Photoswipe rotation issue when in ios4 UIWebView - uiwebview

I am using photoswipe 3.0.5 in my ios application. Everything is working correctly in the simulator (ios 6.1), but when i run the app on my real device (ios4.3) and i rotate from portrait to landscape and viceversa the uiwebview correctly rotates but the image doesn't.
It seems like a common issue, infact photoswipe's github page( says:
Work around for issue #141 now officially added - when rotating an app with PhotoSwipe displayed in a UIWebView, PhotoSwipe does not rotate. This seems to be an issue with UIWebView not PhotoSwipe. To enable this work around, set "enableUIWebViewRepositionTimeout = true" when creating your PhotoSwipe instance. You can also specify the frequency of this timeout by setting "uiWebViewResetPositionDelay" (default 500ms) - Please Note This is not needed for PhoneGap apps, nor web apps added to your homescreen.
But i don't know where to add that line of code. Can anyone give me hand?
Would this 'work around' really do the trick? I'm asking this question because everything is working correctly on the simulator.

I just found the answer. All you need to do is add 'enableUIWebViewRepositionTimeout: true' to the 'options' var:
(function(window, PhotoSwipe){
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
options = {
enableUIWebViewRepositionTimeout: true,
preventHide: true,
getImageSource: function(obj){
return obj.url;
getImageCaption: function(obj){
return obj.caption;
instance = PhotoSwipe.attach(
}, false);
}(window, window.Code.PhotoSwipe));


window.MathJax is undefined in Firefox, works in Chrome extension

I'm trying to write a Chrome/Firefox extension in inject MathJax 3.0.1 into arbitrary web pages, Green Pi. It's working well for Chrome, but I'm having trouble with Firefox.
The content_script.js is
MathJax = {
chtml: {
fontURL: chrome.runtime.getURL("fonts"),
// This paints pages green
// require("green.js");
// // cat green.js == = "green";
(It's getting a little more involved when the user opts in/out of certain pages, but this isn't relevant here.)
Now, as noted in the code, the above works fine in Chrome, but fails in Firefox with the MathJax error
MathJax(?): window.MathJax is undefined
I don't see any other warning or error. Any hint on what might be going wrong here?
This turned out to be a MathJax bug after all, cf.

Silent printing in electron

I am currently building an electron app. I have a PDF on my local file system which I need to silently print out (on the default printer). I came across the node-printer library, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Is there an easy solution to achieve this?
Well first of all it is near impossible to understand what you mean with "silent" print. Because once you send a print order to your system printer it will be out of your hand to be silent at all. On Windows for example once the order was given, at least the systemtray icon will indicate that something is going on. That said, there are very good described features for printing with electron even "silent" is one of them:
You need to get all system printers if you do not want to use the default printer:
Which will return a PrinterInfo[] Object.
Here is an example how the object will look like from the electron PrtinerInfo Docs:
name: 'Zebra_LP2844',
description: 'Zebra LP2844',
status: 3,
isDefault: false,
options: {
copies: '1',
'device-uri': 'usb://Zebra/LP2844?location=14200000',
finishings: '3',
'job-cancel-after': '10800',
'job-hold-until': 'no-hold',
'job-priority': '50',
'job-sheets': 'none,none',
'marker-change-time': '0',
'number-up': '1',
'printer-commands': 'none',
'printer-info': 'Zebra LP2844',
'printer-is-accepting-jobs': 'true',
'printer-is-shared': 'true',
'printer-location': '',
'printer-make-and-model': 'Zebra EPL2 Label Printer',
'printer-state': '3',
'printer-state-change-time': '1484872644',
'printer-state-reasons': 'offline-report',
'printer-type': '36932',
'printer-uri-supported': 'ipp://localhost/printers/Zebra_LP2844',
system_driverinfo: 'Z'
To print your file you can do it with
The options are descriped in the docs for contents.print():
options Object (optional):
silent Boolean (optional) - Don’t ask user for print settings. Default is false.
printBackground Boolean (optional) - Also prints the background color and image of the web page. Default is false.
deviceName String (optional) - Set the printer device name to use. Default is ''.
Prints window’s web page. When silent is set to true, Electron will pick the system’s default printer if deviceName is empty and the default settings for printing.
Calling window.print() in web page is equivalent to calling webContents.print({silent: false, printBackground: false, deviceName: ''}).
Use page-break-before: always; CSS style to force to print to a new page.
So all you need is to load the PDF into a hidden window and then fire the print method implemented in electron with the flag set to silent.
// In the main process.
const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron');
let win = null;
app.on('ready', () => {
// Create window
win = new BrowserWindow({width: 800, height: 600, show: false });
// Could be redundant, try if you need this.
win.once('ready-to-show', () => win.hide())
// load PDF.
// if pdf is loaded start printing.
win.webContents.on('did-finish-load', () => {
win.webContents.print({silent: true});
// close window after print order.
win = null;
However let me give you a little warning:
Once you start printing it can and will get frustrating because there are drivers out there which will interpret data in a slightly different way. Meaning that margins could be ignored and much more. Since you already have a PDF this problem will most likely not happen. But keep this in mind if you ever want to use this method for example contents.printToPDF(options, callback). That beeing said there are plently of options to avoid getting frustrated like using a predefined stylesheet like descriped in this question: Print: How to stick footer on every page to the bottom?
If you want to search for features in electron and you do not know where they could be hidden, all you have to do is to go to "all" docs and use your search function:
I recently published NPM package to print PDF files from Node.js and Electron. You can send a PDF file to the default printer or to a specific one. Works fine on Windows and Unix-like operating systems:
It's easy to install, just (if using yarn):
yarn add pdf-to-printer
or (if using npm):
npm install --save pdf-to-printer
Then, to silently print the file to the default printer you do:
import { print } from "pdf-to-printer";
To my knowledge there is currently no way to do this directly using Electron because while using contents.print([]) does allow for 'silently' printing HTML files, it isn't able to print PDF views. This is currently an open feature request:
Edit: I managed to work around this by converting the PDF to a PNG and then using Electron's print functionality (which is able to print PNGs) to print the image based view. One of the major downsides to this is that all of the PDF to PNG/JPEG conversion libraries for NodeJS have a number of dependencies, meaning I had to implement them in an Express server and then have my Electron app send all PDFs to the server for conversion. It's not a great option, but it does work.

Remove terminal icon in node notifier

I am using the package to show notifications in shell.
This is my code:
var notifier = require('node-notifier');
var path = require('path');
title: 'My awesome title',
message: 'Hello from node, Mr. User!',
icon: path.join(__dirname, 'coulson.jpg'), // absolute path (not balloons)
sound: true, // Only Notification Center or Windows Toasters
wait: true // wait with callback until user action is taken on notification
}, function (err, response) {
// response is response from notification
notifier.on('click', function (notifierObject, options) {
// Happens if `wait: true` and user clicks notification
notifier.on('timeout', function (notifierObject, options) {
// Happens if `wait: true` and notification closes
The notification comes like this:
As you can see a terminal icon is coming before the name.
Can you help me how to remove that icon?
It is known issue with node-notifier.
From issue #71:
No, I'm afraid that's how the notification work, as it's the terminal that initiates the message. The only way to avoid this is to use your custom terminal-notifier where the Terminal icon is swapped for your own. It's not a big task, and you can easily set customPath for notification center reporter.
This happens because of the way notifications in OS X work. The notification will show the referring app icon, and because we're using terminal-notifier to push notifications, we have the icon of terminal-notifier.
To work around this, you'll need to compile terminal-notifier with your own app.icns. Download the source, change out the AppIcon bundle with your own in Xcode, recompile terminal-notifier and pop it into node-notifier. (/node-notifier/vendor/
Now that you have your own terminal-notifier inside node-notifier, remove all the icon references from your OS X Notification Center code, and run the notification as if it has no icon. If the old app icon is showing in your notifications, you need to clear your icon cache. (Google how to do this)
Another valuable comment from mikaelb:
That's correct. But keep in mind, node-notifier uses a fork of terminal-notifier ( to add option to wait for notification to finish, so this should be used to add your own icon. A easy way to do it is to copy/paste from the vendor-folder and use customPath to point to your own vendor.
I tried #Aleksandr M's steps but it didn't seem to work for me. Maybe I didn't understand the steps well enough. Here's how it worked for me.
I cloned . Then opened the project with xcode and deleted the Terminal.icns file and replaced it with my custom icon Myicon.icns.
Then edited terminal-notifier/Terminal Notifier/Terminal Notifier-Info.plist by setting the key icon file to Myicon.
After doing this, simply building the project did NOT work. I had to change the values of the build version and build identifier (any new value would do) see this.
Afterwards I just built the project with xcode and then copied the built .app file (you can find it by clicking the Products directory of the project from xcode Products > right click the file > show in finder) to my electron project
e.g your final path may look like this. electron-project/vendor/
Then I set customPath as #Aleksandr M suggested.
Here's what mine looked like
var notifier = new NotificationCenter({
customPath: 'vendor/'
And THEN it worked! 🙂
This solved my problem and you only need to have your icns file ready:
run this command in terminal after downloading :customise-terminal-notifier
** path/customise-terminal-notifier-master/customise-terminal-notifier -i path/Terminal.icns -b com.bundle.identifier

Soundjs on safari and mobile browsers

Currently my audio won't play on safari and on mobile devices.
It works fine on a normal pc on FireFox, Chrome and IE
var manifest = [
{ id: "correct", src: 'assets/correct.mp3|assets/correct.ogg' },
{ id: "wrong", src: 'assets/wrong.mp3|assets/wrong.ogg' }
var queue = new createjs.LoadQueue();
queue.loadManifest(manifest, true);
And I'm calling the play function like this;"correct");
This function is written inside a function that's called when a user presses a div.
That code looks like it should work. Web Audio is initially muted on iOS devices, but when play is called inside of a user event it unmutes.
There are a couple of possibilities (without seeing the rest of the code):
You are working on iPad 1, which does not support web audio and has html audio disabled by default due to severe limitations.
You are not waiting for the audio to finish loading before calling play:
queue.addEventListener("complete", loadComplete);
The audio file path is incorrect and therefore the load is failing, which you can detect by listening for an error event.
You are using a non-default encoding for the mp3 files that is not supported by Safari. Generally that would break in other browsers as well though.
Safari requires quicktime for html audio to play, so that could be a problem.
Using createjs.Sound.registerPlugins, SoundJS is being set to use an unsupported on mobile plugin, such as FlashPlugin. You can check your current plugin with:
You may find the Mobile Safe Tutorial useful. Hope that helps.
There is a way to hack it, play an empty mp3 then play the audio.
It must load the empty mp3 within mainfest array firstly:
var manifest = [
{ id: "empty", src: 'assets/empty.mp3|assets/empty.ogg' }
Before playing the sound, play the empty mp3:"empty");"correct");

Flash trace output in firefox, linux

I'm developing an applications which I've got running on a server on my linux desktop. Due to the shortcomings of Flash on Linux (read: too hard) I'm developing the (small) flash portion of the app in Windows, which means there's a lot of frustrating back and forth. Now I'm trying to capture the output of the flash portion using flash tracer and that is proving very difficult also. Is there any other way I could monitor the output of trace on linux? Thanks...
Hope this helps too (for the sake of google search i came from):
In order to do trace, you need the debugger version of Flash Player from (look for "debugger" version specifically - they are hard to spot on first look)
Then an mm.cfg file in your home containing
ErrorReportingEnable=1 TraceOutputFileEnable=1 MaxWarnings=50
And then you are good to go - restart the browser. When traces start to fill in, you will find the log file in
Something like
tail ~/.macromedia/Flash_Player/Logs/flashlog.txt -f
Should suffice to follow the trace.
A different and mind-bogglingly simple workaround that I've used for years is to simply create an output module directly within the swf. All this means is a keyboard shortcut that attaches a MovieClip with a textfield. All my traces go to this textfield instead of (or in addition to) the output window. Over the years I've refined it of course, making the window draggable, resizable, etc. But I've never needed any other approach for simple logging, and it's 100% reliable and reusable across all platforms.
[EDIT - response to comment]
There's no alert quite like javascript's alert() function. But using an internal textfield is just this simple:
(See notes at bottom)
/* import ExternalInterface package */
import flash.external.*;
/* Create a movieclip for the alert. Set an arbitrary (but very high) number for the depth
* since we want the alert in front of everything else.
var alert = this.createEmptyMovieClip("alert", 32000);
/* Create the alert textfield */
var output_txt = alert.createTextField("output_txt", 1, 0, 0, 300, 200);
output_txt.background = true;
output_txt.backgroundColor = 0xEFEFEF;
output_txt.selectable = false;
/* Set up drag behaviour */
alert.onPress = function()
alert.onMouseUp = function()
/* I was using a button to text EI. You don't need to. */
testEI_btn.onPress = function()
output_txt.text = (ExternalInterface.available);
Notes: This works fine for AS1, and will translate well into AS2 (best to use strong data-typing if doing so, but not strictly required). It should work in Flash Players 8-10. ExternalInterface was added in Flash 8, so it won't work in previous player versions.
var output_txt:TextField = new TextField();
output_txt.text = (String(ExternalInterface.available));
If you want to beef it out a bit:
var alert:Sprite = new Sprite();
var output_txt:TextField = new TextField();
output_txt.background = true;
output_txt.backgroundColor = 0xEFEFEF;
output_txt.selectable = false;
output_txt.width = 300;
output_txt.height = 300;
alert.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, drag);
alert.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopdrag);
output_txt.text = (String(ExternalInterface.available));
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void
var alert:Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
function stopdrag(e:MouseEvent):void
var alert:Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
If you only need the trace output at runtime, you can use Firebug in Firefox and then use Flash.external.ExternalInterface to call the console.log() Javascript method provided by Firebug.
I've used that strategy multiple times to a large degree of success.
Thunderbolt is a great logging framework with built-in firebug support.
I use the flex compiler on linux to build actionscript files, [embed(source="file")] for all my assets including images and fonts, I find actionscript development on linux very developer friendly.
Then again, I'm most interested in that flash has become Unix Friendly as aposed to the other way around :)
To implement FlashTracer, head to the following address and be sure you have the latest file. . Install it and restart the browser.
Head over to adobe and get the latest flash debugger. Download and install the firefox version as FlashTracer is a firefox addition.
Now that firefox has the latest flash debugger and flash tracer we need to locate mm.cfg
Location on PC: C:\Documents and Settings\username
Inside of mm.cfg should be:
MaxWarnings=100 //Change to your own liking.
Once that is saved, open firefox, head to the flash tracer window by heading to tools > flash tracer. In the panel that pops up there is two icons in the bottom right corner, click the wrench and make sure the path is set to where your log file is being saved. Also check to see that flash tracer is turned on, there is a play/pause button at the bottom.
I currently use this implementation and hope that it works for you. Flash Tracer is a little old, but works with the newest versions of FireFox. I am using it with FireFox 3.0.10.
