layout quirks switching between portrait/landscape - layout

I know this type of question has been asked many times before but I haven't found an answer to my specific issue yet so I thought i would post.
It's really a bit of a quirk I guess rather than anything else but I have designed a responsive site that resizes nicely in a browser when you resize the window and works perfectly when you load it up in either portrait or landscape on a mobile. However when you load it in portrait and then turn the mobile into landscape some mobile browsers don't load up the correct styling for the new screen size - BUT IT DOESN'T HAPPEN LIKE THIS FOR ALL BROWSERS! So far I have tested it on an Android 4.0.4 version phone using the standard Android browser and it resizes correctly when switching orientations but then on the same phone using google chrome as the browser it applies different styling BUT if you refresh the page it then applies the correct styling.
So my question is how can I force the mobile browser to render the page correctly on orientation change without having to reload the page?
The site in question is and im using the viewport meta tag and setting it to width=device-width and an initial scale of 1 then calling media queries at certain max pixel widths to alter positioning and layout for various different screen sizes which can be seen in my stylesheet1.css here


Samsung Internet browser causing issues with font-face and svg image

I am having a weird problem with #font-face and svg images specifically on the Samsung Internet Browser on a webpage I am developing. It has some pretty strange issues.
Part 1: The font-face problem.
I am using 2 font-faces. For some reason in the footer area they load perfectly fine. But in other parts of the document they don't. Example:
Image of footer area
On this image, the blockquote is displayed with the correct font, below that the Follow Us part uses the second font-face and it displays correctly too. The About Us heading uses the same font-face as the blockquote element but it doesn't display correctly. Now, the second image:
Image of header area
The problem here is that the About Us huge heading uses the same font as the Follow us text in the footer area (visible in image 1), but it's not displaying correctly.
Part 2: The SVG image problem
In the Image of header area if you focus on the upper border of the text container below About Us you can see that there's a very deformed SVG logo that says Petit Délice. If I open the image in a new tab it displays correctly, but inside the page it doesn't. I was thinking of using png substitution for browsers without svg support but from what I can see it wouldn't be of use in this case as the browser does support SVG.
Now, these two issues only occur in that specific browser and from what I've been able to check it happens in Android 4.2 and 4.4 on Samsung phones.
The site works perfectly fine on Chrome (both Android and iOS), Firefox and on Safari, but the customer has a Samsung phone and for some reason uses the s*itty browser it has by default which is causing me severe headaches.
You can check the site on this link

How to show website the same way on phone like on PC

Is there any way to show my website exactly the same way how it works on PC, tablets or notebook? I've got full HD laptop and i'm using Chrome - everything works great. On my tablet 10" I also have full HD resolution and Chrome and my website shows like this one on notebook. When I try to to show it on my full HD Lumia 1520 it's crap. I don't use Chrome here so I can understand that some element can be broken by interpreter but it's so approximate that every element go on the others. It looks like 640x480.
Is it some way to force approximate?
If the site developed is not responsive according to the screen size it will not display the content present on it in well manner, you must use bootstrap in your website to make it responsive for all kind of screen resolutions. It may has problem in the CSS. So check the css you used.
Try to use meta tag called view-port. There are different situations and you may set up your website appearance with media queries for responsive results or manage it for being non-responsive but comfortable.
If you need second result - don't use any responsive frameworks or prevent them of using responsive techniques.
There are to much different situations so I can help only if you'll show me the code you have.

confusion about chrome extensions iframe dimensions and scrolling

So I really hate the way chrome extension development works so I decided to make a regular webapp and use an iframe in my extension. Everything works fine, except for the dimensions of the website and the scrolling on the extension/site.
When developing the site, I knew I was going to use an iframe so I used percentages when formatting the site, for the most part I used 100% on most divs and textboxes. Anyway, the problem I am facing is that the scroll is extremely wonky on the extension for instance this is a picture of my extension with 400px height:
400x400. Everything looks fine.
and here is my extension with 800px height:
400x800. Scroll appears.
Why is the scroll appearing if I am merely making the extension longer? It doesn't make sense to me.
Any idea why this is happening?
There is a limit on the size of the popup window. I don't know the exact dimensions though.
You cannot increase the size of the document past it, scroll will appear.

How are websites automatically zoomed out when browsed by mobile phones?

In my case I made the div width 500px,
but it automatically zoomed out when browsed in a mobilephone
How's the magic done exactly,is it device specific?
You might want to try something like this in the head of the html page:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
For more info see here:
Edit: the answer below no longer reflects current normal practice. There is now a fairly well established standard called the meta viewport which controls how the page is scaled on mobile. In the absence of this, sites are deemed "not mobile friendly" and mobile browsers show the page at typical desktop width, zoomed out to show full width.
It is browser specific.
It's even a configurable option in most mobile browsers (eg Android, Nokia S60, Opera Mini). I prefer to have it turned off, so that pages open with normal 100% zoom (and if it's cut off, I just scroll).
Some people prefer to see the whole page width at once even if the text is too small to read, then double-tap to zoom up after that.
The browser typically calculates the total width of the page first. In this calculation any flexible-width element is taken to be the minimum width which can fit all its children. If this is less or equal to the width of the browser window no scaling is done, but if it's greater, the browser sets this as the virtual page width and, if the user has turned this option on, scales everything down (like zooming out in a modern desktop browser) so that that minimum width of the page occupies the width of the browser window.
The browser do whatever it wants to. Since mobile phones have a small screen probably this browser zoomed out to be more pleasant to look the page.

Text based site for mobile phones?

I tested my site on a mobile device and it loaded pretty quickly. However i had to scroll right to see all of the text. The text was pretty big as well.
How can i redesign my site so i dont need to do any scrolling and have smaller text? I know i I seen this before but i cant remember what site did it.
i removed my css and the device scrolled right until the end of my largest div. So i need css to solve this? What css do i need to make the text not big and not cause the user to scroll (horz) no matter how small his screen is?
Also do i detect the user agent in .NET and link an alternative css file or do i detect which css to use elsewhere?
yes you should design an own css-file for the mobile version of your website. either you check the useragent if it's a handheld or you work with the css media type handheld (which is not supported by older browsers) to load the different css-file.
with css you can also replace images with text
