Funnelweb migration causing errors because of invalid folder name - plone-funnelweb

I have a folder named "view" and this seems to be causing some errors while migration. Can I rename it on the fly? Is there an example for doing this?

Add the name under invalid_ids under the urltidy step in your pipeline.cfg.
invalid_ids = view
"layout" is another that seems to cause problems.


Merge schemas of custom dialog - Error conflicting definitions

I am following the steps of this page:
and have reached to the part where it is required to merge the two schemas: bots and your custom one. However when running the powershell script found inside the created project template (CoreAssistant template) I have the following error:
Error conflicting definitions of HelpDialog.dialog :
Error conflicting definitions of :
Error conflicting definitions of
HelpDialog is a predefined dialog that was already present. I have installed NodeJs and #botframework-cli package because it was required from the powershell script in order to run bf dialog:merge and now it seems these two sources have some kind of conflict.
To add to other answers, changes that worked for me are as follows:
update-schema.ps1, line 11, change "!**/generated" to "!../generated" and add "!../dialogs/imported"
Also, make sure that your custom action project is INSIDE of your bot directory, it should be a folder next to the "schemas" folder for the script to find it.
Note/Edit: Having the project nested inside the bot works to get the script working, though I do not recommend it due to causing other errors. Oddly, I found it was best to move the whole custom solution up a level, next to the bot project. You may have to edit the [botName].sln file in notepad to reference the location of the project, as well as editing the bot project's project reference.
I fixed it by changing the script. I noticed the script was trying to ignore the folder imported and generated but the error message indicated it was not doing so. So I changed it from !**/generated to !../generated.
I experienced the same issue.
To fix this problem you could simply delete the corresponding dialogs in the "imported" folder. Note that this will, however, delete these dialogs in your bot, which is not optimal but should be of little concern for a sample application.

The hybris extension is skipped, during Initialization. How to debug and resolve it?

Initially all the Extensions were imported. But after some modifications (and tried to initialize), i am facing below issue.
Question: is how to debug it and fix the issue?
As per suggestion of #Mafick.
i tried to update "sapbusinessagreementaddon" extension through hac. i found the cms-responsive-content_zh_CN.impex file( which was throwing the exception).
please find the code below:
$contentCatalogName=Powertools Content Catalog
# update linkname
UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;$contentCV[unique=true];uid[unique=true];linkName[lang=$lang]
The error thrown in the hac is: as below
UPDATE CMSLinkComponent;catalogVersion(CatalogVersion.catalog([default=powertoolsContentCatalog]),CatalogVersion.version[default=Staged])[default=powertoolsContentCatalog:Staged][unique=true];uid[unique=true];linkName[lang=zh_CN]
,8796103869500,,,column 3: cannot resolve value '商业协议' for attribute 'linkName' because: cannot find language for value 'zh_CN';;BusinessAgreementsLink;商业协议
As per the issue it cannot resolve "zh_CN" (linkName[lang]). So how can i resolve this issue? Where should i specify lang(zh_CN) to find the language by hybris?
Such that it execute's impex successfully.
As you can see this happens while you are importing 'project data'.
So go into your hybris admin console (/hac) -> Update and deselect all checkboxes and only activate sapbusinessagreementaddon below in project data. Than have a look on the console.
Have a look in to this impex file
There you can define your Languages. Add here your missing language
You probably have errors in one or more sample data impexes in the sapbusinessagreementaddon extension, try importing them manually one by one (from hac), and see which one crashes
Update :
Seems zh_CN language is missing from your database, try creating it using the following :
INSERT_UPDATE Language;isocode[unique=true];active[default=true]
Adapt this code to correspond more to your needs

Android Studio 2.3.2 Gradle Error

I am new to Android Studio, and everything was going fine until I received a nonsense error:
"Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'. > Duplicate symbol in table with resource type 'id' and symbol name 'title_conctact'"
I have no idea what it means and I have tried to fix it for two days. I tried uninstalling Android Studio which deleted all my progress, but still, the error remained. Please help, this is annoying. By the way, I am using the latest version 2.3.2.
hi after finding so much on web i don't get any solution so i tried myself to debug it and i got success to fix this issue you need to find the name in files in your case the name is title_conctact so you will get duplicate id's, now you need to rename and make them unique
that's it your problem will be fixed
I had the same issue. The issue I had was due to the keys declared differently in one of my module's resource file and my app's resource file.
In the module's strings.xml file, if you declare the key as 'title.conctact' and in the app's strings.xml file if you declare it as 'title_conctact', then you will face this error.
Changing it to a single format resolved my issue.
Double-clicking SHIFT will open a window. Put the title_conctact inside the search and you will find the .xml file that contains the duplicate id

Two output file names resolved to the same output path

I have a project in VS2013, where I use the report from Telerik.
In the solution I have one report and a few classes. If I copy the first report rename it, Visual Studio reports error:
Two output file names resolved to the same output path: "obj\Debug\...
If I Remove the copied report and try to through the wizard add a new report to project, VS report me the same error.
Do you have someone with experience and someone you do not know the solution?
Thank you
I got this error when using entity frameworks code first migrations and had the same name for two of my migrations in the Migrations folder.
Two output file names resolved to the same output path: "obj\Debug\***.resources
I deleted the duplicate migration.cs file and the error went away. running add-migration again with the same name brought it back.
I had three files for a userControl, all sharing a common partial class, and this caused my issue; they were named ucPlate.cs, ucPlate.Map.cs, and ucPlate.Graphics.cs. When I changed ucPlate.Graphics userControl surface to DoubleBuffered, I got the compilation error, "Error 21 Two output file names resolved to the same output path: "obj\Debug\ASMS.Controls.ucPlate.resources" Reverting to DoubleBuffered = false did not fix it, nor did deleting the .resx file that was created when I turned on DoubleBuffered (previously, there was no .resx file).
The root cause was that turning on DoubleBuffered in the subsidiary partial class file auto-added InitializeComponent() to the bottom of my code for that file. This method indicated the duplicate ucPlate name, forcing a .resx creation that already existed for the ucPlate.cs file. I had expected it to be ucPlate.Graphics.resx.
private void InitializeComponent()
// ucPlate
this.Name = "ucPlate";
go to the solution explorer (if you rename a form e try to look at your error and delete the .resx file that have in your error)

EnvDTE VS 2012 ProjectItems.AddFolder

I am recreating an AddIn project that I had in VS 2010 and a basic function like adding a folder to the project is not working.
Giving me:
The kind 'vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFolder' passed to ProjectItems.AddFolder is invalid.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
Thank you
The problem is that you need to pass in the constant named vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFolder and not the name of the constant as a project type:
proj.ProjectItems.AddFolder(#"Generated", EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFolder);
This is most likely because you already have a folder by that exact name on the physical disk, but is not part of the project yet. You should try renaming the existing folder and try doing that action again.
