finding content-type from wireshark - security

Here are the wireshark logs of 3 POST's. All posting the same data but with different content-types, resulting in different ways the data is read on the server. I'm attempt to to understand how to create POST Z.
Explicitly setting form based post
Omitted content-type
My app is not able to reproduce this.
I'm attempting to guess what content-type in the last POST Z (notice there are no brackets), which made the post parameters appear as data ( and apparently without a data-type )

I'm attempting to guess what content-type in the last POST Z (notice there are no brackets), which made the post parameters appear as data ( and apparently without a data-type )
The content type is probably "none".
You're not obliged to send a Content-Type: header with a POST request. The HTTP 1.1 spec, RFC 2616, says in section 7.2.1 "Type":
Any HTTP/1.1 message containing an entity-body SHOULD include a Content-Type header field defining the media type of that body. If and only if the media type is not given by a Content-Type field, therecipient MAY attempt to guess the media type via inspection of its content and/or the name extension(s) of the URI used to identify the resource. If the media type remains unknown, the recipient SHOULD treat it as type "application/octet-stream".
It says SHOULD, not MUST, so a sender is allowed to send an entity-body without a Content-Type: header.


How do you use REST/HTTP with a body as a source in an ADF copy activity?

I cannot seem to be be able to use a REST-source with the the body as dynamic content from a previous lookup-activity. The body content in the REST API call will be messed up with "" and "\n" characters. I noticed data factory automatically adds braces to dynamic content:
Removing the braces from the code view results in an error when running the pipeline. I have tested the same API call with a web activity, in which the body will be formatted correctly:
However, I don't know how you can save the response as a file from a web activity. In recap, I want to dynamically pass the Body to a REST API and save the response as a json file. How should this be achieved?
I haven't used this scenario myself, but two things come to mind:
1) Assuming the body needs to be JSON, so you may need to convert the lookup value [which I assume is a string] using the json expression. Something like
2) Under additional headers, you may need to add an entry to specify Content-Type: application/json

Non-standard REST pagination approach in Data Factory?

I'm trying to figure out how to work with a REST api call that is paginated. The JSON response from each page of pagination has a flag "lastPage": True or "lastPage": False to specify if you've reached the last page.
In the Data Factory REST Connector article, the pagination section mentions several supported pagination schemes:
Absolute or relative path of next page in response body or header
Query parameter for the next page in response body or header
Header value for next page in response body or header
None of these three approaches seem to describe the type of response I'm dealing with. What solution would work in this case?
Here's the documentation for the API I'm working with.
About your request, it's not supported for now.
You could post the feedback here:
We can help you vote it up to make product team know.

Talend - How To Retrieve Response Headers From tRestClient

I'm using tRestClient to pull data from a REST API which returns data in pages of up to 200 items each. The link to the next page is provided in the response header.
How do I access the response header using tRestClient?
From what I can see, the only data returned is located in the body of the response.
Note: the same call from Postman verifies the existence of a response header labeled "Link" which contains the necessary data.
I found the answer in a post in the Talend Community
The response headers are stored in a global variable which is only actually populated when the response body is passed over to something such as a tLogRow (even if there isn't any content in the response body).
The global variable can be accessed via:
where "NAME_OF_HEADER_FIELD_HERE" is the key (string) of the specific header you are interested in and "INDEX_HERE" is the integer index (0-based) of a specific value in the list of values associated with that particular header.
In this case we are explicitly converting the result to a string which is then used elsewhere.

Encoding is happening while sending parameter from Post request in Jmeter

I have a Post request in Jmeter in which, ViewState parameter is passing but value for that parameter is combination of alphabates, number, special characters . so while send that parameter request is encoding the special character for e.g. i have forward slash in paramter so while sending it is converting it to %2F and that leads in failing the request
Solution i have tried is:
uncheck URL Encode check box
UTF-8 in content encoding
for ViewState providing ${__urldecode('${viewState}')} value as Parameter value, which(viewState) i am fetching from previous response
used replace function in Parameter value
So what i am expecting is while sending Post request parameters should not get encoded.
Can someone please provide solution
I am assuming that you are trying to correlate the variable in the body of the subsequent request(2nd Request).
Try sending the data in "Body Data" instead of parameters. So, it is your variable i.e ${viewState} in "Body Data"
I hope view state is not in the URL.
Hope this helps.

How to check if a couchdb document exists (without retrieving it)?

How can I just check if a document exists, mabye get the revision, but not make couchdb send the body of the document?
I remember I saw this explained somewhere but I cannot find it.
Edit: Iirc in the example you received only a http header with no data. The header indicated if present or not.
Edit2: Evan suggests to make a HEAD request (instead of GET). This answers my question.
CouchDB sends an ETag Header for document requests. The ETag Header is simply the document's revision in quotes.
Quoted from:
Instead of performing a HTTP GET request, do a HTTP HEAD request. This will only return the headers and no content. The returned status will tell you if the object exists.
