I have a donut SVG path. It must start from left side to fill a color and must end at the right side and it must fill by percentage.
See this:
(source: eksiup.com)
I tried to achieve this rotating clipPath like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 92 100">
<clipPath id="knobMask">
<path style="fill: #ff554e;" d="
M 17.72, 74.28
a 40, 40,0, 1, 1, 56.56, 0
l 4.25, 4.25
a 46, 46, 0, 1, 0-65.06 ,0 Z" />
<g id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1">
<g id="Path_34688-6" data-name="Path 34688-6">
<path d="M17.72,74.28a40,40,0,1,1,56.56,0l4.25,4.25a46,46,0,1,0-65.06,0Z" />
<g clip-path="url(#knobMask)" transform="rotate(-45,45,45)">
<path style="fill: #ff554e;" d="M 17.72,74.28
a 40,40,0,1,1,56.56,0
l 4.25,4.25
a 46,46,0,1,0-65.06,0Z" />
But no luck. How can I fill a color to this path starting from left side by percentage?
Here is the JS Fiddle
Basically I want this:
(source: eksiup.com)
As I've commented there is a simpler way to achieve this. You simplify the path to d="M 17.72,74.28a 40,40,0,1,1,56.56,0" and use fill="none" and stroke="10" for example. For the red path you are using the same d as before and you use stroke-dasharray to reduce the apparent length of the path. If you are using this d the total length of the path is 188.53 so you can use 188.53 / 2 = 94.265 : stroke-dasharray=94.265"
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 92 100" width="200">
<path id="base" fill="none" stroke-width="10" d="
M 17.72, 74.28
a 40, 40,0, 1, 1, 56.56, 0" />
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="black" />
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="#ff554e" stroke-dasharray="94.265" />
In the next example I'm using javascript to calculate the value of the dash and the value of the gap. Please use the input type range to change the values.
let totallength=base.getTotalLength();
let newSDA = (Number(itr.value)*totallength) / 100;
let gap = totallength - newSDA
red.setAttributeNS(null,"stroke-dasharray",`${newSDA} ${gap}`)
svg{border:1px solid}
<p><input id="itr" type="range" /></p>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" viewBox="0 0 92 100" width="200">
<path id="base" fill="none" stroke-width="10" d="
M 17.72, 74.28
a 40, 40,0, 1, 1, 56.56, 0" />
<use xlink:href="#base" stroke="black" />
<use xlink:href="#base" id="red" stroke="#ff554e" stroke-dasharray="94.265" />
Why didn't work along with path line?
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="595px" height="841px" viewBox="0 0 595px 841px" enable-background="new 0 0 595 841" xml:space="preserve"
style="border:1px solid green">
<g id="car">
<path fill="#00CC92" d="M405.1,607.225c0,0,1.731-1.022,9.084-1.086c0.466-0.007,9.269-8.254,9.678-8.561
h-2.338c-1.233,0-2.236-1.004-2.236-2.236v-3.354C400.002,613.97,399.728,610.13,405.1,607.225z M442.483,605.027l11.307-0.556
l-1.246-2.798c0,0-0.767-2.235-3.354-2.235s-6.707,0-6.707,0V605.027z M421.076,606.298l3.296-0.217
c0,0-10.725-0.038-11.843-0.038s-2.689,1.954-2.689,1.954L421.076,606.298z M458.133,618.441c0,2.473-1.999,4.473-4.472,4.473
s-4.472-2-4.472-4.473c0-2.471,1.999-4.471,4.472-4.471S458.133,615.97,458.133,618.441z M415.653,618.441
<path fill="none" id="motionPath" stroke="green" stroke-width="8"
<animateMotion xlink:href="#car" dur="5s" begin="click" fill="freeze" >
<mpath xlink:href="#motionPath"></mpath>
The problem you are having is due to the fact that the position of the car on the page is added to the (animated) position along the path. So when you click the car, it jumps to effectively:
(motionPath.x + car.x, motionPath.y + car.y)
To fix this, you have to do one of two things:
position the motion path so it starts at (0,0) on the page (the top left), or
position the car at (0,0).
Since you want the car to start where it is on the page, so you can click on it, you are basically forced to choose option #1.
In the example below I've changed the motion path to one that starts at (0,0). I've just used a simple line because I don't have the time to work out the new coordinates for your whole path.
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="595px" height="841px" viewBox="0 0 595px 841px" enable-background="new 0 0 595 841" xml:space="preserve"
style="border:1px solid green">
<path id="car"
fill="#00CC92" d="M405.1,607.225c0,0,1.731-1.022,9.084-1.086c0.466-0.007,9.269-8.254,9.678-8.561
h-2.338c-1.233,0-2.236-1.004-2.236-2.236v-3.354C400.002,613.97,399.728,610.13,405.1,607.225z M442.483,605.027l11.307-0.556
l-1.246-2.798c0,0-0.767-2.235-3.354-2.235s-6.707,0-6.707,0V605.027z M421.076,606.298l3.296-0.217
c0,0-10.725-0.038-11.843-0.038s-2.689,1.954-2.689,1.954L421.076,606.298z M458.133,618.441c0,2.473-1.999,4.473-4.472,4.473
s-4.472-2-4.472-4.473c0-2.471,1.999-4.471,4.472-4.471S458.133,615.97,458.133,618.441z M415.653,618.441
<path fill="none" id="motionPath" stroke="green" stroke-width="8"
d="M 0,0 L -250,-470" transform="translate(431,609)"></path>
<animateMotion xlink:href="#car" dur="5s" begin="click" fill="freeze" >
<mpath xlink:href="#motionPath"></mpath>
You may be wondering why, if the motion path has been moved, why it still being displayed in the same place? The reason is that is that I've added a transform to the motion path so the start corresponds to the centre of the car, which is at approximately (431,609). This doesn't affect the animateMotion because it only cares about what's in the d attribute. It ignores the transform attribute.
Another alternative is to just position both the path and the car so that they start at (0,0). Then wrap the whole thing in a group that you transform to the final position. That allows you to also use the rotate attribute in your animation.
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
width="595px" height="841px" viewBox="0 0 595 841"
style="border:1px solid green">
<g transform="translate(431,609)">
<g id="car">
<path transform="translate(-431,-626)"
fill="#00CC92" d="M405.1,607.225c0,0,1.731-1.022,9.084-1.086c0.466-0.007,9.269-8.254,9.678-8.561
h-2.338c-1.233,0-2.236-1.004-2.236-2.236v-3.354C400.002,613.97,399.728,610.13,405.1,607.225z M442.483,605.027l11.307-0.556
l-1.246-2.798c0,0-0.767-2.235-3.354-2.235s-6.707,0-6.707,0V605.027z M421.076,606.298l3.296-0.217
c0,0-10.725-0.038-11.843-0.038s-2.689,1.954-2.689,1.954L421.076,606.298z M458.133,618.441c0,2.473-1.999,4.473-4.472,4.473
s-4.472-2-4.472-4.473c0-2.471,1.999-4.471,4.472-4.471S458.133,615.97,458.133,618.441z M415.653,618.441
<path fill="none" id="motionPath" stroke="green" stroke-width="8"
d="M 0,0 L -250,-470"/>
<animateMotion xlink:href="#car" dur="5s" begin="click" fill="freeze"
<mpath xlink:href="#motionPath"></mpath>
Hi is there any way to design the below picture with SVG or any other way?
Please find the SVG Code for the circle with head
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="110px" height="110px" viewBox="0 0 110 110" enable-background="new 0 0 110 110" xml:space="preserve">
<path d="M60.391,23.712V0H48.975v23.571c-21.802,2.619-37.87,20.953-37.87,43.041c0,23.995,19.536,43.391,43.411,43.391
c23.855,0,43.392-19.396,43.392-43.391C97.907,44.736,81.202,26.543,60.391,23.712z M22.501,66.682
Based on the head angle in the example 332° the circle should rotate
Red Arc
Based on the start and end position of the arc it should start from there with displaying the start and end position as in the picture 50 and 180.
Please help me to design :-)
Try this i used rect and circle instead of path
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 100 100">
<rect x="40" y="30" width="3" height="12" fill="grey" transform="rotate(-28 42 50)"/>
<circle cx="42" cy="53" r="10" stroke-width="3" stroke="grey" fill="none"/>
<circle cx="42" cy="53" r="18" fill="transparent" stroke-width="5" stroke="red" stroke-dasharray="36.11111% 100%" stroke-dashoffset="0" transform="rotate(-30 42, 53)"/>
<text x="36" y="55" fill="white" font-size="5">Check</text>