I am very bad at wording things, so please bear with me.
I am doing a problem that requires me to generate all possible numbers in the form of a lists of lists, in Haskell.
For example if I have x = 3 and y = 2, I have to generate a list of lists like this:
[[1,1,1], [1,2,1], [2,1,1], [2,2,1], [1,1,2], [1,2,2], [2,1,2], [2,2,2]]
x and y are passed into the function and it has to work with any nonzero positive integers x and y.
I am completely lost and have no idea how to even begin.
For anyone kind enough to help me, please try to keep any math-heavy explanations as easy to understand as possible. I am really not good at math.
Assuming that this is homework, I'll give you the part of the answer, and show you how I think through this sort of problem. It's helpful to experiment in GHCi, and build up the pieces we need. One thing we need is to be able to generate a list of numbers from 1 through y. Suppose y is 7. Then:
λ> [1..7]
But as you'll see in a moment, what we really need is not a simple list, but a list of lists that we can build on. Like this:
λ> map (:[]) [1..7]
This basically says to take each element in the array, and prepend it to the empty list []. So now we can write a function to do this for us.
makeListOfLists y = map (:[]) [1..y]
Next, we need a way to prepend a new element to every element in a list of lists. Something like this:
λ> map (99:) [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7]]
(I used 99 here instead of, say, 1, so that you can easily see where the numbers come from.) So we could write a function to do that:
prepend x yss = map (x:) yss
Ultimately, we want to be able to take a list and a list of lists, and invoke prepend on every element in the list to every element in the list of lists. We can do that using the map function again. But as it turns out, it will be a little easier to do that if we switch the order of the arguments to prepend, like this:
prepend2 yss x = map (x:) yss
Then we can do something like this:
λ> map (prepend2 [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7]]) [97,98,99]
So now we can write that function:
supermap xs yss = map (prepend2 yss) xs
Using your example, if x=2 and y=3, then the answer we need is:
λ> let yss = makeListOfLists 3
λ> supermap [1..3] yss
(If that was all we needed, we could have done this more easily using a list comprehension. But since we need to be able to do this for an arbitrary x, a list comprehension won't work.)
Hopefully you can take it from here, and extend it to arbitrary x.
For the specific x, as already mentioned, the list comprehension would do the trick, assuming that x equals 3, one would write the following:
generate y = [[a,b,c] | a<-[1..y], b<-[1..y], c <-[1..y]]
But life gets much more complicated when x is not predetermined. I don't have much experience of programming in Haskell, I'm not acquainted with library functions and my approach is far from being the most efficient solution, so don't judge it too harshly.
My solution consists of two functions:
strip [] = []
strip (h:t) = h ++ strip t
populate y 2 = strip( map (\a-> map (:a:[]) [1..y]) [1..y])
populate y x = strip( map (\a-> map (:a) [1..y]) ( populate y ( x - 1) ))
strip is defined for the nested lists. By merging the list-items it reduces the hierarchy so to speak. For example calling
strip [[1],[2],[3]]
generates the output:
populate is the tricky one.
On the last step of the recursion, when the second argument equals to 2, the function maps each item of [1..y] with every element of the same list into a new list. For example
map (\a-> map (:a:[]) [1..2]) [1..2])
generates the output:
and the strip function turns it into:
As for the initial step of the recursion, when x is more than 2, populate does almost the same thing except this time it maps the items of the list with the list generated by the recursive call. And Finally:
populate 2 3
gives us the desired result:
As I mentioned above, this approach is neither the most efficient nor the most readable one, but I think it solves the problem. In fact, theoritically the only way of solving this without the heavy usage of recursion would be building the string with list comprehension statement in it and than compiling that string dynamically, which, according to my short experience, as a programmer, is never a good solution.
Haskell Stack Overflow layout preprocessor
module StackOverflow where -- yes, the source of this post compiles as is
Skip down to What to do to get it working if you want to play with this first (1/2 way down).
Skip down to What I would like if I witter on a bit and you just want to find out what help I'm seeking.
TLDR Question summary:
Can I get ghci to add filename completion to the :so command I defined in my ghci.conf?
Could I somehow define a ghci command that returns code for compilation instead of returning a ghci command, or
does ghci instead have a better way for me to plug in Haskell code as a
file-extension-specific pre-processor, so :l would work for .hs and .lhs files as usual, but use my handwritten preprocessor for .so files?
Haskell supports literate programming in .lhs source files, two ways:
LaTeX style \begin{code} and \end{code}.
Bird tracks: Code starts with > , anything else is a comment.
There must be a blank line between code and comments (to stop trivial accidental misuse of >).
Don't Bird tracks rules sound similar to StackOverflow's code blocks?
References: 1. The .ghci manual
2. GHCi haskellwiki
3. Neil Mitchell blogs about :{ and :} in .ghci
The preprocessor
I like writing SO answers in a text editor, and I like to make a post that consists of code that works,
but end up with comment blocks or >s that I have to edit out before posting, which is less fun.
So, I wrote myself a pre-processor.
If I've pasted some ghci stuff in as a code block, it usually starts with * or :.
If the line is completely blank, I don't want it treated as code, because otherwise
I get accidental code-next-to-comment-line errors because I can't see the 4 spaces I accidentally
left on an otherwise blank line.
If the preceeding line was not code, this line shouldn't be either, so we can cope with StackOverflow's
use of indentation for text layout purposes outside code blocks.
At first we don't know (I don't know) whether this line is code or text:
dunnoNow :: [String] -> [String]
dunnoNow [] = []
dunnoNow (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines -- next line could be either
| otherwise = let (first4,therest) = splitAt 4 line in
if first4 /=" " --
|| null therest -- so the next line won't ever crash
|| head therest `elem` "*:" -- special chars that don't start lines of code.
then line:knowNow False lines -- this isn't code, so the next line isn't either
else ('>':line):knowNow True lines -- this is code, add > and the next line has to be too
but if we know, we should keep in the same mode until we hit a blank line:
knowNow :: Bool -> [String] -> [String]
knowNow _ [] = []
knowNow itsCode (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines
| otherwise = (if itsCode then '>':line else line):knowNow itsCode lines
Getting ghci to use the preprocessor
Now we can take a module name, preprocess that file, and tell ghci to load it:
loadso :: String -> IO String
loadso fn = fmap (unlines.dunnoNow.lines) (readFile $ fn++".so") -- so2bird each line
>>= writeFile (fn++"_so.lhs") -- write to a new file
>> return (":def! rso (\\_ -> return \":so "++ fn ++"\")\n:load "++fn++"_so.lhs")
I've used silently redefining the :rso command becuase my previous attemts to use
let currentStackOverflowFile = .... or currentStackOverflowFile <- return ...
didn't get me anywhere.
What to do to get it working
Now I need to put it in my ghci.conf file, i.e. in appdata/ghc/ghci.conf
as per the instructions
let dunnoNow [] = []
dunnoNow (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines -- next line could be either
| otherwise = let (first4,therest) = splitAt 4 line in
if first4 /=" " --
|| null therest -- so the next line won't ever crash
|| head therest `elem` "*:" -- special chars that don't start lines of code.
then line:knowNow False lines -- this isn't code, so the next line isn't either
else ('>':line):knowNow True lines -- this is code, add > and the next line has to be too
knowNow _ [] = []
knowNow itsCode (line:lines)
| all (==' ') line = line:dunnoNow lines
| otherwise = (if itsCode then '>':line else line):knowNow itsCode lines
loadso fn = fmap (unlines.dunnoNow.lines) (readFile $ fn++".so") -- convert each line
>>= writeFile (fn++"_so.lhs") -- write to a new file
>> return (":def! rso (\\_ -> return \":so "++ fn ++"\")\n:load "++fn++"_so.lhs")
:def so loadso
Now I can save this entire post in LiterateSo.so and do lovely things in ghci like
*Prelude> :so StackOverflow
[1 of 1] Compiling StackOverflow ( StackOverflow_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: StackOverflow.
*StackOverflow> :rso
[1 of 1] Compiling StackOverflow ( StackOverflow_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: StackOverflow.
What I would like:
I would prefer to enable ghci to support this more directly. It would be nice to get rid of the intermediate .lhs file.
Also, it seems ghci does filename completion starting at the shortest substring of :load that determines
you're actually doing load, so using :lso instead of :so doesn't fool it.
(I would not like to rewrite my code in C. I also would not like to recompile ghci from source.)
TLDR Question reminder:
Can I get ghci to add filename completion to the :so command I defined in my ghci.conf?
Could I somehow define a ghci command that returns code for compilation instead of returning a ghci command, or
does ghci instead have a better way for me to plug in Haskell code as a
file-extension-specific pre-processor, so :l would work for .hs and .lhs files as usual, but use my handwritten preprocessor for .so files?
I would try to make a standalone preprocessor that runs SO preprocessing code or the standard literary preprocessor, depending on file extension. Then just use :set -pgmL SO-preprocessor in ghci.conf.
For the standard literary preprocessor, run the unlit program, or use Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit.
This way, :load and filename completion just work normally.
GHCI passes 4 arguments to the preprocessor, in order: -h, the label, the source file name, and the destination file name. The preprocessor should read the source and write to the destination. The label is used to output #line pragmas. You can ignore it if you don't alter the line count of the source (i.e. replace "comment" lines with -- comments or blank lines).
Does Literate Haskell support indexing function names, typeclasses and variable references? Is there a filter I can run on Literate Haskell source that will do this and give me either a nice PDF manual or a hyperlinked HTML document.
These are a really nice features of noweb and CWEB which I think it would spur widespread adoption of Literate Haskell.
As an example, look at the word count program written in CWEB. The code chunk on the first page in item #4 is footnoted with where that code is used. LHS doesn't support chunks but I'd like to know where the code is being used:
Comment describing func.
func = id
Used in: (X.Y.Z.f, A.B.C.g, Section 1.5)
func2 = indefined
Used in: (A.B.C.x, Section 2.1)
And additionally an index that aggregates all the function names and variables along where they're referenced in the document and by other functions etc.
There are some possibilities in Latex, the following uses the package listings, together with makeindex to create a list of all functions. Furthermore \label is used to create cross-references between different sections:
% numbers=left, % optional numbering of code lines
\title{The factorial function}
\author{Federico Squartini}
\section{Factorial function}
The factorial function can be defined as:
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n-1)
\section{Factorial function in constant space}
The code for the factorial defined section~\ref{code:fac1} uses $o(n)$ stack
space. The following function uses constant space:
fac2 n = go 1 1
go !acc i| i <= n = go (acc*i) (i+1)
| otherwise = acc
Compile with:
pdflatex example.tex
makeindex example.idx
pdflatex example.tex
pdflatex example.tex
Resulting pdf is here. This is great for producing pdf files. For other kind of outputs (e.g. html) you should use latex together with pandoc.
Another option is to use pandoc's markdown syntax, mixed with ad hoc latex commands (\label and makeindex). This should simplify the task as well as producing less syntactic noise in the source files.