linux command line only download from web page that requires interaction using wget - linux

certain pages require confirmation(eg. check a checkbox to accept agreement) prior to download
is it possible to download this from linux command line(no x server available)?
I use wget to directly download.

If you want a console only text web-browser, use lynx or links
If you want to script interaction, consider curl (and also libcurl, which is interfaced to many scripting languages, e.g. python etc).


Configuring Bash Script to work on other people's computers

I've created a bash script that I'd like to share for other people to use
The script downloads video files, stores them in appropriate folders (which are essential to the app) and allows the user to cycle between them, using getopts so the user can send specific commands via flags
I've never done this before so I'm unsure of what "configuration" requirements I'd need to have so it works on other peoples computers. I want them to be easily able to download using homebrew or another package manager, automatically set up the required components and have them be able to use it
I know I have to create folders and a man page for them at the appropriate location. Does this require a makefile?
What other things should I be considering? My google search skills are sucking, so any links would be much appreciated
Package a precompiled busybox ( next to your script, and use busybox functions only.

Is it possible to change my default browser (lynx) on a remote server (Linux RedHat 4.4.7-17)? (Plotting in Julia using Gadfly)

I'm using julia and gadfly to draw some plots on a remote server (connected through Putty) and the plots are supposed to open in my default server. They open in lynx, and so don't look like anything really. I'm presuming lynx is the default browser on my work server, and I was wondering whether there is any way to open them in chrome or firefox? I'm not the server administrator and have no permission to use all commands (ie sudo etc).
When trying to use xdg-utils I get an error saying "command not found" and I don't have any applications in my /usr/.local/applications nor could I find a mimeapps.list in the directory.
Is there anything I can do to open these plots in another internet browser instead of lynx? Thank you!
The order of preferences
Gadfly plots on Julia's display if it can (for example if you're using an interactive graphical notebook with Jupyter).
If there's no suitable way to render on the REPLDisplay, Gadfly will save the plot into a file, then trigger some platform-specific "open this file" logic.
Julia's own display
This is almost certainly the best option. If you run your Julia code in an environment that knows how to display your plots (such as an interactive graphical notebook with Jupyter), then there's nothing more to do.
If you must run your Julia code from a text prompt, you can use a text-based backend renderer, or deal with the fallback process.
Gadfly's fallback display code uses xdg-open to display plot files on Linux-based systems.
The xdg-open tool is part of a package called xdg-utils. The xdg-utils package contains several commands, but xdg-utils is not itself a command -- that's why trying to run "xdg-utils" fails with "command not found".
xdg-open has its own chain of opening things: it will try the opening procedures specific to GNOME, KDE, or whatever desktop environment you're using. It falls back to something called "perl-shared-mimeinfo".
Another tool in the xdg-utils package is xdg-mime, which can query the current file associations as well as change them. You need administrator privileges to change system-wide associations, but you don't need any special permissions to add your own per-user associations.
Since Gadfly is writing to a file then asking xdg-open to open the file, you'll need to handle the filetype (rather than "browser" or URL handler). It might look something like this for HTML files:
$ xdg-mime default mybrowser.desktop text/html
Which computer runs the browser?
Now, you mention that you're using SSH and PuTTY to connect to this server. PuTTY provides a text-based interface to your server -- even if the server had a graphical browser like Firefox installed on it, PuTTY couldn't display it. (You'd need something else on your computer that the server could use to draw the browser window.)
It would probably be more comfortable to use your computer's own browser.
So what do I do?
Launching a browser is a bit weird for a server computer anyway, and it can be fiddly to make it happen. So my recommendation would be either:
Skip PuTTY, display directly in a Jupyter notebook.
Save your output as HTML (or SVGJS) somewhere that your computer's browser can access it.

what does non-interactive command line tool means?

Guys im researching about WGET command in linux, (im very new to linux) and i found this statement which i dont understand
GNU Wget is a free software package for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, the most widely-used Internet protocols. It is a non-interactive commandline tool, so it may easily be called from scripts, cron jobs, terminals without X-Windows support, etc.
and what does
"without X-windows support means" too?
Also what i understand about wget is that it downloads something, but how come i can
and see some weird text in the screen.
A little help here
Wget downloads content to a file. So the text you see in your terminal is just a job log.
Non interactive means that it doesn't prompt for any input while it works. You specify everything via command line parameters.
X (and related) handles GUI rendering. See for details.
easier to think of what wget DOESN'T do. Your typical browser reads a URL from a GUI interface, and when you click on it, the browser generates & sends a file request to retrieve an HTML file. It then translates the (text based) html source file, sends further requests for content like images etc., and renders the whole thing to GUI as a webpage.
Wget just sends the request & dowloads the file. It can be controlled to recursively fetch links in the source file, so you could download the whole internet with a few keystrokes XD.
It's useful by itself for grabbing graphic & audio files without having to sit through a point & click session. You can also pipe the html source through a custom sed or perl filter to extract data. (like going to the city transit page & converting schedule info to a spreadsheet format)

script to open and download each page of a web-site?

There's a very powerful CLI tool - wget. But it seems like it is bad for downloading wikis - where it download the whole database - instead of just downloading current versions of all articles... Perphaps there's a script (python or perl) to load each page of a given web-site in a browser - and download it.
Use HTTrack.
It can be called via command-line as well as via GUI. It's a feature-rich product. They have user guide for both command-line and GUI usage.

Compatibility of x-www-browser

I want to open html files from a shell script. I know that Ubuntu has a command x-www-browser that will open the default browser on the system. I also found via some Googling that the command is part of the debian system. I was wondering if the command is available on non debian based distros. If it isn't is there a standard way of opening an html file in the default browser on a linux OS via command line? Note that I'm using Bash.
If you are wanting to open an HTML file that is local (and maybe even remote, I'd have to check), you can use xdg-open. This is the rough equivalent to "double-clicking" on a file to open it, so it's not limited to html files. Since you want to always open in the user's default browser, this would be the same as if they just opened it themselves.
Of course, if they have their system set up to have HTML files open in a text editor (like I did for awhile), this would backfire. But that's pretty rare.
Quick update
I just checked and xdg-open brought up Google in Firefox (my default browser). So it does work for non-local files.
You could use xdg-open.
