
#Opens the file /etc/shadow and puts the users with an uid over 1000 but less that 65000 into an array.
open( my $passwd, "<", "/etc/passwd") or die "/etc/passwd failed to open.\n";
while (my $lines = <$passwd>) {
my #splitarray = split(/\:/, $lines );
if( $splitarray[2] >= 1000 && $splitarray[2] < 65000) {
$temparray[$count] =$splitarray[0];
print "$temparray[$count]\n";
close $passwd;
foreach (#temparray) {
my #lastbash = qx(last $_); #<----Note the lines read in go to the $_ variable. Note use of my. You also read the text into array.
print $_.":".#lastbash."\n"; #<----Note the formatting. Reading #lastbash returns the number of elements.
You don't really need the $count, you could just do push #temparray, $splitarray[0].
That said, I'm not sure why you need #temparray either... You can just run the command against the users as you find them.
my $passwd = '/etc/passwd';
open( my $fh, '<', $passwd )
or die "Could not open file '$passwd' : $!";
my %counts;
# Get `last` counts and store them %counts
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
my ( $user, $uid ) = ( split( /:/, $line ) )[ 0, 2 ];
if ( $uid >= 1000 && $uid < 65000 ) {
my $last = () = qx{last $user};
$counts{$user} = $last
close $fh;
# Sort %counts keys by value (in descending order)
for my $user ( sort { $counts{$b} <=> $counts{$a} } keys %counts ) {
printf "%s:\t %3d\n", $user, $counts{$user};

unix - breakdown of how many records in file with number of character occurrences

Is there an inbuilt command to do this or has anyone had any luck with a script that does it?
I am looking to get counts of how many records (as defined by a specific EOL such as "^%!") had how many occurrences of a specfic character. (sorted descending by the number of occurrences)
For example, with this sample file:
Suggested input: delimiter EOL and filename as arguments.
bash/perl some_script_name ",|" "^%!" samplefile
Desired output:
occs count
3 1
2 1
1 2
0 2
This is because the 1st record had one delimiter, 2nd record had 2, 3rd record had 0, 4th record had 3, 5th record had 1, 6th record had 0.
Bonus pts if you can make the delimiter and EOL argument accept hex input (ie 2C7C) or normal character input (ie ,|) .
use strict;
$/ = $ARGV[1];
open my $fh, '<', $ARGV[2] or die $!;
my #records = <$fh> and close $fh;
$/ = $ARGV[0];
my %counts;
$counts{(split $_)-1}++ for #records;
delete $counts{-1};
print "$_\t$counts{$_}\n" for (reverse sort keys %counts);
perl ',|' '^%!' samplefile
3 1
2 1
1 2
0 2
This is what perl lives for:
#!perl -w
use 5.12.0;
my ($delim, $eol, $file) = #ARGV;
open my $fh, "<$file" or die "error opening $file $!";
$/ = $eol; # input record separator
my %counts;
while (<$fh>) {
my $matches = () = $_ =~ /(\Q$delim\E)/g; # "goatse" operator
say "occs\tcount";
foreach my $num (reverse sort keys %counts) {
say "$num\t$counts{$num}";
(if you haven't got 5.12, remove the "use 5.12" line and replace the say with print)
A solution in awk:
max_occ = 0
if(match($0, "^ *$")) { # This is here to deal with the final separator.
if(NF - 1 > max_occ) {
max_occ = NF - 1
count[NF - 1]=count[NF - 1] + 1
printf("occs count\n")
for(i = 0; i <= max_occ; i++) {
printf("%s %s\n", i, count[i])
Well, there's one more empty record at the end of the file which has 0. So, here's a script to do what you wanted. Adding headers and otherwise tweaking the printf output is left as an excercise for you. :)
Basically, read the whole file in, split it into records, and for each record, use a /g regex to count the sub-delimiters. Since /g returns an array of all matches, use #{[]} to make an arrayref then deref that in scalar context to get a count. There has to be a more elegant solution to that particular part of the problem, but whatever; it's perl line noise. ;)
$ ./ ',|' '^%!'
3 1
2 1
1 2
0 3
$ cat
$ cat
my( $subdelim, $delim, $in,) = #ARGV;
$delim = quotemeta $delim;
$subdelim = quotemeta $subdelim;
my %counts;
open(F, $in) or die qq{Failed opening $in: $?\n};
foreach( split(/$delim/, join(q{}, <F>)) ){
$counts{ scalar(#{[m/.*?($subdelim)/g]}) }++;
printf( qq{%i% 4i\n}, $_, $counts{$_} ) foreach (sort {$b<=>$a} keys %counts);
And here's a modified version which only keeps fields which contain at least one non-space character. That removes the last field, but also has the consequence of removing any other empty fields. It also uses $/ and \Q\E to reduce a couple of explicit function calls (thank, Alex). And, like the previous one, it works with strict + warnings;
my( $subdelim, $delim, $in ) = #ARGV;
local $/=$delim;
my %counts;
open(F, $in) or die qq{Failed opening $in: $?\n};
foreach ( grep(/\S/, <F>) ){
$counts{ scalar(#{[m/.*?(\Q$subdelim\E)/g]}) }++;
printf( qq{%i% 4i\n}, $_, $counts{$_} ) foreach (sort {$b<=>$a} keys %counts);
If you really only want to remove the last record unconditionally, I'm partial to using pop:
my( $subdelim, $delim, $in ) = #ARGV;
local $/=$delim;
my %counts;
open(F, $in) or die qq{Failed opening $in: $?\n};
my #lines = <F>;
pop #lines;
$counts{ scalar(#{[m/.*?(\Q$subdelim\E)/g]}) }++ foreach (#lines);
printf( qq{%i% 4i\n}, $_, $counts{$_} ) foreach (sort {$b<=>$a} keys %counts);

Calculating the Mean from aPerl Script

I m still in here. ;)
I've got this code from a very expert guy, and I'm shy to ask him this basic questions...anyway this is my question now; this Perl Script prints the median of a column of numbers delimited space, and, I added some stuff to get the size of it, now I'm trying to get the sum of the same column. I did and got not results, did I not take the right column? ./ 1 columns.txt
use strict;
use warnings;
my $index = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $columns = [];
open (my $fh, "<", $filename) or die "Unable to open $filename for reading\n";
for my $row (<$fh>) {
my #vals = split/\s+/, $row;
push #{$columns->[$_]}, $vals[$_] for 0 .. $#vals;
close $fh;
my #column = sort {$a <=> $b} #{$columns->[$index]};
my $offset = int($#column / 2);
my $length = 2 - #column % 2;
my #medians = splice(#column, $offset, $length);
my $median;
$median += $_ for #medians;
$median /= #medians;
print "MEDIAN = $median\n";
my #elements = #{$columns->[$index]};
my $size = #elements;
print "SIZE = $size\n";
exit 0;
my $sum = #{$columns->[$index]};
for (my $size=0; $size < $sum; $size++) {
my $mean = $sum/$size;
print "$mean\n";
thanks in advance.
OK some pointers to get you going :
You can put all the numbers into an array :
my #result = split(m/\d+/, $line);
use List::Util qw(sum);
my $sum = sum(#result);
You can then access individual columns with $result[$index] where index is the number of column you want to access.
Also note that :
$total = $line + $total;
$count = $count + 1;
Can be rewritten as :
$total += $line;
$count += 1;
Finally make sure that you are reading the file :
put a "debugging" print into the while loop :
print $line, "\n";
This should get you going :)

How to turn an array of words into an array containing the characters of the words in order?

I have an array of unknown number of words, with an unknown max length.
I need to convert it to another array, basically turning it into a column word array.
so with this original array:
#original_array = ("first", "base", "Thelongest12", "justAWORD4");
The resluting array would be:
#result_array = ("fbTj","iahu","rses","selt","t oA"," nW"," gO"," eR"," sD"," t4"," 1 "," 2 ");
Actually I will have this:
t oA
I need to do it in order to make a table, and these words are the table's headers.
I hope I have made myself clear, and appreciate the help you are willing to give.
I tried it with the split function, but I keep messing it up...
Hi all, thanks for all the tips and suggestions! I learned quite much from all of you hence the upvote. However I found tchrist's answer more convenient, maybe because I come from a c,c# background... :)
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Algorithm::Loops 'MapCarU';
my #original_array = ("first", "base", "Thelongest12", "justAWORD4");
my #result_array = MapCarU { join '', map $_//' ', #_ } map [split //], #original_array;
I have an old program that does this. Maybe you can adapt it:
$ cat /tmp/a
$ rot90 /tmp/a
t oA
Here’s the source:
$ cat ~/scripts/rot90
# rot90 -
$/ = '';
# uncomment for easier to read, but not reversible:
### #ARGV = map { "fmt -20 $_ |" } #ARGV;
while ( <> ) {
#lines = split /\n/;
$MAXCOLS = -1;
for (#lines) { $MAXCOLS = length if $MAXCOLS < length; }
#vlines = ( " " x #lines ) x $MAXCOLS;
for ( $row = 0; $row < #lines; $row++ ) {
for ( $col = 0; $col < $MAXCOLS; $col++ ) {
$char = ( length($lines[$row]) > $col )
? substr($lines[$row], $col, 1)
: ' ';
substr($vlines[$col], $row, 1) = $char;
for (#vlines) {
# uncomment for easier to read, but again not reversible
### s/(.)/$1 /g;
print $_, "\n";
print "\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(max);
my #original_array = ("first", "base", "Thelongest12", "justAWORD4");
my #new_array = transpose(#original_array);
sub transpose {
my #a = map { [ split // ] } #_;
my $max = max(map $#$_, #a);
my #out;
for my $n (0 .. $max) {
$out[$n] .= defined $a[$_][$n] ? $a[$_][$n] : ' ' for 0 .. $#a;
return #out;
It can be done easily by this simple one-liner:
perl -le'#l=map{chomp;$m=length if$m<length;$_}<>;for$i(0..$m-1){print map substr($_,$i,1)||" ",#l}'
