ServiceStack server on dynamic IP address desktop - servicestack

I am writing an application for deployment on desktop computers and using ServiceStack to expose json services to a central application which will consume them. I'm using ServiceStack self hosting and I've pretty much just followed along with the ServiceStack wiki examples to get basic connectivity up and running.
This is used to start the server and bind it
Windows also needs to be configured so a non administrator can accept incoming requests; with this command from an administrator command prompt
netsh http add urlacl=http://server_ip:port/ user=desktopMachineName\desktopUserName listen=yes
note: this seems to be fragile. If the urlBase in the appHost.Start(urlBase) command is different to the urlacl parameter in the netsh command then connections are refused by Windows. btw I've only tried this with Windows 8.
Is there an alternate approach so that the application can withstand changes to the desktop computers ip address (e.g. caused by DHCP)?
This is a desktop environment so I don't expect users to have hostnames setup or static ip addresses for their computers. I'm also trying to not require them to type in commands at a command prompt.

It kinda depends on how the central application locates the apps on the desktop computers.
If you only have a list of static IP addresses, you will need the desktops to have static IP addresses.
If somehow your central app knows what the current IP address is (or maybe this is in a network and you can use the machine's name) then try urlacl=http://+:port.
This basically sets a wild card saying that anything coming in on this port via http goes to this app.
Then apphost.Start("http://locahost:port/") should work.


How to make dynamic private IP address static?

A node js server is running on localhost on my PC. I am connecting this server to a mobile app with some IP( for API requests. I am sharing this IP address by scanning a QR code in my desktop electron app by mobile application. So the first time I am able to get the server's IP by QR.
But when my Desktop boots again. The private IP might change to maybe
Is there any way in node.js to make this private IP static so my mobile device can always know where to send all API requests?. like creating a custom subdomain locally not exposed to the internet?
I know I can just go to the PC's setting and make Ip static. But in production, it might be a big issue to ask users to do so.
While it may be possible to go into the computer's config programatically and make the IP static, it would be better to structure the application not to require such a thing.
Since the client initially connects to the server with a QR code, you could have the server embed its hardware MAC address in the code, instead of (or in addition to) the server's IP. On the client, save the MAC address in the app's permanent storage.
Then, to connect to the server from the client, search through the LAN's ARP table to identify which (if any) IP addresses have that MAC address. If so, you've found it - if not, the server is offline.

Deployed small footprint tanzu application service(tas) in Azure,without no domains.Can i access the ccapi and apps manager with the IP?

Could deploy Bosh and small footprint tanzu application service(tas) in Azure, without using the domains.All Vms are running.Can i access the ccapi and apps manager with the IP address instead of the api.SYSTEMDOMAIN?
The short answer is no. You really, really want to have DNS set up properly.
Here's the long answer that is more nuanced.
All requests to your foundation go through the Gorouter. Gorouter will take the incoming request, look at the Host header and use that to determine where to send the request. This happens the same for system services like CAPI and UAA as it does for apps you deploy to the foundation.
DNS is a requirement because of the Host header. A browser trying to access CAPI or an application on your foundation is going to set the Host header based on the DNS entry you type into your browser's address bar. The cf CLI is going to do the same thing.
There are some ways to work around this:
If you are strictly using a client like curl where you can set the Host header to arbitrary values. In that way, you could set the host header to api.system_domain and at the same time connect to the IP address of your foundation. That's not a very elegant way to use CF though.
You can manually set entries in your /etc/hosts` (or similar on Windows). This is basically a way to override DNS resolution and supply your own custom IP.
You would need to do this for uaa.system_domain, login.system_domain, api.system_domain and any host names you want to use for apps deployed to your foundation, like my-super-cool-app.apps_domain. These should all point to the IP of the load balancer that's in front of your pool of Gorouters.
If you add enough entries into /etc/hosts you can make the cf CLI work. I have done this on occasion to bypass the load balancer layer for troubleshooting purposes.
Where this won't work is on systems where you can't edit /etc/hosts, like customers or external users of software running on your foundation or if you're trying to deploy apps on your foundation that talk to each other using routes on CF (because you can't edit /etc/hosts in the container). Like if you have app-a.apps_domain and app-b.apps_domain and app-a needs to talk to app-b. That won't work because you have no DNS resolution for apps_domain.
You can probably make app-to-app communication work if you are able to use container-to-container networking and the apps.internal domain though. The resolution for that domain is provided by Bosh DNS. You have to be aware of this difference though when deploying your apps and map routes on the apps.internal domain, as well as setting network policy to allow traffic to flow between the two.
Anyway, there might be other hiccups. This is just off the top of my head. You can see it's a lot better if you can set up DNS.
The most easy way to achieve a portable solution is a service like that will work out of the box. I have setup and run a lot of PoCs that way, when wildcard DNS was something that enterprise IT was still oblivious about.
It works like this (excerpt from their site):
What is is a magic domain name that provides wildcard DNS
for any IP address. Say your LAN IP address is
Using, resolves to resolves to resolves to resolves to
...and so on. You can use these domains to access virtual
hosts on your development web server from devices on your
local network, like iPads, iPhones, and other computers.
No configuration required!

How to access remote machine nodeserver url from my system if both the systems are behind proxy

Suppose if my ip address is : In this machine I'm running node server. I can access the webpages by using this url: http://localhost:3000/ in the same machine.
But, if I'm trying to access the node server from a remote machine having the ip It does not work. I used the below url to access the url from the remote machine:
I'm facing network connectivity issues.
Do, I need to change any settings in node.js for remote access.
Then, how can I access the node server from the remote machine.
if you can access localhost:3000, then type in on same machine. and if you are having problems connecting, then no outside computer going to connect. and you need to adjust your nodejs settings.
if you have server at home, and trying to connect from some place else not at home. you are more likely looking for something like "dynamic ip address" example: it helps getting past ISP (internet server providers) and your own routers, and publishing your ip address.
if you are dealing with 2 computers in your same house or business and passing through your own router, try changing the to DMZ. basically by passing all router safety, if that happens, you are not opening correct ports on the router. or not setting other setting correctly.

IIS In use Port Redirection

We had a service running in IIS at in one of our server and the url is hardcoded in most of our client apps in android /ios
We needed to move our applications to a new location and this time we had Windows domain among our servers.
That made port 88 busy and occupied with Kerberos.
Now that we have moved all our application and main domain name to the new environment. We are not able to find any workaround to redirect connection coming on port 88 to a different address.
Need help with a workaround to the problem.
Do you have Multiple Public IPs form your ISP?
if so you can assign/change/add one of those ip to this application/server and have that port also open on that public ip.
Solution depends what kind of router you have and if you are able to acquire additional IPs. Also is it possible to access the app using a FQDN?

What is the best way to test a video chat application locally?

If I am running a local server that is hosting a video chat application what is the best way to test the application with another user? Lets say I have two computers, is there a way I can allow computer B to connect to the local server that is running on computer A? The goal is to simply test whether the video chat application works properly in two completely different browsers running on separate computers. If there is a way I can trick the app into thinking the computer that is running the local server is another host, please let me know.
But Remember that the app needs access to the computers webcam. Thanks!
Addition Info: Nodejs application that uses the Tokbox, express, and APIs
Just make sure your web server is listening on a routable IP like "", which you specify when you call http.createServer(port, ip, handler). Then point the browsers at the server's IP address such as (fill in your specific IP and port). You can use the command ifconfig -a on linux or osx to get your server's local IP address, and ipconfig on windows.
