How to get multiple socket attributes in - node.js

I'm building a chat app on which, for every client connection, i need to set some attributes to every client instance using When i save the attribute, i use:
client.set('name', name, function () {});
client.set('email', email, function () {});
and it runs fine.
When i need to get all the client properties, i have not found a better way than this:
client.get("name",function(err,name) {
client.get("email",function(err,email) {
I need to nest all the "get" to asynchronously get data; but if i had 10 properties to get, do i need to nest all the 10 items? There must be a better way to do it, can anyone help me?

I don't attach attributes to the socket.
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
var username = "xx";
var email = "xx";
socket.on('doX', function(data) {
socket.emit('ackX', {username: username, email: email});
I don't know if it's the best solution, but I have seen many examples like that.
EDIT : - getting more than one field for a socket?
The correct answer may fit your needs


How to safely get the current user id in

I am developing a simple API for a chat application on Node.js Express, and by assignment, it is required to make it possible to communicate between two users using socket.іо. I am faced with the problem that I cannot "safely" transfer information about the current user to the socket in any way. Information about the user with whom the correspondence is conducted can be specified in the socket parameters when connecting, which I do, but what about the current user (me)?
For example, I can do this:
const {receiverId, myId} = socket.handshake.query;
That is, specify both ids when connecting. But this is very unsafe because anyone who will join the socket can specify any id and write anything on behalf of someone else (for example, through Postman WebSockets).
Another option I was considering is making a post request in which a connection to the socket will be created using and the request parameter. Then the post request will look like this:'/chat/:receiver', function (req,res){
const {receiver} = req.params
const socket = io.connect('/')
socket.emit('initMyUserId', {
myId: req.user,
But this option also did not work, because the file where this function is located and the file where the io variable is initialized are different, and I am not sure that it is generally advisable to transfer and use it in this way. Moreover, this approach will not allow me to check the operation of sockets via Postman, because the connection will occur in a post request, and not manually.
Are there working options to safely transfer the current user id with the ability to test it normally in postman? Or at least just safely pass the current user id if it doesn't work with Postman.
Here is the full code snippet for the socket events handlers:
module.exports = function(io) {
io.on('connection', (socket)=>{
const {id} = socket;
console.log(Socket connected: ${id});
const {idUser} = socket.handshake.query;
console.log(Socket idUser: ${idUser});
socket.on('message-to-user', (msg) => {
msg.type = user: ${idUser};'message-to-user', msg);
socket.emit('message-to-user', msg);
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
console.log(Socket disconnected: ${id});

NodeJS - Response stream

I built a simple API endpoint with NodeJS using Sails.js.
When someone access my API endpoint, the server starts to wait for data and whenever a new data appears, he broadcasts it using sockets. Each client should receive his own stream of data based on his user input.
var Cap = require('cap').Cap;
collect: function (req, res) {
var iface = req.param("ip");
var c = new Cap(),
device = Cap.findDevice(ip);
c.on('data', function(myData) {
sails.sockets.blast('message', {"host": myData});
The response do not complete (I never send a res.json() - what actually happens is that the browser keep loading - but the above functionality works).
2 Problems:
I'm trying to subscribe and unsubscribe to to this API endpoint from my client (using RxJS). When I subscribe, I start to receive data via sockets - but I can't unsubscribe to the API endpoint (the browser expect the request to be completed).
Each client should subscribe to his own socket room based on the request IP parameter ( see updated code ). Currently it blasts the message to everyone.
How I can create a stream/service-like API endpoint with Sails.js that will emit new data to each user based on his input?
My goal is to be able to subscribe / unsubscribe to this API endpoint from each client.
Revised Answer
Let's assume your API endpoint is defined in config/routes.js like this:
'get /collect': 'SomeController.collectSubscribe',
'delete /collect': 'SomeController.collectUnsubscribe',
Since each Cap instance is tied to one device, we need one instance for each subscription. Instead of using the sails join/leave methods, we keep track of Cap instances in memory and just broadcast to the request socket's id. This works because Sails sockets are subscribed to their own ids by default.
In api/controllers/SomeController.js:
// In order for the `Cap` instances to persist after `collectSubscribe` finishes, we store them all in an Object, associated with which socket the were created for.
var caps = {/* <instance of Cap>, */};
module.exports = {
collectSubscribe: function(req, res) {
if (!res.isSocket) return res.badRequest("I need a websocket! Help!");
if (!!caps[]) return res.badRequest("Dude, you are already subscribed.");
caps[] = new Cap();
var c = caps[]; // remember that `c` is a reference to our new `Cap`, not a copy.
var device = c.findDevice(req.param('ip'));, ...);
c.on('data', function(myData) {
sails.sockets.broadcast(, 'message', {host: myData});
return res.ok();
collectUnsubscribe: function(req, res) {
if (!res.isSocket) return res.badRequest("I need a websocket! Help!");
if (!caps[]) return res.badRequest("I can't unsubscribe you unless you actually subscribe first.");
delete caps[];
return res.ok();
Basically, it goes like this: when a browser request triggers collectSubscribe, a new Cap instance listens to the provided IP. When the browser triggers collectUnsubscribe, the server retreives that Cap instance, tells it to stop listening, and then deletes it.
Production Considerations: please be aware that the list of Caps is NOT PERSISTENT (since it is stored in memory and not a DB)! So if your server is turned off and rebooted (due to lightning storm, etc), the list will be cleared, but considering that all websocket connections will be dropped anyway, I don't see any need to worry about this.
Old Answer, Kept for Reference
You can use sails.sockets.join(req, room) and sails.sockets.leave(req, room) to manage socket rooms. Essentially you have a room called "collect", and only sockets joined in that room will receive a sails.sockets.broadcast(room, eventName, data).
More info on how to user sails.sockets here.
In api/controllers/SomeController.js:
collectSubscribe: function(req, res) {
if (!res.isSocket) return res.badRequest();
sails.sockets.join(req, 'collect');
return res.ok();
collectUnsubscribe: function(req, res) {
if (!res.isSocket) return res.badRequest();
sails.sockets.leave(req, 'collect');
return res.ok();
Finally, we need to tell the server to broadcast messages to our 'collect' room.
Note that this only need to happen once, so you can do this in a file under the config/ directory.
For this example, I'll put this in config/sockets.js
module.exports = {
// ...
c.on('data', function(myData) {
var eventName = 'message';
var data = {host: myData};
sails.sockets.broadcast('collect', eventName, data);
I am assuming that c is accessible here; If not, you could define it as sails.c = ... to make it globally accessible.

How to get current socket object or id with in a sails controller?

I would like to access the currently connected socket id with in a sails.js (v0.12 ) controller function.
sails.sockets.getId(req.socket); is showing undefined since this is not a socket request
My objective is to set the online status of my user in the database when he logged in successfully
login: function (req, res) {
Util.login(req, function(){
var socketId = sails.sockets.getId(req.socket);
console.log('socketId ===', socketId); // return undefined
Basically i would like to access the current user's socket object in a controller or access current user's session object with in a socket on method
Also i'm not sure that how can i rewrite my old sockets.onConnect
onConnect: function(session, socket) {
// Proceed only if the user is logged in
if ( {
User.findOne({id:}).exec(function(err, user) {
var socketId = sails.sockets.getId(socket);
user.status = 'online';
user.ip = socket.handshake.address; {
// Publish this user creation event to every socket watching the User model via
User.publishCreate(user, socket);
// Create the session.users hash if it doesn't exist already
session.users = session.users || {};
// Save this user in the session, indexed by their socket ID.
// This way we can look the user up by socket ID later.
session.users[socketId] = user;
// Persist the session
// Get updates about users being created;
// Send a message to the client with information about the new user
sails.sockets.broadcast(socketId, 'user', {
verb :'list',
You need to pass the req object to the method.
if (req.isSocket) {
let socketId = sails.sockets.getId(req);
sails.log('socket id: ' + socketId);
Since the request is not a socket request, you might need to do something like
Send back some identifier to the client once logged in.
Use the identifier to join a room. (One user per room. )
Broadcast messages to the room with the identifier whenever you need to send message to client.
From sails migration guide
The onConnect lifecycle callback has been deprecated. Instead, if you need to do something when a new socket is connected, send a request from the newly-connected client to do so. The purpose of onConnect was always for optimizing performance (eliminating the need to do this initial extra round-trip with the server), yet its use can lead to confusion and race conditions. If you desperately need to eliminate the server roundtrip, you can bind a handler directly on'connect', function (newlyConnectedSocket){}) in your bootstrap function (config/bootstrap.js). However, note that this is discouraged. Unless you're facing true production performance issues, you should use the strategy mentioned above for your "on connection" logic (i.e. send an initial request from the client after the socket connects). Socket requests are lightweight, so this doesn't add any tangible overhead to your application, and it will help make your code more predictable.
// in some controller
if (req.isSocket) {
let handshake = req.socket.manager.handshaken[sails.sockets.getId(req)];
if (handshake) {
session = handshake.session;

Possibility of writing to a wrong object with callback

I'm using a NodeJS Socket.IO server for handling realtime things. There is also an event in Socket.IO for authenticating a user. The code looks as follows:
var io = require('').listen(8080)
io.on('connection', function(socket) {
socket.on('auth', function(id) {
conn.query('SELECT id FROM u WHERE id = ?', id, function(e, result) { = result[0].id
My worries are about this line here: = result[0].id
This is in a callback. When the DB executed the query.
So my question is: Is there a possibility that there can be wrong assignment with a lot of of connections at the same time? Seems that this happened already and data got assigned to the wrong socket object. Are there better methods for reliably do things like this?
The Socket object has a built-in field id. From
strong textSocket#id:String
A unique identifier for the socket session, that comes from the
underlying Client.
Your code is trying to assign a different value to this built-in field, which seems like a bad idea. You should try to rename "your" id field to something else like authId or userId to avoid this conflict.

How do I reference clients and not sockets with

I'm trying to learn express and and haven't been able to find an answer to my question. I need to reference clients and not sockets, and since I have multiple pages connecting to the server it creates different sockets so I can't keep track of users. What is the proper way to do this? I haven't been able to find a solution that made sense
In essence all I want to do is be able to reference the same client no matter what page they are on with my server. But if I have two separate snippets of code like this to keep track of users it doesn't work
socket.on('set name', function (name) {
console.log("set name My socket id is " +;
socket.set('username', name);
socket.get('username', function (error, value) {
console.log("set name Socket.username " + value);
and later
socket.on('getusername', function () {
console.log("getusername My socket id is " +;
socket.get('username', function (error, value) {
console.log("getusername Socket.username " + value);
The second code being called from a different page, what are my options to reference the client rather than the sockets?
You can use the concept of rooms in
All sockets with same name can going a room.
Something like this:
socket.on('set name', function (name) {
and later
socket.on('getusername', function () {
// get all the rooms socket is part of and use the
// first room he is in.
var room = io.sockets.manager.roomClients[][0];
You can try set the browser cookie on the client (the one that will be deleted when user closes the browser) and send its value in message payload when you initialize the socket connection.
