Visual Studio 2012 hangs when opening site.master - visual-studio-2012

I am using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate 11.0.60315.01 Update 2 under Windows 7 Pro. I have been doing some non visual development with it for a while with no issues. I have just now created a fresh web forms application. As soon as I go to open the Site.master in "Design View" in the HTML editor VS freezes.
The freee results in me being unable to click elsewhere in the IDE (Menu's, Solution Explorer) etc. so it does not look as if the IDE has hung, rather that it has just stopped responding. The same behaviour is evident if I run devenv.exe /SafeMode. CPU usage is minimal and I have plenty of RAM available.
Any suggestions on how I diagnose and resolve this issue?

Running VS as administrator seems to alleviate the problem.


Visual Studio Debugger Will Not Work

I am trying to debug an application i made a while ago. When i click the start button, nothing happens but the classic windows error sound and then it stops debugging.
I then tried to debug a brand new project, same result.
This is a fresh install of windows and visual studio.
Hitting Ctrl + F5 works so i am pretty sure it is a problem with the
I am running visual studio in Administrator Mode
I have tried this in VS2012 and VS2013, both have the same result. But on VS2013 there was an error which may or may not be related.
...has exited with code -1073741819 (0xc0000005) Access Violation
Please let me know of anything i can try to give you more information.
If i debug for x64, it works. But it does not work for x86 or "any cpu"
I would suggest that you first try to clean and rebuild your project, if it doesn't help, it may be a problem with your Visual Studio installation.
You need to repair your Visual Studio. You can do so in Control Panel -> Programs and Features, look for your version of Visual Studio and click on Change. Follow the on-screen instruction to Repair your Visual Studio installation.

Unable to attach to the crashing process. The correct version of pdm.dll is not registered

In my Visual Studio 2012, all of a sudden the javascript debugger stopped working. I tried the following options and nothing worked.
a. Repair Visual Studio 2012
b. Added 'debugger' in javascript file and it throwed the follow message,
"Unable to attach to the crashing process. The correct version of pdm.dll is not registered. Repair your Visual Studio installation, or run 'regsvr32.exe "%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\VSDebug\pdm.dll"'
Please advise how to proceed further. My system configuration is,
Windows 7 64 bit
IE 8
Visual Studio 2012 premimum.
Thanks in advance,

Visual Studio 2012 Crashes on opening designer for 1 specific windows form

I'm currently working on a project. This project is shared by teamfoundation between colleagues.
I need to change some things in a windows form. But when i open the windows form in the designer, Visual Studio 2012 crashes and does a restart. It gives no errors, ontly that Visual Studio has stopped working. This problem only exist with this specific windows form.
With the same build on a computer of a colleague, it can be opened. My OS is windows 8(64bit) and the OS of the colleague is windows 7 (64bit).
Does this sound familiar to anyone, or is there a way to find errorlogs so i can see some more information?
Thank you in advance!
If you need more information, please let me know!
I'm experiencing the same issue with both VS2010 and VS2012. I found that if I do any form designer work in a VS instance, it is corrupting the designer file when it rewrites it. Currently, my work-around is to do the form designer work using VS2005 then compiling using VS2012. This is not my permanent solution but it's all I have so far. Good luck!

Visual Studio 2012 crashes when trying to update, repair, deinstall

My copy of Visual Studio 2012 is instable. It starts up and I can load projects, compile and run them. But from time to time it crashes randomly. It now also crashes when I try to add a new windows form to a project. But the crashes are independent from the project loaded.
My first idea was to install all new updates but if I go to the updates & extensions section it opens the dialog box and crashes 1 second afterwards. I then thought I might deinstall it and reinstall VS 2012 or 2013. But I also cannot deinstall it. If I go to windows programs to deinstall it I can click on the change button, but after this the installation program crashes. I also tried to download the VS 2013 preview and install it but this also crashes before showing a dialog box of window.
So I don't know how to proceed. Does anybody else have similar problems?
Try running Visual Studio in Safemode (devenv /safemode) or run it with logging turned on (devenv /log) the logs will be written to a folder in your user profile. Also check the Eventlog to see whether there's a error report. There should be 2 events logged when Visual Studio crashes. One "Application Error" and one ".NET Runtime Error". The latter will provide information about the stack trace that causes the crash:
When you try to uninstall Visual Studio, first remove update 1, 2 or 3, then repair or remove the whole thing. If uninstall fails, i'm afraid you'll need repave the machine to get it back in a supportable state. When you uninstall an update, you always need to repair Visual Studio itself before re-applying the updates.
Try removing all addins (Resharper, NDepend, etc) and extensions (either from the Visual Studio Updates and Extensions window or by deleting them from the Visual Studio or User profile folder).
Try resetting settings and add-in settings (devenv /ResetSettings) and (devenv /ResetSkipPkgs), try rebuilding all templates (devenv /setup).
You can even attach one Visual Studio instance as a debugger for the other to see where the exception occurs. Sometimes it can give you valuable information, sometimes the crash just doesn't happen because the actual issue is timing related.
If all else fails, open a support call with Microsoft, file a bug on Connect or do a clean re-install of your system.
Judging from you Error message you're running the Visual Studio 2012 Web Developer Express edition, instead of devenv, try wdexpress from a normal (windows) commandline window.
Another common issue that can make Visual Studio very unstable, is a corruption of the Add-in cache. Clearing it will trigger Visual Studio to rebuild it for you.

there was an error attaching the debugger to the role instance

I am getting an Exception when I am trying debug my application on Emulator (Web Role).
you can see exception by clicking following link
Configuration which I am using Windows 7 pro, VS 2012 Pro, Azure SDK 1.8
Hope it might help others.
I Also had the similar problem and I restarted PC and **Run Visual Studio as Administrator**.
And let Visual Studio start the emulator with same privilege resolved the issue.
I was using Visual 2013 and Web API application under IIS Express.
Do you have IIS added? Most likely it's already installed but you've to enable it via Add Windows Compoenents on Control Panel...
I had this same issue all of a sudden, luckly I remember changing the ServiceDefinition.csdef file. I rolled this back to an earlier version and the debugger ran again correctly. The only thing I changed in the 'broken' version was instance size from small to medium.
Go to visual studio installer(search it from window's start)
and update the visual studio.
After updating, hit modify
button, after that on right side you will find a box named
debug (or something like that), select that box
Then hit install.
Restart your visual studio and debugger will start working.
In my case it worked perfectly.
